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J. Phys. Ther. Sci.

26: 167–170, 2014

Effects of Smoking on Chest Expansion, Lung

Function, and Respiratory Muscle Strength of

Anong Tantisuwat, PhD1)*, Premtip Thaveeratitham, PhD1)

1) Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University:
154 Rama I road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Abstract. [Purpose] Smoking has a direct effect on the respiratory system. The rate of cigarette smoking among
young people has continued to increase steadily. The present study quantified and compared the respiratory func-
tion of smoking and non-smoking youths. [Subjects] Smoking and non-smoking male participants aged between 15
to 18 years were recruited (n=34 per group). [Methods] Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire relating
to smoking habits and the Fagerström test for nicotine dependence questionnaire, and their respiratory function was
tested (measurement of chest expansion, lung function test with a spirometer, and assessment of respiratory muscle
strength). [Results] All respiratory function tests demonstrated significant differences between the smoking and
non-smoking groups. Smokers initiated cigarette smoking between the ages of 15 to 18 years. The most common
duration of cigarette smoking was 1-3 years and the degree of nicotine dependence among the youths was at a low
level. [Conclusion] This study’s findings show that the early effects of cigarette smoking found in youths can lead
to problems with the respiratory system. Such information can be used to illustrate the harm of smoking and should
be used to encourage young people to quit or avoid cigarette smoking.
Key words: Cigarette smoking, Youth, Respiratory function
(This article was submitted May 10, 2013, and was accepted Jul. 5, 2013)

INTRODUCTION sured at the mouth. Respiratory muscle strength depends on

the maximal effort of the muscles used in chest expansion
Cigarette smoking is an important worldwide health during breathing6). Spirometry is a physiological test that
problem, and it has been reported that 1.7 million Thai measures how an individual inhales or exhales volumes of
youths currently smoke1). This problem is compounded by air as a function of time, and it is invaluable as a screening
the fact that the rate of cigarette smoking in young people test of general respiratory health5). Lung volumes are mea-
continues to steadily increase2). Cigarette smoking carries sured to evaluate the normality of respiratory function7).
major health risks with the most cause-specific mortalities Some previous studies have demonstrated the effect of
being those of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases3). smoking on the pulmonary function of adults8–10). They
Therefore, smoking habits may affect the respiratory func- showed that smoking decreased pulmonary function in-
tion of youths. cluding forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory
The respiratory function test may indicate deterioration volume in one second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC, and forced ex-
of respiratory function prior to clinical symptoms, and its piratory flow at 25–75% (FEF25–75%)9). Cigarette smoking
results can be used to prevent or reduce the incidence of causes deficits in both FEV1/FVC and FEF25–75 which in-
respiratory diseases4–6). Also, the respiratory function test dicate airway obstruction and small airway disease in adult
can be conducted in a number of ways, such as measurement smokers11). A previous study reported that older symptom-
of chest expansion4), lung volume or flow with spirometry5), atic smokers with histories of large numbers of pack-years
and respiratory muscle strength6). Chest expansion as mea- had lower FVC levels than non-smokers, while young adult
sured by circumference and diameter is simple and inex- smokers had FVC levels equivalent to or higher than age-
pensive4). Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maxi- equivalent non-smokers12). The intensity and duration of
mal expiratory pressure (MEP) are simple, convenient, and smoking by elderly smokers, including the degenerative ef-
non-invasive indices of respiratory muscle strength mea- fect, are likely to have powerful respiratory health effects.
However, there is no clear evidence indicating that smok-
*Corresponding author. Anong Tantisuwat (E-mail: anong. ing affects the lung function of youths as severely as in the elderly.
©2014 The Society of Physical Therapy Science. Published by IPEC Inc.
Since inhaling cigarette smoke has been shown to pro-
duce acute changes in the lung including alterations in re-
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Cre-
sistance to airflow, cough, and irritation of the airway, the
ative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-
early stage of smoking might affect the respiratory function
nd) License <>.
168 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 26, No. 2, 2014

of youths. However, there have been few studies which have Table 1. Smoking habits of the smoker group (n=34)
investigated the effect of smoking on pulmonary function
Smoking habits Percentage (N)
in adolescents. In previous studies, cigarette smoking was
Age started smoking
found to have an effect on the lung function of the adoles-
cent boys and girls13, 14). Those studies found that FEV1/ • <15 year(s) 29 (10)
FVC decreased in adolescent smokers of both sexes. Only • 15–18 years 71 (24)
the pulmonary function test with a spirometer was mea- Duration of smoking
sured in those studies. Therefore, to clarify the effect of • <1 month 6 (2)
smoking on the respiratory function of smoking and non- • 1–3 month(s) 3 (1)
smoking youths, we measured and compared their chest • 4–6 months 3 (1)
expansion, the lung function test using a spirometer, and • 7–12 months 15 (5)
respiratory muscle strength to learn more about the dangers • 1–3 year(s) 47 (16)
of cigarette smoking. We hypothesized that early smoking
• 4–6 years 20 (7)
by adolescents would affect chest expansion, lung function,
• 7–9 years 6 (2)
and respiratory muscle strength.
Number of cigarettes smoked per day
SUBJECTS AND METHODS • ≤10 cigarette(s) 88 (3)
• 11–20 cigarettes 9 (3)
Youth male subjects aged 15 to 18 years participated • 21–30 cigarettes 3 (1)
in this cross-sectional study. All the subjects had a body Nicotine dependence
mass index (BMI) in the range of 18.5–23 kg/m 2. Exclu- • Low 91 (31)
sion criteria were: unable to understand and follow verbal • Medium 6 (2)
instructions, school athlete, cardiovascular or respiratory
• High 3 (1)
disorders, recent breathlessness or chest pain or dizziness,
abnormal chest wall, a history of hemoptysis, airborne or
contact communicable disease, a history of aneurysm, un-
controlled blood pressure, a history of chest surgery or, a The lung function parameters measured were forced expi-
history of neuromuscular disorder affecting the respiratory ratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and forced vital
muscles. Prior to participation in this study, each subject capacity (FVC). Prior to measurement, the subjects were
signed an informed consent form to comply with the ethical instruction and given a rapid and complete inhalation, the
guidelines dictated by The Ethics Review Committee for demonstration of the test, covering the correct posture for
Research Involving Human Research Subjects, Health Sci- performance, with the head slightly elevated, position of
ence Group, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. the mouthpiece, and exhalation with maximal force5). The
The information on smoking habits was obtained respiratory muscle strength was measured using a respira-
through interviews. Subjects who currently smoked ciga- tory pressure meter (Micro Medical, United Kingdom) for
rettes were classified as smokers and those without a his- maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expira-
tory of smoking cigarettes were classified as non-smokers tory pressure (MEP)6). Subjects were instructed to fully
(N=34 per group). In the present study, those who used to exhale, then inhale rapidly and completely for the MIP test,
smoke but had since stopped were excluded. Smokers were and fully inhale, then exhale rapidly and completely for the
further asked questions regarding what age they started MEP test. All parameters were recorded in three trials, and
smoking, the average duration of smoking, and the average the best value was the one used in the analysis.
number of cigarettes smoked per day. Subjects completed The data of respiratory function were compared between
the Fagerström Tolerance Questionnaire for analyzing the the smoker and non-smoker groups using the independent
degree of nicotine addiction15). t-test for normally distributed data or the Mann-Whitney
The respiratory function test consisted of the measure- U test for other distributions. Differences were considered
ment of chest expansion, the lung function test using spi- statistically significant at p<0.05.
rometry, and respiratory muscle strength. For chest expan-
sion measurements of circumference and diameter, subjects RESULTS
were instructed to fully inhale and exhale in the standing
position. The differences between full inhalation and ex- Sixty-eight male subjects aged between 15–18 years
halation were recorded as chest expansion4). The chest cir- were divided in to two groups: smoker (n=34) and non-
cumference was measured using a tape measurement at 3 smoker (n=34) groups. Smoking habits are shown in Table
levels: at the axilla (4th rib) for upper chest movement, xi- 1. Most subjects started cigarette smoking between the ages
phoid process for middle chest movement, and 10th costal of 15 to 18 years (71%). The most common duration of ciga-
cartilage levels for lower chest movement. The chest diame- rette smoking was 1–3 years (47%) and the maximal num-
ter was measured using a caliper in the anteroposterior (AP) ber of cigarettes smoked per day was less than or equal to 10
and mediolateral (ML) directions at the xiphisternal junc- cigarette(s) per day (88%). The majority of youth smokers
tion. A spirometer (Micro plus spirometer, Micro Medical, self-reported a low level of nicotine dependence (91%).
United Kingdom) was used to measure the lung function. The comparison of the smoker and non-smoker groups
is summarized in Table 2. Three major parameters, chest

Table 2. Comparison of parameters between the smoker and non-smoker groups

Non-smokers Smokers
(Mean±SD) (Mean±SD)
Chest expansion
Chest circumference
• Axilla (cm)* 5.71±1.62 4.68±2.03
• Xiphoid process (cm) 5.32±1.68 5.18±2.22
• 10th Costal cartilage (cm) 4.66±1.19 4.24±2.03
Chest diameter
• AP (cm)* 3.56±0.61 3.06±0.69
• ML (cm)* 3.51±0.44 3.18±0.85
• FEV1 (litre) 2.96±0.62 2.68±0.62
• FVC (litre)* 3.07±0.68 2.68±0.62
Respiratory muscle strength
• MIP (cmH2O) 77.71±25.78 66.85±22.52
• MEP (cmH2O)* 76.35±21.61 62.53±15.85
* = Significant difference between the smoker and non-smoker groups, p < 0.05

expansion, lung function using spirometry, and respiratory previously. Gold et al.11) found that FEV1/FVC decreased
muscle strength, were compared. The chest expansion of among adolescent smokers. Smoking habits and the num-
the non-smoker group was significantly greater than that of ber of cigarettes smoked per day were associated with the
the smoker group. There were significant differences in the reduction in FEF25–75. Because our subjects were youths
chest circumference at the axilla level (p=0.006), AP chest with no apparent respiratory pathology, we did not expect
diameter (p=0.001), and ML chest diameter (p=0.047), be- to find advanced impairment of lung function. Indeed, the
tween the smoker and non-smoker groups. FVC and MEP vast majority of youths demonstrated respiratory function
also demonstrated significant differences between the values within the normal range. Additionally, the low level
smoker and non-smoker groups (p=0.018 and p=0.004, re- of nicotine dependence, and the intensity and duration of
spectively). smoking in our youth group were unlikely to cause the in-
tense respiratory health effects that are usually observed
DISCUSSION in elderly smokers. In this study, FVC of the non-smoker
group was significantly greater than that of the smoker
This study evaluated the relationship between cigarette group, while there was no significant difference in FEV1 be-
smoking and the respiratory function test among male Thai tween the groups. This result suggests that cigarette smok-
youths. All parameters measured for the non-smoking ing affects the lung capacity of youth smokers, making the
youths were higher than those of the youths who did smoke. volume that is associated with the FVC test smaller than
Chest wall expansion, forced vital capacity, and maximal that of non-smokers. The reduction in FVC of smoker may
expiratory muscle strength of the non-smoker group were be explained by the reduction in strength of the respiratory
significantly different from their respective values in the muscles. The results for FVC may have been influenced by
smoker group. the instructions given to subjects, to perform maximal in-
In this study, all parameters of chest expansion of the halation and then perform maximal exhalation as rapidly
non-smoking youths were greater than those of the smoking and as completely as possible. Hence, the FVC test relies
youths. Decreased chest circumference at the axillary level on the strength of respiratory muscles. Cigarette smoking
was associated with reductions in the AP and ML diam- affects the respiratory muscles through the influence of free
eters. This is because chest expansion at the axillary level radicals on the vascular system16), leading to a reduction in
represents the upper chest breathing pattern, which utilizes respiratory muscle blood supply which adversely impacts
a combination of upward and forward chest movements or respiratory function.
the pump-handle movement, as well as upward and outward Our findings in terms of the forced vital capacity of
chest movements or the bucket handle movement. This re- smokers in the early smoking period are consistent with
sult suggests that cigarette smoking affects the upper chest those of previous studies14, 17) that have reported that the
expansion of smoking youths. A reduction in chest expan- early stage of smoking among youths reduces lung func-
sion arising from reduced chest wall motion and flexibility tion. Even though the average number of cigarettes smoked
would affect the performance and work of breathing, sug- per day recorded in this study was similar to other studies17),
gesting a vulnerability to dyspnea. approximately 10 cigarettes per day, the average duration of
The relationship between cigarette smoking and the cigarette smoking recorded in this study was much less, 1–3
respiratory function test of adolescents has been studied years compared to the 2–5 years reported in other studies.
170 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 26, No. 2, 2014

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