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Gevelop-ent of Hill Arcas - Constitution of Areas Gcnservation Authcrity im Taril Wacu-- Griers - Issucd. FLABNING AND SEYELOEMENT (1¢ IL) 3SiARTMENT Dated: 244.1990 Read: 1. Prem the Chairran, Tardl Nadu Bleotricity Board 3.0.LrsleaGh/ih/"T, dated 23.4.7. chore ie Govt, (ccrranicated a ines m dept in lr.Ws.25.5/B2/' 7-12) dt. 23.38%) 3. Frer the Director of Town & Country Vlanning DeOslrte.42094/'' /AI, dated 6.12. ORSER The present status of the Hill arens of Taril Hadu are fast.rcaching 4 point °f no-return. There has undoubtedly boon an alarring iccline in the eco-system of the Western Ghats even within living rerery, hia is because all seon:mic activities, ultiritely, entail increased oxtraction of envircnrentiresvurces and always have an irmet in redifying ther. Majority cf develcprent activi- ties arc carricd out only with general scoial benefits in mind involving a large number cf agencies - public and private. Thorefere, when the Acvelopment takes Place in secltgically fragile area“like hills, the interactizn lends to scricus strogs when the enviren- ment is Lloadet beyond its safe use enpacity. 2. Often, the accnimic decisions are not guided by the sofial coats on the infrsstruoture ané hill acclesy, “the entirely desirable goals of vecetable cultivation, livestzck breeding, airy developrent — repatriate rehabilitation, cormunicaticn inoreverents , tourisr promoticn etc. have all led to overall severe ‘deteriomticn in oun hill envircnrent. | Thia is because of thé fact that hill arma require a pelicy pies erent from that cf the plains which has nit beon recognised, The construction of an créerall develemrent philtsophy for the hill areas is 1 specdalis ot 2 owe task te be done by agoncies specificilly corritted for the task. Such an effort calls for a rulti— disciplinary approach which will encompass the activities of Aifferent governrent departrents - Central and Stats Governrants, non-gevernrental agencies, Instituticns or private imiividuals and a corprehensive preararre fcr inplerentation, 3a Consitering these, it has been leelidd to - @rente a body, that will develop the hills inte an ecclogieally acceptable and enmvirenrontally desirable area cf IndianLant Mass. Therefore the Jirgctor of Town and Country Tlanning - has sent a propesral “tar -setting up a “Taril Nadu Hill areas Jeveloprent Antherity" under the provisions cf section 1. cf the "Tarai Nadu Town and Ccuntry Zlanning act, 1971". | de The Gave¥nment, after careful consideration, © \\ have decided that an .d-hse Auth-rity shculé be set up now and the same be given a statutcry basis in abe cnurse. The Governrent accoriingly direct that an autherity to be called "The Tamil Nadu Hill Areas Conservation Authority" be constituted with imredinte effocts ‘ Se Tamil Nadu Hill Areas Genservaticn autherity Shall consist of the following members. 1. Chairran : A very Senior Officer of the IAS to be appointed by the Government (part-time) 2. Menber Seorctary + Senior [,4.8., Officer te be appeinte? by the Government. 3, Bxsofficic Sceretary, Planning ani Jeveloprent iy =f : i Paras ai iy _ Sevartr ent. ‘he 7 “B= : Seérstary, Finance Department. 5. -fic- ; Seerctary, Environrent & Forest Dept 6. - Names of villages __| 16. Madurai Usilampatii 10. Ayanmettupatti I | 1. _Maanoothu (12. Jothiinaickanur Ulhappanaickanur Firka [1 Uthappanaickanur 2, Nadupatty 3.__Thimmanatham 4 3. Kalluthu Mekkilarpatti 6. Keeripatti 7. Seemanuth | 8. Sikkampatti «+ End, LAL RAWNA SAILO SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT. // TRus cory // Te Rebtek sth 20 DS : section GH icER. ACTIVITIES WHICH REQUIRE PRIOR CLEERANGE: OF * THE AUTHORITY.” Agriculture ~ . a a) Projects for the restructuring of hil slopes b) = Projects for the use of uncultivated land or semi-natural areas for intensive agricultural purposes : c) Water-management projects for agriculture d) Initial afforestation where this may lead to adverse ecological changes @) Land reclamation for the purpose of conversion to another type of land use. f) Poultry-rearing installations g) Pig-rearing installations h) Plantations i) Agro-forestry, tree cropping and orchards Extractive Industry a) Deep drillings with the exception of drillings for investigating the stability of the soil and in particular: -- geothermal drilling -- drilling for the storage of nuclear waste material -—- drilling for water supplies. b) Extraction of minerals olher than metalliferous and energy-producing minerals, such as lime- Detede 3) stone, marble sand, gravel, shale, salt, phosphates and potash c) Extraction of coal and lignite by underground mining d) Extraction of coal and lignite by open-case mining e) Extraction of petroleum f) Extraction of natural gas g) Extraction of Ores h) Extraction of bituminous shale, peat and moss i) Extraction of minerals other than metalliferous and energy-producing minerals by open-cast mining, including extraction of gypsum, fire clay etc. i j) Surface industrial installations for the extraction of coal, petroleum, natural gas and ores, as well as biluminous shale. k) Coke Ovens (dry coal distillation) ) Installations for the manufacture af cement refractories. Energy Industry a) — Industrial installations for the production of electricity steam and hot water. b) Industrial installations for carrying gas, steam and hat water, transmission of electrical Pate ee ‘energy by overhead cables. c) Surface storage of natural gas d) Underground storage of combustible gases e) Surface storage of fossil fuels A Industrial briquetting of coal and lignite 9) Installations for the production or enrichment of nuclear fuels h) Installations for the reprocessing or irradiated nuclear fuels. i) Installations for the collection and processing of radioactive waste i) Installations for hydro-electric energy production Processing of metals a) Iron and steel works, including foundries, forges, drawing plants and rolling mills (unless included in Annexure-!) “b) Installations for the production, including smelting, refining, drawing and rolling of non- ferrous metals, excluding precious metals c) Pressing, drawing and stamping of large -castings d) Surface treatment and coating of metals e) Boiler making, manufacture of reservoirs, tanks and other sheel-metal containers. B.t.0. £4 Manufacture and assembly of motor vehicles and manufacture of motor-vehicle engines Installations for the construction and repair of aircraft Manufacture of railway equipment Swaging of explosives Installations for the roasting and sintering of metallic ores. 5. Manufacture of glass, ceramics 6. Chemical Industry a) a) c) Treatment of intermediate products and production of chemicals, Production of pesticides and pharmaceutical products, paint and varnishes, elastomers and peroxides. Storage facilities for petroleum petrochemical and chemical products. 7. Food Industry a) b) ¢) Manufacture of Vegetable and animal oils and fats Packing and canning of animal and vegetable products Manufacture of dairy products Peteos 10. wy Brewing and malting. Confectionery and syrup manufacture Installations for the slaughter of animals Industrial starch manufacturing installations Fish-meal and fish-oil factories Sugar factories Textile, leather, wood and paper industries a) 5) ©) a) i] f) 9) Wool scouring, degreasing and bleaching factories Manufacture of fibre board, particle board and plywood Manufacture of pulp, paper and board Fibre-dyeing factories Cellulose-processing and production installations. Tannery and leather-dressing factories Wood based chemicals extraction including aromalics and tannins Rubber Industry a) Manufacture and treatment of elastomer- based products Electronic Industry Pst.o. qt. a) b) s) qd) Manufacture and refining of basic semi- conductor materials Manufacture of semi-conductor components Manufacture of electrolytic and other capacitors Manufacture of electronic components other than pure assembly materials procured, Infrastructure Projects a) b) ¢) 9) h g) Industrial-estate development Projects Urban-development projects Cable-cars Construction of National Highways, State Highways, major district roads and minor roads and railway lines and airports Canalization and flood-relief works Dams and other installations dasigned to hold water or store it on a long-term basis. Tramways, elevated and underground railways, suspended lines or similar lines of a Pariicular type, used exclusively or mainly for Passenger transport, Oil and gas pipeline installations Installation of long-distance aqueducts Beating Pet.o. ae Other projects a) b) Holiday villages, hotel and resort complexes, hostels and restaurants of mare then 300 sq.m. Racing and test tracks for cars and motorcycles Installations for the disposal of industrial and domestic waste (unless included in Annexure-|) Waste water treatment plants Sludge-deposition sites Storage of scrap iron Test benches for engines, turbines, rocket motors or reactors Manufacture of artificial mineral fibres Manufacture, packing, leading or placing in catridges of gunpowder and explosives Knackers' yards, bone meal plants, gelatin plants, etc. Housing estates buildings of more than ground and first floor, buildings housing more than two families, commercial .and office buildings of more than 300 sq.m. area. industrial sheds and buildings. «+ Bod «+ LAL RAWNA SAILO SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT. SECTION iia e / TRUE copy /

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