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The effects of being addicted in playing Mobile Legends


A Research Study

Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior Highschool Department

Cebu Institute of Technology – University

Submitted By:

Submitted to:

Mr. Francis Dale T. Gornez

Grade 11 – Justice


The Mobile Legends is an online mobile game that offers of playable heroes,

game modes, and intense, fast-paced gameplay. This game is very popular in

asian country. Mobile legend is created by China developer is Moonton

Technology Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Mulong Network & Technology Co.,Itd. July

11, 2016.

We know that this game is very popular and fun to play, it has also a better

graphics and exciting events that can get the attention of the people especially to

the beginners. Many famous celebrities who are playing Mobile Legends that

most of their fans and people who are watching them are being influenced. Most

of the people became interested because they can also earn money in playing

this game by livestreaming, selling of accounts, and joining tournaments like


Mobile Legends is time and money consuming because it has exciting events

and cool skins that will get your interest to buy it. It is time consuming because

when you’re playing in the long game you slowly forget the time when you’re

having too much fun.

Missouri.“Individuals who play games to get away from their lives or to

pretend to be other people seem to be those most at-risk for becoming part of a

vicious cycle. These gamers avoid their problems by playing games, which in

turn interferes with their lives because they’re so busy playing games (Peters 7 et

al, 2007). Internet addiction gives the gamer to the unique psychological

properties which is the users increase their use ofthese internet services, the

utility they gain from each usage does not diminish, leadingnot only to self-

destructive addiction but also to social ills. When a problem, playing video games

can interfere with real-life obligations such as work, and players can end uplying

about playing video games. The study found that “problematic” video game use

can have similar effects as other addictive activities, such as abusing alcohol


Games addiction shows the bad effect among the people nowadays.

Addiction to theinternet shares some of negative aspects of substance addiction

and has been shown tolead to consequences such as failing school, family and

relationship problem (Brian. D.NG, M.S & Peter. W. H, 2005). It can make the

people who has addicted will feel thatthe games can provide opportunities for

achievement, freedom and even a connection to the players. Those benefits

trumped a shallow sense of fun, which doesn’t keep gamers as interested (online

gamers anonymous, 2008). The role of media in advertising thegames also make

more cause why the games addicted will be more interested with thosegames. In
2005, advertiser spent $80 million to reach game players, this spending

isexpected to top $400 by 2009 (Park Associate 2006).

Because of that, many people became addicted and they dont even have a

control and discipline to themselves and it almost reach to the point that they

forgot to live in the real world and they forgot to take good care of themselves

such as, forgetting to eat their meals, to socialize, and personal hygienes that

can lead them to sickness. Such as, malnourished, headache, ulcer, affecting

their eyesight, and to those gamers who are asmathic it may affect their health

when they’re not doing proper excercises.

To the other gamers who are currently working, some of them, their

productivity is getting slower because they lack of focus and they mostly give

their time in playing Mobile Legends rather working. They dont have time

management and their lack of productivity will affect their career. There are some

who lose their jobs and they becoming lazier each day and their mind set is to

stay all night long playing rather than looking for a job.

It is widely believed that game players who spend playing too many hours

(above 10hours a day) are at high risk of being addicted to video games (Anand,

2007). Previousstudies have shown that video game addiction among

adolescents gamers is highlycorrelated with psychosocial problems such as time

spent on games (i.e., usage), lifesatisfaction, loneliness, social competence , and

aggression (Lemmens et al., 2009). Forexample, Peters and Malesky (2008) further

support the relationship between addictionof World of Warcraft players to the

game and the time they spend playing online, therelationship that is also

supported among adolescents who are addicted to online gamesin general

(Gentile, 2009; Xu et al., 2012). However, due to the lack of research on thecausal

relationship among game addiction and these psychosocial variables, the

authorsavoid making conclusions regarding the direction of the relationships.

Gentile (2009),compare pathological gamers versus non-pathological gamers

among 1,178 Americanadolescents (aged between 8 and 18) regarding their

psychosocial behaviour. The resultsshow that pathological gamers are twice as

likely as non-pathological gamers to haveattention problems such as attention

deficit disorder. However, the author avoidsmaking conclusion regarding the

direction of causality between pathological gameplayand attention problems. In a

study on a large sample of adolescents (13-16 years olds) inthe Netherlands, van

Rooij et al. (2011) show that compared to non-addicts, video gameaddicts have

significantly higher levels of depressive moods, loneliness and significantlylower

levels of self-esteem. In this study, the results of this comparison for social

anxiety level is not significant.

An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played

through the internet or any other computer network available. Online games are
ubiquitous onmodern gaming platforms, including PCs, consoles, and mobile

devices, and span manygenres including first person shooters, strategy games,

and massively multiplayer online role-playing games.

The design of online games can range from simple text-based environments to

the incorporation of complex graphics and virtual worlds. The existence of

onlinecomponents within a game can range from being minor features, such as

an onlineleaderboards, to being part of core gameplay, such as directly playing

against other players. Many online games create their own online communities,

while other games,especially social games, integrate the players' existing real-life


Online games culture sometimes faces criticisms for an environment that

might promote cyber bullying, violence, and xenophobia. Some gamers are also

concerned about gamming addiction or social stigma. Online games have

attracted players from avariety of ages, nationalities, and occupations. Online

game content can also be studied inscientific field, especially gamers’

interactions within virtual societies in relation to the behavior and social

phenomena of everyday life. It has been argued that, since the players of an

online game are strangers to each other and have limited communication, the

individual player's experience in an online game is not essentially different from

playing with artificial intelligence players. Online games also have the problem of
not being permanently playable, unlike purchased retail games, as they require

special servers in order to function.

Online games can ruined your life, if you’re addicted in playing online

games you might end up doing things that is different to the things that you’ve

done in your daily lives such as stealing, lying, sleeping late at night, gambling,

dropping in school, many more possible effects in playing online games.

Addiction, defined by Webster dictionary as a "compulsive need for and use of a

habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined

physiological symptoms upon withdrawal", was traditionally used to depict a

person's dependence on the substance. The problem of Internet addiction

evolves together with the development and spread of the Internet. As adolescents

(12 – 17 years) and emerging adults (18 – 29 years) access the Internet more than

any other age groups and undertake a higher risk of over use of the Internet, the

problem of Internet addiction disorder is most relevant to young people


Upon the study the researcher’s understanding is playing online games are

very addictive and unavoidable it can cause mental and physical health. Playing

too much in online games like Mobile Legend is unhealthy lifestyle it can destroy

one’s future. It can also affect the way you communicate other people because

they’ve experience critisism in the game that will eventually apply to themselves.
In social interaction, they experience xenophobia who are having fear or hatred of

strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign. Playing online

games developed anger issues that will cause conflicts to each gamers.

Gambling is also common in playing online games because of the prizes that they

can get when they win. Playing online games can’t avoid popularity fights it

involves slandering, trashtalking, and cyber bullying.

This study aims to find out the effects of being addicted in playing mobile

legends. The researchers decided to study this kind of topic because it is relevant

to today’s generation and it is the mainly problem to those players who are

addicted to this game, researchers wanted to give awareness to the gamers.

This study is also helpful to all the educators; they have the power to teach

the students about the effects of online games. They can also motivate their

students to play outdoor game instead of playing online games. They can use

their profession to make a briefing about what will happen if the child is addicted

in online games.

It is also helpful to all the parents who have a child that is addicted in online

games. The parents will know how to help their child in overcoming their

addiction inonline gaming. They can discipline them by teaching what will happen
if they stop in school and played online games instead. The best teacher is the

parent, so it’s better to them if they know the possible effects of playing online


The researchers believed that this kind of study is very helpful to those

people who are addicted to Mobile Legends to let them know what are the effects

and to aware them about this kind of issue. Instead of consuming their time and

money in playing in mobile legends they must use it in their daily life to a better

future that are waiting in order them to be ready.

The researches warns the other gamers to avoid gambling in order to get

away from grave conscequences. Like getting into conflicts and avoid being

beaten because of unpaid debts.

This study also aims to prevent overused playing because it can cause

different illness. To encourage them to have proper time management and to

spend their time with their family, friends and love ones.

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