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Quiz 2

Geography Year 3

Name: ________________________________________________

A. Answer the following question. (20M)

1. What is the usual weather of a place called?
d.south pole

2. What is near to the equator?

3. Give the definition of equator?

4. Name the two poles which is cold.

a) __________________________
b) __________________________
5. Why is the poles cold?


6. Which place is colder? Colour the correct answer.

Top of mountain Below of mountain

7. What is the temperature at the top of the mountain?


8. What is the coldest place in the eart?


9. List down three country that passed equator

a) _______________________________________
b) _______________________________________
c) _______________________________________

10. Why is the country near the equator hot?

11. What things help you to decide where and when to go a


12. What are the things you have to prepare before going for a

a) _______________________
b) _______________________
C) _______________________

13. How do people choose their holiday destination?


14. What is the best weather for skiing, snowboarding or other

winter sports?


15. What is the best weather for sitting on a beach or

swimming in the sea?
C.Write the temperature shown on each thermometer. (10M)
D.Plan your own holiday. Write down your plan in the given template.

Name: ______________________________________

Country: ____________________________________

Capital city: _________________________________

Currency : __________________________________


Weather : ___________________________________

Activities I would like to do:






E.Look at the map of the world below. Label the North and South

Poles, and the Equator. ( 5M)

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