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Honorable judge, gentlemen of the jury, people of the Philippines judge me, am I guilty or not guilty?

But before you sentence me to death let me tell you my story.

There was a young girl seventeen years of age with curvaceous body 36, 24, 26, a long hair and sizzling
eyes being rich as she was she studied at an exclusive school.

Oh my gosh! I met this guy, he’s the best player in our basketball team, and he’s the heartthrob of our
school. OH my gosh! His name? Guess what? who? Robbie Satillian isn’t sweet? Oh my gosh we became
friends. We became friends. Later more than that after one year of relationship, we decided to settle
down the marriage that cut-off the ties of our families and since his parents disagree that’s why he was
not supported on his studies. So I decided to give up my studies and work as a sales lady in the

Then one night he returned home, he asked for money but I can’t gave him for I just gave him last night,
so he walked out the door and the next day he returned home, he was cold as ever and hard as a stone.

One day his graduation came I was so happy. I expected

Robbie to invite me but he never said a word. I didn’t mind it. I still attend his graduation ceremony and
when his name was called with a degree of medicine a suma cum laude Robi Santillan, I shouted with
glee! When i stood up I was shocked when another girl stood up, and gave that medal to him. I’m
supposed to give that medal and pin that ribbon, because I’m his wife, I’m his wife right? I AM HIS WIFE!

With that unpleasant thought fain when he returned home that night, I confronted him. “Robbie, who
was that girl?” I asked. He answered, “It’s none of your business” he said but Robbie I’m your wife,
“You’re just my wife” Robbie how could you do this to me? I gave up my studies and worked as a sales
lady and this? This is how you payback? “I have to leave”, he said and when he had packed his this
things I decided to get my 45 mm revolver.

“Robbie, you can’t just leave me” (pointing the gun to his face) “You can just leave me, Robbie.” “You
can’t just do this honey. be calm, be calm”…….”No, no, no you can’t just leave me, Robbie. You can’t just
do this”.

But he still decided to go and I did threw worst in my whole painstaking life “Mr. Robbie Santillian with a
degree of medicine a Suma cumlaude you will pay all my labors and sacrifices

“BANG! , BANG! I shot him Robbie…….I had killed him…….I had killed him with my bare hands…..
huhuhu… I’m so sorry.

And now honorable judge gentlemen of the jury people of the Philippines judge me am i guilty or not

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