Shiela LP

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objective:
Use pronouns effectively [EN10G-IIId-31]

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Pronoun-Antecedent Rules
B. References: LM (Celebrating Diversity through World Literature) pp. 323-328
C. Materials: Visual aids

III. Procedure:
Priming activity
A. Prayer
B. Drill: Spelling Bee
C. Review

Development of the Lesson

A. Activity
Let the student answer Task 8 COME, CHECK IT OUT! (Activity
sheets will be provided)
B. Analysis
a. What do you call those underlined words?
b. What do you call the word that a pronoun refers to?
C. Abstraction
 Discuss:
What is Antecedent.
The pronoun-antecedent rules to follow in order to use
pronouns effectively and provide examples in every rule.
D. Application:
Let the students answer Task 9 (Let’s Practice!). (Activity sheets
will be provided)

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Use correct pronoun in completing each sentence.
1. Science, as well as other modern languages, should have _____ place in the
2. The committee has submitted recommendations in _______ report.
3. Several members of the class indicated _______ desire to attend mass.
4. Each member of the committee must submit ______ response in writing.
5. Anybody who has a complaint against _____ teacher should let the principal
know of such complaint.

V. Assignment:
Research on some articles about the present condition of nature containing
commentaries from prominent people and/or persons in authority. Write a shirt
paragraph of not less than 10 sentences about the present state of our Mother Earth.
Use pronouns and quotation mark correctly to highlight their statements.

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