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FORM *A’ APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT (See RuleS.1) Your Cell No. -UicNowlYes 46] PHOTO 1, Name of the applicant: = Date of Birth: 3 Father’s/Husband’s Name: 4, Nationality of applicant: NILCA = (Attach Photo Copy of National Identity Card) 5. Qualification for enrolment:- MATRIC ROLL No. YEAR INSTITUTION B.AJ/B.Sc. ROLL No. YEAR INSTITUTION LL.B. ROLL No. YEAR INSTITUTION ENTRY TEST DATED ROLL NO. 6. Attach attested Copies by Gazetted Officer or Member Punjab Bar Council or President of the Bar Association. of the following: (i) (a) Matriculation Certificate (b) B.A/B.Sc. Result Cards/Degree (c) LL.B. Result Card Part, I, ITI/LL.B. (Hon.)/LL.M./Bar-at-Law (d) LL.B. Degree or the Provisional Certificate in original. (e) Result Card of Written Examination held by Punjab Bar Council. (ii) _ two character certificates from two Advocates. (iii) an undertaking that you will become member of a Bar Association (mention name of the Bar Association) in Punjab, within six months after your enrolment. (iv) _listofat least twenty cases in which you rendered assistance to your senior duly signed by you and the senior giving the nature of each case (v) _ yoursix passport size photographs in professional dress. (with white back ground). (vi) an affidavit, stating truly and accurately, that no criminal proceedings or proceedings for professional misconduct were ever instituted against in any Court of Law (vii) an affidavit explaining the reasons of gap, if any, in between examinations and training after passing the LL.B. Examination. 7 Whether the applicant is a person exempt from training and examination provided under Rule 5.2A of the Punjab Legal Practitioners & Bar Council Rules. 1974? [Holders of LL.M/Bar at Law degree r ing four rs_L 1 jicial_ex n m k_exempti [Rs. 5,000/- exemption fee from six month training & for viva-voce Lower Court Enrollment in case of holders of LL.M. or Bar-at-Law Degree] or 4 years legal experience. 8. Enrolment fees including Verification Fee etc, (i) Upto the age of 21 to 25 years Rs, 200/- Enrollment Pb.B.C Rs. 100/- Pak. Bar Council A/C Rs, 730/- G Fund in case the LL.B. degree awarded by Universities of Punjab otherwise Rs. 2.750/- Rs. 3,600/- PLJ Subscription Rs. 2,000/- Group Insurance Rs, 10,000/- Benevolent Fund (ii) Above 25 upto 30 years Rs, 335/- Enrollment Pb.B.C. Rs. 165/- Pak. Bar Council A/C Rs, 2.250/- G. Fund in case the LL.B. degree awarded by Universities of Punjab otherwise Rs. 3.750/- Rs, 3.600/- PLJ Subscription Rs. 2,000/- Group Insurance Rs, 15,000/- Benevolent Fund Gil) Above 30 upto 35 years Rs, 335/- Enrollment Pb.B.C. Rs Pak. Bar Council A/C Rs, 2.250/- G. Fund in case the LL.B. degree awarded by Universities of Punjab otherwise Rs. 3.750/- Rs, 3,600/- PLJ Subscription Rs, 2,000/- Group Insurance Rs, 20,000/- Benevolent Fund (iv) Above 35 upto 40 years Rs, 335/- Enrollment Pb.B.C. Rs, 165/- Pak. Bar Council A/C Rs. 13.250/- G Fund in case the LL.B. Degree awarded by Universities of Punjab otherwise Rs. 14.750/- Rs. 3,600/- PLJ Subscription Rs, 2,000/- Group Insurance Comtd .. P/2 (v) Above 40 upto 50 years Rs, 335/- Enrollment Pb.B.C. Rs, 165/- Pak. Bar Council A/C Rs. 31.250/- G Fund in case the LL.B. Degree awarded by Universities of Punjab otherwise Rs. 32,750/- Rs. 3,600/- PLJ Subscription Rs, 2,000/- Group Insurance (vi) Above 50 upto 60 years Rs. 335/- Enrollment Pb.B.C. Rs, 165/- Pak. Bar Council A/C Rs. 116,250/- G Fund in case the LL.B. Degree awarded by Universities of Punjab otherwise Rs. 117,750/- Rs. 3,600/- PLJ Subscription Rs, 2,000/- Group Insurance (vii) Above 60 years Rs. 335/- Enrollment Pb.B.C Rs. 165/- Pak. Bar Council A/C Rs. 198,250/- G Fund in case the LL.B. Degree awarded by Universities of Punjab otherwise Rs. 199.750/- Rs. 3.600/- PLJ Subscription Rs. 2,000/- Group Insurance (viii) Benevolent Fund Contribution (optional scheme of Rs. Six Lac (6,00,000/-)) if the applicant desires to join optional scheme he/she will have to deposit double contribution of Benevolent Fund Scheme Rupees Three Lac:-- 21 YEARS UPTO 25 YEARS Rs. 20,000/- 25 YEARS UPTO 30 YEARS Rs. 30,000/- 30 YEARS UPTO 35 YEARS Rs. 40,000/- 9. Whether the applicant is/was engaged in any business, service, profession or vocation in Pakistan? If so, the nature thereof and the place at which it is carried out? 10. Whether the applicant proposes to practice generally within the jurisdiction of the Punjab Bar Council? State place of practice? 11. Whether the applicant has been declared insolvent? 12, Whether the applicant has been dismissed/removed from service of Government or of a Public Statutory Corporation, if so the reasons thereof? 13. Whether the applicant is enrolled as an advocate on the Roll of any other Bar Council? 14. Whether the applicant has been convicted of any offence? If so. date and particulars thereof? 15, Whether the application of the applicant of enrolment has previously been rejected? ADDRESS FOR SENDING SIGNATURE : a ENROLMENT CERTIFICATE: HOMEADDRESS: Your Cell No. NIC AFFIDAVIT Affidavit of Mr./Ms sfo d/o wio to I, the above named deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That the deponent is neither engaged in any Business/Service/Profession/Vocation anywhere at present nor was so engaged during the period of apprenticeship. 2. Thatthe replies to clauses Nos. 9 to 15, above, are correct. 3. That after enrolment as an Advocate, if the deponent joins Business/Service/Vocation, he shall forthwith intimate the Bar Council for suspension or cancellation of the licence DEPONENT VERIFICATION Verified on oath this day of that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of deponent’s knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed therefrom, DEPONENT

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