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Foodsources would have

to uplaod their profile on
the FOODEX app . Street
vendors would have to be
approached by FOODEX
volunteers . An option to
add a place will be
available which will allow
a user to help upload a
street vendor their
profile . And afterwards
consumers can reach out
to them via call . Users
would have to register as
non food sources and
sign in . Inside the app -
FOODEX Highlights show
up to make a first
impression . Users can
now look for food in the
search bar and select the
food source in the filter
option , eg as some
would prefer food from
indian household and
others would choose
street vendors . Once the
user orders for food ,
availability of that food
item and timings would
be confirmed on the
foodex chat or via call as
food sources would have
to provide their phone
numbers . Delivery /
Pickup Can Be Modified
for each order . However
some food sources can
choose to set them on
default as WE DELIVER /
pickup one will be used
by most of the street
vendors and many
households . Appropriate
delivery charges will be
calculated by the app
using per km rate . Food
charges are to be
uploaded once they make
the profile . Highlights
and app suggestions
would suggest many
households to keep their
rates low and food tasty
to attract more
consumers . Food rates
suggestion for dishes
would also be pushed by
the app and on paper for
non - app users in the
regional and hindi
language . Minimum
Order price for delivery
would be decided by the
food sources . Pickup has
to be done on own . Once
the order is delivered or
picked up the user will
confirm ‘ Recieved on
their app ‘ and payment
recieved will be
confirmed by app users
and for non app users
there is no necessary
confirmation as mostly
pickup thus money and
food exchange in person .
Users can choose for
nearby food sources and
would be recommended
in each ease so that it is
convenient for both the
food source and the
consumer . An ideal “ find
food nearby me “
distance has to decided .
People looking for food
will have a variety of food
sources to order from and
thus they can choose
accordingly . Food
sources would be given
FOODEX packaging to
ensure further verification
and branding . FOODEX
Packaging would consist
of all details incl ads and
app ads (barcodes) for
income . Food sources
have to uplaod their
details and details of the
food they offer along with
the opening time and
location .

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