Brand Management Co

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Course Code and title MKT -501 , Brand Management

Credits 3
Term and Year 5th Term, 2019 -20
Course Pre-requisite(s) Marketing Management
Course Requirement(s) Knowledge of Basic Marketing Terminologies*
Course Schedule (day and time of class)
Classroom # (Location)
Course Instructor Prof. Himanshu Misra/Dr. Swati Soni
Course Instructor Email
Course Instructor Phone (Office)
Student Consultation Hours
Office location

*Basic Marketing Terminologies: Segmentation, targeting, positioning, marketing

communication mix, competitor’s analysis etc.

1. Course Overview

The role of brands has changed over a period of time, from just being a source of differentiation to a source
of trust and promise, from a necessity to a friend and a close aide. Brands have come way ahead from
mere ‘trademarks’ to ‘trust-marks’. The course shall help a student to address pertinent questions on
brands viz. hoe to create a brand, how to identify and handle factors affecting success of brands at
marketplace, how to launch a brand, how to decide the brand elements, how to create strong brands at
marketplace, how to measure the success of brands, how to ensure higher customer engagement. The
students will be required to apply the core marketing concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning
etc. and create a suitable offering for the selected segment.

2. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

CLO 1: Explain the various factors contributing to Brand Equity.* (K)

CLO 2: Evaluate brands in marketplace for a given product category. (K)
CLO 3: Integrate various factors and organizational functions for brand success (S)
CLO 4: Recommend plans to strengthen Brand Equity (S)

• Key concepts: Brand Awareness, Brand Associations, Brand loyalty, Brand Identity, Brand
Performance Measurement (qualitative and quantitative), Brand Value Chain, Brand Leadership
Matrix, Brand hierarchy, Power Grid.

List of PLOs

PLO 1: Communicate effectively and display inter-personal skills

PLO2: Demonstrate Leadership and Teamwork towards achievement of
organizational goals
PLO 3: Apply relevant conceptual frameworks for effective decision-making
PLO 4: Develop an entrepreneurial mindset for optimal business solutions
PLO 5: Evaluate the relationship between business environment and organizations
PLO 6: Demonstrate sustainable and ethical business practices
PLO 7: Leverage technologies for business decisions
PLO 8: Demonstrate capability as an Independent learner


CLO 1 X (M)
X (M)
CLO 3 X (M)
CLO 4 X (M)

3. Mapping of CLOs with GAs

List of GAs
GA 1: Self-initiative
GA 2: Deep discipline knowledge
GA 3: Critical thinking and Problem solving
GA 4: Humility, Team-Building and Leadership Skills
GA 5: Open and Clear Communication
GA 6: Global outlook
GA 7: Ethical competency and sustainable mindset
GA 8: Entrepreneurial and innovative

GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8
GA 4

* PLOs, CLOs & GAs stand for Programme Level Outcomes; Course Level Outcomes & Graduate Attributes, respectively.

** ‘L’- Introduce, ‘M’-Reinforce and ‘H’-Emphasize

4. Prescribed VED framework

Module Vital Essential Desirable

(prerequisite or basic (Non-imperative yet (adds substance, breadth,
knowledge or skills) significant) or interest to a subject or
Module 1: Brand -Basic Concepts of -Application of basic -how branding works in
Basics Marketing concepts of Marketing. different industries,
-Marketing Environment -changing marketing countries etc.
-Competitors Analysis landscape for brands -recent
interventions in field of
Module II: Creating - Overview of - Customer/market - Comparative analysis of
Brand Equity. Competitors Analysis insights various options/
- Goal Setting - Unique attribute of alternatives.
- Points of Parity brand, including brand -failure and success stories
- Points of differentiation elements and brand of brands.
-comparative analysis of
various options/
-Ethical issues related to
Module III: Measuring -Brand equity -various methods of - Recent development in
Brand Equity constituents. measurement. branding studies.
- Brand identity and - selecting and creating - pros and cons of various
image. most appropriate corrective actions.
- Role of stakeholders in methods for brand
brand success. measurement.
- Analyzing and
interpreting data
collected from studies.
-analyzing corrective
course of action.
Module IV: Leveraging -Brand evaluation and - Strengthening brand -Role of technology in
Brand Equity assessment -Identifying growth branding strategies.
- Need -Gap Analysis frontiers for brands.
- Technological


A) Jean Noel Kapferer, “The New Strategic Brand Management”, Kogan Page, South Asian
Edition, 2004.
B) Kevin Lane Kelle, M.G. Parmeswaran and Issac Jacob “Strategic Brand Management”
Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall (KLK)
C) Jean-Marc Lehu, “Brand Rejuvenation”, Kogan Page, 2006.
D) Paul Temporal, “Advanced Brand Management”, John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
E) Verma V Harsh, “Brand Management”, 2nd Edition, Excel Books, 2002.
F) S. Ramesh Kumar, “Managing Indian Brands”, 2nd Edition. Vikas Publishers, 2002.

Internet Resources:

Others/Key Readings: The course discusses brand related articles published in supplements of
business newspaper on weekly basis.

a. The Strategist, Supplement of Business Standard.

b. Brand Wagon, Supplement of The Financial Express.
c. Brand Equity: Supplement of The Economic Times.
d. Anil Saraogi, “Lessons In Branding From The Gums Line Of Perfetti Van Melle In India”,
VISION—The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol. 12, No. 2, April–June.
e. Debajani Sahoo And Preeta H. Vyas “Emami: Identification Of Brand Extention
Opportunities In Fairness Cream Industry”, Vision—The Journal Of Business Perspective,
Vol. 11, No. 1,July–September 2007
f. Report by InterBrand, “Best Global Brand, 2019”
g. Brand Leader Matrix – A Brand Hub Paper.

1-2 Case Readings which will be added or replaced if they are procured:

a) Dettol: Managing Brand Extensions: A K Jaiswal. Arpita Srivasatav. Asian Case

Research Journal

b) Louis Vuitton in Japan: Justin Paul. HBR

c) Amazon India: Apni Dukaan Branding Strategy, Emerald Insight

d) Incredible India: Evolution of Brand India, Tripti Ghosh Sharma, Aditi Gupta etal

e) The Park Hotel: Revitalising an Iconic Indian Brand. Jill Avery and S Dev

6. Assessment Tasks

S.No. Assessment Item Description Weightage CLO

1 Quiz (2 quizzes) There will be 2 quizzes as per 20% CLO 1

schedule/announcement. The duration of
each quiz will be 20 minutes to check

conceptual understanding of course. One
moodle and one pen and paper based.

3 Group Presentation/Mid Students in group of 3 to 6 will select 2 20% CLO 2

Term Examination brands each which will be relatively lesser and CLO
known or they may select some prominent 4
local brands.

The students will be required to study them

in detail, and collect information from
secondary or primary sources related to the
basic philosophy of the brand, competitive
scape, its unique attributes, the
differentiation points, the challenges faced,
the future planned outlook, their media
activity in terms of their online/off-line
expenses, the social media activity etc.

The students are also required conduct a

small survey with their customers to cover
their perspective as well.

Further, the students will be required to make

a report covering their findings and gap area
between the philosophy of owners and
perception of customers and present the
same. The report may also suggest various
activities/measure which may be used to
strengthen them further.

4 Case Based Assignment Case depicts a situation covering the business 20% CLO 2
environment, competitors and status of brand and CLO
in question. The students are expected to 3
analyse the crucial business environment of
the brands. The information about the
competitors should be used to identify their
offering and suggest some differentiating
points or unique attributes which may be
leveraged by the brand.
Based on the information given students are
expected to select a target segment, and apply
core concepts in creating a brand identity and
other aspects affecting brand success.
Further, students are expected to suggest
communication plan to ensure that the
offering reaches the selected customer
segment effectively and efficiently.
Depending on information available
adequate emphasis should be given to
designing and integrating the various
elements of marketing mix like product,
place, price, promotion, people, process and
physical evidence and also highlight crucial

inter-linkages (if any) affecting the success of
brand in marketplace.
Case is given to students in groups which
provides an opportunity to students to apply
the conceptual framework, evaluate and
analyse the information provided.
Based on situation the students are expected
to create a suitable solution to strengthen the
5 End Term It will be based on the total course. This will 40% CLO 1
consist of case study; application based and CLO
situational questions, theoretical & 4
conceptual questions.

7. Session Plan

Session Topic/Sub Topic Readings Pedagogy Session Learning CLO


Module 1: Brand Basics

Why brands are KLK/ Ch.1, Pp. Class Room At the end of the session 1
required at 2-27 Discussions the students will develop
marketplace, what and understanding about
makes a brand scenarios. relevance of Brand and
1 strong identifying factors
contributing to strength of

Key terms related to KLK/ Ch.1, Pp. Class Room At the end of the session 1
branding 30-41 Discussions the students will develop
and understanding basic
2 scenarios. foundation Blocks for

Brand management KLK/ Ch.1, Class Room At the end of the session 1
process. Pp.38-39 Discussions. the students will develop

structured thinking and

Concept and Handouts in soft Class Room At the end of the session 1
constituents of copy Discussions. the students will assess and
Brand Equity evaluate role of various
4 factors affecting brand

Brand positioning KLK/ Ch.3, Pp. Class Room At the end of the session 1,2
and values. 100-130 Discussions. the students will be able to
examine various
1st Case Based situational factors and
5 Assignment Given propose/create required

Module 2: Creating Brand Equity

Choosing brand KLK/ Ch.4, Class Room At the end of the session 2,3
elements to build Pp.140-170 Discussions. the students will be able to
brand equity. evaluate given situation
6 and explore and propose
various options.

Launching a Brand, Handouts in soft Class Room At the end of the session 2, 3
factors affecting the copy Discussions. the students will be able to
success of launch. devise a brand launch plan
7 and integrate various
factors responsible for

Managing brand Case: Lessons in Case. At the end of the session 2,4
portfolio Branding from the students will be able to
the gums line of understand how to manage
Successfully. Perfetti Van different brands in
8 Melle in India. different markets.

Framework for KLK/ Ch.2, Pp. Class Room At the end of the session 2,3
creating Brand 60-87 Discussions the students will be able to
equity using assess and evaluate given
9 Customer Based environment and
Brand Equity generating various ethical
model solution sets.

Customer Based KLK/ Ch.2, Pp. Class Room At the end of the session 2,3
Brand Equity 60-87 Discussions the students will be able to
model…..contd assess and evaluate given
environment and
generating various
ethically sound solution
1st Case Based
Submission due.

Framework for Handouts in soft Class Room At the end of the session 2,3
creating Brand copy Discussions the students will creating
11 equity using Brand brand identity relevant for
Identity Prism target customers.

Discussion on 1st Discussion Discussions At the end of the session 2,3

Case based and critical the students will exhibit
assignment. evaluation of integrated and analytical
12 suggestions.
thinking, communication

Module 3: Measuring Brand Equity

Capturing KLK/ Ch.9, Pp- Class Room At the end of the session 2
customer mindset 356-365 Discussion the students will be able to
13 through Qualitative identify and devise
Techniques. research to probe through

Brand Value Chain KLK/ Ch.8, Class Room At the end of the session 4
Pp.317-325 Discussion. the students will
14 understand interconnect
between various functions

of organization and brand

Measuring the KLK/ Ch.9, Class Room At the end of the session 2, 4
strength of brand Pp.395-401 Discussion. the students will identify
and factors and devising research to
affecting the same. probe through
15 structured/unstructured
2nd Case Based
Assignment Given

Best Global Brands Discussion Class Room At the end of the session 3
Report, 2016 by Activity* the students will identify
Interbrand. various factors affecting
16 brand strength and
Soft Copies to be
measuring the same.

Capturing KLK/ Ch.8, Pp. Class Room At the end of the session 2, 3
customer mindset 326-335 Activity* the students will identify
17 through and probe through
Quantitative structured approach

Discussion on KLK/ Ch.9, Pp. Class Room At the end of the session 2,3
measuring Brand 356-392 Discussions the students will learn to
Equity through application of concepts for
qualitative/ diverse situations

Brand Life Cycle. Handouts in soft Class Room At the end of the session 1
copy Discussions the students will identify
factors affecting brand
19 management decision and
devising a plan for the

Module 4: Leveraging Brand Equity

Brand extensions KLK/ Ch.12, Class Room At the end of the session 4
and factors Pp.492-510 Discussions the students will
affecting its understand how to
success leverage brand equity

2nd Case Based
Submission due

Identifying Market Case: Emami: Class Room At the end of the session 4
opportunities and Identification of Discussions the students will critically
making a plan to Brand Extension apply situational analysis,
21 harness the same. opportunities arriving at a structured
holistic solution.

Managing Brand KLK/ Ch.13, Pp- Class Room At the end of the session 4
Over time. 555-570 Discussions the students will
and caselets understand how to
Changing incorporate market driven
positioning over changes in brands
22 Changing brand
promise over time.

Discussions around
the case of
Lifebuoy and

Discussion on 2nd Discussion Discussions At the end of the session 2,3

Case based and critical the students will develop
23 assignment. evaluation of integrated, analytical
thinking and
communication skills.

Summary and Discussion Class Room Review and re- 2,3

24 Conclusion Discussions enforcement of concepts

*Guest session and Flip session will be identified and mapped.

* Class Room Activity: Volunteer students are asked to select a brand and collect pictures
depicting any similarity between the picture collected and the brand in question. The students are
asked to present it in front of the class and explain the perceived similarity/ association. This
information is used for making Brand Image and also in making Brand Concept map as perceived
by the students. This exercise not only familiarizes them with the various tools used to measure
Brand Equity but also demonstrates how these tools may be used.

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11: Rubrics for Assessment

11.1: Rubrics for Quiz

CLO 1: Explain the various factors contributing to Brand Equity.

Below Expectation Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation

More than half of the concepts are Majority of concepts are clear Most of concepts are clear
not clear and student is unable to and understood by student. and understood by the
understand the same. Lot of hard student. The students has
work needs to be put in by students. The student is able to clearly grasped the basic concepts
define and differentiate between of key terminologies of the
key concepts BUT lacks course and is able to define,
practical application or fails to differentiate and can relate
relate in to real life examples. to real life examples as well.

11.3: Rubrics for Group Presentation:

CLO 2: Evaluate brands in marketplace for a given product category.

CLO 4: Recommend plans to strengthen Brand Equity

Criterion Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceed Expectations

Suitability, adequacy The content is suitable for

of content. The content is not well The content is suitable for
the situation but some gaps
suited for situation and the situation is adequate to
are there in reference to
there are gaps in better understand the
adequacy of important
adequacy of important situation and presents a
information required for
information required for complete picture
further action.
further action.

11 | P a g e
Organization and flow Student presents Student presents
of presentation Audience has difficulty
information in information in logical,
following presentation
logical sequence interesting sequence
because student jumps
which audience can which audience can
around. Flow of
follow. Some key follow and interest level is
presentation is not
information is found to be maintained till the end.
logical and proper
missing which could Complete information
complete the presentation. required is presented.

Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates

Subject Knowledge and
inadequate knowledge understanding of the full knowledge and
query handling. about concepts of subject concepts of the subject is understanding of the
and is able to answer more than concepts of the course and
uncomfortable with the half of the questions with is able to answer all
questions and is not able ease, but fails to questions with proper
to answer them with Elaborate/ establish connect explanations.
satisfaction. with presentation.
Analysis and
interpretation The analysis of The information is
information is done but The information is analyzed analyzed well and in most
of information
misses to make any well. The interpretation is appropriate manner. The
significant interpretation not up to mark and misses interpretation and
from the analysis. on their relevance and realistic and appear to be
utility. beneficial in given

Quality of Suggestion Some random The suggestions made, The suggestions made are
and recommendation suggestions are made appear to be OK but are not backed by sound logic and
& uniqueness/novelty which appear not related explained in detail. The analogy is well drawn.
in same. or suited for the given suggestions appear to be Unique solutions are also
scenario. Lacks proper weak or fail to justify offered which seems to be
justification of the same practical relevance. relevant in given situation

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11.4 : Rubrics for Case Based Assignment:

CLO 2: Evaluate brands in marketplace for a given product category.

CLO 3: Integrate various factors and organizational functions for brand success

Criteria Below Expectation Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Competitor’s Identifies competitors Identifies competitors Identifies competitors

identification and and also attempts to precisely and also precisely and exhibits an in
analyis, environment present an attempts to present an depth, detailed environment
analysis and coverage environment analysis environment analysis analysis and its impact and
of other crucial issues but lacks relevance and but fails to relate it other crucial information
afffecting success of fails to relate to case. strongly to the case given incase /product in
brands given/product in question.

Application of Core Few concepts are Some core and All the core and relevant
concept of course explained but their relevant concepts of concepts of the course are
application is the course are used used and applied well in the
inappropriate and applied well in given scenario.
the given scenario.

Structure, logical The solution although The structure and The structure and flow of
flow and organisation is explanatory but flow of written written plan is logical, well
of written plan. lacks proper structure solution is not very supported and nicely
and flow. The solution comprehensive and presented.
violates basic appears good in bits
structural logic. and pieces.

Coverage and Inter- Few crucial Few crucial All crucial functions/aspects
linkages of various functions/aspects functions/aspects affecting success are
crucial functions affecting success are affecting success are covered, adequately
affecting brand covered, but are not covered, explained explained and inter-linkages
success explained well fails to and interlinkages between them are explained
explain or work out between them are well.
any inter-linkages explained but not up
between them. to mark. Some crucial
aspects are missed

Uniqueness/ Novelty/ The solution presents The solution presents The solution presents lot of
creativity in solution some random, few unique ideas but unique ideas, justifies their
unjustified fails to justify their relevance with focus of their

13 | P a g e
creative/unique ideas relevance and practical application and
but little or no attempt practical application. success as well.
is made to strengthen
their relevance and

Rubrics for End Term Examination:

CLO 1: Explain the various factors contributing to Brand Equity.

CLO 4: Recommend plans to strengthen Brand Equity.

Criteria Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

(Max 40)

Conceptual Does not demonstrate Does demonstrate clarity in Demonstrates clear

Clarity on factors clarity in concepts of Brand basic concepts/ factors understanding of concepts
affecting Brand Management lack affecting brand success. Fails and is able to relate them
Success understanding of basic to establish linkages between to real life business
crucial factors or concepts the concepts with real life environment.
(CLO1) of brand management. examples/ contemporary Contemporary business
business happenings happenings.
Max. 20 (BE <7,
ME- 7-16, EE >16)

Analysis and Fails to apply basic Is able to identify, apply and Is able to identify, apply
recommendations. concepts of brand in a given analyze the conceptual and analyze the
scenario. Is not able to frameworks of brand conceptual frameworks of
(CLO2) correctly identify the factors management as applicable in brand management as
Max. 20 (BE <7, responsible for success of the given business situation. applicable in the given
ME- 7-16, EE >16) brands in the given context. Fails to streamline various business situation with
business process/ functions clarity and successfully
and suggests weaker streamlines various
recommendations. business process/
functions and is also able
to suggest relevant
recommendations as well.

Institute’s Policy Statements

It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the requirements for this course, and understand
the specific details included in this document. It is emphasized that this course requires a significant

14 | P a g e
commitment outside of formal class contact. The learning tasks in this course may include classes
(lectures or seminars), required reading, the preparation of answers to set questions, exercises and
problems, and self-study. In addition, students may be required to complete an assignment, test or


LMS-Moodle/Impartus is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can download lecture,
additional reading materials, and tutorial notes to support class participation.

Late Submission

Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be not be
accepted. Requests for extension of time must be made with the faculty member concerned and based on
Special Consideration guidelines.


Plagiarism is looked at as the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though
it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person.

Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to Plagiarism Policy of the institute. It is advisable that
students should read Section …. of Student Handbook for detailed guidelines. It is also advisable that
students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this
happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception
will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own and they took reasonable care to safeguard
against copying.

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