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1: To Understand to Transfer the Load From
a. Beam to Columns
b. From One Floor to Another

2: To Design Columns across Multiple Floors

by affecting

a. Change of Size of Column

b. Change of Percentage of Steel in a Column

c. Change Grade of Concrete


TOS V: Unit 3: Design of Columns across Multiple Floors:

Before starting earnestly on this Unit let me take you through a quick revision through what we
learned last year in TOS IV

Concrete is good in compression however we design Compression Members like Columns and do
put steel in these columns mainly for the following reasons
1. Reduction in Size: Steel is good in compression and helps us to reduce the size of the
column members
2. Eccentricity in Loading: There is always eccentricity of Loading on a column leading to a
situation where the column is subjected to both pure compressive stresses and bending
stresses which may put part of the column under tensile stresses.

The reasons for this eccentricity are many. I am just elucidating a few
1. Beam Position: Beams may not be placed centrally on a column due to architectural
considerations in the sense that Beams are placed flush to one face of the column (Beams
width is lesser than the column width) because the wall above is to be placed on that side

2. Beam Strength: Beams of unequal strength abut on a column

3. Number of Beams at a column:

Case 1. Sometimes a column has two beams along the same direction abutting on it with no
tie in the other direction
Case 2. Sometimes 3 beams abut at a column, two of which are along the same direction and
one at perpendicular direction leading to an unsymmetrical loading pattern
Case 3. Sometimes two beams at right angles abut at a corner column which also leads to

4. Reduction in Size of Column as we go up: Columns as they go from top floors to bottom
floors required to carry one floor load extra at every floor (This is considering a same plan
at all floors). Thus the column size may have to be increased as we go down to the ground
floor. This increase in size may be carried out symmetrically on each side of the column or
as in most cases increase is affected on one side only as can be seen in the following

TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

There are different ways of dealing with this eccentricity of loading on a column but out of scope
of our syllabus, so we shall now proceed to the main objectives of this unit.

TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Before we begin this exercise I would like to High Light a few of the I.S.Code points and some
points regarding the Design of Columns
1. Cover is 40mm
2. The maximum distance between two bars in a column is 300mm along the periphery

 The above two points result in the conclusion that if a column is rectangular with one side
greater than 380mm, then we will have to provide at-least 3 no of bars along that face,
hence at-least 6 bars in the Column.

3. Minimum diameter of main reinforcement is 12mm

4. 0.8% < Asc < 6%. (Minimum and Maximum percentage of steel in a column)

 The Structural Engineers prefer to not use more than 3% of Steel as this would make
Concreting operations difficult

5. Each Main Bar is to be tied by a Link in Two Direction at-least top prevent buckling in those
6. A Column shall be called Short if Le/b min < 12
7. Minimum number of bars in a Column is 4 in a Rectangular Column and 6 in a Circular

 The above points gets us the result that minimum side of the column with a normal floor to
floor height of 3000mm (effective length of the column≈2800)will be 2800/12≈230
 Hence the minimum size of a Column would be 230 x 230 and minimum reinforcement
would be 4 no 12mm bars.

8. The Load on a Compressive member = Pu = 1.5w = 0.4 fck Ac + 0.67 fy Asc

Some More Deductions based on the above
1. The Load Taken by a 230 x 230 Column with 4no 12mm bars is calculated as follows
Let Load be w kN. Hence Pu = 1.5 w x 1000 N
Ag = 230 x 230 = 52900 mm²,
Asc = 4 x 113 = 452 mm² (As per Minimum % = 0 .8/100x 230 x 230 = 423.2mm² < 452 mm²)
Ac = 52900 – 452 = 52448mm²
Pu = 0.4 fck x Ac + 0.67 x fy x Asc
1.5 w x 1000 = 0.4 x 20 x 52448 + 0.67 x 500 x 452
1.5 w x 1000 = 419584 + 151420
1.5 w x 1000 = 571.004 x 1000
w = 380 kN.
So any Column that has to carry 380kN or Pu = 571kN or lesser load shall be of 230 x 230 with
4 no 12mm bars and 8mm links at 190c/c

TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

2. If the % of steel in a column is 1% then the load taken by the column = 1.5w, in terms of
gross cross sectional are can be calculated as follows
Let % of steel be 1.0 % (We can assume 0.8% to 6%). Hence Asc = Ag/100, Ac = 99Ag/100
Pu = 0.4 fck x Ac + 0.67 x fy x Asc
Pu = 0.4 x 20 x 99Ag/100 + 0.67 x 500 x Ag/100
Pu = 7.92 Ag + 3.35 Ag
Pu = 1.5w = 11.27 Ag
We can also calculate the Load taken by a column for different % of steel and arrive at the
following conclusions
For Fe 500 Steel and M20 grade Concrete these then are the values for load by a Column
% of Steel Load Taken By Column
1 11.27 Ag
1.5 12.905 Ag
2 14.54 Ag
2.5 16.175 Ag
3 17.81 Ag

Problem 1: A column in a building is abutted by 3 beams. Two beams of clear span 7.2 M
carrying a load of 42 kN/M each in the same direction and one beam of 3.5M clear span
carrying a load of 32kN/M. The Building is Parking + 4 Floors Calculate the load at each Floor
considering the same configuration exists at every floor; also design the columns at every floor
given the following
1. Design Column on Fourth Floor.
2. For Column on Third Floor Take one side same as on Fourth Floor
3. For Column on Second Floor Take Size same as on Third Floor (Change % of Steel)
4. For Column on First Floor, Change the Size if you want and decide % of steel
5. Column on Parking Floor. Give Options and Choose one most suitable
The Plan for Column and Beam Configuration on fourth floor has been shown.

TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Effective Span of Beam A = 7.23M

Effective Span of Beam B = 3.73M
Load from Beam A = 42kN/M x 7.23M = 303.66kN
Load from Beam B = 32kN/M x 3.73/2M = 69.68kN
Hence Load on Fourth Floor ≈ 374kN Pu = 561kN
Load on Third Floor ≈ 374x 2 = 748Kn Pu = 1122kN
Load on Second Floor ≈374 x 3 = 1122kN Pu = 1683kN
Load on First Floor ≈374 x 4 = 1496kN Pu = 2244kN
Load on Parking Floor ≈ 374 x 5 = 1870kN Pu = 2805kN
1. Design of Column on Fourth Floor: w = 374kN. Pu = 561kN
Provide Column of size 230 x 230 with 4 no 12mm Main Steel and 8mm Links at 190c/c.

2. Design of Column on Third Floor: Pu = 1122kN

Let us still have 1% Steel.
Hence Pu = 1122 x 10 ³ = 11.27Ag
Ag = 99556.34, Then 230 x d = 99556.34, d = 432.85 ≈ 450 (Considering one side = 230)
Size of Column = 230 x 450
Ast = 1/100 x 230 x 450 = 1035mm². So Provide 4 no 16mm = 4 x 201 = 804
2 no 12 mm= 2 x 113 = 226
Total Asc = 1030mm²
Design of Links: Provide 8mm Links at spacing least of
1. Least lateral dimension of the column = 230
2. 16 times diameter of smallest bar = 16 x 12 = 192 ≈190
3. 300mm
Provide Column of Size 230 x 450, Main Steel 4no 16mm and 2no 12mm, Links of 8mm @ 230c/c

3. Design of Column on Second Floor: Pu = 1683

The question clearly asks us to maintain the size but change the % of steel
If we use 2% steel Load by Column = Pu = 14.54Ag = 14.54 x 230 x 450 = 1504Kn
If we use 2.5% steel Load by Column = Pu = 14.54 = 16.175 x 230 x 450 = 1674kN ≈ 1683kN
So we shall use 2.5% Steel = 2.5/100 x 230 x 450 = 2587.5mm²
We shall provide 4no 25mm bars + 2no 20mm = 490 x 4 + 314 x 2 = 2588mm²
Design of Links: Provide 8mm Links at spacing least of
1. Least lateral dimension of the column = 230 
2. 16 times diameter of smallest bar = 16 x 20 = 320
3. 300mm
Provide Column of Size 230 x 450, Main Steel 4no 25mm and 2no 20mm, Links of 8mm @ 230c/c

TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Alternative Solution to Design of Column on Second Floor: Pu = 1683

Consider the same column with same steel and calculate load taken by the column. Then Calculate
the extra load it has to take on the floor below which will be taken up by extra steel we shall
Column of Size 230 x 450, Main Steel 4no 16mm & 2no 12mm on 3rd Floor
Asc = 4x 201 + 2 x 226 = 1030mm²,
Ag = 230 x 450 = 103500mm²,
Ac = 103500 – 1030 = 102470mm²
Pu = 0.4 x 20 x 102470 + .67 x 500 x 1030 = 1165kN
Load Extra at this Floor = Pu (Second) – Pu (Third) = 1683 – 1165 = 518kN
This load has to be taken by steel
0.67 x fy x Asc extra = 518 x 10³
Asc extra = 1546.2mm²
Total Asc = 1030 +1546.2 = 2576.2mm²
We shall provide 4no 25mm bars + 2no 20mm = 490 x 4 + 314 x 2 = 2588mm² > 2576.2mm²
Design of Links shall be same

Explanation for Different Answers: The expression Pu = 0.4 fck Ac + 0.67 fy Asc has two variables
Ac and Asc which are interdependent i.e. changing the percentage of steel or Asc will also change
the concrete area i.e. Ac.

4. Design of Column on First Floor: Pu = 2244kN

Let us consider 3% Steel.
Pu = 2244 x 10³ = 17.81Ag, Ag = 125996.63
Let one side = 230, Hence 230 x d = 125996.63, d = 547.81 ≈ 550
Asc = 3/100 x 230 x 550 = 3795mm²
Provide 8no 25mm bars = 8 x 490 = 3920mm²
After Design of Links, Provide 8mm Links @ 230c/c
Provide Column of Size 230 x 550, 8no 25mm, 8mm links @ 230c/c

TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

5. Design of Column on Parking Floor: Pu = 2805kN

I am going to do this in a Trial and error mode and finally choose the one I like best

Considering 3% steel, Pu = 17.81Ag = 2805 x 10³, Ag = 157495.78

Option A. If it is a square column, b² = 157495.78, b = 396.85 ≈ 400mm
So Column would be of size 400 x 400

Option A. If column is of 230 width, 230 x d = 157495.78 = 673 ≈675

So Column would be of size 230 x 675

Option B. If column is of 300 width, 300 x d = 157495.78 = 524.98 ≈550

So Column would be of size 300 x 550

I am going to choose Option C and take the size of my column as 300 x 550
Asc = 3/100 x 300 x 550 = 4950mm²
Let us Provide 10no 25mm = 10 x 490 = 4900mm²
Design of Links: After Due Design Provide 8mm Links @ 300c/c
Provide Column of Size 300 x 550, 10no 25mm, 8mm links @ 300c/c

Column Schedule

Column On Fourth Floor On Third Floor Second Floor

Main Main Main

Size Steel Links Size Steel Links Size Steel Links

8 Φ@ 4no 16 Φ, 8 Φ@ 4no 25 Φ, 8 Φ@
230 x 230 4no 12 Φ 190c/c 230 x 450 2no 12 Φ 190c/c 230 x 450 2no 20 Φ 230c/c


TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

Column First Floor Parking Floor

Size Steel Links Size Main Steel Links

8 Φ@ 8 Φ@
230 x 550 8no 25 Φ 230c/c 300 x 550 10no 25 Φ 300c/c


Design of Columns after Changing Grade of Material i.e. of Concrete:

Note: The load bearing Capacity of a Column can also be affected by changing the grade of Concrete and
these are the values of the Factored Load if we use a combination of Fe 500 and M25 Grade.
Pu = Factored Load Taken By
% of Steel
1 13.25 Ag
1.5 14.875 Ag
2 16.5 Ag
2.5 18.125 Ag
3 19.75 Ag
So if we use M25 grade the parking floor column with size 300 x 550 and 3% Steel will carry a load
Pu = 19.75Ag = 19.75 x 300 x 550 = 3258kN instead of 2805kN
However the syllabus does not demand problems based on grade of concrete.

TOS 5 Unit 3 Design of Columns Across Multiple Floors Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho

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