1.1 Acidum Muriaticum

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God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.

Jewish proverb

Muriaticum acidum.......................................................................................1
Mind Symptoms.........................................................................................2
Allen Mind............................................................................................3
Hering Mind..........................................................................................3
The Substance of Homeopathy...................................................................7
Didier Grangeorge.....................................................................................8
Abordagem Sistêmica.................................................................................9
Guy LOUTAN...........................................................................................14
Vermeulen - Prisma..................................................................................15
Notes by Valerie......................................................................................17
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 2

1. Sad, taciturn and discontented with his fate. [f.h2]
2. Sad and introverted, as if she had no life in her, during the menses. [Ng.]. [f.h2]
3. Sad mood. [Gtm.]. [f.h2]
4. Deep reflection, and quiet introversion, as if something unpleasant was impending, but
inclination to work. [Lgh.]. [f.h2]
5. Anxious apprehension; he cannot get over the slightest misfortune (at once). [Lgh.]. [f.h2]
6. Anxiety, with cold perspiration of the face. [f.h2]
7. Laconic, reserved, morose (aft. 4 h. and 3 d.). [Gtm.]. [f.h2]
8. Ill-humored, vexed, no work succeeds in his hands, in the evening. [Ng.]. [f.h2]
9. No pleasure in anything; everything vexes her; with total lack of tone, in the afternoon in
the open air. [Ng.]. [f.h2]
10. Surly mood. [f.h2]
11. Very peevish. [f.h2]
12. Pusillanimous, despondent and vexed about everything. [f.h2]
13. His cheerfulness steadily decreases, till he gets very peevish in the evening. [f.h2]
14. Peevish, annoyed humor. [f.h2]
15. Very irritable and inclined to passion and anger. [f.h2]
16. Readily excited. [f.h2]
17. Tendency to get startled. [f.h2]
18. Disinclination to mental work (aft. 3 d.). [Gtm.]. [f.h2]
19. While working, ideas about recent occurrences press upon him, and are vividly presented
before him. [f.h2]
20. Cheery, confident mood (aft. sever. h.) (curative effect). [Lgh.]. [f.h2]
1. Traurig, still und unzufrieden mit seinem Schicksale. [f.h2]
2. Traurig und in sich gekehrt, als sey gar kein Leben in ihr, während der Regel. [Ng.] [f.h2]
3. Traurige Stimmung. [Gtm.] [f.h2]
4. Tiefes Nachdenken und in sich gekehrte Stille, als stände ihm Unangenehmes bevor, doch Lust
zur Arbeit. [Lgh.] [f.h2]
5. Ängstliche Bedenklichkeit; er kann sich über die geringsten Übel nicht hinaussetzen.
(sogleich.) [Lgh.] [f.h2]
6. Ängstlichkeit mit kaltem Gesichts-Schweisse. [f.h2]
7. Kurzsylbig, still vor sich hin, mürrisch. (n. 4 St. u. 3. T.) [Gtm.] [f.h2]
8. Unwillig, verdrossen; es will ihm gar keine Arbeit gerathen, Abends. [Ng.] [f.h2]
9. An Nichts Freude; Alles verdriesst sie; bei grosser Anspannung, Nachmittags im Freien. [Ng.]
10. Mürrisches Wesen. [f.h2]
11. Sehr verdriesslich. [f.h2]
12. Kleinmüthig, verzagt und ärgerlich über Alles. [f.h2]
13. Die Heiterkeit des Gemüthes nimmt immer ab, bis er Abends sehr verdriesslich wird. [f.h2]
14. Ärgerliche, verdriessliche Stimmung. [f.h2]
15. Sehr reizbar und zu Zorn und Ärger geneigt. [f.h2]
16. Leichte Aufregbarkeit. [f.h2]
17. Neigung zum Aufschrecken. [f.h2]
18. Unlust zu geistigen Beschäftigungen. (n. 3 T.) [Gtm.] [f.h2]
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 3
19. Bei der Arbeit drängen sich ihm Ideen auf von kürzlich vorgefallenen Ereignissen, die ihm
lebhaft vorschweben. [f.h2]
20. Heiterer, getroster Muth. (Heilwirkung.) (n. mehr. St.) [Lgh.] [f.h2]
- Easily excited, [_a1].
- Joyous, trustful mood(after several hours), (curative effects), [a5].
- Sad mood, [_a2].
- Sad, quiet, and discontented with his lot, [_a1].
- Sad;absorbed in herself, as if there were no life in her, during the menses, [a6].
- During the menses she is sad, taciturn, as if she had no life, [a6].
- Despondent, ill-humored, and peevish about everything, [_a1].
- Anxiety, with cold perspiration on the face, [_a1].
- Attack of anxiety at 8 P.M. , with fulness of the abdomen, as if it would burst;perspiration runs
from the head, the arms fall down, and she becomes weak, as if paralyzed, [_a1].
- Anxious thoughtfulness;he cannot free himself from the slightest trouble (immediately), [a5].
- Inclination to start up in fright, [_a1].
- * Very irritable, and inclined to anger and peevishness, [_a1].
- * Peevish, fretful mood, [_a1].
- Very fretful, [_a1].
- The brightness of his disposition constantly diminished, until in the evening he became very
fretful, [_a1].
- Obstinate, fretful;he is unwilling to take up any work;in the evening, [a6].
- Contented with nothing;everything vexes her, with great prostration; in the afternoon in the
open air, [a6].
- Morose mood, [_a1].
- Abrupt in speech, morose, quiet, staring in front of him(after four hours and three days), [_a2].
- While at work, thoughts of events that had just happened forced themselves
- Deep reflection, and quiet absorption in himself, as if something disagreeable were impending,
though with desire to work, [a5].
- Disinclination for mental work(after three days), [_a2].
- ¤ Unconsciousness; moaning. ð Typhus.
- ¤ Taciturn, introverted and quiet; anxious care about future.
- ¤ Irritable, disposed to anger and chagrin; peevishness.
- ¤ Restlessness, frequent changing of position.
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 4

A Substância
SINONÍMIAS: Acidum chlorydricum, Acidum hydrochloratum, Acidum hydrochloricum,
Hydrochloricum cidum, Muriatis acidum.
Líquido incolor quando condensado à baixa temperatura, bastante volátil e de odor acido
sufocante e bastante irritante, a solução aquosa possui as mesmas características. Até a 3CH
é preparado em água destilada e só a partir da 4CH que se começa a utilizar ao álcool
porque em contato com substancias orgânicas ele as destroi e com o álcool forma uma
espécie de éter.
Muriatic acid is a highly reactive liquid acid, and one of the most dangerous chemicals you can buy
for home use. It is an industrial-strength solution of hydrogen chloride gas dissolved in water, also
known as hydrochloric acid. Yep, muriatic acid is "super stomach acid"! With the exception of some
plastics, muriatic acid can damage most anything it touches, including clothing, metal, and skin! It
emits a suffocating odor that can quickly burn the lining of the nose, throat and even the lungs.
Typical home uses include heavy-duty masonry cleaning, preparation of masonry for painting or
sealing, removal of efflorescence or mineral deposits and pH reduction in swimming pools. Its
reactive power makes it the chemical of choice for some types of masonry cleaning. Muriatic acid is
sold in a standardized concentration of 31.45% acid and 68.55% inert ingredients, primarily water.
This is the concentration you are going to find in your local hardware store. Our mixing suggestions
are based on this concentration... if the muriatic acid you purchase is stronger, adjust the dilution
proportions for the job accordingly.
Ação Geral
Age sobre o sistema nervoso primeiramente provocando irritação, mau humor em seguida
vem um estado de depressão profunda.
Tem uma afinidade eletiva com o sangue aumentando a coagulabilidade, produzindo um
estado semelhante àquele que encontramos nos estados infecciosos graves como
temperatura elevada e grande prostração.. Decomposição dos fluidos humorais.
Age igualmente sobre a mucosa do tubo digestivo, particularmente a nível da boca e do
Inquietação mudando freqüentemente de posição, logo ficando com Grande debilidade que
o doente fica estendido inconsciente e inerte, escorregando na cama (tendo que arruma-lo a
cada instante). O paciente está com os olhos fechados, a mandíbula pendente, Debilidade
muscular, a prostração física vem após um estado de excitação psíquica. Evacuação e urina
involuntária, uma verdadeira fraqueza paralítica, Não responde as perguntas que lhe são
Fezes e urina de odor pútrido.
Seqüelas de enfermidades infecciosas graves.
Estado Mental
Irritado, impaciente, mau humorado
Gemendo alto
Ansiedade durante a febre; sobre o futuro
Inquieto, mudando de posição freqüentemente
Sofre em silêncio, taciturno, como se fosse morrer.
<Sonhos>: Ansiosos
Sensações – Disfunções – Lesões
Sensação que os pelos estão de pé.
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 5
<Vertigem>: Vertigem agg. deitando do lado direito; movendo os olhos; a vertigem muitas
vezes está associada a problemas de fígado
<Cabeça>: Dor como se o cérebro tivesse sido comprimido; dor agg movendo os olhos; se
levantando da cama; andando lentamente am.; sensação de peso na região occipital; visão
obscura, dor occipital, agg fazendo esforço para ver. Sensação como se os cabelos caíssem
<Olhos>: Hemiopia vertical, dor lancinante e prurido nos cantos dos olhos; pálpebras
vermelhas e inchadas.
<Ouvidos>: Otalgia com dor pressiva
<Audição>: Sons e vozes são insuportáveis; sons fortes nos ouvidos ( cracking) durante a
noite, ruídos, assobios nos ouvidos
<Nariz>: epistaxe de sangue escuro de odor pútrido
<Boca>: úlceras da mucosa; aftas; grande secura; hálito fétido; língua seca como um couro
muito seco; podendo parecer menor; parece paralisada ; profundas ulcerações
<Garganta>:Inflamação violenta da garganta; secura; garganta vermelha escura com
ulcerações da mucosa ; exsudados branco acinzentados ou brancos parecendo falsas
membranas da difteria; expectoração de mucosidade fétida que vem da garganta; o fato de
tentar engolir provoca espasmos;
<Estômago>: Grande sede, durante os calafrios da febre, durante os outros estágios não há
sede. De tempos em tempos tem um apetite exagerado e um constante desejo de beber;
espasmos do esôfago; eructações amargas e podres; Sensação de vazio no estômago que não
melhoram comendo, sensação de vazio no estômago e abdome sem vontade de comer;
vômitos azedos
<Abdome>: sensação de vazio no abdome, de manhã, após a evacuação habitual:
borborismos e sensação de pletora abdominal; sensação de pressão na região do fígado que
é doloroso e hipertrofiado
<Reto>: Diarréia de fezes escuras; ou hemorrágicas, com sangue escuro; descarga
involuntária de fezes ao urinar; prolapso fácil do reto, não podendo urinar, evacuar ou
emitir flatos que não ocorra; hemorróidas inflamadas, inchadas, extremamente sensíveis ao
<Urinário>: A urina passa lentamente, deve fazer uma pressão de uma forma que o anus sai,
de acordo com a debilidade muscular paralítica geral do corpo, não pode urinar sem
evacuar ao mesmo tempo. Ardor e dor cortante na uretra ao urinar, seguida de tenesmo.
<Genitália masculina>: Impotência, desejo débil quase ausente, escroto azulado; ulceração
do prepúcio
<Genitália feminina>: Não pode suportar o menor contato, mesmo o das roupas sobre os
genitais; ulcerações dos genitais com secreção pútrida; pressão nos genitais como se as
regras fossem iminentes; regras prematuras e muito abundantes
<Respiração>: dispnéia; respiração curta e ruidosa, após haver bebido, ou aumentam após
<Coração>: Pulso lento e débil, interrompido em cada terceiro batimento.
<Costa>: ardor na coluna vertebral; sensação de pressão, repuxamento e cansaço na região
<Membros>: sensação de repuxamento e peso nos membros, melhorando pelo movimento
<Superiores>: sensação de peso nos braços; entumencimento e frio nos dedos das mãos a
noite, sensação de queimação nas palmas das mãos
<Inferiores>: sensação de queimação nas plantas dos pés; fraqueza e peso dos membros
inferiores; dor no tendão de Aquilles
<Febre> Febre tifóide. Difteria. Gemidos durante a febre. Inconsciência durante a febre.
Estupor na escarlatina. Extremidades frias;; pulso rápido e fraco; prostração extrema
<Calafrio> sede durante o calafrio,
<Calor febril>: sem sede
<Transpiração>: durante o primeiro sono, os sintomas são agravados durante a transpiração
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 6
<Pele>: Erupções populosas e vesiculosas com intenso prurido; furúnculos; ulcerações de
odor ofensivo e bordas queimantes na pele e nos membros inferiores; pele lívida, petéquias;
Formas típicas de escarlatina (com petequias).Tudo se acompanha de um estado infeccioso
Fezes involuntárias quando urina ou ao emitir flatos (apis, aloe).
Durante a menstruação: ânus doloroso

Causa: cheiros ruins. Distensões. Esforços. Sol.
Piora: Pelo tempo úmido, pelo toque.
Melhora por: Movimento, calor, deitando sobre o lado esquerdo.
DESEJOS E AVERSÕES: <Aversões>: carne

Tratando-se de uma forma grave de febre infecciosa devemos comparar:
o Ars tem uma prostração inquieta com ansiedade;
o Ph-ac a prostração mental é precedida de prostração física;
o Mur-ac a prostração física vem primeiro tendo tido antes um estado de excitação.

Indicações agudas
Sintomas característicos: Estados adinâmicos, com febre alta, grande prostração, quase
paralítica. O paciente está com os olhos fechados, a mandíbula pendente, desliza e afunda
na cama (temos que arruma-lo a cada instante). Incontinência urinária e fecal. Febre
tifóide. Formas típicas de escarlatina (com petequias). Difteria. Sequelas de enfermidades
infecciosas graves.
Concomitantes: Língua seca como couro. Fezes involuntárias quando urina ou ao emitir
flatos (apis, aloe). Gemidos durante a febre. Inconsciência durante a febre. Estupor na
escarlatina. Sofre em silêncio, taciturno, como se fosse morrer.
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 7

The main theme of the Muriates is the feeling of disappointment and, in order to avoid this, the
Muriate patient can make a lot of effort in nurturing others. For exemple, Natrum muriaticum is
highly sympathetic and affectionate; these people often lend a shoulder for others to weep on. The
love and care in the Muriate is much more than in Phosphorus or even Phosphoricum acidum since
the likely disappointment is also more intense.
The main rubrics of Muriaticum acidum are:
- Serious; - Industrious, Restless;
- Excitement when working;
- Thoughts intrude and crowd around each other while at work;
- Discontent with himself; with everything;
- Succeeds, never; - Anger with indignation.
The exact feeling of Muriaticum acidum is not brought out in these rubrics. A proving by Yvonne
Lassauw has made our understranding of Muriaticum acidum much clearer.
(following a single dose of Muriaticum acidum 30 C kept under the pillow)
Restless in bed, averse to touch. On going to sleep visions of long knives, not very sharp or
glistening but rough and dull. One knife was stabbed in a tree, blood was pouring out (picture not
very sharp as if through steamed glasses). No fear but lugubrious. Vague threat what is going to
happen to me next.
Dream: - I am staying with friends (wife, husband and three children) in a lovely big, cosy and free
house. I was supposed to help with the children (clothing and feeding them in the morning). I liked
that. But when I was interrupted when doing something, I immediately got upset. "Oh, I hope I will
be ready in time. L (little daughter) has to be in school at nine". Then, there was this woman (?)
who came and had a bruise on her face with a plaster on it, she had to go to her work and I had to
remove the plaster. I was not doing it quite right and some blood came with it. That kept on
bothering me later: "Suppose that woman might get a bloodpoisoning now or the plaster will not fit
anymore tomorrow, did I tear too much skin while removing?" I was not feeling guilty about it but it
was constantly in my mind. I kept on brooding about everything that might possibly go wrong with
the feeling that it would be a "disaster". Meanwhile there was an older gentleman who lost his
contact lenses and I had to help and search for it. Hopeless, to find those tiny things in the hairy
carpet, I got irritated. I felt disorderly in my head. Then L shouted that she was ready on the toilet
and I had to wipe her bottom. "Yes, yes, I am coming", I yelled, irritated. Then the husband gave a
shopping list of things that had to be bought at the grocery store - that was a relief and comfort,
away from here, out, delightful. Not being interrupted constantly, just one thing at a time. End of
dream. Next night still a little restless and I could not get asleep because of chilliness (which is
highly unusual for me).
When we study the dream, we see that all the above mentioned rubrics fit into this situation of
Muriaticum acidum, where she feels that she has to make constant efforts to nurture everyone
around and ultimately gets completely exhausted in the process.
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 8

Muriaticum acidum

The death of the mother

The only sign of suffering a Muriaticum acidum child gives is the presence of hemorrhoids (it is the
only remedy for hemorrhoids in children). At times we may see some nosebleeds as well. The
suffering these signs point out is very profound and well hidden.

A seven-year-old child consults for repeated bouts of bronchitis. Looking at his health card, I see
that "bleeding hemorrhoids" are mentioned several times. Now, only one remedy is listed in Kent's
repertory for the symptom "hemorrhoids in children": Muriaticum acidum. I observe the mother, a
woman who is still young but whose face nonetheless is weary, wrinkled, prematurely aged. I ask:
"And you? How are you doing?"
"Doctor, I am very tired; I haven't slept well for years. Every night I'm woken by the same
nightmare, and can't go back to sleep."
I jump on the occasion, inspired by the work of our Belgian colleagues who have demonstrated
that dreams are "primitive" symptoms, thus highly valuable. "What is the dream about?"
"Every night, I dream that my mother is dying." She tells me that her mother died of tuberculosis in
Morocco when she herself was about eight years old.
Curiosity prods me to open Hahnemann's Materia Medica, and there I discover symptom number
545: "He dreams that his mother died on the fourth day." I prescribe Muriaticum Acidum in
successively higher potencies for both mother and child. Two years later, all is still well: the child
has not had another attack of bronchitis and the mother's appearance is more serene.
Recently, a family brings me a baby for the regular checkup done at twenty-four months. He is
fine and the routine examination is excellent. No prescription is necessary. On leaving, the father
rises from his chair and asks if I have a remedy for a violent attack of hemorrhoids that has lasted
for the last three weeks in spite of the allopathic treatment he has received. I observe his face,
which shows the same expression of fatigue and anxiety I had seen in the mother's face in the
above observation. "How is your mother doing?" The man's face pales, he sits down again, and, very
troubled, tells me that his mother is dying of rapidly-developing cancer, the first symptoms having
appeared only three weeks before!
*Original version: Here, the author adds, ( . . . la morsure = la mort sžre!). Literally, this means
"the bite equals certain death!" The two phrases, la morsure (the bite), and la mort sžre (certain
death), are phonetically similar.
*Original version: . . . Mercurius aime le pain et le beurre . . . et l'argent du beurre! Literally, ". . .
Mercurius loves bread with butter . . . and the money for the butter!" This refers to the expression
"le beurre et l'argent du beurre" (butter and the money for the butter), similar to the English
expression, "have your cake and eat it, too."
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 9


Hydrogênio: Eterno. Total. Real. Unidade. Simbiose. Ideais. Concepção. Ser impulsivo.
Série do Hydrogenium – estágio 1.
Chlorum (muriaticum): Mãe. Cuidado. Atenção. Anti-social. Cheio de pena. Reclamando.
Miasma: sifilítico.

Concepts – Acidum muriaticum

Acidum Muriaticum
Unity Symbiosis Broken relationship
Total Mother Child
Eternal Nurturing
Exhaustion Attention
Active Lively Fresh Self-pity
Apathy Sorry Clinging
Isolation Sadness

Group analysis
Real care and nurturing.
Exhausted from caring
Desire to be one with mother.
Demanding total attention.
Symbiosis with mother.
Dependent on mother.
An exhausted mother.
Naive self-pity.
Isolated and complaining.
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 10
Muriatic acid
Muriatic acid is an other word for hydrochloric acid, an extremely strong acid. It is produced in
the stomach to help break down proteins.
Muriatic acid has long been known as a useful remedy, but the mental picture had not been
deeply explored until recently. Using the themes of the Acidums and the Muriaticums it has now
been possible to build up quite a good picture. I did not mention this remedy in my previous
book because I hadn't seen a Muriatic acid case yet. Now I have and it is good to see this picture
confirmed by Kees Dam and Yvonne Lassauw (Links 1994) and Corry Hiwat

Picture of Muriatic acid

Essence: Real care and nurturing.

Real care and nurturing

They like to take care of people. They tend to sacrifice themselves completely in this task and
they are always ready to help others. It is as if nothing short of total devotion is good enough.
They tend to carry the burden of the whole world on their shoulders. The feeling behind this that
they may be left on their own if they don't provide this service. They feel that only total devotion
and nurturing wiq prevent their relationship coming to an end.

Exhausted from caring

Because they get so totally absorbed in taking care of things they eventually get exhausted. There
is no limit to the amount of time and energy they will give to the nurturing 0f others, so they never
have a moment to themselves. Then they want to do t n things at once and they beco me chaotic
and hurried. Until they are totally e hausted and then they'lI become very irritable. Anything, any
remark or re uest may be the last straw and eventually they will just droop in a chair or fali a leep in
the middle of doing something.

An exhauste mother
This is a typic I situation of a mother or father who will use ali their energy to be a good p rent.
They want to be a really perfect parent and partner. This striving for p rfection can make them
exhausted. Especially if there are some added difficu ties such as the care of a handicapped child
or a sick relative. They will overtax t emselves, but their idealism won't let them do things by
halves. The situation of a premature child can cause this state, but also a miscarriage ar abortion
(noticed by Anton Kramer) can be the cause. They'lI feel their child is not allowed to die.

Demanding total attention

The other side of this can be a tendency to demand total care from other people. As a child these
people can be very open and talkative. With their continuous chatter they demand the attention of
everyone around them. They can also be quite mean, expecting help from others as soon as they
are ill for instance. They'lI stop taking care of themselves, expecting others to jump in and do
everything for them.
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 11

Desire to be one with mother

They like to have their mother ali to themselves. They can't bear being separated from her. They'lI
cry and cling to her whenever she wants to go out. They literally hang on to her, because they feel
totally dependent on her. Whenever sornething goes wrong, or they get criticised or scared the
first thing they'lI do is rLln to her for protection.
Their desire to be one with her may show itself in wanting to copy or offer help with everything she
does. 50 they'lI help with the washing up, they'lI help with making the beds, or they'lI play mothers
and fathers with their dolls ali day.

Naive self-pity
When things 90 wrong they indulge in self-pity. They start to become absorbed in their own
rnistakes and the mistakes of others. They can't shake the thoughts of what went wrong. Their
perfectionism makes it impossible for them to get over the slightest problem. When the tiniest thing
goes wrong they'lI feel that nothing will ever go right again. The idealised picture of the whole has
been broken and the magic has gone. They want to withdraw and sort things out alone.

A three year old girl is brought in by her mother because of recurrent colds. She hasn't been well
for while, she has a very snotty nose, her mouth hangs open and suffers from earache n the right
side. She coughs a 101, eats little, has a slight fever and is generally mise able, clinging and
irritable, with black circles under the eyes. She has had severaI courses of antibiotics but the
troubles keep coming back.
She has pain i the hollow of the knees, particularly around 11 pm, when she wakes up groaning
with pain. Her knees have also given way once when she was walking. She didn't learn to walk
until she was 17 months old. She has always suffered from profuse lachrymation.
The pregnancyl was normal, the mother felt slightly sick during the first few months and had a
desire fd sour apples, crispy ones like Jonagolds.
The little girl is quite 'catty', she grabs things back when they are being taken from her or from
her 0lder brothers. On the whole she is quite happy and open, not at ali shy unless she getf
criticised, then she creep deep into her mothers lap. She likes having stories read tOi her and she
can spend hours playing with her dolls. She clings to her mother and follows her around the
house ali the time. When her mother takes her to the nursery she´ll cry and cling to her mother,
especially the first few times after the holidays. She is; afraid of being alone in the passage after
Perspi ration: <summer, on the head.
Time: < 3 pm, < winter.
Desire: sweets, meat.
Aversion: sour, sauerkraut, citrus fruit, egg yolks, warm food.
Sinopses de MATERIA MEDICA - 12
Analysis and reaction
This story might initially remind us of Calcarea carbonica, the most frequently prescribed
remedy for children. She does have the snotty nose, the aversion to egg yolk, the feeling of
insecurity after criticism.
What doesn't fit 50 well is the combination of being open and outgoing on the one hand and the
dependency on her mother on the other hand.
I gave Calcarea carbonica 1 M at first and she got a cold that lasted 2 weeks and a week later she
got a high fever. She was weak and lay on her mothers lap. She had thrush in her mouth, blisters
on her tongue and lips and she couldn't eat for a week. She also has stomach pain:, and
diarrhoea < during meals. With these added symptoms it wasn't very hard to find the remedy:
Muriatic acid hangs on mothers lap, has aphthae and diarrhoea. The picture of the rest of the
case suddenly fits toa: the close tie with her mother, the desire to be around her mother ali the
time, cannot bear to be separated from her mother. The playing with dolls is a sign of that same
intense mother-child relationship.
Some Acidum symptoms: -> sour, crisp apples, <- sour, being stingy, being open and outgoing,
aphthae, diarrhoea.
And Muriaticum symptoms: < 11 pm
After Muriatic acid 1 M she quickly felt better.
Also mentally much better, much less dependent on her mother.
The diarrhoea stayed for about 3 weeks.
She had a cold for a few days as soon as she had taken the remedy.

PROVING by Alex Leupen

By Alex Leupen, Muriatic acid 200K, 21-10-'94.
Dream on the first night: I was on a boat somewhere with a few other people. The boat was
moored dose to the shore at the edge of a large expanse of water, like a sea (Muriaticum). There
was ice on the water. In the distance I could see another, larger boato A little boat was sailing to
and fro between these two boats to bring us the weather forecast every now and then. The
forecast was more frost. I had to go ashore to go somewhere (home?) and I was afraid of black
Physical symptoms (23-10): while I was typing this piece I got cramp in my left upper arm (new
Dream on the fourth night: I am riding a type of moped and I have tied a cot (muriaticum) with my 8
months old son in it (Muriaticum) to the front. I drive off, but it isn't easy, the throttle and the brakes
are very hard to operate. My eldest son (Muriaticum), who is 2,5 years starts to run after us,
straight across the road. He wants to come with uso I am worried that he'lI be run over and I put
him beside me on the seat. We drive along many roads, over bridges and under archways. At
every archway we find a large cast iron gate, as if to stop us from going any further (exhausting,
Acidum) But every time we eventually manage to find a little hole to squeeze through to continue
on our way.
During the fourth night I had to get out of bed several times because my youngest son
(Muriaticum) was crying. In the morning we discover he has a fever.
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Repertoire des THEMES

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God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.

[Jewish proverb]

Cérebro. * Lateralidade esquerda. Lateralidade direita.

Reserved, sad, silent, and unwilling to talk.
o "Sad and introverted, as if she had no life in her, during the menses." [Hahnemann]
Nurturing others. [Sankaran]
o Serious and industrious [but is quickly exhausted].
o Excitement when working.
o Never enough [discontented with himself].
Death of the mother
o Based on the proving symptom "She dreams of the death of her mother," Grandgeorge
relates two cases in which the death of the mother [expected or dreamed of] was
associated with the occurrence of haemorrhoids.
o "Recently, a family brings me a baby for the regular check-up done at twenty-four
months. He is fine and the routine examination is exceUent. No prescription is
necessary. On leaving, the father rises from his chair and asks if I have a remedy for
a violent attack of haemorrhoids that has lasted for the last three weeks in spite of
the allopathic treatment he has received. I observe his face, which shows an
expression of fatigue and anxiety. 'How is your mother doing?' The man's face pales,
he sits down again, and, very troubled, teUs me that his mother is dying of rapidly-
developing cancer, the first symptoms having appeared only three weeks ago!"
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Situation of Muriaticum acidum
"It could be an unfortunate situation [Discontented with his fate - Hahnemann] which is
more than he is able to hand1e [Succeeds never] but in which he gives everything, in which
he exhausts himself to survive [Industrious]. If something goes wrong he cannot let that pass
easily [Anxious apprehension, cannot get over the slightest misfortune - Hahnemann]. He
has to dwell on that to make sure that in the future it will not go wrong again [Anxious care
about the future - Hering; Conscientious about trifles]. But in the meantime he has to keep
on working and handle everything that comes his way [Deep reflection and quiet
introversion, as if something unpleasant was impending but with inclination to work -
The small misfortunes he has to brood about get more and more [Brooding; Thoughts
persistent / intrude and crowd around each other] and it gets chaotic in his mind. With
every new call from his surroundings he reacts irritated, it is already too much [Irritability;
Morose]. He doesn't blame his surroundings, he knows it is his fate and he has to make the
best of it even if it is beyond his capacity. He will exhaust himself, drive himself up and in
the end get exhausted. He has to do the work of two persons and he is only alone and not
trained for the job.

MIND rubrics
Absentminded during menses [1].
Absorbed during menses [1/1].
Anger, after dreams [1/1], followed by weakness [1/1].
Answering, abruptly [1], in monosyllables [1].
Cheerful after dreams [1].
Conscientious about trifles [2].
Delusions, images ever ehanging past to present [1/1].
Discontented with himself [1].
Fear of losing self-control [1].
Silent grief [2]. lrritability from weakness [1/1].
Occupation > [1]. Quiet disposition during menses [1].
Sensitive to noise, shrill sounds [1], voiees [1].
Never succeeds [1].
Thoughts intrude and erowd around eaeh other while at work [1]
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Valerie Sadovsky

Muriatic acidum
CONCEPTS: Acidum: unity ... symbiosis ... total ... eternal ... exhaustion ... active lively fresh ...
apathy ... isolation Muriaticum: broken relationship ... mother-child ... care ... nurturing ...
attention ... mother ... self-pity ... attention seeking ... sadness ... alone ... anti-social
ESSENCE: Real care and nurturing.
Real care and nurturing: They like to take care of people. They tend to sacrifice themselves
completely in this task and they are always ready to help others. It is as if nothing short of total
devotion is good enough. They tend to carry the burden of the whole world on their shoulders. The
feeling behind this that they may be left on their own if they don't provide this service. They feel
that only total devotion and nurturing will prevent their relationship coming to an end.
Exhausted from caring: Because they get so totally absorbed in taking care of things they
eventually get exhausted. There is no limit to the amount of time and energy they will give to the
nurturing of others, so they never have a moment to themselves. Then they want to do ten things
at once and they become chaotic and hurried. Until they are totally exhausted and then they'll
become very irritable. Anything, any remark or request may be the last straw and eventually they
will just droop in a chair or fall asleep in the middle of doing something.
Introverted … sad and taciturn … suffers in silence … irritable and peevish, fretful.
Muttering … loud moaning … great restlessness
Especially indicated when the collapse comes on the physical level rather than on mental or
emotional levels
EXTREME DEBILITY (constantly sliding down in bed or chair) … MUSCULAR WEAKNESS (=
paralytic weakness)
Tendency to involuntary evacuations (= sphincters weak/paralyzed)
General aggravation from sea bathing
General aggravation from lying on the right side
HOT patients
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Head: Vertigo when lying on the right side … perpendicular half sight
Circulation: violent hemorrhages
Face: dark or glowing red with cold hands, but no thirst
Mouth: tongue dry, shrunken and weak/paralyzed … lower jaw drops … mucous membrane
and lips dry, bleeding, cracked and deeply ulcerated … fetid breath
GI: stomach will neither tolerate nor digest food … aversion to meat … lack of stomach
acids and fermentation of food
Rectum: rectum protrudes during stool or even during urination ... protruding, excessively
sensitive, burning hemorrhoids … bleeding hemorrhoids … hemorrhoids during pregnancy;
bluish, hot with violent stitches … hemorrhoids in emaciated children (Hering) …
hemorrhage from intestines of dark liquid blood … dark brown stools, with blood …
involuntary stool when passing urine or cannot urinate without having bowels move at
same time
Extremities: affections in general, of any kind, appearing in the tendo-Achillis; the soles of
the feet.
Skin: offensive body smell … very sensitive to the sun  eczema solare and freckles
Fever: without thirst … intense burning, with aversion to covers … at night with
palpitations ... burning, mostly in palms and soles
ETIOLOGIES: Prolonged febrile illness
MOUTH) … TONGUE … brain.
MODALITIES: Agg. <: TOUCH … cold (drinks, bathing, weather) … evening & night, esp.
before midnight … lying on right side (vertigo) … rest (most symptoms) … sun (skin). Amel.
>: warmth … lying on left side … uncovering (during fever)
PAINS: BURNING (hemorrhoids, ulcers, stomach, abdomen, etc. It sours the excretions and
makes them acrid)
DISCHARGES: Very OFFENSIVE … thin, excoriating, putrid, debilitating
NOTES by Morrison
Extreme prostration: with Ars there has been the anxious restlessness; with Ph-ac there has
been the mental prostration, and then the muscular weakness; with Mur-ac the muscular
weakness comes first, and there has been history of restlessness and the mind has been
stronger than could be expected (Kent.)
1. Debility. Weakness, diarrhea and continued fever.
2. Involuntary stool on urinating.
3. Burning and soreness.
4. Bluish parts.
5. Thin, acrid, foul discharges.
SOURCES: Morrison, Desktop Guide. Murphy, Homeopathic Remedy Guide. Scholten, Homeopathy
and Minerals. Vermeulen, Synoptic.

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