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Introductory remark:

Technology has, no doubts, brought a lot of relief for the human kind, but
that doesn’t mean it can overpower or substitute humans.

Thesis statement:

Although, Robots have more storage of information and an can play a good
role in education but Robots primarily failed to impart basic humanitarian
traits or life skills to a student, Unable to clarify the doubts of a learner
moreover, a child, hardly seven years old, unable to understand the
language of a Robot.

I. Can Robots replace teachers? A counter perspective

A. The idea of the “banking concept in education” by Paulo Freire.

II. Why Robots can’t replace teachers:

A. Robots unable to impart basic humanitarian traits

B. Unable to clarify the doubts of a learner and a child

C. A child, hardly seven years old, can't understand the tone of a


D. Lack of ability to brain development.

III. Concluding Remark:

The profession which is, was, and will always be, over and above the
technology, is teaching.


Technology has, no doubts, brought a lot of relief for the human kind, but
that doesn’t mean it can overpower or substitute humans. And, the major
cause for this is its inability to interact with humans. Technology has grown
by leaps and bounds in the recent times, and just like every other industry,
even the education sector hasn’t remained untouched by its advancements.
This is where the old debate of “if technology can replace teachers”
technology is undoubtedly a boon for many, as while on one hand, it does
make learning easy for students, on the other it eases the teaching process
for the teachers. However, no matter how advanced the technology gets, the
fact is that it can never fill the role of a teacher. Should we welcome robot
teachers? Do robots have the same qualities that in teachers? How can we
enable robots grasp unknown object?

Although, Robots have more storage of information and an can play a good
role in education but Robots primarily failed to impart basic humanitarian
traits or life skills to a student, Unable to clarify the doubts of a learner
moreover, a child, hardly seven years old, unable to understand the
language of a Robots.

Education is not just about the acquisition of knowledge, it is about

relationships and the shaping young minds. However, Robots unable to
interact with humans, inspire students and unable to impart basic
humanitarian skills. Moreover, Robots should place as teacher assistants,
and are not capable of being entirely independent teachers.

Can Robots replace teachers? A counter perspective

(The idea of the “banking concept in education” by Paulo Freire.)

There is group of peoples, sceptics claim that Robots should replace teacher
because Robots know more than humans. A robot is like a storage of
information gathered all around the world within the past up to the current
time. This, would make the students smarter and they would have perfect
“teachers” that will never forget anything. In case students ask some
questions, the Robots would be able to reply. If the memory data doesn't
have the answer, then they could search the internet and instantly give the
answers to the students. However, Teachers don't know everything and don't
remember everything. Moreover the idea of the “banking concept in
education” by Paulo Freire. The “banking” concept of education is a method
of teaching and learning where the students simply store the information
relayed to them by the teacher. In a “banking” type of environment, a
classroom is structured in a way that the primary duty of students is to
remember and accurately recall the information provided by the instructor.
They are not asked to participate in any other way, and simply absorb the
information. In this type of approach, the world is seen as static and
unchangeable, and students are simply supposed to fit into it as it is. The
prevalence of the banking concept within most educational systems prevents
students from developing skills that make themselves fair-minded critical
thinkers and continues to promote long-standing biases within society. In
this way no differences seen between teachers and robots, teachers in the
class just deposit the information into the minds of a student’s further,
students are not encourage to participate with students.

Why Robots can’t replace teachers:

Robots unable to impart basic humanitarian traits.

General perceptions and actual public surveys about teachers role shows
that a teacher does not only share knowledge, but also teaches the students
about necessity of life skills, inspires them whenever they feel low, and
guides them to take on the right path. This is the reason why teachers are
often considered to be the role models for students. Robots or any other
means of technology can never bring in the humanitarian traits that a
teacher possesses, and hence, teachers being replaced by the technology, is
totally out of the question.

Unable to clarify the doubts of a learner and a child

Robots can never prove as an alternative to a teacher’s quick adaptability

to situations. A teacher does not just speak, but instead, read the faces of
the students sitting in the class, and accordingly work on his/her words and
shapes the language while delivering the lecture. If the teacher feels that a
student sitting at the back bench didn’t understand a concept, the teacher
can present the information in an easy format which reaches out to every
member of the audience.

A child, hardly seven years old, can't understand the tone of a Robot.

Not only children but all of us, do need a mentor in life to offer guidance and
inputs. And admit it, even today, not everyone of us completely understands
the way robots interact with us. If there were no teachers, then instead of
easing the things for the mankind, the technological advancements could
have rather worsen the learning process by making it even more complex to

Lack of ability to brain development.

Teachers understand what it means to develop thinking skills, what

progress looks like and where and how to intervene when things go awry.
They have the experience and understanding to support and challenge
students as they grow through childhood into young adulthood. Moreover,
Teachers provide the emotional support and boundaries that will help
children becoming flourishing adults in a future world, something that
robots could not be programmed to do.


The profession which is, was, and will always be, over and above the
technology, is teaching. Teachers are not only there to support and gauge
the needs of students in terms of their skill level and basic knowledge,
teachers create situations for students to work together and
collaborate, establishes and maintains positive mutual working
relationships, and able to respond to students at a feeling level.

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