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Water is a unique substance, because it can naturally renew and cleanse

itself, by allowing pollutants to settle out (through the process of
sedimentation) or break down, or by diluting the pollutants to a point where
they are not in harmful concentrations. However, this natural process takes
time and is difficult when excessive quantities of harmful contaminants are
added to the water. Engineers and scientists work to secure water supplies for
potable and agricultural use. They evaluate the water balance within a
watershed and determine the available water supply, the water needed for
various needs in that watershed, the seasonal cycles of water movement
through the watershed and they develop systems to store, treat, and convey
water for various uses. In the case of potable water supply, water is treated to
minimize the risk of infectious diseases transmission, the risk of non-infectious
illness, and to create a palatable water flavor. But due to environmental
pollution, the water gets affected at sources that we access for drinking
purpose. As a result, over 1.1 billion people in the world lack access to
improved drinking water.


When something is added to the environment that makes it unclean or

unsafe it is termed as pollution. Water Pollution occurs when the water
becomes overloaded with too much of one thing and the aquatic organisms
cannot keep up with their cleaning responsibilities. Some organisms may die
and others may grow too fast. Water pollution occurs when energy and other
materials are released, degrading the quality of the water for other users. Water

pollution, in certain circumstances, can be caused by nature itself, such as when

water flows through soils with high acidities. But more often that not, human
actions are responsible for the pollutants that enter the water.There are two
main sources of water pollution.They are,

a) Point sources – It includes factories, wastewater treatment facilities, septic

systems, and other sources.
b) Non-Point sources – It includes runoff including sediment, fertilizer,
chemicals and animal wastes from farms, fields, construction sites and

Fig 1.1. Point Source


A water supply system or water supply network is a system of

engineered hydrologic and hydraulic components which provide water supply.
In India it is continuing to be inadequate, despite longstanding efforts by the
various levels of government and communities at improving coverage. The

level of investment in water and sanitation is low by international standards,

has increased during the 2000s. Access has also increased significantly.

For example : In 1980 rural sanitation coverage was estimated at 1% and has
reached 21% in 2008.

According to Indian norms, access to improved water supply exists if at

least 40 liters/capita/day of safe drinking water are provided within a distance
of 1.6 km or 100 meter of elevation difference, to be relaxed as per field
conditions. There should be at least one pump per 250 persons.None of the 35
Indian cities with a population of more than one million distribute water for
more than a few hours per day, despite generally sufficient infrastructure.
Owing to inadequate pressure people struggle to collect water even when it is
available. A 2007 study by the Asian Development Bank showed that in 20
cities the average duration of supply was only 4.3 hours per day. No city had
continuous supply. The longest duration of supply was 12 hours per day in
Chandigarh, and the lowest was 0.3 hours per day in Rajkot.

Table 1.1 Percentage of water supply


JAMSHEDPUR 573000 25 2009

NAVIMUMBAI 1000000 50 2009

BADLAPUR 140000 30 2007




Mostly water is purified for human consumption (drinking water) but

water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes,
including meeting the requirements of medical, pharmacology, chemical and
industrial applications. The goal is to produce water fit for a specific purpose.
Substances in water which affect the clarity, colour or taste of water may make
water objectionable to consumers and hence ability to recover costs. The
standards for drinking water quality are typically set by governments or by
international standards. These standards will typically set minimum and
maximum concentrations of contaminants for the use that is to be made of the

. Table1.2 Drinking Water Specifications


1. Colour 5 25
2. Odour Unobjectionable -
3. Taste Agreeable -
4. Turbidity 5 10
5. pH value 6.5 to 8.5 No relaxation
6. Total hardness (as 300 600
7. Iron 0.3 1.0
8. Chlorides 250 1000
9. Residual, free 0.2 -
10. Dissolved Solids 500 2000
11. Calcium 75 200
12. Copper 0.05 1.5
13. Manganese 0.1 0.3
14. Sulphate 200 400
15. Nitrate 50 No relaxation

16. Fluoride 1.0 1.5

17. Phenolic 0.001 0.002
18. Mercury 0.001 No relaxation
19. Cadmium 0.01 No relaxation
20. Selenium 0.01 No relaxation
21. Arsenic 0.05 No relaxation
22. Cyanide 0.05 No relaxation
23. Lead 0.05 No relaxation

24. Zinc 5 15
25. Anionic detergents 0.2 1.0
26. Chromium 0.05 No relaxation
27. Polynuclear - -
28. Mineral oil 0.01 0.03
29. Pesticides Absent 0.001
30. Radioactive
- 0.1
(a) Alpha
emitters - 0.037

(b) Beta emitters

31. Alkalinity 200 600
32. Aluminlum 0.03 0.2
33. Boron 1 5


1.5.1 Screening

Screening is the first step in a water treatment process. It protects the

downstream structure against large objects which could create obstructions in
some of the units. Screening helps in removing smaller debris like fish,

vegetation and garbage carried along by the raw water by protective bar , which
might negatively affect the efficiency of later treatment process or make their
implementation more difficult. The efficiency of the screening operation
depends on the spacing between screen bars. If spacing is less than 10mm, then
it is a fine screen. If it is greater than 40mm, it is a coarse screen. Between
these two are known as a medium screen.

1.5.2 Aeration

Aeration is a process by which water is made to contact with

atmospheric oxygen to remove dissolved iron and manganese, carbon di oxide
and H2 S. Turbulence action will increase the aeration process. The contact time
and the ratio of air to water must be sufficient for effective removal of
unwanted gas. Aeration can be done by two different methods, water fall and
air diffusion. Both methods can be done by the use of fountains, cascades,
paddle wheel, venture tube, aeration turbines, compressed air etc.

1.5.3 Coagulation

Coagulation is the process of removing dirt and other particles

suspended in water. Coagulant is added to water to form tiny sticky particles
called flocculation, which attract the dirt particles. The combined weight of the
dirt and the coagulant became heavy enough to sink to the bottom during
sedimentation. The commonly used coagulants are aluminum salts, iron salts.

1.5.4 Sedimentation

Sedimentation is a physical water treatment process using gravity to

remove suspended solids from water. Solid particles entrained by the
turbulence of moving water may be removed naturally by sedimentation in the

still water. Clarifiers are tanks built with mechanical means for continuous
removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation.

1.5.5 Filtration

Filtration is commonly the mechanical or physical operation which is

used for the separation of solids from fluids by interposing a medium through
which only the fluid can pass. The fluid that passes through is called the
filtrate. The medium through water passes is known as filter. The types of
filters are slow sand gravity filter, rapid sand gravity filter and pressure filter.

1.5.6 Disinfection

Water disinfection means deactivation or killing of pathogenic

microorganisms, it resulting in termination of growth and reproduction.
Disinfection should not only kill microorganism, it must also have a residual
effect, which means that they remain active in the water after disinfection.
Some of the chemical disinfectants are chlorine, chlorine dioxide, hypo
chlorite, ozone, bromine, iodine, bromine chloride, copper, silver etc,


All surface water and some groundwater require treatment prior to

consumption to ensure that they do not represent a health risk to the user.
Health risks to consumers from poor quality water can be due to
microbiological, chemical, physical or radioactive contamination . In general
the methods used include physical processes such as filtration and
sedimentation, biological processes such as filters or activated sludge, chemical
processes such as flocculation and chlorination and the use of electromagnetic
radiation such as ultraviolet light. It is usual for treatment to be in a number of
stages, with initial pretreatment by settling or pre-filtration through coarse

media, sand filtration (rapid or slow) followed by chlorination. This is called

the Multiple barrier principle.For instance, with a system which comprises
addition of coagulation-flocculation-settling,followed by rapid sand filtration
with terminal disinfection, failure of the rapid sand filter doesnot mean that
untreated water will be supplied. The coagulation-flocculation-settling process
will remove a great deal of the suspended particles, and therefore many of the
microorganisms in the water, and the terminal disinfection will remove many
of the remainder. Provided the rapid sand filter is repaired reasonable quickly,
there should be little decrease in water quality.A key element in the multiple
barrier principle is to ensure that the source of water is protected and
maintained at as high a quality as possible.


Other popular methods for purifying water, especially for local private
supplies are listed below. In some countries some of these methods are also
used for large scale municipal supplies. Particularly important are distillation
(de- salination of seawater) and reverse osmosis.


Water is heated hot enough and long enough to inactivate or kill micro-
organisms that normally live in water at room temperature. Near sea level, a
vigorous rolling boil for at least one minute is sufficient. At high altitudes
(greater than two kilometres or 5000 feet) three minutes is
recommended.Boiling does not leave a residual disinfectant in the water.
Therefore, water that has been boiled and then stored for any length of time
may have acquired new pathogens.


A form of activated carbon with a high surface area, adsorbs many

compounds including many toxic compounds. Water passing through activated
carbon is commonly used in municipal regions with organic contamination,
taste or odors. Many household water filters and fish tanks use activated carbon
filters to further purify the water. Silver nanoparticles are excellent anti-
bacterial material and they can decompose toxic halo-organic compounds such
as pesticides into non-toxic organic products.


It involves boiling the water to produce water vapour. The vapour

contacts a cool surface where it condenses as a liquid. Because the solutes are
not normally vaporised, they remain in the boiling solution. Even distillation
does not completely purify water, because of contaminants with similar boiling
points and droplets of unvapourised liquid carried with the steam. However,
99.9% pure water can be obtained by distillation.


Mechanical pressure is applied to an impure solution to force pure water

through a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse osmosis is theoretically the most
thorough method of large scale water purification available, although perfect
semi-permeable membranes are difficult to create.


Applicable to desalination. Heated seawater is passed along the surface

of a hydrophobic polymer membrane. Evaporated water passes from the hot

side through pores in the membrane into a stream of cold pure water on the
other side..


If carbon dioxide gas is mixed with contaminated water at high pressure

and low temperature, gas hydrate crystals will contain only clean water. This is
because the water molecules bind to the gas molecules at molecular level. The
contaminated water is in liquid form. A centrifuge may be used to separate the
crystals and the concentrated contaminated water.


A form of advanced oxidation processes and advanced oxidation

technology, is an environmental remediation technique used for soil and/or
groundwater remediation to reduce the concentrations of targeted
environmental contaminants to acceptable levels. ISCO is accomplished by
injecting or otherwise introducing strong chemical oxidizers directly into the
contaminated medium (soil or groundwater) to destroy chemical contaminants
in place.


a) To protect public health by minimizing the risk of infectious disease

transmission, the risk of non-infectious illness
b) To calculate the present and future population of Gummudipoondi
using Incremental Increase Method.
c) To locate and set up Water Treatment Plant at Gummudipoondi with all
the components.


a) To provide potable water that is chemically and biologically safe for

human consumption and to fulfill demands of the industries and other
commercial places.
b) To protect public health by reducing the number of deaths caused due to
water borne diseases i.e., Diarrhea, Cholera etc.
c) To develop a sustainable process in the water treatment process.



Performance Evaluation of Al- Karkh Water Treatment Plant in the

City of Baghdad by Hussein Janna et. Al

In this study, one of the physical characteristics of the supplied

water asrepresented by water turbidity was used as a tool to assess the
performanceof Al-Karkh water treatment plant in Baghdad. The Laboratory
data collectedfrom the Mayoralty of Baghdad for the period from
January 2000 toDecember 2002 were used in this study. Statistical Analysis
techniques wereused to evaluate the performance of the plant in terms of
the removal ofturbidity with normal, 2-day, and 30-day moving
averages. The studyrevealed that the raw water quality is fluctuated in
many seasons as a resultof flush water periods. Also, it shows that on the
basis of water turbiditydata, the 1-day average, the performance of water
treatment plant was foundto be well above (98%) according to the Iraqi
drinking water standards. For 30-day moving average, the study shows that
the quality of the potable water of Al-Karkh water treatment plant was
(68%) violated the Unites State Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) standards, while (99%)of the samples were compliance with that
standards according to 2-days moving average. Adding and advanced
water treatment units is worth to be considered and operating water
treatment plant according to the scientific conventional methods with a
Systematic maintenance for the different stages of water treatment plant is
highly recommended.

Conceptual Design of a Wastewater Treatment Plant for the Dera

Bassi Industrial Estate, Punja by Farid Ansari et. Al

There are two fundamental reasons for streatment of wastewater viz.,

prevention of pollution and thereby protecting the environment, and
protecting the public health by safe guarding water supplies and preventing the
spread of water borne diseases. Proper design, construction together with good
operationand maintenance are essential for waste water treatment plants, in
order to produce effluents which are satisfying the safe disposal standards
prescribed by the regulatory authorities. In the present study a
comprehensive design developed for the units of Inlet chamber, Screen
chamber, Grit Removal Unit,Equalization Tank, Clari-Floculator, Aeration
Tank, Sand Gravity Filter, Sludge Drying Beds etc. as they are commonly used
in the field of wastewater treatment. The plant will use as many sustainable
and energy efficient concepts as possible, while still keeping
construction and maintenance costs low. The overarching goal of the
project is to prevent the contamination of the aquifer, while also minimizing
the environmental impacts on the surrounding ecosystems.

Design Of Water Treatment Plant To Pulivendulu Municipal

Corporation Of Kadapa (Dt), ANDHRA PRADESH by K. Sesha

Now a day’s water scarcity is burning issue. As it is quite obvious that

there is day to day increase in population, the demand forwater also increases
to satisfy the needs of the community there comes a necessity to redesign
the existing treatment plants, or design the new treatment plants. Redesign or
design includes hydraulic design and process of treatment of water in the plant.
For hydraulic design of the plant, we need to forecast the population. We
forecasted the population by geometrical method. To design the treatment

process of water we need to know the properties of raw water. The

physical, chemical and biological properties of water have been determined.
The average measured values of physical properties are Turbidity-15NTU,
colour-97.7%T,and chemical proprieties are p -7.18, TDS-550µs,
conductivity-559µs, D.O-6ppm, hardness-162ppm, chlorides-
16ppm,alkalinity-165ppm, BOD-6ppm, nitrates 5ppm,and sulphates have
found to be zero ppm. The method of treatment of raw water is based on these

A Simple Portable Potable Water Treatment Plant in Rural Area by


In the Caribbean region and elsewhere in the world, accessibility to a

constant supply of pipe-borne water is difficult for some of the population,
especially those living in rural areas. This paper describes the design,
fabrication and testing of a portable potable water treatment plant. The
device was designed using a gravitational flow treatment process with no
need for a conventional power source. The untreated water is placed into the
inlet tank. The water then flows through the system by means of gravity
passing through a simple locally made filter of sand, clay and gravel. After
filtration, the effluent is then passed through a chlorination chamber and then
through a carbon filter into the storage tank located at the base of the
system. The device was tested using three types of untreated water: rain
water, pond water and river water. The treated water in all three cases was
chemically tested to determine the quality and the effectiveness of the
device. The results were compared favourably with the World Health
Organisation Standards for drinking water. The angle at which the filter was
orientated affected the quality of the water produced and the best angle

Review On Performance Evaluation Of Water Treatment Plant And

Water Quality Index by Er. Devendra Dohare

Human body contains about 60 % of water and water is being

used in most of human activities in different ways. Therefore it is
observed that early human civilization had spread along the river
banks. The degradation of water quality in water body creates adverse
condition so that water cannot be used various purposes including
bathing, recreation and as a source of raw water supply. According to
Central Pollution Control Board (2008), out of total water supplied to
the town and cities in India, 90% is polluted, and out of which only
1.6% gets treated. Therefore, water quality management is fundamental
for the human welfare. Safe water supply is required in adequate quantity
at convenient points and at reasonable cost to the consumers. Therefore
performance of water treatment plants needed to be evaluated and
monitored by analysis of various physico-chemical and bacteriological
parameters (IS: 10500-2012).The present paper is reviewed for water
quality Index from 2007 to 2013 and for water treatment plant
performance evaluation from 2003 to 2014











Fig 3.1 Methodology

Our project’s first aim was to observe the different purposes of a water
treatment plant to a society. It was then followed by the collection of journals

and literatures related to water treatment by various authors from different parts
of the world. Then, a suitable site for treatment plant with a nearby water
source was chosen for our project. Next, a database regarding human
population, capacity of the source and other relevant data was collected. The
overall plan layout of the water treatment plant has been drafted using
AutoCAD. Based on the data collected, each component i.e., screening
chamber, Pumping station, Aerator, Coagulation tank, Sedimentation tank,
Filtration, Chlorination tank and Distribution tank of the water treatment plant
is designed manually according to Indian standard code specifications. Based
on the design, the analysis of each component was carried out. Finally the
results and references of his project were documented.


Our treatment plant is located in Gummudipoondi in Tiruvallur district

the treatment plant is located at 15kms away from Thervoykandigai. The water
is taken from that place through pipes and treated at Gummudipoondi and
distributed all over the areas around Gummudipoondi

Fig 3.2 Gummudipoondi



3.2.1 Definition

Population is one of the most important factors for design of the water
systems, so it should be estimated, so as to know the increasing demand and
ensure continuous supply to them. This process is termed as Forecasting.
Population data is obtained by previous records (census) and the rate of
increase is found out and this used for further analysis.

3.2.2 Forecasting methods

The following are the methods used for estimating the amount of
population. They are as follows,

1. Arithmetic increase growth method.

2. Geometric increase growth method.
3. Incremental increase growth method.
4. The Logistic curve method.
5. Decline growth rate method.
6. Ratio growth method.
7. The master plan method.

Depending upon the possibilities of future development of the town / city, the
possible future population of the region just at the end of design period is taken
into account and possible methods are chosen. For our project we have adopted
incremental increase method.

3.2.3. Incremental increase method

In this method, the per decade growth rate is not assumed to be constant
as in the arithmetic or geometric progression method; but is progressively

increasing or decreasing, depending upon whether the average of the

incremental increase in the past data is positive or negative.

The population for a future decade is worked out by adding the mean
arithmetic increase (say x) to the last known population as in "arithmetic
increase method", and to this added the average of the incremental increase y,
once for the first decade,

Twice for the second decade, thrice for the third decade, and so on.

P1= P0+(x+1.Y)

P2= P1+(x+2.y)

P3= P2+(X+3.Y)

Proceeding in this way, we can write; Pn= P0+n.x+(n(N+1)/2).Y


Pn=population 'n' decades from present.

x=Average increase of population of known decades.

y=Average of incremental increase of the known decades.

3.2.4 Statistical data collected

The following data’s were collected from the census of India for
Gummudipoondy city in Tamilnadu.

Table 3.4.Census data of Gummudipoondi

1991 17,957
2001 21,127
2011 32,655



Table 4.1 Results of Incremental Increase Method

1981 16,520
1991 17,957 1,733
2001 21,127 8,358
2011 32,655
AVG=5,378 AVG=5,045


P2021 =P2011+(1.x)+(1(1+1)/2).y

P2021 = 43,078

P2031 = P2011+(2.x)+(2(2+1)/2).y

P2031 = 58,546

P2041 = P2011+(3.x)+(3(3+1)/2).y

P2041 =79,059

P2051 = P2011+(4.x)+(4(4+1)/2).y

P2051 =1,04,617


Estimation of water demand is necessary to:

a) Calculate design flow

b) Determine the pumping power of machines to be used
c) Reservoir capacity
d) Pipe capacity

To estimate water demand, following parameters must be determined or



It is based on complete one year supply of water. It is the total consumption

during one year, divided by the population.

Average daily draft = Per capita × Population

= 210× 150000

= 31500000 lit/day

= 32 MLD


For population (50000-200000) =2.5

Peak flow = 2.5×32

=80 MLD


It is the maximum amount of water used during one day in the year.
This amount is 180% of the average daily consumption. It is usually a working
day (Monday) of summer season.

Maximum daily draft = 180% of annual daily draft

= × 32

= 57.6 MLD


The amount of water used by a population during a hour in a day.

Maximum hourly draft = 270% of average draft

= 100
× 32

= 86.4MLD


The amount of water used for fire fighting is termed as fire demand.
Although, the amount of water used in fire fighting is a negligible part of the
combine uses of water but the rate of flow and the volume required may be so
high during fire that it is a deciding factor for pumps, reservoirs and
distribution mains.It is calculated using the National Board of Fire Under
Writers formula.

Q = 4637√P [1-0.01√P ] (for population less than 2, 00,000)



Q = Amount of water required in liters / minute

P = Population in thousands

Q = 4637√150 (1-0.01√150)

Q = 49835.9 lit/min

Q =

Q = 71.76 MLD

Coincident draft = Maximum daily draft + Fire draft

Q = 71.76 + 32

Q = 103.76 MLD

Thus for design purposes, the maximum daily draft i.e., 80 MLD of that
area is considered.

a) Screening chamber
b) Cascade Aerator
c) Alum Dozer Tank
d) Coagulation cum Sedimentation Tank
e) Rapid Sand Filter
f) Wash Water Tank
g) Chlorination Tank
h) Clear Water Reservoir Tank
i) Main Distribution Tank


Screens are generally provided in front of the pumping station, so as to

exclude the large sized particles, such as debris, animals, trees, branches,
bushes, ice, etc. Coarse screens (generally called trash tracks) are sometimes
placed in front of the fine screens. Coarse screens consist of parallel iron rods
placed vertically or at a slight slope at about 2 to 10 cm centre to centre. The
fine screens made up of fine wire or perforated metal with openings less than 1
cm wide. The coarse screens first remove the bigger floating bodies and the
organic solids. The fine screens then remove the fine suspended solids. The
fine screens normally get clogged, and are to be cleaned frequently. The fine
screens are, therefore, avoided these days, and the finer particles are separated
in sedimentation.

4.8.1 DESIGN CRITERIA (As per CPHEEO Standard)

General provisions

Screen chamber is designed for peak flow

1. Area of screen openings 2 to 2.5 times of area of incoming flows

2. Depth of submergence over the crown of the flow is 75 to 100 cm
3. Detention time = 2 to 5 minutes.
4. Width of screening chamber is 2 times the width and screen size of bars.
5. Size of bars: Thickness is 25 to 50mm; Width is 10 to 20 mm.
6. Diameter of incoming flow is 0.6 to 0.8 m (minimum).
7. Clear opening is 25 to 50 mm.
8. Angle of screen is 45° to 60°
9. Width of end clearness is same as screen opening.
10. Number of openings = Width of opening/ Clearness.
11. Velocity of flow 0.8 m/s

4.8.2 Assumptions

Size of chamber = 20mm × 50mm

Clear spacing between the bars = 20mm

Inclination of bars with horizontal = 45°

4.8.3 Calculation

Net inclined area = = 1.157 m².

Gross inclined area = Net inclined area × 1.5

= 1.157 × 1.5 = 1.736 m².

Gross vertical area = gross inclined area × sin 45°

= 1.736 × in 45° = 1.227 m²

Provide submergence depth = 0.3m

Therefore, width of the channel = = 4.09 m

4.8.4 Check for velocity

Velocity in duct = = 0.75 m/s > 0.4 m/s.

Thus, the approach velocity is not less than 0.4 m/s.Hence OK.

Provide a size of 30mm × 60 mm bars @ 30 mm c/c.



Cascade Aeraor helps in mainting the unwaned oxygen levels in

water,remove dissolved iron and manganese ,carbon di oxide ,and H2 S. In
cascade aerators water is allowed to flow downwards after spreading over
inclined surface in thin sheets and the turbulence is sured by allowing the water
to pass through a series of steps or baffles.The raw water reaching the plant
will be pumped to aerator tank with the following provisions.(As per CPHEEO

4.9.1 General provisions

Height of the cascade aerator = 1 to 3 m

Number of steps in cascade aerator = 4 to 6 steps

Fall of water in each step = 0.15 m to 0.3 m

Diameter of pipe from pumping station to aerator = 450 mm

Diameter of pipe from aerator to coagulation tank = 250 mm

Number of outlet pipes = 4 Nos


Alum Doser is the appurtenance through which measured quantity of

alum is added to the water supply system before sedimentation of water.The
dose of alum varies from 15 to 20 mg/L of water but actual dose is to be
ascertained by laboratory experiments. The optimum coagulation occurs when
pH value of water is between 6 to 8.

Now assuming the peak alum dose of 20 mg/l and normal dose to be 20% of
that , we get

20 1
Alum required @ 20 mg/l =
× maximum daily demand × 1000

20 1
× (80 × 106 ) × 1000

= 1600 kg/d.

But we only 20% of 1600 kg shall be used in normal conditions.thus,for

most of the year , the alum to be used will be 320 kg/d. Hence, we shall use 2
tanks each of 3000L capacity.



Design of Sedimentation Tank:

General provisions:

Overflow rate = 15 to 30 m³/d/ m2

Detention period = 2 to 4 hours

Detention time to flocculation chamber = 10 to 30 minutes

Ratio of length and width = 3:1 to 5: 1

Detention time for flocculation chamber = 10 to 30 minutes.

Horizontal flow velocity = 0.15 to 0.9 m/min


1) Dimensions of the tank:

Water required by the year 2041 = 32.22 MLD

(80×106 )
( 24 × 103 )

=3333.33 m³/hr.

Water lost in desludging = 2%

Design average flow =

= 3401.36 m³/ hr.

Assume a total detention period = 2.5 hours.

Effective storage of sedimentation tank = 3401.36 × 2.5

= 8503.4 m³

Assume effective depth , H = 3 m.

Area of tank required , A = = 2834.47 m²

Assume L:B = 3:1 ,

L×B = 2834.47

B = 30.73 m

L = 92.21 m.

Provide a tank size of 92.21m × 30.73m × 3m.


Provide a free board of 0.5m.

Hence , use a tank size of 92.21m × 30.73m× 3.5m.Provide extra depth for
sludge storage.

Provide longitudinal slope of 1 in 50 . Also provide side slope of 1in 30

towards the longitudinal central line .


Condition (Vo > Vs) : If the Overflow rate (Vo) is greater than or equal to
Settling velocity (Vs) ,the particle entering at top of the sedimentation tank
would have reached the bottom of the tank and removed entirely.

Condition (Vo < Vs) : If the Overflow rate (Vo) is less than the settling
velocity (Vs) , the particle entering at top of the sedimentation tank would not
have reached the bottom of the tank and gone out in the settling zone.

1) Overflow Rate (Vo)

Overflow rate ( Vo ) =

= = 28.80


It is within prescribed range of 15 to 30 m³/m²/day.

2) Settlement velocity(𝒗𝒔 ) by the method of Stoke’s law:

The following parameters have been adopted.

Size of the particle , d = 0.02 mm


Specific gravity of particle, G = 2.65

Kinematic viscosity of particles at 20ºC , (v) = 1.01×10−6 m²/s

g d2
Settlement velocity (𝑣𝑠 ) = ( 𝐺𝑠 − 1)
18 v

9.81 (0.1×10−6 )2
= (2.65 − 1)
18 (1.01×10−6 )

vs = 3.56×10−4m/s

vs d
Reynolds number Re =

3.56×10−4 × 0.1 × 10−6 )

(0.1×10−6 )

𝑅𝑒 = 7.04×10−2 < 1.

Hence, the flow is laminar and stoke’s law applicable.

Thus, the condition ( Vo > Vs) i.e., Overflow rate ( Vo) is greater than
or equal to settling velocity (Vs) , the particle entering at top of the
sedimentation tank would have reached the bottom of the tank and removed
entirely. Hence OK


In addition to the length of sedimentation tank, the floc chamber at the

entry has to be provided . Assume the depth of flocculation chamber as half the
depth of sedimentation tank ,

i.e, 3.5/2 = 1.75 m


Depth , D = 1.75m

Capacity = 3401.36 m³/hr


= 0.945 m³/s

Detention period = 20 minutes

Capacity of the chamber = flow required in 20 minutes

= ( 0.945 × 20 × 60 )

= 1134m³

Width of chamber, B = 19.8m

Length of chamber, L =


L = 21.09m

Thus,the flocculation chamber shall have the effective dimensions of



4.13.1 General provisions

Required flow of filtered water = 80MLD

Design rate of filtration = 5.4m³/m²/hour

Length to width ratio = 1.25 to 1.33 : 1

Time lost during back washing = 30minutes

Under drainage system = central manifold

Size of perforations = 10mm

4.13.2 Dimensions of the tank

(80×10−6 )
Filtered water required per hour =
(24×103 )

= 3333.33 m³/hr.

Design flow for filter after accounting for backwash water (3%) and washing
time(0.5 hour)

[ 3333.33 × ( 1 + 0.03 ) × 24 ]
( 24 − 0.5 )

= 3506.38 m³/ hr.

Plan area of filter required, A =

= 617.28 m².

Provide 8 units of filter ,area of each unit, A = 617.28 / 8

= 77.16 m² .

Assuming , L : B = 1.5:1

A =L×B

1.5B × B = 77.16

B = 7.17m

L = 10.76m.

Thus, provide 8 filter units, each of size 10.76m × 7.17m .Six units of filter
used for filtration purpose. Additional two units as stand by for
breakdowns,repairs, or cleaning operations.

4.13.3 Check for area of filter

The number of units at a filter plant estimated by the equation developed by

Morrell and Wallace.

N = 1.22 √Q (in MLD)

= 1.22 √80

= 10.91 ; say 11. Hence OK.

A = 617.28 / 8

Area of each unit, = 56.11 m²

The plan area of filter unit should be between 10 to 80 m². Hence OK.


Assume a size gradation of 2mm at top and 50mm at bottom.the

required depth in ‘cm’s of a component gravel layer of size ‘d ’in ‘mm’ can be
computed from Emprical formula

L = 2.54 K (log d)

Where, K varies from 10 to 14.

Let us assume K = 13

Table 6.1 Depth of various layers of gravel

Size (mm) 2 5 10 20 40

9.94 23.08 33.02 42.96 52.9

Hence , provide a gravel depth of 60 cm.


Plan area of each filter unit = 10.76×7.17 = 77.15 m²

The total area of perforations should be about 0.2% of the total filter area.

Hence,Total cross sectional area of perforation = ( 2×10−3 ) × area of filter

= (2×10−3 ) × (77.15)

= 0.1543 m² = 1543 cm²


Thus the diameter of the perforations is 6mm to 13mm.

So, the total number of perforations of dia 10 mm, =
[(π/4)× 1 ²]

= 1965 nos

The total cross sectional area of each lateral should be about 2-4 times the total
cross sectional area of the perforations.

Total cross sectional area of lateral = 4 × cross sectional area of perforations

= 4 × 1543

= 6172 cm²

The cross sectional area of manifold should be twice the cross sectional areas
of the lateral drains.

Hence,Area of central manifold = 2 × 6172

= 12344 cm²

Diameter of central manifold = ( 4 )

= 98.46 cm

Provide a commercially available diameter of 1000mm.

Assume spacing of 15 cm for laterals.

No of laterals on both sides of manifold = 2 × 10.76 × ( 100 / 15 )

= 143.47 ; say 145


Cross sectional area of each lateral = ( 6172 / 145 )

= 42.56 cm².

Diameter of lateral = ( 4 ) = 5.8 cm

Provide a laterals of diameter 80 mm.

No. of perforations per later = (1965/80)

= 24.56 ; say 25.

Length of lateral = 0.5[width of filter – diameter of manifold]

= 0.5 [ 7.17 - 1] = 3.08 m

Spacing of perforations = (3.08 × 100 )/ 25 =12.32cm.

Provide 25 perforations of 1000 mm dia at spacing of 120 mm c/c.

4.15.1 Check for velocity of flow

The ratio of length of each lateral to diameter of the lateral should be

less than 60.

= (Length of each lateral) / (diameter of lateral)

= ( 3.08 × 1000 ) / 80

= 38.5 (which is less than 60). Hence ,OK.

Now , let us assume that the rate of washing of filter to be 45 cm/min (or)

The wash water discharge = ( 0.45 × 10.76 × 7.17 ) / 60

= 0.58 m³/sec.

Velocity of flow in lateral for wash water, = π 8
( 145 × 4 ×( 100 )2 )

= 0.79 m/sec.

Velocity of flow in manifold = Discharge / Area

= = 0.58 m/sec.

which is less than 1.8 to 2.4 m/sec.Hence,OK


4.16.1 Design of wash water troughs

Generally, Spacing of trough = 1.5m to 2m

Assume, a wash water rate of 36 m³/m²/hr.

Wash water discharge for one filter = ( 36 × 10.76 × 7.17 )

= 2777.37 m³/hr.

= 0.77 m³/sec.

Assume,a spacing of 1.5m for wash water troughs which will be parallel to the
longer dimension of the filter unit.

Number of troughs = 7.17 / 1.5


= 5 Nos

Discharge per unit trough = 0.58 / 5

= 0.116 m³/sec.

For a width of 0.4 m, the water depth in the trough is given as,

Q = 1.376 b y 2

0.116 = 1.376 × 0.4 × y 2

y = 0.35 m.

Assume a free board of 0.3m,provide a depth of 0.35m.Provide 3 troughs of

0.4m width × 0.35m depth in each filter with a 0.05m sand bed in the bottom of

4.16.2 Design of wash water pump

Generally time required for washing = 10 to 15 minutes.

Water required for washing = 500 L/min/m²

Area of filter = 7 × 4.6 = 32.2 m²

Water required = ( 500 × 32.2 ) / 60

= 268.33 L/sec.

Assuming that the filter shall be washed in 15 minutes,the size of the

tank required for wash water shall be, = 268.33 × 60 × 15

= 241500L

At 10m head difference from the filter.

The pump is designed to fill the wash wash tank in 3 hours.

The rate of pump output shall be = ( 250000 ) / ( 3 × 60 × 60 )

= 23.14 L/sec (or)0.023 m³/sec

Water power required = γ × no. of perforations × Q

= 9.81 × 13 × 0.023

= 2.9 Kw.

Brake horse power required, = ( 2.9 ) / ( 0.8 × 0.735 )

= 4.9 HP ; say 5 HP.

4.16.3 Size of wash water rising main

The rising main shall take the water from the clear water reservoir to the
wash water tank.

Let, velocity = 2 m/sec

Diameter of pipe = ‘d’ mm

Q = A×v

0.093 = ( π / 4 ) × d² × 2

d = 0.243 m ; say 250 mm.

The actual velocity in the rising main, = ( 0.093 ) / [ ( π / 4 ) × 0.25 ² ]


= 1.89 m/sec

Hence,.a pipe of 250 mm diameter shall be used as rising main.

Let ‘D’ be the diameter of pipe to supply wash water to filter on 2 m/sec

Q = (π/4)×D²×2

580 × 10 ^ -3 = (π / 4) × D ² × 2

D = 0.369 mm ; say 400 mm.

Thus, the rising main shall have a diameter of 250mm and the pipe for wash
water to filter have the diameter of 400mm.

4.16.4 Size of the wash water tank

Capacity of the proposed tank = 250000 L = 250 m³

Assuming the depth of water in the tank =3m

Area of the tank required = 250 / 3 = 84 m³.

Size of square tank provided = √84

= 9.16m ; say 9.2 m

Hence ,provide a square tank of 9.2m×9.2m×3m (water depth).

Provide a free board of 0.5m .

4.16.5 Design of chlorinator


Four polyethelene tanks of 3000 L capacity,shall be installed to mix

clear water with the request amount of bleaching powder, which water will
flow by gravity into clear water tank to have a contact period of more than 0.5
hour ,as to cause disinfection.

Quantity of bleaching powder

Normal dose of chlorine to be taken = 0.3 ppm for contact period of

30 minutes.

Average daily demand of water of the year 2041= 80 MLD.

( 0.3 × 80 × 10 )
Chlorine required per day = 6

= 24kg.

Since chlorine content in bleaching powder is 30%,it means that 30 kg of

chlorine is contained in 100 kg of bleaching powder.

Bleaching powder required per day = (24 × 100 ) / 30

= 80 kg.

Annual consumption of bleaching powder = 80 × 365

= 29200 kg ; say 30 tonnes.

Let, ‘d’ be the diameter of chlorine tank.

Capacity of the tank = 3000 L = 3m³

( π / 4) × d² = 3 m²

D = 1.95 m ; say 2 m

Hence ,provide a 4 circular tanks each of 2m diameter.(3000L Capacity)


Treated water stored in clear water reservoir = 32.22 MLD

Since pumping from clear water reservoir to distribution tank is also 16

hours, detention period of 8 hours is provided in clear water reservoir to ensure
24 hours supply capacity of clear water reservoir is calculated .

Capacity of clear water reservoir = ( 80 × 8 ) / 24

= 26.67 MLD = 26670 m³.

Assume, water depth = 4.5 m .

Plan area required , A = 26670 / 4.5

= 5926.7 m² ; say 5928 m².

Assume a ratio of L:B of 2.5 :1

L×B = 5928 m²

2.5 B × B = 5928

2.5 B² = 5928

B = 48.69 m ; say 50 m

L = 125 m

Thus ,provide a tank size of 125m× 50m × 4.5m (water depth).


A free board of 0.5 m is also provided .

Hence , provide a covered tank of 125 m × 50 m × 5m size of 8 hour detention



Water requirement for the year 2041 = 80 MLD

Since the water will come in the tank in 16 hours pumping from clear
water reservoir and it will go to the service reservoirs in 18 hours ,a storage of
3 hours is required on the tank.

( 80 × 10−6 × 3 × 10 −3 )
Capacity of tank required =

= 10000 m³.

Assume a depth of water = 4.5 m

Plan area of tank required, A = (10000)/4.5

= 2222.22m² ; say 2225 m².

Assume L : B = 2.5 : 1

L×B =A

2.5 B × B = 2225 m²

2.5 B² = 2225 m²

B = 29.83 m ; say 30 m.

L = 75 m.

Provide a tank of size 75m × 30m × 4.5m (water depth).

A free board of 0.5m is also provided.

Hence , provide a covered tank of size 75m × 30m × 5m.


Step 1 Given data

lx =5m

ly =3.5m

ly/lx =1.43<2

fck =20N/mm²

fy =415 N/mm²

Hence it is designed as a two way slab.

Step 2 Design of slab

depth= span/25 =3500/25 =140mm

adopt effective depth d =140mm

overall depth D =165mm

D =165mm

Step 3 Load calculation

Self wt of slab =0.165×25=4.125kN/m²

Live load =4 kN/m²

Floor finish = 0.875kN/m²


Service load = 9kN/m²

Ultimate load Wu = 13.5kN/m²

Step 4 Ultimate design moment and shear forces

Refer table 7.2 of (table 26 of IS-456) and read out moment co-
efficient for Ly /lx=1.24

Ly/lx 1.4 1.43 1.5

αx 0.063 0.065 0.068

αy 0.035

Mux =(αx wu lx²)= (0.065×13.5×3.64)²=12 kNm

Muy =(αy wu lx²)=(0.035×13.5×3.64)

=6.26 = 7kNm

Vux= 0.5 lx = 0.5×13.5×3.64

=24.57 kN

Step 5 Check for depth

Mmax =0.138 fck bd²

d=√38. 475 × 106 /.138 × 20 × 1000 = 118mm < 200mm

Hence safe

Step 6 Reinforcement detail (short and long)

Mu=0.87fy Ast d[1-Ast fy /bdfck]

12×106= 0.87×415×Ast×140[1-Ast×415/10^3×140×20]

12×106=50547 ast-7.49Ast²


Adopt 10mm Ø bars

Sv= 3.14/4×10²/250 =314.59mm

Ast required = 3.1/4×10²/300=261.8mm2

Adopt 10mmØ bar @130mm c/c in short span

Long span

Using 10mmØbar in long span area

Mu=0.87fy Ast d[1-Ast fy /bdfck]

Long span d=100-10=190mm

7×106=0.87×415×Ast×130(1-Ast 415/103×130×103)



Sv=1000×78.54/155= 506mm

Ast pro =1000×78.5/300 =261.6mm2

Step 7 Check for shear stress:

Considering the short span and unit width of slab

τv =vu/bd =24.57×103/1000×140 =0.175N/mm²

Pt=100 Ast/bd= 100×262/1000 ×140 =0.187N/mm2

Refer table 19 of IS 456 and read out

K τc =0.31×1.27=0.39 N/mm²> τv

Hence shear stress is within safe permissible limits

Step 8 Check for definition control:


For pt =0.187 kt=1.5 kc=1 kf=1

(l/d)max =20×1.5×1×1=30

(l/d) actual =3640/146=20<30

Hence deflecton control is satisfied.

Step 9 Check for crack control:

1.Reinforcement provided is more than minimum of 0.12 percent


2.Spacing of main reinforcement not> than3d

= 3×140=420mm

3.Diameter of reinforcement <D/8<165/8<20.6mm

Hence cracks will be witnin safe permissible

Step 10 Torsion reinforcement

Area of torsion steel at each of corners in 4 layers


Length over which torsion steel is provided

=1/5(short span)


Provide 6mm dia bars at 140mm c/c for length at 700mm at all four

Step 11 Reinforcement at edge strip

Ast =0.12 % bd =0.12/100 ×1000×165 =198mm2


Provide 10mm dia bars at 300mm c/c


Axial load = 250 KN

Height of wall = 3.5 m

Number of storey = 1

Assume morter type = M1 = 1:6

Crushing strength = 10 mpa


Wall thickness = 200 mm

Bearing area of the element = 200*200 = 40000 mm2

Stress developed = P/A

= 180x103/40000

= 4.5 N/mm2

Load calculation

Assume 200 mm thick slab

Self weight of slab =0 .165x25

=4.125 KN / mm2

Floor finishing = 0.875 KN/ mm2

Unit weight of brick wall = 0.2 * 20 * 3.5

= 14 kN/ mm2

Total load on entire structure = 7 * 3.5 + 14


= 38.4 kN / mm2

Width of slab = 3.5 m

Effective height = 0.75 H

=0 .75*3.5 = 2.7 m

Compressive stress (fc N /mm2)

= 0.96 N/ mm2

Slenderness ratio :

= Effective height / Least lateral dimension

= 2.7 / 0.165

= 17 < 27

The maximum slenderness ratio should not exceed 27 . hence it is safe

E = load / t ( e=0)

E= 0 (axially loaded column )

Permissible compressive stress: [Ref IS 1905 – 1987]

= Fc xFsf

= 0.96 x0.7

= 0.672

Stress = P/ Area

= 38.4 x 103/ 1000 x 165

= 0. 233

Provided < allowable


0.233 N/ mm2 < 0.672 N/mm2. Hence safe



Capacity = 700000 litres

= 700000/1000

= 700m3

Depth of the = 7m(height of the tank)

Free board = 0.2 m

Total height = 7.2 m

Dimensions of the tank

3.14/4 x D2x h = 700

3.14/4 x D2x7 = 700

D = 11.5m

Hoop tention

T = Pw H D / 2

T = 10 x7.2 x 11.5/2

= 414 kN

Ast = T/st = 414 x103 / 100

= 4140 mm2

Use 25 mm dia bar

S =3.14x252/4140 x 1000 = 118.56mm = 120mm


Provided 25mm dia @ 100mm c/c spacing. (Ast provide = 4908.7mm2)

Thickness of tankwall

T/1000t+(m+1)Ast = ct

414x103/1000t+(13-1)(4140) = 1.2

T = 300mm

Reinforcement in tankwall

Minimum area of steel = 0.3%bd

= 0.3/100x 1000x300


Use 20mm dia bar

S = 3.14x202/900 x 1000 = 349.06 = 350mm

Smin 3xT<k = 3 x 300 = 900mm

Least value s = 350mm c/c spacing

Provide 20mm dia bar @ 350mm c/c spacing

Spacing at 3m depth at top (H = 3m)

Ast = T/Ast = PwHD/2/st = 10x0.5x3x11.5x1000/100

= 1725mm2

Using 20mm dia bar

S = (3.14x202)/1725 x 1000 = 182mm = 180mm

Provide 20mm ia bar @ 180 mm c/c spacing

Distribution (or) transfer Reinforcement


Ast = 0.3% bd

= 0.3/100 x 1000 x 300 = 900mm2

Tank floor slab

Provide 12mm dia bar

S =(3.14 x 122)/900 x 1000 = 125mm = 120mm

Provide 10mm dia bar @ 120mm c/c spacing

Provide a nominal thickness of floor is 150mm

Ast = 0.3 % bD = 0.3/100 x 150 = 450mm2

Provide half of the Reinforcement as a transfers reinforcement

Ast = 225mm2

Provide 8mm @ bar

S= 3.14 x 82 /225 x 1000 = 223mm = 200mm

Provide 200mm @ c/c spacing in both direction.




a) A successful technical project involves integration of various fields.

This is an attempt to combine several aspects of environmental,
biological, chemical and civil engineering.
b) The provision for safe and adequate drinking water in Thirvallur
Municipal Corporation is insufficient.So it is necessary to construct a
water treatment plant at Gummudipoondi, Thiruvallur district.
c) The project consists of design of the complete components of water
treatment plant. The water treatment plant designed perfectly and
carefully to meet the future expansion for the next 40 years in
accordance with Indian codal provisions.


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