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The outlook parts of computer like: -

1. Monitor
2. Key Board
3. Mouse
4. CPU - Central Processing Unit
5. UPS – Uninterruptible Power Unit
6. Printer
7. Speaker
These are the outlook parts of computer.
Parts of CPU: -
1. Cabinet
2. Mother Board/ Main Board
3. Hard Disk
4. Floppy Disk / Pen Drive
5. Memory
6. Processor
7. SMPS – Switch Mode Power Supply
8. CMOS battery (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
9. CD – ROM (Compact Disk – Read Only Memory)

Q – Why you are use computer in medical science?

Ans: - We use computer for our disease curing in our medical science for brain scanning
electro-cephalogram, electro-cardiogram, electro encephalogram, and ultrasound.

Q- What is difference between TV and computer?

Ans:- In TV we can only found the pictures, listen sound but we can not solve our
mathematical expressions within short period of time .Computer have storage capacity
and TV have no more storage capacity. The memory power of computer is very much
high as compare to TV both are electrical machines and depends upon electricity. When
off electricity occur, we can use computer by using battery and using time period depends
upon functional and working capacity of battery, but in TV without electricity we can’t
watch the pictures.
The basic difference between TV and computer is storage capacity, while
computer contain a great storage capacity as compare to TV. In computer we can paints,
listen audio, watch video but in TV we can only watch video.
In computer we can found many systems like counting, solving, memory storing
capacity, essay & story writing etc.
Q- How to start the computer?

Ans: - At first search to power button. Then on this button is available ups, then on the
power button then CPU, power button, then start the computer some processing. This
processing is called booting.
There are 2 types of booting: -
1. Cool booting
2. Warm booting/hot booting.

1. Cool booting: -
To start the computer in proper way this booting is called cool booting.

2. Warm booting: -
When press CTRL + ALT + DEL switch on the key board or to press restart
button on the CPU, to start the computer, again processing. This processing is called
warm booting.
Typing Rules: -

1. A – Left hand little finger

S – Left hand ring finger
D – Left hand middle finger
F – Left hand fore finger
G – Left hand fore finger
2. ; - semicolon – Right hand little finger
L – Right hand ring finger
K – Right hand middle finger
J – Right hand fore finger
H – Right hand fore finger
3. Q– Left hand little finger
W – Left hand ring finger
E – Left hand middle finger
R – Left hand fore finger
T – Left hand fore finger
4. P – Right hand little finger
O – Right hand ring finger
I – Right hand middle finger
U – Right hand fore finger
Y – Right hand fore finger
5. Z – Left hand ring finger
X – Left hand middle finger
C – Left hand fore finger
C – Left hand fore finger
6. (.) – Right hand little finger
(,) – Right hand ring finger
M – Right hand middle finger
N – Right hand fore finger
B – Right hand fore finger
Both side thumb nail use in space bar.
Q- How to close the compute?

Ans: - Click the start button then click shut down. If will be displayed shut down
windows dialogue box inside this box is available 4 options: - 1.stand by 2. Shut down 3.
Re- starts 4.Re- start/ms dos. Then click shutdown, then click ok or press enter.

Q – What is Computer?
Ans: - A computer is a simply electronic machine that helps we do solve problem and if
put in a technical manner a computer is a high speed electronic device which follows
instructions and is capable of performing arithmetical and logical operations. We can say
that a computer is not readily intelligent but is simply a dump output is based on the
instructions given to it. We can run instruction on a computer create and store data and
even play games on it. Main things computer is a machine not a solution.

* Advantages of computer:-
There are lots of advantages in using computers over manual work. A few of them
are listed below –
1. Speed
2. Accuracy
3. Storage Capacity
1. Speed: -
Computer can carry out any instructions less than as millionth of a second.
Naturally in any job involving lots of calculation computers are very useful. A computer
can solve a set of thousand names less than hundredth of a second.

2. Accuracy: -
This is the most important characteristic of computer. Computer can do
calculation without errors and very accurately, even when computer is making thousand
calculations, every second not a single work will go wrong. If mistakes occur in any
calculation, they are due to human mistake.

3. Storage Capacity: -
Computer can store large volume of data and information on magnetic media.
Computers not only have a large storage capacity but also have speed to retry this save

* Disadvantages of computer: -
Lack of common sense computer can work as human beings but there is a lot of
difference between the computer and the men. The computer is only a tool. It can not
think. It does not have common sense or intelligence as human being have. Computers
are to be instructed for making them perform any task. So every time when we have to
use computers for a task. We need to first tell computer what to do.

* Inability to correct: -
When we give instructions to the computer we must give correct instructions. A
computer can not prompt for wrong instructions, there is a mistake in given data to the
computer the end result is wrong. Popularly, this is termed as GIGO (Garbage in Garbage
* Depends on human instruction:-
Computer look as they are very clever actually, they are only tools. Thy can not
do anything unless a man instruct them. A computer can not generate any information on
its own. It can only do what it has been instructed or told to do.

* Depend on electricity:-
Computers depend on electricity for their functioning. An organization will be
totally crippled incase there is no power.

* Organization of computer:-
There are 4 key parts in computer organization.
1. Input Device
2. Output Device
3. Memory
4. Processor
1. Input Device: -
The device which is used to send the data to the computer is called as
input device. Basically, input device is used key board, mouse, scanner
(a) Key Board: -
Key board is an input device. Through key board typing any character,
number, symbol etc. takes place. On the computer keyboard is available 3
types of keys.
I. Numeric key
II. Special key
III. Function key

I. Numeric key: -
The numeric keys likes A-Z, Z-A, 0-9, keyboard symbols with space bar.
Some keys name:-
- Similarity
- @ At the rate of
- ! Exclamation
- # Hash
- $ Dollar
- % Percentage
- & And
- ^ Carat (exploration)
- ( ) Parenthesis
- [ ] Square bracket
- { } Curly bracket
- Pipe line
- Window key
- Popup menu key (Right click)
- / Back slash
- \ Forward slash
II. Special Keys: -
The special Keys likes – ESC, SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, TAB,

III. Function Keys: -

On the computer key board is available 12 types of function keys like – F1, F2
……. F12.

(b) Mouse: -
Mouse is a small input device or is a pointing device because we first find out the
point for open or close the programmed. Mouse is small device held in hand, push along
a flat surface. It can move the crusher in any direction on the mouse is available one or
more buttons on. The button of the mouse is available one small light or small rounded
ball. There are 2 types of mouse -
1. Optical Mouse
2. Mechanical Mouse

(c) Scanner: -
Scanner just like a Xerox machine, but difference when use Xerox machine to
give the output on paper. When use scanner to give output result inside computer.
Scanners are used to scan pictures and store them in computer.

2. Output Device:-
The device which is used to show the output result, called as output device.
Basically, output device is used monitor & printer.

(a) Monitor:-
The most popular output device is the VDU (Visual Display Unit) also sometimes
replayed to as a monitor. The monitor displays the output in the form that we understand
the monitor sizes like 14”, 15”, 19” etc. The monitor output is also called soft copy. Most
of the monitor can display 25 lines of text with 80 characters in each line. There are 2
types of monitor.
1. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
2. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

The monitor develops like VDU,

1. VDU (Visual Display Unit)
2. MGA (Monochrome Graphics Adaptor)
3. CGA (Color Graphics Adaptor)
4. HGA (Hercules Graphics Adaptor)
5. EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adaptor)
6. VGA (Video Graphics Array)
7. SVGA (Super Graphics Array)
(b) Printer: -
The printer is output device used to prepare output on paper. The printer is a
hardware output device that produced the text or graphics output. There are different
types of printers depend upon the painting mechanism. Printer output is also called
hardcopy basically; there are two types of printer.
I. Impact Printer
II. Non-impact Printer

I. Impact Printer:-
There are 2 types of impact printer.
a. DMP b. Line Printer.

(a) DMP: -
It stands for dot matrix printer. This printer which prints the character in the form
of a group of dots. So this is also called dot matrix printer. It printers are commonly is
used although the print quality is not good. The speed of dot matrix printer as about 120
to 600 cps (character/sec) in this type of printer is connected ink ribbon.

(b) Line Printer: -

In this type of printer to print one line at a time. This printer speed is 300-300
LPM (Line per Minute).

II. Non-impact Printer:-

There are 2 types of non-impact printer.
(a) Laser Printer
(b) Inkjet Printer.

(a) Laser Printer: -

Laser Printers are a technological marvel of electronic Xerox graphic and laser
capable of high quality printing. These printers can also produce output one page at a
time. In this type of printer is connected toner (Ink powder).

(b) Inkjet Printer: -

This printer print character by printer head spray of ink on the paper from nozzle.
This is faster than dot matrix printer. This printer used to support multicolor printing. In
this type of printer is connected ink bottle.

3. Memory: -
Without memory the system will be lifeless and will not work. Whatever work is
done by the user to save first in computer memory. There are 2 types of memory –
I. Primary memory
II. Secondary memory.

I. Primary memory:-
There are 2 types of primary memory –
(a) RAM
(b) ROM

(a) RAM: -
It stands for Random Access Memory. It is used for storing temporary application
by the system .When the power is switch off all the content of data will be erase. It is
volatile memory, when capacity of Ram Can is changeable. RAM capacity like 4mb,
8mb, 16mb, 32mb, 64mb, 128mb, 512mb, 1gb etc.
There are 2 types of RAM –
1. Static Ram
2. Dynamic Ram

There are 3 types of static ram –

i. Asynchronous static ram
ii. Synchronous static ram
iii. Pipe line dust static ram.

There are 6 types of dynamic ram –

i. FPMD RAM (Fast page mode dynamic ram)
ii. EDOD RAM (Extended data out dynamic ram)
iii. BEDOD RAM (Burst extended data out dynamic ram)
iv. SD RAM (synchronous dynamic ram)
v. RD RAM (Ram bus dynamic ram)
vi. DDRD RAM (Double data rate dynamic ram)

(b) ROM: -
It stands for read only memory. It is used for storing permanent record of
peripherals when power is switch off contains Rom not erased. It is not volatile memory.
Capacity of Rom cannot be changed. That’s why it’s all known as BIOS (Basic input
output system).

There are 3 types of Rom –

i. P ROM -Programmable read only memory
ii. E P ROM – Erasable programmable read only memory
iii. E E P ROM – Electrical erasable programmable read only memory

* Difference Between software & Hardware: -

We always describe anybody by the physical &mental characteristics e.g. – The

physical body, mind etc. We can feel and touch the body. We can not touch the mind of a
person. But we can see the result of mind working. Mind is very important part of a
personality. Without the mind physical body is useless. Similarly, when we talk off
computer, we talk of hardware and software.
Hardware consists of the actual device which is needed to make a computer.
Hardware denotes the CPU, the monitor and other peripherals. IN more general terms
anything in the computer that we can touch forms the hardware and the instructions of
programmers that are required to operate the hardware form the software. Computer
software is like human mind which we can not see but its effect can be felt. Computer
software tells the computer hardware what to do and how to do it. This analogue is
similar to human mind telling the body to walk, run, sit etc. Main thing is computer
hardware can’t function without software. Computer software instructs the hardware
about function to be performed. Computer systems works on the basis of the instructions
provided the human prepare this instruction.

* Software: -
A Programme is a detailed set up humanity prepared instructions that directs the
computer to function in a specific manner to produce the desired result.
There are 2 types of software –
1. System software
2. Application software.

1. System software: -
The software which is instructing the system to work are called as system
software is the minimum software required to run the computer. The system software
includes the operating system. Operating system means to communicate between user,
computer and application.
The operating systems like – Window 98
Window XP
Window me
Window 2000 server/professional
Window 2007
Window vista etc

2. Application software: -
Users use application software for their day to day applications. There are 2 types
of application software –
(a) Readymade application software
(b) Teller made application software.

(a) Readymade software: -

It is used for specific application like data base management, spread sheet etc.
There are so many readymade application software available. We can only use the
facilities offered by these software. We can not change it as for our requirement.

(b) Teller made software: -

Teller made software are the software that are made according to the specifics
requirement of the user or the client. Keeping the exact requirement in mind application
software is developed by a programmer according to the specification provided by the
client. Teller made application software is created as per clients’ requirement. We can
change and modify the programmers when our requirements. Teller made software like
C, C++, Visual basic, Oracle, Fox pro, Net, VB net.

* Hardware: -
Any computer system electronic device is called as hardware. Hardware is the any
computer system can be broadly classified into the CPU and peripherals.

CPU: -
It stands for central processing unit. The heart of the computer is called the CPU.
The CPU performs arithmetic operation, input & output operation, internal data
movements, data manipulation, accepting data, storing it and processing it. To perform
the various operations the CPU has various components like ALU, CU and MU.

ALU: -
It stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit. Its performs the actual calculations like
addition, substation, division, multiple and comparison like >,<, = etc.

CU: -
It stands for Control Unit. It co-ordinates the operation of the hardware. It also co-
ordinates the flow and execution of data and instructions that are fed into the memory.

MU: -
It stands for memory Unit. It stores whole data instructions intermediate result
and final result ready for output.4

Input device = 2+2
Key, Scan, Mouse
CU Output device
2+2 = 4 Monitor, Printer

=>>> Cycle order

* Generation of computer/History of computer: -

The word computer is derived from the word computer (Greek) which means to
calculate. If we look back all the history of computer it can be tresses back to 3000 B.C.
The Stone Age man used small round stones for counting cattle. Later a device called
ABACUS was developed by the Chinese. This is supposed to be the first mechanical
computing device. IN 1617 John Napier a Scottish mathematician developed a device
which is called Napier’s bones with the help of this device multiplication addition, were
possible. In 1642 Dies Pascal a French mathematician invented the 1st mechanical
calculator. In 1673 Gott Fried Wilhelm Leibniz a German invented the Leibniz’s
calculator which was used for addition, subtraction and multiplication. French we are is
son named Joseph Marry Jacquard made the next significance contribution in 1804. After
observing his father making different weaving, different patterns on the loom he thought
of storing these patterns for future use, so he developed a plate with multiple holes to
control the weaving patterns would be used to store data and would be called the puns
card. A puns card is a thin rectangular card divided into 80 columns and 12 rows. Around
1822 Charles Babbage a professor of mathematician at the Kembriz University device an
automatic calculating machine called difference engine. It 1833 is the developed Charles
Babbage developed 1st digital computer. This computer to store the data & print the
result. In 1937 Prof. Haward Aiken 1st Modified Puns card technology. Late in 1945 he is
the developed electronic mechanical computer named Mark-1. After approximately is
connected 18000 vacuum tubes. Memory just 200 character occupies space 1500 sq. foot.

* Generation of computer: -
1st generation of computer : -( 1945 – 1955)

Main component in use where the vacuum tubes like those in old radios which
wormed up after a minute. The Vacuum tube was also called as velvets. The 1st
generation of computer used 18000 vacuum tubes, weight 30 tons and occupies an area of
a big hall. In this generation of computer consumed massive amount of electricity. Some
of the computers of these generations are ENIAC or UNIVAC-1. ENIAC- Electronic
Numeric Integrated Automatic computer.

2nd generation of computer: - (1955 – 1965)

The real break through in computers started with the discovery of the transistor.
Transistor is a tiny semiconductor device the size is about 1/50th of velvet which can
perform the same function as that large velvet. Transistors replaced velvets in computers
the use of transistor has reduce the size of the computer, reduce manufactory and running
cost, improve reliability and processing power of the computer with consumed less
power. Some of the computers of this generation are IBM 7000 series, IBM 1620, IBM
1401, IBM (International Business Management).

3rd generation of computer: - (1965 – 1970)

At the next step functions of a number of transistors were put together on single
chips of silicon. These chips are called ICS (Integrated circuits). A small chip the size of
a finger nail could have the equivalent of 200-2000 transistors. The chip is a small silicon
wafer with very minute transistors which can do logical comparisons and calculations.
Some chips have been developed for the purpose of data storage. These constitute the
memory chips. The use of chips technology reduces the size computer. Computers which
were built using IC became the 3rd generation of computer. Some of the computers of this
generation are IBM 360, IBM 370.

4th generation of computer : - (1970 – 1985)

From 1970 – 1985 we are in the year of 4th generation of computers in which the
electronic component was further miniaturized through LSI (Large scale Integrated).
Now the advanced paint of chip technology has come to be known as VLSI (Very Large
Scale Integration). The size of the chip is slicking and the components which are packed
in a chip are multiplying. As a result the size of the computer is reduced. What use to be
room sized computer at one time is now available as desktop computer or laptop

5th generation of computer :- (1985 – onwards)

Research is on to develop a 5th generation of computer that will have the thinking
power just like that of the human brain. These computers which are based on artificial
intelligence are designed to be thinking computer capable of storing large amount of data
to be retry as and when require solving a problem.

* Types of computer: -
There are different types of computer depending upon the functions –
1. Analog computer
2. Digital Computer
3. Hybrid computer

1. Analog computer : -
The computer which measures continuously depending condition such as
temperature and pressure and convert them into quantities. These computers are used in
specific & used in engineering discipline.

2. Digital computer: -
The computer which measures digital data and performs arithmetic and logical
operations unsearched data. These are the most popularly use computers.

3. Hybrid computer: -
Computer system that combines features both analog & digital computer.

* Classification of computer: -

There are 4 types of computer –

1. Super computer
2. Mainframe computer
3. Mini computer
4. Micros computer

1. Super computer: -

Super computer are giant computers specially designed for processing complex
applications in scientific and engineering disciplines. Super computers have a very large
memory capacity and high speed of processing, almost comparable to the speed o flight.
These are the most costly and powerful computers ever made. Since super computer are
designed to process complex scientific applications, the computational speed of the
system is most important. To increase the speed of computations, each address location in
super computers holds 64 bits of information. Thus cycle time (the time required to
execute a basic operation) may be as low as a 4 nanoseconds. (The billionths of a
Super computers are mainly used for application like either forecasting, defense
research etc. There are very few super computers available in the industry. Ex – Cray
(which costs in crores of rupees).
2. Mainframe computer: -

Mainframe computers offer faster processing speed (in nanoseconds) and greater
storage capacity than any computers other than super computers. A whole series of
mainframe models ranging in size from to very large are generally lumped together under
a family designation by mainframe manufactures. It has memory, speed and peripheral
support. Many people can share the CPU of the mainframe computer. The CPU of the
mainframe computer is capable of doing many jobs at a time i.e. multitasking process.
However, because of the large amount of heat generated they require heavy amount of air
conditioner. Most of these computers provide facilities like multiprogramming, time
sharing and real time processing. Mainframe computers are generally used in centralized
computers. This type of computer provides larger storage capacity and faster CPU access.
They are occupying the size of almost a room. E.g. -> IBM 360 series, TATA –
BURROUGHS 7800, Honey well’s, PNP 88/860
The cost is about 20 to 100 lacks.

3. Mini computer: -

Mini computer are small general purpose they offer advantages of mainframe
computers at lower cost. They support more peripherals and are much faster than micros
computers. A mini computer usually supports one or more hard disk drives, one or more
tape drives and one or more printer. These computers support powerful software database
and word processor. The internal memory size varies from 640KB to 2 GB RAM. Ex –
RPG AS – 400.

4. Micro computer: -

These are all smallest general purpose compute system available in the market.
These systems have all the functional elements that are found in most of the larger
Micro computer system is based on microprocessor chips. They are basically
designed for the single user systems facility. Cost wise these systems are the cheapest
among all the systems. Ex-
1. PC – Personal computer
2. PC XT – Personal computer extended technology
3. PC AT – Personal computer advanced technology
4. PC ATX – Personal computer advanced extended technology

In 1679 A.D. Leibniz defines the binary number system. A computer system does
not understand our language. When data is typed into a computer the key board converts
each key stroke into a binary character code. This system still in use. Computer can
understand only machine language. A computer can store and process the data into state
device. It can be either on, off. In other words computers can understand only the binary
number system which consists of 0 and 1. 0 stands for an off current while 1 indicated an
on current. These are known as bits. In abbreviation for binary digits. Information is
represented in digital computer in group of bits.
8 bits = 1 byte
1 byte = 8 bits

1024 byte = 1 KB (kilo byte)

1024 KB = 1 MB (Mega byte)
1024 MB = 1 GB (Giga byte)
1024 GB = 1 TB (Tera byte)

There are 4 groups on the number system –

1. Decimal Number
2. Binary Number
3. Octal Number
4. Hexa Decimal

1. Decimal Number: -

In this number system is support 10 digit like 0 -> 9. There are 2 parts in this
number system.
(a) Integral Part
(b) Fractional Part

(a) Integral Part: -

Left side of the decimal point is called as integral part. When express integral
part, sum of the 10+ve number.

(b) Fractional Part: -

Right side of the decimal point is called of fractional part. When express
fractional part sum of the 10-ve number.

(.5432)10 = 5*10-1+4*10-2+3*10-3+2*10-4
= 5/10+4+100+3/1000+2/10000
=5432/10000 = 0.5432

2. Binary Number: -
In this number system are support 2 digits – 0 & 1.

Converting Binary to decimal –

When convert binary to decimal sum of the two the power.
(101011)2 = 1*25+0*24+1*23+0*22+1*21+1*20
= 32+0+8+0+2+1

Converting decimal to binary –

When convert decimal to binary is divided by 2 write the reminder down to top.
2 43
2 21 - 1
2 10 - 1
25 - 0
22 - 1
21 - 0
1 - 1

1. (1011101)2 = 1*26+0*25+1*24+1*23+1*22+0*21+1*20
= 64+0+16+8+4+0+1
= (93)10

2 93
2 46 - 1
2 23 - 0
2 11 - 1
25 - 1
24 - 1
22 - 0
1 - 1 = (1011101) 2

2. (1110111)2 = 1*26+1*25+1*24+0*23+1*22+1*21+1*20
= 64+32+16+0+4+2+1
= (119)10

2 119
2 59 - 1
2 29 - 1
2 14 - 1
27 - 0
23 - 1
21 - 1
0 - 1 = (1110111) 2

3. (11110101)2 = 1*27+1*26+1*25+1*24+0*23+1*22+0*21+1*20
= 128+64+32+16+0+4+0+1
= (245)10

2 245
2 122 - 1
2 61 - 0
2 30 - 1
2 15 - 0
27 - 1
23 - 1
21 - 1 = (11110101) 2
0 - 1
3. Octal Number: -
In this system base is 8 digits 0 – 7

Covert octal to decimal: -

When covert octal to decimal sum of the 8th power.
(286)10 = 2*82+8*81+6*80
= 2*64+8*8+6*1
= 128+64+6
= (198)10
Octal to binary code: -

Octal Binary
0 - 000
1 - 001
2 - 010
3 - 011
4 - 100
5 - 101
6 - 110
7 - 111

Convert binary to octal: -

When convert binary to octal must divided into 3 digit group the octal paint from the
right side.

(111 010) = (72)8

7 2

Convert octal to binary: -

When covert octal to binary is receiver of binary to octal.
` 7 2 = (111010)2
111 010

Convert decimal to octal: -

It is similar as converting decimal to binary but divided by 8.

(400)10 = 8 400
8 50 - 0
6 - 2 (620)8

4. Hexa decimal: -
This number system base is 16 digital 0-9.

A, B, C, D, E, F

10 11 12 13 14 15
Convert hexa decimal to decimal: -
When convert hexa decimal to decimal sum of the 16th power.
(BC6)10 = B*162+C*161+6*160
= 11*256+12*16+6*1
= 2816+192+6
= (3014)10
Hexa decimal to binary code: -
0 - 0000 A - 1010
1 - 0001 B - 1011
2 - 0010 C - 1100
3 - 0011 D - 1101
4 - 0100 E - 1110
5 - 0101 F - 1111
6 - 0110
7 - 0111
8 - 1000
9 - 1001

1111 0101 = (F5)16

F 5
M.S. paint
Microsoft Paint is a program used to draw the images. A large number of drawing
tools and different colors are available to create any good pictures. The pictures created
in M.S. Paint are bit-mapped graphics. A Bitmap is a collection of bits (pixels or pels on
the screen) of information that creates an image when assigned (mapped) dots on the
screen. The files created in paint will have the extension .BMP. But, images with
extension .PCX and .TIF can also be opened in Paint by translating them to .BMP format
with the conversion software.
To load Paint, select, Start – Programs – Accessories – Paint
Executable file for paint is MS – Paint. EXE.
Location: C:\Program files\accessories\
The MS – Paint program – executed from the accessories group. Different drawing tools
(toolbox) are displayed at the left side. At the bottom of the screen in the color box, the
middle empty area is the drawing area. The status line is displayed below the color box.
The color box allows selection of different colors when drawing the pictures. To select
the foreground color (drawing color), click on the color and to select the background
color (fill color) right click on the color.

The tool box contains various tools used to draw the images. The tolls are: -








*Free form select – It is used to select any area of the picture by drawing a freehand line
around the area to be selected.

*Select (pick) – It is used to select a rectangular portion of the drawing. It is the easiest
way to select the picture. Using this tool, by placing the mouse pointer at the top left
corner of the picture, click and drag to the bottom right side of the picture. The portion
inside the box is the selected area of the drawing.

*Eraser/Color Eraser – if used with left mouse button, it is an eraser or if used with
right mouse button, it is a color eraser (used to erase only a particular color in drawing).
The size of eraser can be changed and any background color can be selected.

*Paint can – It is used to fill any enclosed area with the foreground color. An enclosed
area can be defined by any line or curve in the drawing area. With this tool, select the
color with which the area must be filled and click inside the area.

*Pick color – It is used to select a particular color, which is used in the picture.

*Magnifier - This tool is used to zoom in to a particular part of the picture. After
selecting this tool, the mouse pointer displays a rectangular. Position this rectangular
outline over the area to be magnified and click. Paint displays the area at 400%
magnification. Different magnifications levels can also be selected from the tool options
area at the bottom of the tool box. When the picture is magnified, to restore it to normal,
select the magnifier tool and click anywhere in the drawing area.
*Pencil – The Pencil works much like the Brush for freehand art, expert that it only
paints lines one pixel wide. It is the convenient way to draw fine freehand lines. To draw
straight vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines, while drawing, hold the Shift key.

*Brush – It is the basic painting toll. It works like a pen or brush. This tool can be used
to create a freehand art. Using this tool, selecting any color, to draw the freehand design,
click and drag inside the drawing area. The size and shape of brush can be changed by
selecting the required size and shape of brush form tools options area in the bottom of the
tool box.

*Airbrush – It works like a spray can, spraying a mist of paint wherever needed.
Different spray sizes can be selected form the bottom of the tool box. Select the desired
color and click and drag in the drawing area in the place where the color must be sprayed.

*Text – This tool is used to type the text inside the picture. Before typing the text, define
a rectangular frame for the text. The size and position of the frame and its color can be
changed at any time until the text is finalized by clicking outside the frame. The text can
be written in tow styles. That is, transparent and opaque. In transparent style, only text is
included in the frame and only the characters entered in the frame will be included in the
picture. In opaque style, the text will appear on a solid rectangular background that
covers up whatever us there in the picture. To choose the text color, click on the color in
the color box and to select the color for the background, right click on the color in the
color box. Select the Text toll in the toolbox and choose the icon for opaque or
transparent text. Draw the text frame and type the text using the font, size and styles for
the text using the text toolbar. The text can also be Bold, italic or underline. To change
the size of frame, drag the handles and to move the frame, drag the frame outline (not the
handle) to a different place. Click outside the text frame to finalize the text entry.

*Line – Line tool is used to draw straight lines. The width of line can be selected, color
can be changed and to draw the line, click and drag in the drawing area. It will draw the
straight lines. To draw the lines in angles of 45 degree, 90 degree, 135 degree etc., hold
shift key while drawing the line.

*Curve – It is used to draw the curves. To draw the curves, select the foreground color,
select the line size from the tool options area at the bottom of the tool box, draw a straight
line by click and drag. Move the mouse pointer to one side of the line, drag the mouse
pointer away from the line (left, right, top or bottom). If the curve already books right,
finish it by clicking on the end point (end position of the line drawn). To make some
modification still, drag from any side of the line with the mouse again. It will draw a

*Box tool – It is used draw the boxes and rectangles. Three types of boxes can be drawn.
Hollow boxes with borders only (used to draw the simple rectangles or boxes), Filled,
bordered boxes (used to draw the box with a solid color interior and a surrounding
border. The solid interior appears in the currently selected background color, and the
border appears with the foreground color) and Solid boxes without borders (used to draw
a solid rectangle with currently selected background color). To draw a box, place the
mouse pointer at the top left side of the box, click and drag till the bottom right corner of
the box (hold shift key to draw perfect squares).

*Polygon – It is used to create an endless variety of polygon shapes. To draw a polygon,

draw a line and click at different position. To end the polygon, double click at the last

*Ellipse – It is used to draw the circle or ellipse. The rules regarding the fill and border
colors of boxes apply to ellipses also. To draw a circle, hold the shift key, when drawing
the ellipse.

*Rounded Box – It works like the regular box tool, but it creates boxes with rounded
corners, rather than crisp right angles.

OS: -
It stands for operating system. It is used for to interface between user, application
and computer. With control input and output operations. Basically, there are 2 types of
operating system dos & windows.

DOS: -
It stands for disk operating system. It is initially primary operating system. Dos
are the most popular operating system used in personal computers. When the first
personal computers enter the market in the late 1970 people heard a doubt whether the
software platform can be got easily. Apple Macintosh personal computer came with an in
Bill operating system MAC. Though Mac was also a good operating system 2 Youngman
Paul Allen and Bill Gates plant to build an operating system that can be supplied
separately in floppy disk. Then named this new operating system is Dos. Dos became
very popular during 1980 Bill Gates started the computing Microsoft and it distributed
the Dos operating system. Dos have several versions. In Dos 2.0, Dos 3.0, Dos 4.0, Dos
4.01, Dos 5.0 and Dos 6.22.

Command: -
When give any information to the computer, this information is called as
command. Commands are system define key word which is used to perform a specific
task under a dusk prompt and the procedure to right a command in proper format. So that
the particular task can be perform is known as syntask.

There are 2 types of command.

1. Internal Command
2. External Command

1. Internal Command: -
When start the computer to load automatically computer memory internal commands.
They are also called memory residence commands. The internal commands are DATE,
2. External Command: -
The external commands are also called disk residence commands. There
commands are mean for special purpose. These are found in separate files on hard disk.
This command to load on computer manually this file extension name must be .com or
.exe. The external commands are Attrib, Tree, and FC etc.
There are 2 types of file naming system –
1. Primary Name
2. Extension Name

Primary name and extension name separated by (.) symbol. Primary name can
have supported maximum 8 characters. The extension name can have supported
maximum 3 characters. E.g. Ram. Bmp

Primary Extension

How to start Dos: -

* Click start button – Choose Programme – choose accessories – click command
It will be displayed - C:\Windows> Path

Drive Folder

* Click start button – Run – Type Command or CMD – Press enter/Click Ok.
It will be displayed – C:\Windows\desktop Path

Drive Folder Subfolder

Command subject: -

This command is used to clear the screen.
Syntax – = CLS
e.g. - = CLS


This command is used to create a new file.
Syntax – = COPY – CON – FILE NAME
e.g. - = COPY – CON – OWN NAME
After use this command then your file content. After finish the typing, then save
the file press Control + Z or press F6, then .

It is used for to open a particular file.
Syntax – = TYPE – FILE NAME
e.g. - = TYPE – OWN NAME
This command is used to close the dos.
Syntax – = EXIT
e.g. - = EXIT

It stands for file comparing. It is use for to open the two files at a time.
Syntax – = FC –1st FILE NAME – 2nd FILE NAME

This command is used to change the file or folder name.

It stands for Disk Index Report. It is used for to show the all files and folders.
Syntax – = DIR
e.g. - = DIR

It is used for to create a new file with modified old file.
Syntax – = EDIT – FILE NAME
e.g. - = EDIT – SIDHARTH
After use this command, then show the edit window then type your file content.
After finish the typing, to save the file press ALT + F, then chooses save. Then close edit
window again press ALT + F then choose exit.

It is used for to show the system date with change the date.
Syntax – = DATE
e.g. - = DATE
After use this command, then show the one message, enter date. Then format is
used month, date, and year. If you are not change date only press .

It is used for to show the system time with change the time.
Syntax – = TIME
e.g. - = TIME
After use this command, the show the system time with display one message enter
new time. The format is used hour, minute, second. If you are not enter time, then press
only .

*DIR/ON: -
It is used for to show the all files and folders ascending order like A to Z.
Syntax – = DIR/ON
e.g. - = DIR/ON

*DIR/O-N: -
It is used to show the all files and folders descending order like Z to A.
Syntax – = DIR/O-N
e.g. - = DIR/O-N

*DIR/P: -
It is used for to show the all files and folders page-wise.
Syntax – = DIR/P
e.g. - = DIR/P

This command is used for to delete any file.
Syntax – = DEL – FILE NAME
e.g. - = DEL – SIDHARTH

It is used for to hide & a read-only format is converted.

*ATTRIB – +H: -
It is used for to convert the general format to hidden format.
Syntax – = ATTRIB – FILE NAME – +H
e.g. - = ATTRIB – SIDHARTH – +H

*DIR/AH: -
It is used for to show the all hidden file and folders.
Syntax – = DIR/AH
e.g. - = DIR/AH

*ATTRIB – -H: -
It is used for to convert the hidden format to general format.
Syntax – = ATTRIB – FILE NAME – -H
e.g. - = ATTRIB – SIDHARTH – -H

*ATTRIB – +R: -
It is used for to convert the general format to read only format.
Syntax – = ATTRIB – FILE NAME – +R
e.g. - = ATTRIB – SIDHARTH – +R
*DIR/AR: -
It is used for to show the all read only files.
Syntax – = DIR/AR
e.g. - = DIR/AR

*ATTRIB – -R: -
It is used for to convert the read only format to general format.
Syntax – = ATTRIB – FILE NAME – -R
e.g. - = ATTRIB – SIDHARTH – -R

Whatever work is done by the user to save somewhere in using special device,
this device is called as drive. This device like Floppy disk, Hard disk, CD-ROM etc.
All drive is convert naming system like A to Z. Floppy disk name is A and B.
Hard disk name is there are 2 type –
1. Primary hard disk dos drive name
2. Logical dos drive name
Primary hard disk dos drive name is C.
Logical dos drive name is D to Z.
CD-ROM drive name is depend on your hard disk partition if your hard disk 3
partition CD-ROM drive name is F. CD-ROM drive is a removal drive.

Folder means to control the file or subfolder.

It is used for to make directory or folder.
Syntax – = MD – FOLDER NAME
e.g. - = MD – INDIA
e.g. - = MKDIR – INDIA

It is used for to change directory or folder.
Syntax – = CD – FOLDER NAME
e.g. - = CD – INDIA

*CD.. : -
It is used for to back one folder.
Syntax – = CD..
e.g. - = CD..
C: \




C: \Document and setting\User> cd..

C: \Document and setting>cd..
C: \>md – India
C: \>cd – India
C: \India>md – Orissa
C: \India>md – Andrapradesh
C: \India>cd – Orissa
C: \India\Orissa>md – Puri
C: \India\Orissa>md – Bbsr
C: \India\Orissa>cd..
C: \India>cd – Andrapradesh
C: \India\Andrapradesh>md – Hyderabad
C: \India\Andraprdesh>md – Sikendrabad
C: \India\Andrapraesh>cd\

This command is used to convert the some commands to other name.
Then type your command, then save the file press CTRL+Z or F6, then press .

Dos provide one solution to search a particular file or folder. This solution is
called as wildcard.
There are 2 types of wild card –
1. (*) star
2. (?) Question

STAR (*) means unknown any more than character.

*DIR – *.*: -
It is used for to show the all files and folders.
Syntax – = DIR – *.*
e.g. - = DIR – *.*
*DIR – A*.*: -
It sis used for to show the all files and folders with a particular first character.
Syntax – = DIR – A*.*
e.g. - = DIR – A*.*

*DIR – *.DOC: -
It is used for to show all files with a particular extension name.
Syntax – = DIR – *.DOC
e.g. - = DIR – *.DOC

*DIR – R*.DOC: -
It is used for to show the all files with a particular extension name and particular first
Syntax – = DIR – R*.DOC
e.g. - = DIR – R*.DOC

*Question (?): -
? Marks mean unknown any one character.
Syntax – = DIR – ?????.*
It is used for to show the all files and folders with a particular number of
Syntax – = DIR – ?????.*
e.g. - = DIR – ?????.*

*DIR – R?????.*: -
It is used for to show the all files & folders with a particular first character and number of
Syntax – = DIR –R?????.*
e.g. - = DIR –R?????.*

*DIR – ?????.DOC: -
It is used for to show the all files & with a particular 1st character, number of character &
particular extension name.
Syntax – = DIR –?????.DOC
e.g. - = DIR –?????.DOC

*DIR – R?????.DOC: -
It is used for to show the all files with a particular no of character and particular
extension name.
Syntax – = DIR –R?????.DOC
e.g. - = DIR –R?????.DOC

*DIR/W: -
It is used for to show the all files and folders wide format, but all is not displayed
information all folder is cover of square bracket.
Syntax – = DIR/W
e.g. - = DIR/W
*DIR/AD: -
It is used for to show the all folders at a time.
Syntax – = DIR/AD
e.g. - = DIR/AD

*DIR/A-D: -
It is used for to show the all files at a time.
Syntax – = DIR/A-D
e.g. - = DIR/A-D

*DIR/OG: -
It is used for to show the all files and folders first folder group wise.
Syntax – = DIR/OG
e.g. - = DIR/OG

*DIR/O-G: -
It is used for to show the all files and folders first files group wise.
Syntax – = DIR/O-G
e.g. - = DIR/O-G

It is used for to remove directory.
Syntax – = RD – FOLDER NAME
e.g. - = RD – INDIA
After use this command if it will be displayed one message, the directory is not
empty. It means inside this folder is available some subfolder and files. 1st delete the
subfolder or file, then delete main folder.

It is used for to show the all directory or files graphic wise.
e.g. - = TREE – INDIA




C: \Document and setting\User> cd..
C: \Document and setting>cd..
C: \>md – India
C: \>cd – India
C: \India>md – a
C: \India>md – b
C: \India>md – c
C: \India>md – d
C: \India>cd – b
C: \India\b>copy – con – r
C: \India\b>copy – con – t
C: \India\b>cd\

It is used for to create a duplicate any files.
e.g. - = COPY – R – C: \INDIA\C

It is used for to remove any files form one folder to another folder.
e.g. - = MOVE – T – C: \INDIA\B

Microsoft windows are and operating system is developed by Microsoft Company
in USA. Microsoft windows are operating system to overcome the limitation of its own
Microsoft dos operating system. Window is the area on the screen hav8ing the boarder on
all four sides to perform a specific work. Microsoft windows are executes one computer
programmed within one window the first successful version of this operating system was
windows 3.0 which was released in 1990. The subsequently released versions were
Windows 95, window 98, windows 2000, windows XP and windows vista etc.

*Features of Windows: -

1. GUI: -
It stands for Graphical User Interface. It’s mean by which the computer can be
given commands very easily by the user. The commands which are to be performed are
displayed on the screen in the form of picture. The user has to execute the icon to do a
particular work.

2. Clipboard: -
Clip board is an area in the computer memory where Microsoft windows
temporally store the data.
3. OLE: -
It stands of object linking embedding. OLE is a method where in an object from
one application can be pasted to another application.

4. Multitasking: -
Microsoft windows are allows executing more than one programme at a time.
Each programme will work in its own window and the user can switch to any programme
without closing the previous programme. The windows can be displays side by side or
one behind the other.

It stands for what you see is what you get? When the document is printed on the
paper the print out will look exactly like the document is displayed on the screen.

6. Long file supported: -

In windows primary key is supported by 255 characters including space.


*Desktop: -
The windows screen is called desktop.

*Taskbar: -
Taskbar is position at the bottom of desktop. By default its position can be
changed. It contains start button at the left side and time indicator at the right side. The
name of application correctly working with will be displayed on the taskbar.
*Start button: -
The start button is position at the left side of the taskbar by default (sure). It is
used to execute the applications to shut down the computer etc.

*Time Zone: -
Time zone displays the system time. It will also display the date when the mouse
pointer is position on the time indicator. To save the current time and today’s date double
click on the time indicator.

*Icon: -
A small graphical picture on the screen is called an icon. There are 3 types of icon

1. Folder icon
2. Programme icon
3. Document icon.

1. Folder icon: -
A directory or subdirectory is called as a folder icon. Generally it contains its won
set up icons. The contents of the folder will be displayed when double click on the folder

2. Programme icon: -
The programme icon represents an application or executable programme. When
double click on the icon the programme that it represents will be executed.

3. Document icon: -
The files created by the user are treated as document in Microsoft windows.
Document icon represents a document that can be generally printed.

How to create a folder: -

Right click on the desktop a circuit menu will be displayed. Choose new if will be
displayed another software menu, then click folder. A new folder appears with the text
new folder. Its name is highlighted and it’s ready for editing. Type a new name for the
folder. Finish it click somewhere outside the folder.

To change file or folder name: -

Right click on the particular file or folder. It will be displayed a circuit menu.
Then click rename it’s name is highlighted, they type your new name, then to finish it
click somewhere outside the folder.

Delete file or folder: -

Right click on the particular file or folder. It will display a circuit menu, then click
delete. It will be displayed confirm multiple delete dialogue box, and then click yes.
*Control panel: -
Major Ms-windows setting can be done, using the control panel. The screen color,
mouse speed, setting the primary mouse button, adding and removing printers, fonts,
setting the date and time formats etc. can be done through the control panel.

How to start control panel: -

To open the control panel – select start – settings – control panel.
The executable file name of is control.exe.
Each icon in the control panel represents a little programme called an applet that
will be executed when double clicked on it. The followings are some of the applets in the
control panel.

Accessibility options: -
It allows us to set the keyboard, mouse, sound, display and general MS.windows

Add new hardware: -

It is used to install or remove sound, CD ROM, video, hard disk and floppy disk
controllers, display adapters, keyboard, mouse, printer, ports, modems, network adapters
and other device drivers.

Add or remove programmes: -

It is used to add or remove different modules of MS – windows and also allows
the user create a start-up disk.

Date/Time: -
Allows setting the current date and time based on the time zone selected.

Display: -
It is used to set the color and fonts of different parts of windows screens, title bar
etc. Desktop pattern or wallpaper can be changed, allows to select any screen saver,
display drivers, screen resolution etc.

Keyboard: -
It is used to set the rate at which keys repeat, cursor blink rate, language to be
used for the characters etc.

Mouse: -
Used to set the speed of mouse movement, double click speed, mouse trails, left
or right primary button and shape of the mouse pointer.

Multimedia: -
Used to change the audio, MIDI, CD music and other multimedia device, driver,
properties and settings.

Power: -
Used to set advanced power management incase of a battery powered portable
computer to view the current condition of the battery charge.
Printers: -
Used to display the printers installed, to change the properties of the installed
printers, to display and manage the print queue for each of the installed printers.

Regional settings: -
Used to set the time, date, number and currency formats.

Recycle Bin: -
All deleted folders and files in windows will be store in the recycle bin. A holding
place for the deleted files. These files are not actually deleted from the hard disk until the
recycle bin is emptied.

How to back deleted folders and files: -

When click on the recycle bin icon a folder will open listing all files and items
deleted since the last time the recycle bin was emptied. Click on the name of the folder or
file to be recovered. Multiple file can be selected by either using CONTROL+CLICK or
using SHIFT+CLICK. Select restore from file menu. This will move all selected items
back to their original location.

How to empty the recycle bin: -

Double click on the recycle bin item in desktop examine carefully whether
anything is needed from recycle bin because once the recycle bin is emptied the deleted
items can not be recover. Select empty recycle bin from file menu. The confirm multiple
file delete dialogue box will be displayed. Click on yes to empty the recycle bin. To
empty recycle bin faster just right click on recycle bin item in the desktop and select
empty recycle bin from the shortcut menu.

Virus: -
A computer virus is a computer programme which is destructive, it resides in
RAM during its execution and can be stored any computer storage media. Virus is loaded
executed and copied automatically i.e. their self replicating programme. They might get
loaded when the system is booted using an infected floppy or when an infected files is

How does affect the virus: -

The virus is capable of doing anything.
1. The virus occupies space in the memory hence application programmes may not be
executed. Sometimes they do run, but result in wrong output.
2. There are virus programmes that do not destroy anything. They are just funny and their
main purpose is to attract the user’s attention by facing funny messages
3. Most virus programmes become memory residence and interfere with other
programmes causing the system to hang.
4. Some viruses destroyed data in disk. They feel the disk with garbage but do not alter
the physical appearance of the disk. Hence, the disk just needs to be formatted and used.
5. Some viruses are cap[able of damaging electronic parts of the system but most of them
damage only software.
6. Logic bomb virus also exists. These are activated at a particular time or on a particular
day which automatically performs different process, the process may be anything.

Antivirus: -
Virus is danger to any system and is a good idea to make scans with an antivirus
programme. A regular part of your preventive maintenance programme although both
Microsoft and IBM provide antivirus software in Microsoft and PC dos.
Antivirus programme are those virus protective programme which scan for virus,
move, repair or even desirable virus activity.
There are more than antivirus programme is available in our market like a panda
antivirus, MacAfee antivirus, doctor Solomon antivirus, avast antivirus, K7 nottle gold

*My computer: -
My computer is an icon on the windows operating system. My computer allows
you to browse through the drives, folders and files search of your computer. Double click
on my computer icon it will be displayed my computer windows inside which is available
all drive names.

Changing view of file or folder: -

We can change the view of file and folders in a window. The view you select
determines the way of files and folders will appear in the window. Click on view menu to
change the view of files and folders in a window to use thumbnail, files, icons, details etc.
Then choose any one then change the view on the screen.

Sorting files & folder: -

We can sort the items displayed in a window to help you find files and folders
more quickly. Click on the view menu, then choose arrange icon by, then click name,
size, auto arrange etc.

Windows explorer: -
On your computer windows explorer shows the organization of all the files &
folder. We can move, rename and delete files in windows explorer.
1. Click start button – then choose programme – then choose accessories – click windows

2. Press window key+E. Then display window explorer windows. A folder displaying a
(+) sign contains hidden folders. When change (-) sign this indicates that all the folders
with on the open.

Searching for files and folders: -

You can have windows search for the files on your computer, if you cannot
remember the exact name or location of a file you want to work with.
1. Click on start to display the start menu.
2. Click on search for files on your computer. The search results windows appears.
3. Click the type of file you want to search for.
4. To search by filename, click this area and type all or part of the file name.
5. To search by file contents, click this area and type a word or phrase that appears within
the file.
6. This area shows the location windows will search. You can click the down arrow
button in this area to select a different location.
7. Click on search to start the search. This area displays the matching files that windows
found. To open files double click the file.

CD to CD writer: -
Both are used to play the every type of CD like picture CD, song CD etc. Through
CD to play only CD not to record. Through CD writer to play the CD with recording the

How to record CD to CD: -

When recording the CD is load on your computer Nero software with connect CD
- Click start button – choose programme – choose ahead Nero – Then click Nero 5/Nero
express/Nero start smart.

Then it will be displayed Nero dialogue box. Then click copy CD to CD. Then
choose your number of copies and number of speed, and then click next.
Then click burn or copy. Then start image recording. After completed 100%, then
it will be displayed one message box with open CD writer automatically. Then put your
blank disk inside your CD writer, then automatically erase disk message box. Then click
ok. Start the burning process. Then completed 100% it will be displayed one message
then click ok, then click next, then click exit.

Microsoft word is a word processor document package. Through Microsoft word
to create file, table, to check spelling and grammar, to search the particular word and
character, to settings, the mail merge option etc. Microsoft word is a part of Microsoft
office. Before development Microsoft word in using document packages like word star &
word perfect.

How to start Microsoft word: -

1. Click start button – then choose programme – M.S.office – click Microsoft word
2. Click start button – click run – type win word – Click ok/enter.

Control menu box: -

It will be displayed top of the left corner. It controls restore, move, and size,
maximize, minimize and close button. Without mouse to open control menu box press

Title bar: -
It will be displayed top of the document. It controls application name, file name,
minimize, maximize, restore and close button.

Menu bar: -
It displays below the title bar. It controls all type of menus like file, edit, view,
insert, format etc.

Tool bar: -
A set of icon to perform specific work is called as tool bar. When start M.S.word
is open 3 tools bar named standard toolbar, formatting tool bar & drawing toolbar.
Standard & formatting tool bar is displayed top of the document. Drawing toolbar is
displayed bottom of the desktop.

Ruler: -
Inside Microsoft word is available 2 rulers such as horizontal ruler & vertical
ruler. Horizontal ruler is displays top of the doc. Vertical ruler is displays left side of the
Scroll bar: -
In M.S.word are available 2 types of scroll bar –
1. Horizontal scroll bar
2. Vertical scroll bar.
Horizontal scroll bar is displays bottom of the doc. It is used for to move the
screen left or right. Vertical scroll bar is displays right side of the document. It is used for
to move the screen top or bottom.

Status bar: -
It is displayed current status of the doc like – page no, column no, line no etc.

How to create a document: -

When start the M.S.word it will be displayed one blank document, this name is
Then start your typing after encounter right margin to move the insertion point,
next line this features is called word wrap. But when press ENTER to move the insertion
point next line but continue another programme. When press SHIFT + ENTER to move
the insertion point next line but continue same paragraph.

Moving around document: -

It is used to move the insertion point right side one character.
Control + It is used to move the insertion point right side one words.
To move the insertion point left one letter.
Control + To move the insertion point left one word.
To move the insertion point down one line.
Control + To move insertion point down one paragraph.
It is used for to move the insertion point up one line.
Control + To move the insertion point up one paragraph.
Page down To move the screen down side.
Page up To move the screen up one screen.
Control + Page down To move the insertion point next page
Control + Page up To move the insertion point previous page.
Control + Enter To create a new page.
Home Key To move the insertion point beginning of the line.
Control + Home Key To move the insertion point beginning of the doc.
Control + End To move the insertion point end of the doc.
End key To move the insertion point of the line.

This menu is mainly use for to create a new document and settings the page set up
options and to give the document protection with save the active document and to print
the active document etc.

New: -
It is used for to create a new doc.
There are following methods used
1. Click the file menu, then click new, it will be displayed new dialogue box, then click
general category, then click blank doc, then click ok.
2. Press Control + N
3. Click new icon in the standard toolbar. ALT + TABS press in the new document is in

Open: -
It is used to open and existing document.
There is following methods use –
1. Click file menu, then click open.
2. Press Control + O
3. Click open icon in the standard toolbar.

Close: -
It is used for to close the active document.

Save: -
It is used for to save the active document in any name. there are following methods use.
1. Click the file menu, then click save.
2. Press Control + S
3. Click save icon in the standard toolbar. After save this file extension name Doc.

Save as: -
To save the old file name to another file name. The shortcut key is used press F12
Function keys

How to give the protection: -

Click the file menu, then click save as, then it will be displayed save as dialogue
box. Then click tools, and then click general option or security option. It will be
displayed another dialogue box. Then type your password inside password text box, then
again type same password inside password to modify text box, then click ok, then
displayed another dialogue box, then type same password, then click ok. Again type same
password, then click ok, then click save.

Page setup: -
It is used for to settings the page margin, paper size and page orientation. There are 2
types of orientation – 1. Portrait 2. Landscape

Print preview: -
It is used for to show the full page format.

Print: -
It is used for to send the active doc data on the printer. When click this option it will be
displayed print dialogue box, then choose your printer name, page range, no of copies etc.
Then click ok.

Properties: -
It is used for to show the current file information like which date created, modified,
location of the file etc.

Exit: -
It is used for to close Microsoft word. The shortcut key is used press ALT + F4.

This menu is mainly used for to delete the selected data, to find particular word
and character, to select entire document, to create a duplicate any selected item with undo
functions is used.

Undo action: -
After modify in your active doc, and then select undo command. It is used for to reverse
last work. After finish this function, this name can be change cannot undo. There are
following methods are used – 1. Click edit menu – Then click undo – click undo icon on
the standard toolbar – press CONTROL + Z.

Redo: -
After use undo action, then activated redo. It is used for to reverse undo function. After
finish this function this name can be change cannot redo. There are following methods is
used – 1. Click edit menu – then click redo – click redo icon on the standard toolbar –

Cut: -
After Selected some text or picture, then activated cut command it is used for to remove
selected data. This data is stored inside the clip board, there are following methods are
used – Click edit menu – then click cut – press CONTROL + X – click cut icon on the
standard toolbar.

Copy: -
After selected some text or picture, then activated copy command. It is used for to create
duplicate in your selected item. This item is stored inside the clip board. The are
following methods is used – Click edit menu – then click copy – Press CONTROL + C –
Click copy icon on the standard toolbar.

Paste: -
After use cut & copy command, then activated paste command. It is used for to insert clip
board content at your insertion point. There are following methods is used – Click edit
menu – then click paste – press CONTROL + V – click paste icon on the standard

Clear: -
It is used for to delete the selected icon with insertion point position data. The shortcut
key is used press delete switch on the key board.

Select all: -
It is used for to select entire document. The shortcut key is used press CONTROL + A.
Find: -
It is used for to search a particular word character in your active document. The shortcut
key is used press CONTROL + F.

Replace: -
It is used for to search a particular word & character in your active document with replace
in this place other words. The shortcut key is used CONTROL + H.

Go to: -
It is used for to move the insertion point in a particular place like page no, line no etc.
The shortcut key is used CONRTOL + G.

This menu is mainly used for to change the document layout, settings the page
header and footer, to turn off & on both ruler and scroll bar with settings zoom option etc.

Layout: -
In M.S. Word is available some layout to change any layout in your active doc. But when
settings any word document, that time is used print layout.

Toolbar: -
This option is used to turn off and on every toolbars.

Ruler: -
This menu is mainly used for to turn off and on both ruler.

Header and footer: -

This option is mainly used for to settings the heading of the page and footing of the page.
When click this option header and footer toolbar is displayed. With display rectangular
box inside this box to insert filename, date, time, page no etc.

Zoom: -
It is used for to increase or decrease doc size. But default is 100%. After use this function
is not change page setup option.

This menu is mainly used for to insert the page no, date & time format with insert
the auto text entry and settings the auto shape symbol with to link between one file to
another file etc.

Break: -
Through this option to insert new page, new line etc. There are 4 types of break.
1. Page break
2. Column break
3. Text wrapping break
4. Selection break.
1. Page break: -
It is used for to create a new page. The shortcut key is used press CONTROL + ENTER.

2. Column break: -
It is used for to send insertion point one column to another column. The shortcut key is
used press CONTORL + SHIFT + ENTER.

3. Text wrapping break: -

It is used for to create a new line. The shortcut key is used press ENTER.

4. Section break: -
There are 4 types of section break – 1.Next page 2. Continues 3.Odd page 4. Even page.

Next page: -
Next page is equal to page break.

Continues: -
Continuous is equal to text wrapping break.

Odd page: -
It is used for to create a new page only.

Even page: -
It is used for to create a new page only even numbers.

Date and time: -

It is used for to insert the date and time format. When click this option it will be
displayed date and time dialogue box. Inside this box is available some format to insert
any one format at your insertion point.

Page number: -
It is used for to insert the page number on the active document with change the page
number format.

Symbol: -
Inside this option is available some symbols. This symbol to insert at your insertion point.

Auto text: -
Inside this option is stored some data. This data insert again and again in your active

Picture: -
Inside this option is available clip art, word art and auto shape options etc.

Clip art: -
Inside this option is available some pictures. This picture to insert at your insertion point.
Word art: -
After insert this design to show the word art toolbar with show the letter design.

Auto shape: -
When click this option it will be displayed auto shape tool bar. Through this tool bar to
insert some symbols on the active doc.

Text box: -
When click this option, it will be displayed mouse pointer doctor symbols. Through this
option to insert one rectangle box. Inside this box to typing any data, to insert any
pictures etc.

Hyperlink: -
It is used for to link between one file to another file.

This menu is mainly used for to change the font style, font color, underline style,
underline colors with settings the superscript, subscript options etc.

Font: -
When click this option it will be displayed font dialogue box. Through this
dialogue box to change the font style, font size, font color, character spacing, underline
style, underline color, superscript, subscript etc.

Some shortcut keys name –

Control + B It is used for to insert bold style.
Control + I It is used for to create italic style.
Control + V To create underline.
Control + shift + D To create double underline.
Control + shift + W To create word underline.
Control + 1 To settings the single line spacing.
Control + 2 To settings thee double line spacing.
Control + 5 To settings the one & half line spacing.
Control + = To settings the subscript.
Control + shift + = To settings the superscript.
Control + [ To decrease the letter size.
Control +] To increase the letter size.
Control + shift + > To increase the letter size.
Control + shift + < To decrease the letter size.
Control + L To settings left alignment.
Control + R To settings the right alignment.
Control +E To settings the center alignment.
Control + J To settings the justified.
Control + shift + P To active the size box on the formatting toolbar.
Control + shift + F To active the font size box on the formatting toolbar.
Page border: -
It is used for to settings the page borders with to settings the any page. After insert this
design to show the word art toolbar with show the letter design.

Paragraph: -
It is used for to settings the paragraphs margin with settings the line spacing etc.

Bullet and numbering: -

It is used for to settings the any paragraph number wise and some symbol wise.

Change case: -
It is used for to change the uppercase to lower case, sentence case, toggle case etc.

Text direction: -
After insert the text box, then active text direction. It is used for to move the text box

Drop cap: -
It is used for to settings the paragraph first character capitalization.

Background: -
To change the background color in your active doc, but this color is not print on the

This menu is mainly used for to check the spelling and grammar, auto correct, setting the
mail merge option, give the document protection and settings the language etc.

Spelling and grammar checking: -

It is used for to check the spelling and grammar in your active document. The shortcut
key is used press F7 function keys.

Language: -
Through this option to settings the language but default in English U.S.

Word count: -
Through this option to count the paragraph, line number, character, page number etc.

Document protection: -
Through this option to give the document password, operator give the document
protection not modify in your active document.

Auto correct: -
Inside this option to store some data in other names.

Mail merge: -
How to start a mail merge: -
You can use the mail merge helper to create from letter, making labels, envelops
or catalogs. The mail merge help guides. You through organizing the address data,
merging into a genetic document and printing the resulting personalized document.
1. Open or create a main document, which contains the genetic information that you want
to repeat in each from letter, mailing labels, envelop catalog.
2. Open or create a data source which contains the data that varies in the merged doc. e.g.
the name and the address of each recipient of a form letter. The data source can be an
existing spread sheet, data base or text file or a word table that you create by using the
mail merge helper.
3. In the main document insert merge fields which are place holder that tell M.S.word
where to insert data from the data source.
4. Merge data from the data source into the main document, each core (code record) in
the data source produces an individual from letter; mailing labels envelop or catalog item.
You can send the merged documents directly to printer or to e- mail address or fax no.

This menu is mainly used for to create a new table change the table properties
with sorting the table data to insert individual row, column and cell etc.

Draw table: -
It is used for to create new table in manually through pencil. Then click this option. It
will be displayed table & border tool bar. Through this toolbar to draw the table, to
change the table border size, merge cell, to change the color etc.

Insert: -
Through this option to insert the table. To mention the column no, row no, with change
the table autographed.

Delete: -
It is used for to delete the active table, row, column, cell and entire table.

Select: -
It is used for to select active table row, active table column, cell and entire table.

Merge cell: -
After selected some cells, then active merge cell. It is used for to merge row line &
column line.

Split cell: -
It is used for to partition in your active cell.

Split table: -
It is used for to partition in your active table at your insertion point.

Sort: -
It is used for to settings the table data ascending order or descending order.
Table format: -
Inside this option is available some table format. To change any format through this

Table properties: -
It is used for to change the table position in your active doc.


Microsoft excel is a spread sheet package. When calculation is made on paper

certain data must be changed. If you are used spread sheet package data is change
automatically recalculated. Before developed the Microsoft excel in using spread sheet
packages like lotus 1, 2, 3, symphony etc. Microsoft excel is a part of Microsoft office.
In this package is used basically banking center, task inventory, purchase and cell

How to start excel: -

1. Click start button – Then choose programme – then click M.S.excel – press ok.
2. Click start button – then click run – then type excel – press ok.
Name Box: -
It will be displayed current cell name.

Formula Bar: -
It will be displayed current cell content.

Row header: -
There are 65536 rows available in one sheet. 1st row no is 1, last row no is 65536. To go
last cell in the last row press CONTROL + . To return to cell is 1st row press

Column header: -
There are 256 columns is available in one sheet. The 1st column name is A and the last
column name is IV. To go to the cell in last column press CONTROL + . To go to the
cell in first column press CONTROL + .

Sheet tab: -
Displays the sheet names, each work sheet are named as sheet-1, sheet-2 and sheet-3.

Status bar: -
Displays on the left side various modes like ready or edit mode. The status of num lock,
caps lock and scroll lock keys on the keyboard on the right side.

Worksheet within workbook: -

Excel document are known as work books. Each workbook contains 3 worksheets by
default. Adding or deleting the sheets can change the no of sheets. Each sheet is name
uniquely like sheet-1, sheet-2, etc. When excel is located it automatically opens a new
workbook name book-1. After save this book, this book extension name is .XLS.

Cell: -
The intersection of a column and a row is called as a cell. Each cell has a name or
a cell address consists of the column letter and this row no. e.g. – At having column letter
A and row no is 1.

Navigate worksheet: -
Or Tab – To move the insertion point right side one cell.
Or Shift + Tab – To move the insertion point left side one cell.
Or Enter – To move the insertion point down one cell.
Or Shift + Enter – To move the insertion point up one cell.
Control + - To move the insertion point last cell in the row.
Control + - To move the insertion point 1st cell in the row.
Control + - To move the insertion point last cell in the column.
Control + - To move the insertion point 1st cell in the column.
Control + Home – To move the insertion point 1st cell in a worksheet.
Page down – To move the screen downside.
Page up – To move the screen upside.
Alt + Page down – To move the screen right side.
Alt + Page up – To move the screen left side.
Control + Page down – To move the insertion point next sheet.
Control + Page up – To move the insertion point previous sheet.

Enter and edit data: -

Any entry can be made in the active cell. Entries can be 4 different types.
1. Text
2. Numbers
3. Logical values
4. Formulas

1. Text: -
A text in a cell can include any combination of letters, numbers, and keyboard
symbols. A cell can contain 32,000 characters. If column width prevents a text string
visually in a cell, the display extends over neighboring cells.

2. Numbers: -
Numbers include digits form 0 to 9 and some special characters like %, +, -, *, /
etc. Date and time are stored as numbers.

2. Logical value: -
Logical entries true and false can be entered in the cells.

3. Formulas: -
Formulas are entered into the cell to perform calculation. Formula begins with an
= sign. After completing the formula entry the result formula will be displayed in the cell
and the formula will be displayed in the formula bar.

4. Range of cells: -
Range is a group of cells, (also called as a block) selected generally to make the
cell formatting. To specific a range of cells using the mouse, click and drag from the
middle of cell (the mouse pointer should return to +). In the following example, the cell
E4 to E7 are selected, that is the block E4 to E7 written as E4, E7 (use a single dot or
double dot or colon) between the 1st and last cell address in a range. The different
methods are used to select range of cells.

* Click on a cell, and holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse pointer across
different cells and release the mouse button.
* Click on a cell, place the mouse pointer on the last cell of the range and press SHIFT
key on the keyboard and click on the left mouse button
* To block non-continuous cells, press CONTROL key and drag from the middle of the
* To block the cell in a row, click on the row number in the left side of the worksheet.
* To block the cell in a column, click on the column header at the top of the worksheet.
* To select entire worksheet press CONTROL + A or click on place above the 1st row
number and before the 1st column letter. ( Top left corner of the worksheet)
Cell Reference: -
A formula represents certain cell relationship which generates a result. When
typing the cell address in the formula, three types of cell references can be used. A cell
reference specifies when the formula is copied to other cells, its column or row number is
to change or not.
Relative reference = B3*C3
Absolute reference = $B$3*$C$3
Mixed reference = $B3*$C3

Relative reference: -
If a formula with relative reference is copied, the cell references used in the
formula will automatically change in the copied cell. E.g. – When the formula = B3*C3
in cell D3 is copied to D4, the formula will be = B4*C4 in the cell D4. Similarly if the
formula in D3 is copied to E3, the formula will be C3*D3.

Absolute reference: -
If the formula with absolute reference is copied, the cell reference used to the
formula remain unchanged i.e. no change in column and row number. To achieve this,
use $ symbol before the column letter and the row number. E.g. When the formula =
$B$C*$C$3 in cell D3 is copied to D4. The formula will be = $B$3*$C$3 itself because
both column letter and row numbered are made constant. That means, the result in the
cell D3 and D4 will be the same.

Mixed reference: -
If a formula with mixed reference is copied, the cell reference used in the formula
will change either the column letter or the row number, but not both of them. To achieve
this $ symbol before the column letter or the row number. E.g. When the formula =
B$3*C$3 in cell D3 is copied to D4, it will be = B$3*C$3 but if the formula is copied to
cell E3. It will be = C$3*D$3 because, the row numbers are made constant and not the
column letters. (To calculate discount @ 2% on value type the formula = D3*2% in E3 or
if 2% is written in any cell (in cell E1 as given below) type = D3*$E$1 and copy it to
other cells. C$E$1 is an absolute reference and when the formula is copied to other cells
both column letter and row number will remain unchanged).
To calculate the net value type = D3-E3 in Fe and copy it other cells. It uses
relative reference.

This menu is mainly use for to create a new document and settings the page set up
options and to give the document protection with save the active document and to print
the active document etc.

New: -
It is used for to create a new doc.

There are following methods used

1. Click the file menu, then click new, it will be displayed new dialogue box, then click
general category, then click blank doc, then click ok.
2. Press Control + N
3. Click new icon in the standard toolbar. ALT + TABS press in the new document is in

Open: -
It is used to open and existing document.

There is following methods use –

1. Click file menu, then click open.
2. Press Control + O
3. Click open icon in the standard toolbar.

Close: -
It is used for to close the active document.

Save: -
It is used for to save the active document in any name. There is following methods use.
1. Click the file menu, then click save.
2. Press Control + S
3. Click save icon in the standard toolbar. After save this file extension name Doc.

Save as: -
To save the old file name to another file name. The shortcut key is used press F12
Function keys

Save as workspace: -
It is used for to save the more than open excel document to save in one name. After save
this format this file extension name must be dot (.) WLW.

How to give the protection: -

Click the file menu, then click save as, then it will be displayed save as dialogue
box. Then click tools, and then click general option or security option. It will be
displayed another dialogue box. Then type your password inside password text box, then
again type same password inside password to modify text box, then click ok, then
displayed another dialogue box, then type same password, then click ok. Again type same
password, then click ok, then click save.

Page setup: -
It is used for to settings the page margin, paper size and page orientation. There are 2
types of orientation – 1. Portrait 2. Landscape

Print Area: -
It is used for to indicate the area to print it.

Print preview: -
It is used for to show the full page format.
Print: -
It is used for to send the active doc data on the printer. When click this option it will be
displayed print dialogue box, then choose your printer name, page range, no of copies etc.
Then click ok.

This menu is mainly used for to delete the selected data, to find particular word
and character, to select entire document, to create a duplicate any selected item with undo
functions is used.

Undo action: -
After modify in your active doc, and then select undo command. It is used for to reverse
last work. After finish this function, this name can be change cannot undo. There are
following methods are used – 1. Click edit menu – Then click undo – click undo icon on
the standard toolbar – press CONTROL + Z.

Redo: -
After use undo action, then activated redo. It is used for to reverse undo function. After
finish this function this name can be change cannot redo. There are following methods is
used – 1. Click edit menu – then click redo – click redo icon on the standard toolbar –

Cut: -
After Selected some text or picture, then activated cut command it is used for to remove
selected data. This data is stored inside the clip board, there are following methods are
used – Click edit menu – then click cut – press CONTROL + X – click cut icon on the
standard toolbar.

Copy: -
After selected some text or picture, then activated copy command. It is used for to create
duplicate in your selected item. This item is stored inside the clip board. The are
following methods is used – Click edit menu – then click copy – Press CONTROL + C –
Click copy icon on the standard toolbar.

Paste: -
After use cut & copy command, then activated paste command. It is used for to insert clip
board content at your insertion point. There are following methods is used – Click edit
menu – then click paste – press CONTROL + V – click paste icon on the standard

Fill: -
It is for to fulfill the any characters and number and column wise.

Clear: -
It is used for to delete the current cell format with delete the current comment etc.

Delete: -
It is used for to delete the entire row shift cell, shift cell left and entire column.
Delete sheet: -
It is use for to delete the active sheet, after delete the sheet is not unknown sheet. If any
workbook is not deleted last sheet because one sheet is must available in your workbook.

Move or copy sheet: -

It is used for to create a duplicate in your active document.

This menu is mainly use for to change the document layout to turn off and on
formula bar, tool bar and to header and footer option etc.

Formula bar: -
It is used for to turn off and on formula bar and name box.

Header and footer: -

It is used to same the Microsoft header and footer. But difference only when settings the
header and footer options. This data is not displayed on the active document. But when
print on the paper to displayed header and footer data.

Zoom: -
It is use for to increase or to decrease the document size.

This menu is mainly use for to insert the new row, columns, cell, formula, picture, insert
box, auto shape etc.

Cell: -
It is used for to insert the new cell, shift cell right, down, entire row and entire column.

Row: -
It is used for to create a new row above the active cell.

Column: -
It is use for to create a new column left side of the active document.

Work sheet: -
It is used for to create a new sheet left side of the active sheet.


LUX 25 11.5
CINTHOL 30 12.75
LIFE BOY 40 11.25
NIRMA 28 10.75
REXONA 27 15.25
MEDIMIX 35 13.1
DYNA 40 20.25
Function: -
* Function shortens a formula. For ex – to add the values in the cell C1 to C10, the
formula is = C1+C2+C3+C4+C5+C6+C7+C8+C9+C10. If the function is used we need
to type only = SUM(C1:C10)
* Complex formulas can be created using functions and some tasks can be accomplished
only be using the functions. For ex – to display the current date and time use TODAY ( )
and NOW ( ) functions.

Functions with example:

Mathematically and statistical functions: -

*SUM ( ): -
It is a mathematical function used to add the numeric value in a range of cell. A
maximum of 30 arguments can be provided.
SYNTAX: - =SUM (range)

Example: - Description
=SUM(C5:C10) Total no. in the range C5 to C10.
=SUM(C5:C10,D5:D10) Total no. in the range C5 to C10 and D5 to
=SUM(C5, C7, C10, D5) Total no. in the cells C5, C7, C10 and D5.

Calculate and return the average (arithmetic means) of the numeric values in the range of
cell. It is a statistical function. A maximum of cell 30 arguments can be provided.

Example: -
=AVERAGE(C5:C10) Average of no. in the range C5 to
=AVERAGE(C5:C10, D5:D10) Average of no. in the range C5 to
C10 and D5 to D10.
=AVERAGE(C5, C7, C10, D5) Average of no. in the cells C5, C7,
C10 and D5.
*MAX( ): -
Return the largest value in the range. It is a statistical function. A maximum of 30
arguments can be provided.
SYNTAX: - =MAX(range)

Example: -
=MAX(C5:C10) Highest value in the range C5 to
=MAX(C5:C10,D5:D10) Highest value in the range C5 to C10
and D5 to D10.
=MAX(10, 5, 18) Highest value 18.

*MIN( ): -
Returns to lowest value in the range. A maximum of 30 arguments can be
SYNTAX: - =MIN(range)

Example: -
=MIN(C5:C10) Lowest value in the range C5 to C10.
=MIN(C5:C10,D5:D10) Lowest value in the range C5 to C10
and D5 to D10.
=MIN(10,5,18) Lowest value is 18.

*COUNT( ): -
Counts the no. of cells that contain number in the special range. It is a statistical function.
SYNTAX: - =COUNT(range)

Example: -
=COUNT(C5:C10) Numeric cells in the range C5 to
=COUNT(C5:C10,D5:D10) Numeric cells in the range C5 to C10
and D5 to D10.

*COUNTA( ): -
Counts the number of cells that are not example in the special range. It is a statistical
function. A maximum of 30 arguments can be provided.
SYNTAX: - =COUNTA(range)
In this case, a value is any type function, including empty text (“”) but not including
empty cells.
SYNTAX: - =COUNTA(range)

Example: -
=COUNTA(C5:C10) Non blank cells in the range C5 to
=COUNTA(C5:C10,D5:D10) Non blank cells in the range C5 to
C10 and D5 to D10.

Counts empty cells in a specified range of cells. Cells with formulas that return “” (empty
text) are also counted. Cells with zero values are not counted. It is a statistical function.

Example: -
=COUNTBLANK(C5:C10) Blank cells in the range C5 to C10.
=COUNTBLANK(C5:C10,D5:D10) Blank cells in the range C5 to C10
and D5 to D10.

Now function: -
This function is used to show the current system date and time.
E.g.:- =NOW( )
Data base: -
Every organization maintains the data of various kinds.
e.g. – The details of employees, sales details, product details etc. One purpose of storing
and maintaining data is to retry, if later for day to day transactions & management
planning. Sorting, searching, totaling etc. Using this data. This is called as data
An organized collection of data arranges in rows and columns are a data base. The
columns are called fields. The column levels or headings are field names. Each row in the
least below, the field name is a record.

Operator: -
Operator is a symbol used to specify the type of calculation i.e to be performed on
the elements of a formula. M.S.excel includes 4 different types of calculation operator
like arithmetic, comparison, text and reference.

Arithmetic operation: -
Arithmetic operators perform basic mathematical operations such as addition,
substraction or multiplication; combine number; and produced numeric results.
Operator Meaning Example
+ Addition 3+3
- Substraction/negation 3-1
* asterisk Multiplication 3*3
/ Division 3/3
% Percent 30%
^ caret Exponentiation 3^2

Comparison operators: -
These operators compare two values and then produce the logical value true or
Operator Meaning Example
= equal sign Equal to A1=B1
> greater than Greater than A1>B1
< less than Less than A1<B1
>= greater than or equal to Greater than or equal to A1>=B1
<= less than or equal to Less than or equal to A1<=B1
<> not equal No equal to A1<>B1

Text operator: -
The text operator ‘&’ combines one or more text values to produce a single piece
of text. & (ampersand) connects or concatenates, two values to produced one continuous
text value “North” and “wind” produced “North wind”.

Reference operators: -
Reference operators combine a range of cells for calculation.

Operator Meaning Example

: (colon) Range operator, B5:B15
which produces one
reference to all the
cells between two
reference, induction
the two reference
, (comma) Union operator, SUM(B5:B15,D5:D15
which combines
multiple references
into one reference.
Single comma Intersection SUM(B5:B15,A7:D7)
operator, which In this example, cell
produces or one B7 is common +C
reference to cells both ranges.
common to two
Logical operator: -
Logical functions are used to see whether a condition is true or false.

IF function: -
The function “IF” is used to see whether a condition is true or false. One value is return if
the condition is true and different value is return if the condition is false.
SYNTAX: - =IF(condition, true action, false action)
<= 1000 = 10%
<=1000 = 20%
Question number - 1


FOOD 10 200
DRINK 20 100
OTHER 15 120

Total rate: - =Qnty * per rate

Item Vat
Food 12.5%
Electricity 20%
Drink 1%
Medicine 4%
Other 5%
Total amount: - =Total rate + vat
Question number – 2


AAA 2500
BBB 3500
CCC 4500
DDD 4500
EEE 6000
FFF 7000
GGG 8000
House rent allowance = HRA
Dearness allowance = DA
Provident fund = PF

Question: -
HRA = 40% of salary
DA = 20% of salary
GROSS = Salary + hra + da
PF = 10% of Gross
Net = Gross – Pf

Question number – 3


AAA 2500
BBB 3500
CCC 4500
DDD 4500
EEE 6000
FFF 7000
GGG 8000

Question: -
Salary HRA DA = 20% of salary
<=500 25% of salary GROSS = Salary + hra + da
>500 to <=1000 35 % of salary PF = 10% of Gross
>1000 40% of salary Net = Gross – Pf

Question number – 4

10 50
20 40
30 30
40 20
50 10
Question: - Information
1st number < 2nd number “hello”
1st number > 2nd number “how are you”
1st number = 2nd number “I am fine”

Question number – 5
AAA A 8000
BBB B 7000
CCC C 5000
DDD D 6000
EEE E 4000
FFF A 7000
GGG B 6500

Question: -
A 30% of salary DA = 20% of salary
B 25% of salary GROSS = Salary + hra + da
C 20% of salary PF = 10% of Gross
D 10% of salary Net = Gross – P
E 5% of salary

Question number – 6


112MA200 70 60 98 85 99 80
112MA201 80 55 100 76 98 75
112MA202 60 70 99 90 97 30
112MA203 90 65 85 95 96 60
112MA204 95 29 75 84 95 70
112MA205 90 31 35 45 55 50
112MA206 31 30 35 40 40 41
Question: -

Mil<30 = “fail” result = “fail”, “fail”
Eng<30 = “fail” result = “pass”, ?
Math<30 = “fail”
Sci1/2<30 = “fail” DIVISION
His/geo<30 = “fail” result = “fail”, “fail”
San<30 = “fail”, “pass” result = “pass”,
Percentage>=60 = “1st”
Percentage>=45 = “2nd”
Percentage>=30 = “3rd”
Question number – 7


DCA 11/25/2016
PGDCA 11/26/2016
TALLY 11/27/2016
DTP 11/28/2016
HARDWARE 11/29/2016
MCIT 11/30/2016

Question: -
Course C. fee C. duration Adv fee
DCA 2700 6 MONTH 730
PGDCA 6500 1 YEAR 1050
TALLY 3000 3 MONTH 1070
DTP 3000 3 MONTH 1090
HARDWARE 15000 1 YEAR 5300

Question number – 8


HCD 100%
HSP 30%
HK 30%
HG 11%
HH 30%

Question: -

V Name V Amount down payment Installment Offer

HCD 45000 100% = 0 “Samsung galaxy”
HSP 47000 30% = 20 month “Nokia dual SIM”
HSPLS 49000 20% = 15 month “Wrist watch”
HSPRO 54200 15% = 12 month “Hand bag”
HPPRO 56500 <15% = “not allowed” “not allowed”
HK 65000
HG 70000
HH 75000
Question number – 9


1121 GRZ 5/11/2014 10500 7/5/2015
1122 SRZ 6/25/2014 20500 8/25/2015
1123 JRZ 8/18/2014 30000 9/12/2015
1124 SRZ 9/30/2014 80000 7/15/2015
1125 GRZ 10/15/2014 14000 6/25/2015
1126 JRZ 11/15/2014 48000 10/28/2015

Question: -
Day = withdraw date - deposit date
SRZ<=180, 7% 8%
JRZ<=180, 9% 10%
GRZ<=180 5% 6%
Total = Amount + Interest

Question number – 10


A MALE 170000
AA FEMALE 400000
AAA MALE 600000

Question: -
Salary male female
<=180000 “no tax” “no tax”
>180000 to <=300000 25% 20%
>300000 to <=500000 35% 30%
>500000 to <=700000 45% 40%
>700000 to <=900000 55% 50%

Question number – 11
Question: -
Enter code Total seat individual seat fee
GAB 250 150 3200
GAG 250 100 3200
GSB 250 100 3700
GSG 250 150 3700
GCB 150 75 3300
GCG 150 75 3300

Boys 20% 18% 16%
Girls 19% 17% 15%

Boys 18% 16% 14%
Girls 17% 15% 13%

Boys 16% 14% 12%
Girls 15% 13% 11%

The auto-fill feature of M.S.EXCEL will save data entry time by expanding series
of numbers, days of week, different months etc form a given cell to adjustment ones. This
achieved using the fill-handled.

1. To generate the serial numbers 1,2 ,3,4…… with the increment, type one in any cell
and CONTROL+DRAG 1 the fill handled down of right, this will increment, the number
by 1 in each cell and CONTOL + DRAG the fill handled up on left will reduced the no.
by 1. In each cell instead of 1 any other starting number can also be entered. As we drag
the fill handle, the no. which will appear in the cell will be displayed near fill handled for
our preference.
2. To generate the serial number with the increment other than 1, type the 1st tow
numbers, block either two cells or the drag the fill handled. To generate 5, 10, 15, 20….
One below the enters type 5 in any cell. IN the next cell type 10 block those 2 cells and
drag the fill handled down. We can also generate the numbers in descending order by
typing 100, 95 in different cell.
1. Text can enter with the numbers F1, F2, F3 …. Type F1 in any cell and drag the fill
2. To generate quarter Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 type Q1 in any cell and drag the fill handled. We
can also write QTR 1 QTR1 or QUARTER 1 or QUARTER 1 etc.
3. To generate the name of months January, February, March etc in any cell and drag the
handled we can also start of any months name and name of month can also be written as
Jan, Jan, January, January etc. The result will follow the upper on lowercase letter that we
have used in the 1st month name. In the same way, we also generate the day of week in
words like Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday etc.
1. We can also generate April, July, October and January cleaving 2 month names in the
middle by typing April and July in different cells, block the cells and drag the fill handle.
2. We can also generate 1st April, 2nd April, and 3rd April etc. by typing 1st April in any
cell and drag the fill handle.
3. We can also generate the continuous dates by typing any date and dragging fill handle.
For ex – 1/1/1 and drag the fill handle.

Charts are graphical representation of numerical data. A set of numeric data,
which is actually plotted is called data series. Each value in the data series is a data point.
Data series can be in rows and columns.

Type of chart: -
Depending upon the appearance of chart, chart can be an embedded chart and
chart sheet. Embedded chart is drawn on the worksheet where the data exists. Chart sheet
is a separate sheet containing only the chart on it.

Creating a quick chart sheet.

To create a chart in a separate sheet, chart can be an embedded chart sheet.
Embedded chart select the data with column heading and on next column.


LUX 480 530 510
CINTHOL 320 310 350
GANGA 160 480 520
MOTI 250 275 95

E.g. In the worksheet given in above figure selects A2:D6 and press F11.A default chart
will be created in a separate sheet named chart-1, before the sheet, which contains the
data. The chart created will not have any title, legend or data labels. The chart will be
drawn with series column wise.



200 DEC


Steps to create a regular chart: -
* Select the data range with the column headings and one text column entry. e.g. A2:D6.
* Click on the chart wizard icon in the standard toolbar and select insert> chart. Chart
wizard step1 of 4 dialogues will be displayed.
* Chart wizard step-1 of 4 chart type.
* Step -1 -> displays the available type of charts under the groups’ standard type and
custom type. Default is the column chart available in the group standard types. Selecta
type of chart. On the right side, the selected charts sub types will be displayed. Select a
sub-type. To see the sample chart click and hold down the press and hold to view
examples button. Click on next to go to the2nd step.
* Step – 2 – Allows the user to specify the data range, series in rows or columns and
specify the range of each series including the range of X-axis labels.
* Chart wizard - step-2 of 4 – chart source data.
* In the data range table, we can specify the data range (range of data series to be plotted
and X-axis labels) and whether the series in rows and columns. Default series in columns.
The sample chart will be displayed on the screen. And information is changed it will be
modify automatically. E.g. - select series in rows, the chart will be modifying the show
the series in rows.
It the data range is not displayed, and then it can be specified by typing the range
or clicking in the data range box and by blocking the data range in the worksheet. The
range will be displayed in the data range box and the chart sample will be displayed
accordingly. The data range displayed there can also be edited.
The 2nd tab series is used to specify the range of each data series with the cell,
which contains the name of series, adding or removing a series and specifying the X-axis
After specifying these things, click on next to move to the 3rd step.
* In step 3, titles, axes, grid lines, legend position and data labels for the chart can be

Titles: -
Allows you to give different titles for the chart.
Chart title: -
Main title for the chart.
Question: -
It is used for to search particular record information.

ENTER MOB NO 9938388251

SYNTAX: - =vlookup(entry cell address, database range, column no, false)
Name: - =vlookup(B8,A1:D6,2,false)
Father: - =vlookup(B8,A1:D6,3,false)
Dist: - =vlookup(B8,A1:D6,4,false)

Question: -
LUX JAN 10 14.20
NIRMA FEB 20 11.50
LUX MAR 10 14.20
REXONA JAN 13 12.25
LUX FEB 10 14.20
NIRMA MAR 20 11.50
LUX JAN 10 14.20
REXONA FEB 13 12.25
LIRIL MAR 12 13.00
LUX JAN 10 14.20
LIRIL APR 12 13.00


Total of lux: -
Sy - =SUMIF(criteria range, criteria, Numeric cell range)
E.g.: - =SUMIF(A2:A12, “LUX”, E2:E12)

Total of Mar: -
Sy - =SUMIF(criteria range, criteria, Numeric cell range)
E.g.: - =SUMIF(B2:B12, “Mar”, E2:E12)

Total of quantity “>=13”

E.g.: - =SUMIF(C2:C12, “>=13”, E2:E12)

Count of lux: -
Sy - =COUNTIF(criteria range, criteria)
E.g.: - =COUNTIF(A2:A12, “LUX”)

Count of Mar: -
Sy - =COUNTIF(criteria range, criteria)
E.g.:- =COUNTIF(B2:B12, “Mar”)

Count of quantity “>=13”

E.g.: - =COUNTIF(C2:C12, “>=13”)
101 1000 5.50
102 1200 6.75
103 1300 2.00
104 800 4.00
105 1200 5.00
106 1800 0.50
107 145 2.00
108 1900 3.50
109 1550 2.25
110 2000 2.00
111 2200 3.00


Question: -
1. Calculation the value of sales (units * price) in column D.
2. Calculate total sales at the bottom of column D?
3. Calculate highest, lowest and average sale value?
4. Calculate the commission given to sales man for each item depending on the sales
value of each item in column E.
Less than 1000 0
1000 to 5000 2% of sale
Above 5000 5% of sale
5. Grade is decided based on sales in column F.
6. Count for grade = Excellent using countif. Similarly count for grade = Good as well as
grade = Poor.
7. Display the figures with 2 decimals. Increase the column width if necessary.
8. Count the number of items having the price other than 2.00
9. Sum the commission for grade = Excellent using sumif.
10. Sum the commission for grade<>Poor.
11. Count for units greater than 1000.
12. Calclate the total sales of items having units > 1000.
An interactive table that summarizes and analyses data from a database pivot table.



Report of total amount of sales of each item in different rows and of branches in
different columns, with a provision to display the details made by any salesman must be
created, steps as follows. Click on any cell inside the database select data > pivot table
report. Pivot table 4 steps to get report. Pivot tables wizard step 1 of 4 dialogue box will
be displayed dialogue box allows you to specify the type of data to be used as the pivot
table. Microsoft excel database is the default.

Since the source data is stored in a worksheet database, select the Microsoft excel
list or database. Click on next to go the second step.
* Step 2 displays the database range.
* Click on next to go to third step or back to go to previous step.
* Step 3 of pivot table is used to specify the layout of pivot table.
Pivot table layout contains mainly 4 parts. They are –
Data: -
The actual data that will be inside the pivot table (generally fields) at least one field must
be placed in the data area (In our example amount).

Row: -
Field(s) used as row titles. In figure 4.10 ITEM.

Column: -
Field(s) used as column titles. In figure 4.10, BRANCH.

Page: -
Field(s) used to filter the database, allowing the data to be viewed one page at a time. In
figure 4.10, SALES MAN.
All field names in the database will be listed on the right side of the Pivot Table
Layout dialog box. To include the fields in the Pivot Table layout, drag the field to the
required position.
* Drag the field AMOUNT to DATA area.
* Drag the field ITEM to ROW area.
* Drag the field BRANCH to COLUMN area.
* Drag the field SALES MAN to PAGE area.
* Click on Next to proceed to the last step.

Data validation is a process of verifying that the data is acceptable by applying
certain rules.
Applying data validation is conceptually similar to cell formatting i.e. the command acts
upon the selected cell(s). Suppose validation is to be give:
Select the cell(s) for which the validation is to apply.
Select data> Validation. The tabbed dialog box is displayed.
This dialog box is virtually identical for Decimal, Date and Time validation. The tabbed
dialog box displays three tabs namely Settings, Input Message, and Error Alert
Setting Tab: -
*Allow: - This option allows you to select the data validation option from the list. To
apply restrictions to the data entered in the selected cell(s). The options are whole
numbers, text length, decimal custom etc. and any value,

*Data: - Allow you to select the operator, depending on the type of data selected in the
allow option.

*Minimum: - Enter the minimum value that can be entered in the cell(s).

*Maximum: - Enter the maximum value that can be entered in the cell(s).

*Clear all: - Deletes all selections and information from all the three tabs of the data
validation dialog box. To undo the effects of clear all click on cancel.

*Click: - On the check box apply these changes to all other cells with the settings. It
applies all restriction, input message, and error message, displayed in the dialog box to all
other cells. Present on the worksheet that box the same data validation as that of the
selected cell(s).

*Ignore blank: - Stops an error message from appearing when a restricted cells or a
dependent cell for references or formula is blank.

Input message tab: -

*Title: - type an optional title for the input message to be displayed when a user selects
the restricted cell. The title will appear in bold text.

*Input message: - Type the text of the message to be displayed. The message can be up
to 255 characters.

*Select the show input message when ell is selected check box: - To display a message
that prompts for entry into the selected cell.

Error alert tab: -

*Style: - Click on error style in the list. The style error alert chosen determines what
choices the error message presents when an invalid entry is made in a restricted cell.

Auto filter: -
Data>filter>Auto filter.
Auto filter helps you to display the records. Which meet a particular condition?
When this option is selected, drop down controls are placed next to each field name. On
clicking on this drop down control, the contents of the field without repetition are
displayed. The content of drop down box are: Each of the data item in the field contents
like [All], [Top 10], [Custom], [Blank] and [Non blank].
Contents Function
[All] will turn off the filter for that field
[Top 10] this dialog box allows the user to change the number of
record to filter and choose top or bottom number of those
records. Using these categories, only records containing
numeric value can be filtered
[Custom] will set a custom filter where the user can specify the conc.
By the choosing =, >, <, <=, >= and <>.
[Blanks] will display only those rows with field content blank.
[Non blanks] ill display only those rows where the field is not blank.

It a condition is specified for a column, the down arrow mark next to the name
And the rows, which are filtered, will be blue in color.

Data sort: -
Sorting is arranging the record in a database, based on one or more fields
(Column). Sort brings the related records together, so that the record in the database is
easily accessible. Records can be arranged in the ascending or descending order to sort
the records.
* Click on any cell inside the database and select data> sort. The following dialog will be
displayed on the screen.

* Generally, a database will have column headings i.e. the option header row under has
my list has tab must be selected, if there are no field name select now header row.

* Sorting can be down on one, two or three fields, the field, on which database is to be
sorted first, must be given in sort by. The second preference field name can be given in
first then by. The third priority field name can be given in next then by. Among them,
sort by field name necessary. Sort order ascending or descending can be specified for
every sort columns.

* Click on ok to arrange the records. In sorting has to be cancelled and original database
is required, select undo (Ctrl + z) from edit menu before making any change in the
By default, sort is not case sensitive. To perform a, case sensitive sort. Click on
options button in the sort dialog box. Then select, case sensitive check box. Sorting type,
top to bottom (default) or left or right can also be specify on the sort option dialog box.

Data subtotals: -
To generate subtotals of numeric fields based on a controlling field, the data must
have been sorted on ascending or descending order of the controlling field.
E.g. consider a database with fields name subject and marks. The total or average mark of
each student can be obtained through subtotals.

To generate the subtotal: -

*Sort the database on the controlling field (in the above ex. Name ) generate the total of
marks obtained by the student the total of marks obtained by the students, the record of
student must be kept together.

*Click on any cell inside the database and select data> subtotal. The subtotal dialog is

*Select the name on field on which the database is sorted in the box of at each change in.

*From the drop down box of use function, select a function like sum, average, count etc
(any one function)

*Select the name of fields on which the subtotal is to be generated. In the above example

*To generate fresh subtotal ignoring the subtotals present if any, select replace current

*The page break between group’s settings can be checked to insert a page break after
each subtotal.

*The summary below data setting can be checking to place the subtotal row, beneath the
date. Otherwise, it is placed on top.

*Click ok to generate subtotals.

Goal Seek: -
Essentially, Goal seek solves formulas backwards. Here the result needed as well
as the single input to be changed is known. To determine the value of the input to get the
desired result, Goal seek is used. When goal seeking, Microsoft excel varies the value in
one specific unit a formula that is dependent on that cell returns the result required.

HARISH 5000 5.0% 250
RAVI 2500 3.0% 75
MADHAV 4300 4.0% 172
In the above worksheet, the sales made by different agents, the commission rate and the
commission received by the agent (=B2*C2) is given. Now agent Ravi demands to get
the commission amount of Rs.100 to give him the commission Rs 100, by taking into
account the same sales (2500) made by him, what will the commission rate be? This is
calculate using Goal seek.

The cell containing the formula will be the set cell. It will be automatically displayed. In
the To value text box, type the target value.

e.g. – 100, in place changing of By changing cell, type the address of cell, the value of
which is to be changed. In our example C3 and press ok. It will displayed goal seek status
by changing the commission rate (4%). Click on ok.

Entering summary information: -

For each particular workbook, file properties like the title, subject, author,
keywords and comments can be entered. This information is used tot locate the
workbook. To enter the properties of a file.
*Open the workbook, for which the properties have to be entered.
*Select file>properties.
*Enter a title, subject, author and keywords that might be useful in a future search and
*Click on ok.

Error: -
An error message appears when excel properly calculate or display the result of a

####: -
The column is too narrow to display the result of the calculations. You can change
the column width to display the result. To change the column width, see next page of this
book. The cell contains the formula =A1*A2

1 8684
2 5652
3 ########
#DIV/0!: -
The formula divides a number by zero (0) Excel considers a blank cell to have a
value of zero. This cell contains the formula =A1/A2= 50/0.
1 50
2 0
3 #DIV/0

The formula contains a function name or cell reference excel does not recognize,
this cell contains the formula =AG+A2+A3. In this example, the cell reference A1 was
typed incorrectly.
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 #Name?
#Ref!: -
The formula refers to a cell i.e. not valid. This cell contains the formula =
A1+A2+A3. In this example, a row containing a cell used in the formula
was deleted.
1 10
2 20
3 #Ref!

#Value: -
The formula refers to a cell that excel cannot use in a calculation. This cell
contains the formula =A1+A2+A3. In this example a cell is used in the formula content
1 10
2 20
3 Monday
4 #Value
PMT function: -
Calculates the payments for a loan based on constant interest rate.
Sy -> PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv],[type])
Rate - rate of interest for the loan.
Nper - is the total number of payments for the loan.
PV – is the present value, total amount that a series of future payments is worth now; also
known as principal.
Fv – is the future value, or a cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is
mode. It fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0, that is the future value of a loan is zero. Type
– is the no. 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due.
Remark: -
The payment returned by PMT includes principal and interest but no taxes,
reverse payments or fees sometimes associated with loans.

*Make sure that you are consistent about the units you use for specifying rate and nper. If
you use for specifying rate and nper. If you make monthly payments on a four year loan
at an annual interest rate of 12 percent, use 12%/12 for rate and 4*12 for nper. If you
make annual payments on the same loan, use 12 percent for rate and 4 for nper.

Example: -
Data Description
8% Annual interest rate
10 Number of months of payment
10000 Amount of loan.

Formula Description
=PMT(A2/12,A3,A4) Monthly payment of a loan with the above terms.
=PMT(A2/12,A3,A4,0,1) Monthly payment of a loan with the above terms.


M.s. PowerPoint

What is Power point?

Power point is presentation software that can help you to quick create effective
slide base presentations. The presentation consists of any number of slides. Each slide
can have text and graphics. It can help you to create the following types of presentations.

1. Black and white transparencies for the overhead projector

2. Color transparencies for the overhead projector.
3. 35mm slides for the slide projector.
4. Video slide show on the computer screen.
5. Printed handouts.
6. Detailed speaker’s notes
7. Printed outline of the presentations.


Starting with a presentation: -
To quickly create a presentation, it comes equipped with an Auto content wizard.
This wizard can help you quickly create an empty presentation with suitable slides for
common presentations, such as selling a product, training, reporting progress etc. they
you can fill the slides created by the wizard with suitable text and graphics. For creating
other presentations that are not covered by the wizard, PowerPoint comes with a number
of sample slides. Depending on the type of slide you want to include in the presentation.
You can choose an appropriate slide. For instance, if you need to show the organization
chart in a slide, you can choose the organization chart slide .then you can fill details in
the slide .Similarly, if you want to show a graph, you can pick up the graph slide.
PowerPoint helps you to enter and edit details in the slides you choose, it also allows to
easily format next and other graphics used in slides, and to change the order of the slides
or to insert and delete slides in the presentation.
After you have created the slides that you want to include in your presentation.
You can either print the slides or run the slide show on the computer screen. In the slide
show. PowerPoint shows the slides on the computer screen in a similar fashion as you get
on a slide projector. You can advance to the next slide manually or automatically after
specified time. While showing her presentation on the computer screen, you can use an
electronic pointer or pen to highlight any point in the slide.

When you start PowerPoint, you can work in it many different ways, such as:
Auto content wizard The wizard asks a few simple questions and helps
you determine the content and organization of your
Template It creates a presentation based on an existing
template that determines the color scheme, fonts
and other design features of the presentation.
Template It starts with a blank presentation with all values for
the color scheme, font and other design features set
to the default values.
Open an Existing Presentation You Open an existing presentation and work on

*Choose any form the above then click on “ok” button. You will see “New presentation”
dialog box as shown below. Which have three tab named as general, design template
*Choose anyone and click on “OK” you will see new slide dialog box as shown below.
*Choose an Auto layout pattern from new slide dialog box and click on “OK”. Then you
Will see the selected dialog box will be appearing on the screen. We can also start
PowerPoint slide by using new submenu present in the file menu which have also similar

Description of different menus and submenus: -

The number consists of different menus as below.
*File *Tool
*Edit *Slide show
*View *Window
*Insert *Help
The maximum submenus of each menu are similar to that of Microsoft Word and
Excel. So we are typing to discuss about some special submenus of Microsoft
PowerPoint. Which is different from MS- Word and MS- Excel? It is advice to Students
that they will ask to their class teacher and lab assistant for the details of the menus and

File Menu: -
This menu contains following sub menus: -
*New *Web page preview
*Open *Page set up
*Close *Print
*Save *Send to
*Save as *Properties
*Save as Webpage *Exit
*Pack and go

New: -
It is used to create a new presentation by using “New Presentation” dialog box
which is discussed above. To do this click on File, and then click on New, it will show
“New presentation” dialog box.

Pack and Go: -

It starts the Pack and Go wizard, which helps you pack up a presentation so that
you can run it on another computer. If you make changes to your presentation after you
use the wizard, run the Pack and Go Wizard again so that you can update the information.
This menu contains following sub menus: -
*Redo *Select all
*Undo *Duplicate
*Cut *Delete Slide
*Copy *Find
*Paste *Replace
*Paste special *Go to property
*Paste as Hyperlink *Links
*Clear *Object

Duplicate: -
It makes a quick copy of a selected object. To make additional copies of the same
object, click Duplicate Again.

Delete Slide: -
It deletes the current slide in notes view. Deletes the selected slides in slide sorter
or normal view.

Go to Property: -
It moves the insertion point to the custom text property that you select. To create a
custom text property, click Properties on the File menu, click the Custom tab, enter the
custom property that you want and then click add.

This menu contains following sub menus: -
*Normal *Ruler
*Slide Sorter *Guides
*Notes Page *Header & footer
*Slide show *Comments
*Master *Zoom
*Black and White
*Slide miniature
*Tool bars

Normal: -
It switches to normal view, where you can work on one slide at a time or organize
the structure of all the slides in your presentation.

Slide Sorter: -
It displays miniature versions of all slides in a presentation, complete with text
and graphics. In slide sorter view you can reorder slides, add transitions and animation
effects, and set the timings for electronic slide shows.

Slide Show: -
It runs your slide, beginning with the current slide. If you are in slide view or the
selected slide if you’re in slide sorter view. It is equivalent to “F5” key.
Master: -
It has following list of commands: -

*Master Slide: -
It displays the slide master, where you can set the default layout and formatting
for all the slides except title slides (which are controlled by the title master). For example,
switch to slide master view to set the default font or to add an illustration (such as your
company logo) that you want to appear on each slide. Don’t add text in slide master view,
switch back to normal view to add text.

*Master Title Master: -

It displays the title master, on which you can set master styles for slides that use
the Title layout.

*Master Handout Master: -

It displays the handout master, on which you can add or change header and footer
information that you want to appear on every handout.

*Notes Master: -
It displays the notes master, on which you can modify the layout and formatting
of your notes pages.

*Black & white: -

It shows active presentation in black and white. The appearance of the slide
depends on the option you select on the Black and White shortcut menu (click the right
mouse button while in black and white view to show this menu).
Note The Black and White shortcut menu isn’t available in high-contrast black
and white view.

*Slide Miniature: -
It turns on or turns off the slide miniature window, which displays a miniature
version of the current slide, complete with text and graphics. You can’t edit the slide in
the slide miniature.

This menu contains following sub menus: -
*New slide *Picture
*Duplicate Slide *Text box
*Slide Number *Movies and Sounds
*Date and time *Chart
*Symbol *Table
*Comment *Object
*Slide from file *Hyperlinks
*Slide from out line

*New slide: -
It prompts you to click a slide layout, and then inserts a new slide after the active
*Duplicate Slide: -
It inserts a copy of the current slide after the current slide. Equivalent to pressing

*Slide Number: -
t adds the slide number to and individual slide. If you want to add the slide
number to every slide, use the Header and Footer command.

Slides from file: -

It inserts slides from another presentation into the current presentation.

Slides from Outline: -

It creates slides for all first-level headings in an imported outline and adds the
body text as indent levels. All text that is level 6 and below is treated as level 5 text. The
format for the title and text comes from the slide master in the current presentation.

This menu contains following sub menus: -
*Font *Slide layout
*Bullets and Numbering *Slide Color scheme
*Alignment *Background
*Line Spacing *Apply Design Template
*Change Case *Color and lines
*Replaced Fonts *Format picture

Line spacing: -
It sets the amount of space between selected lies of text

Replace fonts: -
It replaces an existing font in your presentation with another one.

Slide layout: -
It changes the layout of the selected slide or reapplies the current master styles to
the place holders if you’ve modified their attributes. This command does not affect
objects and text outside the place holders.

Slide color scheme: -

It reapplies or modifies the existing color scheme or changes to a different color

Background: -
It sets a background color, texture, pattern, or image. To do this click on Format
and click on background. It will show following dialog box. Now to fill color, pattern,
texture or image click on color combo box. Then click on Fill effect.
It will show Fill effect dialog box. Now make change according your requirement.
Now click on ok.
Apply design template: -
It applies one of the PowerPoint design templates to your presentation or uses one
of your own presentations as a template. Design templates contain color schemes slide
and title masters with custom formatting and fonts designed for a particular “look”.
After clicking Apply Design template submenu the following dialog will be
appear on the screen. Choose any Design Pattern. Then click on Apply.

Colors and lines: -

It opens the Colors and Lines tab (Format AutoShape dialog box), where you can
set the line and fill colors and the style for the selected object or Auto shape.

This menu contains following sub menus: -
*Online Collaboration
*Meeting Minder
*Add – Ins

This menu contains following sub menus: -
*View show *Custom animation
*Set up show *Slide transition
*Recharge timings *Hide slide
*Record Narrations *Custom show
*Action buttons
*Action setting
*Animation scheme

A group of computers are connected proximate area is known as network. A
group of computer is connected in locality is known as internet is connected internet to
internet is known as internet. In other word, a big network is known as internet.
A network is collection of computers and device connected by communication
channels that allow users to share data, information, hardware and software with other

History of internet: -
It all started in the pentagon the U.S. department of defense. A networking project
called ARPA (Advance research project agency) was launched which was to work as a
network that would allow scientist and military personal to exchange information in a
work scenario in communications. This network is called ARPA net became functional in
September 1969.
After some days is connected in all over country. Actually birth of internet 1980.
Two agencies was developed internet. These two agencies are CSF net (Computer
science foundation network) and NSF net (National science foundation network).

Internet in India: -
The VSNL (Videsh sanchar nigam limited) has opened the greats for internet on 15th
August 1995 in India. Some banks were started using internet for non-resident Indian
customers Delhi & Mumbai have the maximum strength of internet membership. There is
a significant increase of membership of internet in other city as well. Presently there are
number of internet provides like BSNL, MTNL, Satyam online, Aircel, Airtel etc. MTNL
– Mahanagar telephone nigam limited.
E-mail: -
E-mail means electronic mail. E-mail is the most widely used service on the
internet. The messages are send electronically with the inspection of this tool sending of
message has become 1st virtually instantaneously. The message send through E-mail is
instantaneously reaches to the recipient. E-mail message is send through to and received
from the mail severs. When the sender sends the message, the mail server receives it and
then it directs the message to the recipient computer.

Advantages of E-mail: -
E-mail is becoming popular as a message sending mode. E-mail provides the
following advantages –
i. Cost effective v. Wastage reduction
ii. High speed vi. Record maintenance
iii. Easy to use vii. Message storing (ascending date order)
iv. Time saving

Disadvantages: -
i. Hardware requirement
ii. Hasty 1st medium (Return, if any fault)
iii. Lack of expression

E-commerce: -
E-commerce also known as E-business. Refers to buying and selling of goods or service
through the internet. E-commerce is of 3 types like 1. B->C 2. B->B 3. C-> C
(C – Consumer, B – Business)

1. B to C: -
This is the most visible segment of E-commerce as the name implies in this
segment the business directly sale to the end consumer. Typically the pre-customer
volume of transaction may be low but the number of customer service is large. This also
reprayed to as E-telling on the website.

2. B to B: -
As the name suggest this medium includes buying and selling of product and
service between business organization through the net, INTEL is one of such company
undertaking quite an amount of its business with other original equipment manufacture
through the net and generating an amount of business.

3. C to C: -
As the name suggest the segment of E-business includes business when the
consumer themselves deal with other consumer for buying and selling goods and

ISP: -
It stands for internet service providers. The internet connection is provided by the
internet service provider (ISP). ISP is a company which lets you access internet against a
nominal fee. The popular ISP in India is BSNL, Satyam, VSNL, MTNL, Mantra online
WWW: -
It stands for World Wide Web. WWW is an information initiator which aims to
provide access to large number of documents. It is a service of server which are
interconnected hyper text. Hypertext is a mode of presenting information in which certain
person of text is highlighted. When this highlighted text is selected, it displays more
information on the particular topics. These specially highlighted text items are called
hyperlinks and through these hyperlinks the user can make access from one document to
another. Hypermedia is an advanced version of so called hypertext. It can link audio file,
text file, video file etc.

Web browser: -
A web browser in a programme which allows you to view and explore
information on the www. A web browser can display web pages containing text, audio,
video and graphics. It can link to several other web pages. Popular web browser
programmers are internet explorer, navigator, mosaic etc.

Webpage: -
The large collection of document in the www is called web pages. A web page is
a collection of text, audio, graphics, video etc. A webpage has its background in an
HTML file. It is on HTML (hyper text markup language) document which is read by the
web browser and it is displayed as a webpage. Webpage may be linked one or more web

Website: -
A website is a collection of files stored on one or more computers. These files are
displayed as WebPages. His information is stored in various files. Each website has its
own URL (Uniform resource location). This URL is called address of website.

Web address: -
A web address is the address where a particular website is located on a computer.
Each computer on the internet is a host and has its unique address and name which
identifies it. A web address starts with the letter http (hyper text transfer protocol). The
example of web address – http://www.google.com. http is followed by :// and after that
www is written. This www followed by a (.) dot. In the above example the letters Google
are the address of the computer to be linked with last three letters .com
Show the kind of organization .com is use for commercial organization.

.com – Commercial organization

.org – Non-profit organization
.gov – Govt. department
.net – Networking organization
.edu – Educational University
.mil – Military organization

Emot-Icons: -
Emoticons are the symbol used to express your emotions on facial expression
while writing E-mail, whenever the recipient cannot see you actually and your expression
are not visible. But the Emot-icons help him to fill your expression.

;) smile :-c unhappy :( frown

;) Wink :-D laughing {*} a hug and a kiss
:-x kiss x-c dead <g> grin
:-0 shouting .:~c crying :-I grim
:-< really sad

AAMOF - As a mater of fact

GF - Girl friend
IMO - In my opinion
IC - I see
BF - Boy friend
CU - See you
DL - Down load
FYI - For your information
BBN - Bye bye now
SUL - See you latter
F2F - Face to Face
SUA - See you again
SYS - See you soon
TOY - Thanking of you
JMO - Just my opinion
KIT - Keep it touch
LY - Love you
UL - Up load
TTYT - Talk to you tomorrow
TTYL - Talk to you later.

Chatting: -
Chatting is one of the most exciting things on the internet. Chart programme
allows you to communicate with other in real time mode like a text phone (programme).
Real time textual talk is called chatting. You can chart to the other by using
internet chart software. This software allows you to browse type comments in the
window and receive replies in another window form the person by setting a broad and
accessing the same software. These website are called chat rooms. Various chat programs
are available and a few of them are mentioned below ->
Chat. Yahoo.com
Chat. Sify. Com
Chat. 123. India. Com
Some chart sites require registration and only after registration you can chat to
others. Some sites do not require these formalities.

Internet Explorer: -
M.S. Internet explorer is a popular browser of internet other than Netscape
navigator of Netscape communication. Internet explorer has been developed by M.S.
compensation Redmond Park Wahngton in USA. Internet explorer has a simple tool bar
for navigating the web including button to move backward and foreword through pages.
You have visited as well as bottom to reload the current page. Several other options
including printing and searching are also available from the bar.

Modem: -
Computer communicates with each other in different way in places such as large
office, building on University campus. Computers obtained are connected directly to
network lines dedicated for computer use only. Most computers however use a drive
called a modem which allows computer to talk to each other over existing telephone
Before defining a modem we must learn the meaning of two words modulate and
demodulate. Modulate means to convert information into analog information.
Demodulate mean to convert analog signals into digital form.
There are 2 types of modem –
1. Internal
2. External
Both modems are functionally same.

1. Internal Modem: - It is connected inside of CPU.

2. External modem: - It is connected outside the CPU. Modem transfer computer signal to
Audi bit tone for transfer the signal. It connects computers through telephone.

Requirement parts: -
1. Computer
2. Modem
3. Phone line
4. Internet package or ISP.

Down loading: -
It is the process in which a user receives information form another PC through a
modem from his own PC (Personal computer).

Uploading: -
It is the process in which a user sends computer information from his PC to
another PC through the modem.

Introduction: -
M.S. Access is a RDBMS (Relational database management system) under
windows. It is used to store and manipulate large amounts of data. That is stored in
multiple tables and access allows us to setup relationship between the tables to facilitate
data retrieval.
M.S. Access is an object oriented programme i.e. everything in M.S. Access is an
object. Each object has properties that define how it appears and what work it performs.
M.S. Access has a number of components out of which the most important component is
the table object. Tables are objects that hold the data and all related objects such as
queries, forms and reports that are used to manage this data in tables.
Database: -
A database is a collection of data related to a particular subject or purpose. Such
as tracking customer orders or maintaining a music collection using M.S. access you can
manage all your data from a single data base file. The database will have extension
.MDB; within the database file divide your data into separate storage – containers called
data tables. It is possible to view, add and update the table data using online forms; find
and retrieve just the data you want using queries; and analyze or print data in a specific
layout using reports.

Relational databases: -
We earlier remarked that M.S. access is a RDBMS on a rational database
management system. Now what do we mean by a relational database. In relational
database the tables are related on common fields known as key fields. This helps in
accessing data from more than one table. The relationship may be defined as the time of
table’s creation or at a later stage. Usually it is done night when beginning in the planning
of database design. The relational design process provides a structured approach of
modeling on information systems data and the business rules for that data. The 3 key
components used in relations database design as discussed earlier are entities, Attributes
and relationship.

Key field: -
We have already seen that in M.S. access data from more than one table can be
related on a common field called key field. The key field links the data in the two tables.
M.S. access senses this relationship by comparing the key fields and it they match
performs an automatic linking. Such an automatic linking is called AUTO-JOIN.
However users can specifically (manually) link any two tables required key field by
creating a relationship.

Primary key: -
Primary key is a rule which includes that unique data is entered unique data is
entered for a field and the field is not left back (null). This makes the record unique. For
example – In a bank master file, there will be only one record for one account, number ,
student roll numbers, Account numbers, customer numbers, recipient numbers are
example for primary key fields.
Foreign key: -
In order to manage the data we distribute the data in many tables. The amen table
is referred to as the master table and the lower level table in which the record data is
stored in the transaction table. The two levels are related and must be linked based on a
field in the transaction table is called the foreign key and its values depend on the primary
key values of the master table.

Field types in access: -

M.S. access has many field types. Listed here are some of the field types.
Text: -
This type of fields holds an unlimited amount of text. It is used to store narrative
descriptions like remarks. It can thus store up to 32000 characters. M.S. access uses the
disk space on the basis of the data entered in this type of filed not a constant size like the
text type field. Sorting or indexing can not be done on memo type field.

Number: -
Numbers formatted in various ways can go in a number field. The data that can
be stored in this type of field depends on the option selected from the field size list. This
option available is: -

Byte: -
Stored number from 0 to 255 without decimals. It occupies one byte.

Integer: -
Store numbers from -327681 to 32768 without decimals occupies 2 byte.

Long integer: -
Store numbers from -2 to 2 billion approximately without decimals occupies 4

Single: -
Stored numbers with 6 digits of precision from -3.402823E38 to 3.40282E38
occupies 4 bytes.
Double: -
This is the default field size for number type of fields. It stores numbers with 10
digits precision from -1.79769313486232E308 to 1079769313486232E308 occupies
8 bytes.
Date/time: -
Date, time or date combinations of the transaction. The date on time can be stored
in different formats as given below –
DATE 6/16/94 5:34:23pm
SHORT DATE 6/19/1994
LONG TIME 5:34:23 PM
Currency: -
This type of field is for money values for any number used in calculations. This
data type has a special in built logic that corrects rounding errors.

Auto number: -
This type of field can not be uploaded on edited. M.S. access automatically
assigns a number to this field when a record is added to a table. When the record is added
the value in this is incremented by one. This type of field is useful, if the serial number is
to be stored in a field.
Yes/no: -
This type of field can store only logical values that can contain only one of two
values true or false. This type of field can not be used for indexing.

OLE object: -
This type of field is used to store an object such as M.S. excel spread sheet on a
paint brush picture etc. The size of picture can be up to 1 GB. This type of field can not
be used for indexing.

Hyperlink: -
These fields hold hyperlink address that go to websites, database objects on other

Lookup wizard: -
A look up field starts a wizard that places lookup values can come from a list you
enters table or a query lookup wizard.

Elements of database: -
The important database object is tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules.

Tables: -
A table is a collection of data about a specific topic such as products, students or
suppliers. Using a separate table for each topic means you store that data only once,
which makes your database more efficient and reduces data entry errors. Tables organize
data into columns [called files] and rows [records]. M.S. access has a table data sheet
view, where in you can add, edit or view the data in a table. You can also check the
spelling and print your table’s data, filter or sort records, change the datasheets
appearance or change the table structure by adding or deleting column. In the M.S. access
table design view, you can create an entire table form scratch or add, delete or customize
and exiting tables field.

Forms: -
When a table is opened, it gets presented in a data sheet view. In data sheet view
data is presented in rows and columns. In most cases it is better in rows and columns. In
most cases it is better to use the form to enter of modifies data. Developing a database
form from scratch is a tedious task. M.S. access has a form wizard with a form can be
created after answering a number of questions about what you want to see. Columnar
auto form creates a form with one record per page and fields arranged in column.
In M.S. access the simplest and easiest way to create a form it to use auto form
feature. Using auto form you can automatically create columnar, tabular and datasheet
forms based on a table on a query 40 select. There are 3 varieties of auto forms.
1. Columnar
2. Tabular
3. Datasheet.
A columnar auto form shows 1 record a time in the form view window. They are
the easiest forms to create. To fields are arranged in columns.

Creating a columnar auto form: -

In the database window: -
1. Click on the forms tab.
2. Click on new
3. Click on auto form: columnar.
4. Choose the table or query from which data must be used.
In the database window: -
1. Clink on the tables tab or queries tab from which you want to form.
2. Select the table or query
3. Select auto form from new object drop down button on database toolbar.

Tabular form: -
A tabular auto forms a show several records in form view window with the fields
arranged in rows.
Creating a tabular auto form: -
1. Click on the forms tab
2. Click on new.
3. Click on the auto form; tabular option.
4. Select the table or query form which data must be used.

Data form sheet: -

In a datasheet auto form records are shown the same way as they appear in the
datasheet window. In fact you can resize, move, hide, and freeze columns as in the
datasheet view. Now you might want to know the difference between datasheet view
window and datasheet auto form. One difference is that in a datasheet auto form you can
show the details of data from more than one table at the same time. The other difference
is in a datasheet auto form you can use graphics and command buttons.

Creating a datasheet auto form: -

In the database window: -
1. Click on the forms tab
2. Click on New
3. Click on the auto form; datasheet option
4. Select the table or query form which data must be retrieved.

Save the form:-

1. Click on the save button.
2. Enter name for your form
3. Click on ok

Reports: -
Reports are another type of object used in M.S. access to view and to print data
reports can present data from a single table as well as move than one table.

Difference between forms & reports: -

Reports are similar to forms and fact the report design window shares may of the
features of the form design window.
However there is some important difference between these to type of object one
difference is that programme primarily uses to edit or view data on your computer screen.
When you move through a form you usually navigate form one record to another. Reports
on the other hand can be previewed on screen as well as but their main purpose is to
present information in a nastily printed page. Another difference between form and report
is that reports have special features to help you summarize data. It is not possible to view
this kind of summering information use in a form.

Auto reports: -
An auto report is the quickest way to create a report for a table on a query. It
generates the report with the table name as the heading and page number at the footer.
* Columnar auto report creates a report where each row is presented verticals.
* Tabular auto report creates a report where data is Tabular auto report creates a report
where data is presented in table form.
* Label reports create a mailing list.
* Chart report creates a chart report.
* Design view helps us to create a report base on user requirement.

Selection of a report: -
The report is divided into many sections.

The report header: -

In this section you place a control which must appear only at the beginning of the

The page header: -

In this section you place a control, which should appear at the beginning of every

The detail band: -

This is the heart of the report. Here you place controls that must appear once for
every record.

The page footer: -

In this section, you place a control, which must appear at the foot of every page.

The report footer: -

In this section you place a control, which must appear at the bottom of the report.
Columnar Auto report: -
Columnar auto report shows the records from a table or a query with fields
arranged in columns.
To create a columnar auto report on sales table.
1. Click reports tab in the database window.
2. Click new.
3. Click on auto report> columnar and choose the sales form the drop down list of
tables/queries click on ok.
4. A preview of report appears in the window.
5. Close the reports preview window and access prompts you give a name to the report it
you want to save it.
Once the report is created you can view it in the future. To do so –
* Select reports tab in the database window.
* The available reports will be listed. Select the report that you want to generate and click
on preview.

Tabular Auto report: -

A tabular report shows the records in regular tabular listing.
1. Click reports tab in database window.
2. Click new.
3. Select table or query for report.
4. Double click auto reports > tabular. A preview appears in the window.
5. Close the report window and give a name to the report.

Tabular auto reports will however have disadvantages when the table has many
fields. This is because M.S. access will try to squeeze and fit all the fields of the record
onto a page and hence create a must. So in such cases it is always better to deign a query
with on the relevant fields in view and then create a tabular report on this query.

Queries: -
Queries means to search a particular record in your table.
Table design in the transaction table, STD fees: -
The fee paid by the student is recorded in a separate table, STDFEES. This
becomes the transaction table and will be linked to the STD MASTER Bale base on the
key field, ST-ID. In this table ST-ID cannot be the primary key as each student can pay
the fees many times. However each payment is unique and hence the fees- RT -no. Has
been the primary key.


Table design of the table to store student mark data: -

The marks secured by the student are recorded in a separate table, STDMARKS.
This becomes the transaction table and will be linked to the STDMASTER table based on
the common key field, ST-ID. The structure is as follows.

Creating relationship between tables: -

In order to link the tables STDMASTER and STDFEES a relationship can be
created. To create a common key field must be present.
Procedure to create the relationship form the relationship window: -
* Choose tolls> relationship
* Right click any where in the database window and choose the relationship.
* Click on the show table’s button on the toolbar.
* Double click on the names of the table you are relating, if they are already visible in the
relationship window.
* Close the show table dialogue box.
* Click on the linking field in one table and drag the mouse pointer to the linking field in
the related table. E.g. – In the relationship window, click on the ST-ID if the STDFEES
table and drag the mouse towards ST-ID of the table, STDMASTER and the following
window appear.
Referential integrity: -
*Click on the enforce referential integrity.
* Referential integrity is a rule says that the table must not contain any unmatched
foreign key values.
*i.e. there can not be any roll number in the transaction file which does not exist tin the
student master file.
*Click on cascade updating related fields.
*Click on cascade delete related records.

Finally, click on create and a one to many relationship is created between the
student master table and the student fee table.
Cascading Delete and update operations: -
If you select cascade delete for a relationship any time you delete records in the
primary table. M.S. access automatically deletes related records in the related primary
table. E.g. if a student record is deleted from the master, that student record is the marks
file is automatically deleted. A warning is displayed. If you select cascade update for a
relationship, if the primary key is changed in the primary table, M.S. access automatically
changes the primary key to the new value in all related records.
E.g. – Changing the roll no of students in the master table will automatically change the
roll number in the student marks table. No warning is displayed.
Select file > close and the relationship is stored in the data base.
Editing a relationship: -
The relationship can be changed at any time as required by the user. In the
database window, select the database table forms the tools menu, select relationship and
the relationship window is displaced. In the window, click on the line which links the two
tables and the linking line is selected. Keeping the mouse pointer on this line, right click
the mouse. For the shortcut menu and options to edit relationship or delete is displayed.
Click on the delete option to delete the relationship. In order to delete the existing
relationship click on the edit- relationship option.


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