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There is great interest in educational leadership in the early part of the 21st century because of

the widespread belief that the quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and

student outcomes there is also increasing recognition that schools require effective leaders and

managers if they are to provide the best possible education for their learners schools need

trained and committed teachers but they, in turn, need the leadership of highly effective

principals and support from other senior and middle managers while the need for effective

leaders is widely acknowledged, there is much less certainty about which leadership behaviors

are most likely to produce favorable outcomes (Bush, 2007).

Over the past several decades, instructional leadership has gradually gained increasing currency

as a key role of school principals throughout much of the word this is also the case in country

where educational research policy and practice have brought the instructional leadership role of

the principal front and center (Hallinger, 2017).

The role of the principal covers many different areas including leadership teacher evaluation,

student discipline and many others. Being an effective principal is hard work and is also time-

consuming a good principal is balanced within all their roles and works hard to ensure that that

they are doing what they feel is best for all constituents involved time is a major limiting factor

for every principal a principal must become efficient at practices such as prioritizing, scheduling,

and organization (Meador, 2018).

Effective school principals care deeply about student success and recognize that test scores are

not the only measure of a quality education by immersing themselves in all aspects of the school

system, principals monitor daily activities, as well as emerging issues no day is the same because

of the varied responsibilities of the job if you are a visionary leader with effective

communication skills and a desire to provide diverse students with an exceptional education, you

may have what it takes to confidently serve in the role of a school principal (Dowd, 2018).

Principals worked together with a supportive base of parents, teachers, and community members

to mobilize initiative their efforts broadly focused along two major dimensions first, reaching out

to parents and community to strengthen the ties between local school professionals and the

clientele they are to serve and second, working to expand the professional capacities of

individual teachers, to promote the formation of a coherent professional community, and to

direct resources toward enhancing the quality of instruction (Fullan, 2000).

The context specific leadership styles of headmaster are fundamental in bringing improvements

in different areas of a school system however, it is not only the styles but the way a leader

involve in whole process of influencing the led to achieve the desired objectives of the SI in a

particular environmental context moreover, the complex structural settings, where the

expectations of the different stakeholders from the head master much more than the level of

support and facilitation given in addition to the diverse range of challenges to manage and

improve the school make the job of head master more challenging and difficult. (Qutoshi, 2014).

School principals do not just oversee the day to day functions of schools and deal with unruly

students they provide leadership in times of crisis and lay out optimistic visions for the future of

the educational institutions they serve( Bruens,2017).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Education leadership is possibly the most important single determinant of an effective learning

environment change leaders must understand procedures and processes that create the conditions

necessary for organizational improvement. Principals have the power, authority, and position to

impact the climate of the school, but many lack the feedback to improve if principals are highly

skilled, they can develop feelings of trust, open communications, collegiality, and promote

effective feedback effective leaders must not forget the parable of the blind men and the

elephant if principals are blind to critical information about their schools, then they could make

erroneous decisions in the complex and dynamic environment of schools, all principals need to

understand effective leadership behaviors and teachers' perceptions of their behaviors principals

must know and understand how to provide the foundation for creating an atmosphere conducive

to change leaders must be able to correctly envision the needs of their teachers, empower them to

share the vision, and enable them to create an effective school climate. So, the present study will

be aimed to explore the role of Principal in school improvement.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Following will be the objectives of the study:

1. To identify the role of principal in school improvement.

2. To find out the extent to which the principal involves the teachers in decision making in

order to improve students performance.

3. To find out the challenges principals encounter in improving students performance.

4. To analyze issues faced by principals to engage parents in the process of education.

1.4 Research Question of the Study

Following will be the research questions of the study:

1. What is the role of Principal in school improvement?

2. To what extent does Principal involve the teachers in decision making in order to

improve student performance?

3. What challenges do principals encounter in their effort to improve students’


4. What issues do Principal face for engaging the Parents in the process of learning?

1.5 Significance of the Study

Effective Principals understands direction setting. They know that an investment of time is

required to develop a shared understanding of what the school should look like and what needs to

done to get it there. They know that teacher and other staff included in identifying goals are

much more likely to be motivated to achieve those goals. The results of this study may be

important to the larger body of research that continues to seek strategies to improve the process

of instruction, understand principal leadership, retains teachers and increase student

achievement. Principals can play important role in the empowerment of Teachers, in creating job

satisfaction, and in building trust and personal Teacher efficacy. So, the present study has great

need and significance, because this study shows the role of Principal in school improvement may

contribute to a deeper understanding of the role Principal I school improvement.

1.6 Delimitations of the Study

This study will be delimited to the principal of Private sector of Gujranwala city at secondary


1.7 Operational Definition

a. Principal

One who holds a position of presiding rank, especially the head of an elementary school, middle

school, or high school.

b. Definition of school

An organization that provides instructions for example school.

3.1 Methodology

This chapter presents and discusses the research methodology adopted. This chapter deals with

research design, population, sample, sampling techniques, instrumentations, data collection and

data analysis and ethical considerations.

3.2 Design of the Study

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a

manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure

(Selltize, 1962).

Quantitative is based on testing a theory, measured with numbers, and analyzed using statistical

techniques and it particularly emphasizes objectivity and reproducibility.

The design of the study will be descriptive. The research will be quantitative in nature. Survey

method will be used in this study.

3.3 Population

The population in other word is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to whom the

researcher would like to generalize the result of the study (Wallen, 2012).

A population involves all the individuals that have exactly characteristics for being a part of data

required of researchers. The target population of study will be consistent of all Principal of

private secondary school in city Gujranwala.

3.4 Sample
The sample small part of a whole population selected to show what the is like (William, 2017).

The sample should be representative of population to ensure that generalize the results from the

study to the overall population. The sample of the study consisted of 50 Principals from 50

private secondary schools Gujranwala city. The total number of the school will be 50 private

school selected randomly.

Sample of the Study

Category Schools Principals

Male 25 1x25=25

Female 25 1x25=25

Total 50 schools 50 Principals

3.5 Sampling Techniques

The selected respondents constitute what is technically called sample and the selection process is

called sampling technique (Kothari, 2004).

Purposing sampling is the process of selecting a sample that is believed be representative of the

population. The sample is approached having a prior purpose in mind. The criteria of the

elements that are to include in the study predefined. This number will be selected because the

limit of budget and the time to distributes the questionnaire to principals.

3.6 Instrumentation

The whole process of preparing to collect data is called instrumentation.

A permission letter from the department was issue to gain access randomly selected school

theses schools will be approached and requested in the data collection procedure. If some

schools are refuse to cooperate than randomly selected and other institutions. A questionnaire

will be distributed to the principal of secondary level from different private sectors schools

located in Gujranwala city. The questionnaire involved closed ended as they are easy to

administer and analyses.

3.7 Data Collection

Data will be collect through visits of different secondary schools of private sectors and

questionnaire will be filled by secondary school Principal.

3.8 Data Analysis

The results obtained by survey questionnaire will be entered in the SPSS (statistical package for

social sciences). Data analyses procedure involves the descriptive and ascending and

descending statistics.

3.9 Ethical Consideration

1. The researcher will take permission from the head of the secondary schools of

Gujranwala City.
2. The researcher will takes permission from the Principal before filling the

questionnaire. The researcher given that questionnaire after the permission of


3. The researcher assured the Principal that the data collected from them shall be used

for only research.

4. The research will not mention and gained any personal information about the

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