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A: Does a rocket need petrol to fly?
B: No, it doesn’t
A: How does it fly? I’m really curious.
B: It uses hydrogen. The hydrogen produces a lot of heat when it burns. It produces
at least twice as much energy per gram as any other common fuel. That is why it is
used as a fuel for rocket.

A: I wonder how the toothpastes work on our teeth.
B: The Alkali neutralizes acids on our teeth produced by bacteria when they feed
on sugars in our food.
A: What will happen if the acid is not destroyed?
B: If the acid is not destroyed, it corrodes the teeth causing them to decay.
Toothpaste usually contains magnesium hydroxide, which neutralizes the acids in
the mouth.

A: I’ve always been curious about the reason why the old wrecks are now covered
with valuable platinum metal.
B: You know, in the 1970s, old cars were dumped in the sea around Hawaii to
form artificial reefs to provide shelter for fish.
A: Really? Then what happened to the car?
B: Well, sea water contains platinum which is below iron in the reactivity series.
Over the years, the iron in the cars has displaced the platinum so that the old
wrecks are now covered with valuable platinum metal.


Intan : Mrs. Nina, my I ask you some question??

Mrs. Nina : What's is it, dear??
Intan : It's about my dad! Lately, he has been snoring in his sleep. I can hear
his snoring from my room. It is pretty loud. Do you know what causes people to
Mrs. Nina : Many things, Intan. People snore because they have allergies, catch a
cold, or, probably have a sinus infection. Also, if a person is overweight or drinks
alcohol, they are most likely to snore in their sleep.
Intan : Well, my dad isn't overweight and he doesn't drink.
Mrs. Nina : Hahahahahahahaha... I don't say he drinks or being overwieght. I
was just telling you some of the reasons why people snore, Intan.
Intan : Is snoring harmful, Mrs. Nina??
Mrs. Nina : No, but only if the reasons are what I have mentioned before. It can
be easily cured. But, I know there are people who have surgeries since they have a
very deviated septum. It is not only to make them stop snoring but also to help
them to breath better.
Intan : What do you mean deviated septum??
Mrs. Nina : It is a condition where the tissue and cartilage that separates the two
nostrils in a person's nose is crooked.
Intan : Oh, well. I should tell my dad to visit his doctor.
Mrs. Nina : You definitely should. Snoring is more a symptom than the actual
diseases. Give my regards to your father, Intan. I hope he will feel better, soon.
Intan : Thank you, Mrs. Nina. Have a good day!!!


Janoko : I wonder if I could fly into the clouds.

Jembeng : Why not?
Janoko : Do you think I could?
Jembeng : Janoko, are you O. K.? You look a little depressed about something.
Janoko : I’m sorry. It’s nothing. I’m just wondering.
Jembeng : Oh, really? C’mon. you can tell me. A penny for your thoughts.
Janoko : I am just thinking about our plan to see my parents.
Jembeng : Are you worried about it?
Janoko : No, not really worried.
Jembeng : Really? Then how do you feel about it?
Janoko : I’m just wondering what my parent’ reaction will be ….
Jembeng : You are worried about it, aren’t you?
Janoko : Uhmmm… I’ve told you before. They’re a little strange.
 I wonder at her rudeness.
 I wonder how he can come here after what happened.
 I really wonder if he loves somebody younger.
 I’m just wondering if she knows how much I love her.
 I Wonder who she is.
 I was just wondering how to do it.
 What I’d really like to find out is….
 I’d be very interested to know….
 I’ve bean meaning to ask you.
 I’d like to know…
 I wish I knew…
 I’d love to know…
 What’s on your mind?
 I wonder….?
 I wonder what….is for.
 Can someone tell me who…?
 I wish I knew more about….
 How on earth….?
 I’de be very interested to know…

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