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The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Periosteal Pocket Flap for Horizontal

Bone Regeneration: A Case Series

Marius Steigmann, DDS*/Maurice Salama, DDS, MS**/ Guided bone regeneration (GBR)
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, PhD*** has proven to be effective in re-
generating deficient alveolar bone
to allow for proper implant place-
ment.1–6 The procedure can be
used either with or without simul-
Guided bone regeneration has been shown to be a successful technique to taneous implant placement, pend-
increase the ridge width for dental implant placement. However, in cases ing the ability of obtaining primary
of severe or localized horizontal bone deficiencies, sufficient soft tissue implant stability.
mobilization to ensure primary wound closure over the augmented area Despite the success of GBR
can be difficult or challenging. This article describes a buccal periosteal in implant dentistry, vertically de-
pocket flap proposed to overcome these challenges. The flap design results ficient and knife-edged alveolar
in a periosteal pocket, which allows filling of bone-grafting material while ridges remain as two major obsta-
facilitating primary, tension-free soft tissue closure by splitting of the mucosa. cles because of their unpredictable
The flap gives stability to the augmented volume within the pocket. Ridge
outcomes.7,8 GBR procedures for
width changes of five patients consecutively treated with this technique were
so-called knife-edged alveolar ridg-
recorded before and 24 weeks after augmentation. Results from these cases
es can be successful if autogenous
showed a mean 389% ± 301% gain in bone width (range, 50% to 1420%)
when the periosteal pocket flap design was used. Data obtained from this
bone, biomaterials, and resorbable
study suggest that the periosteal pocket flap design could be a predictable membranes are used.8–15 Although
alternative flap approach for correction of severe or localized horizontal the histologic outcomes can vary
bone deficiencies. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2012;32:xxx–xxx.) from patient to patient, implant
survival has been satisfactory, even
on a long-term basis.11 Autogenous
bone has been regarded as the gold
   *Adjunct Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Boston University, Boston,
standard for the aforementioned
Massachusetts, USA; Private Practice, Neckargemünd, Germany.
  **Clinical Professor of Periodontics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, demanding indications either with
USA. or without newly introduced growth
***Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics, Department of Periodontics and Oral factors (eg, platelet-derived growth
Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
factors, bone morphogenetic pro-
Correspondence to: Dr Marius Steigmann, IMF Neumarkt, Leiblstr. 1 Mannheim, 68163 teins). Nevertheless, autogenous
Germany; fax: +49-6223-73819; email: bone suffers from quick resorption,

Volume 32, Number 3, 2012


Fig 1    Stone cast of a patient included

in the study showing severe buccolingual
bone resorption in the edentulous posterior
mandible. [Au: Edit ok?]

hence it cannot guarantee the sta- Collagen membranes do not need were informed of the nature of the
bility of the augmented volume.16,17 to be removed from the site if a soft study and procedures involved as
The use of slowly resorbing bioma- tissue dehiscence occurs22; how- well as the potential risks associat-
terials—without any type of growth ever, exposure to the oral environ- ed with it. A consent form was then
factor—has achieved good clinical ment leads to faster degradation of obtained before the patients were
outcomes in maintaining the aug- the material, thus jeopardizing the officially enrolled in this voluntary
mentation volume.11–13,15,17 How- final clinical results.19,20 pilot trial. Medical histories were
ever, the drawback of using such Soft tissue mobilization leading taken, oral soft and hard tissue ex-
biomaterials is that the regeneration to tension-free primary closure is aminations were performed, and, if
process is 1 to 3 months slower than regarded as essential to achieving indicated, patients were required
autogenous bone–treated sites.17 undisturbed bone regeneration. to complete initial periodontal
Another commonly encoun- The periosteal pocket flap (PPF) therapy. Preoperative radiographs
tered problem in vertical or horizon- technique presented here allows were taken, including panoramic
tal GBR is soft tissue dehiscences. for tension-free primary closure and standardized periapical films
Since primary closure is a prereq- of the soft tissue over horizontally and computed tomography (CT)
uisite for ensuring undisturbed augmented alveolar ridges. scans in three patients.
bone regeneration, a soft tissue Two hours before surgery, pa-
dehiscence often jeopardizes the tients were placed on 2 g [Au: Cor-
outcome of treatment.16,18–20 To Method and materials rect?] of amoxicillin. All patients
achieve primary closure in vertical were instructed to rinse with 0.12%
and horizontal GBR procedures, the Five systemically healthy patients chlorhexidine gluconate for 1 min-
soft tissue needs to be mobilized. (two men, three women) between ute prior to the surgical procedure.
For nonresorbable membranes, a 38 and 62 years of age with inad- Local anesthetic was administered
soft tissue dehiscence will lead to equate alveolar ridge widths and for pain control. Bone-substitute
early removal of the membrane, in need of dental implants in the material (Tutodent, Tutogen or Bio-
and therefore interfere with the final mandibular posterior region were Oss, Geistlich) was used to restore
clinical outcome because of pre- included in this case series (Fig the alveolar ridge to a minimum of
mature membrane exposure.16,21,22 1). Prior to enrollment, all patients 6 mm wide, thus allowing each site

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Figs 2a (left) and 2b (right)    The incision

was made at the most coronal aspect of the
bone at a 45-degree angle paracrestal to
the buccal wall in the keratinized gingiva.

Figs 3a (left) and 3b (right)    The perios-

teum was detached from the bone using
a periosteal elevator, forming a periosteal
pocket, which was extended to the neces-
sary vertical depth.

to receive a dental implant. In all PPF surgical procedure the mucosa from the inside out on
cases, collagen membranes (three both sides, beyond the mucogin-
pericardium, Tutogen and two Os- A full-thickness incision was made gival junction (mesial and distal).
six, Biomet 3i [Au: Manufactur- at a 45-degree angle paracrestal to Care was taken not to cut the peri-
ers correct?]) were trimmed and the buccal wall in the keratinized osteum and leave it remaining on
placed over the graft material to gingiva. The incision was made the bone. Splitting of the mucosa
protect the graft from contact with at the most coronal aspect of the allows for more flap elasticity.
the mucosa and prevent soft tissue bone crest (Figs 2a and 2b). The Starting from the crestal inci-
in-growth. No attempt was made mucoperiosteal flap was elevated sion, the periosteum was detached
to vertically augment the ridges from the horizontal part of the crest from the bone using a periosteal el-
above the height of the crest. Pa- lingually. The buccal portion of the evator extending apically between
tients were seen for postoperative flap was split, separating the peri- 8 and 12 mm, thereby forming a
care at 3, 7, 14, and 30 days. Barri- osteum from the buccal mucosa for pocket between the buccal bone
er coverage was evaluated for flap 10 to 13 mm apically, according to plate and the elevated periosteum.
closure, and oral hygiene instruc- the programmed implant length. The vertical depth was determined
tions were given. Flap sutures were No releasing incisions were made. by the shape of the bone and the
removed at 15 days postoperative. After splitting the flap, vertical re- planned implant length (Figs 3a
leasing incisions were placed in and 3b).

Volume 32, Number 3, 2012


Figs 4a to 4c (left to right)    Flap elasticity was increased by splitting the mucosa from the periosteum, and the periosteal pocket was filled
with grafting material.

Fig 5a (left)    The initial mattress sutures

kept the periosteum in place and extended
from the lingual to the buccal apsects. Only
the periosteum was sutured.

Fig 5b (right)    A second layer of mattress

sutures fixed the mucosa to the lingual
mucoperiosteal flap.

The periosteal pocket was filled teum and then returning through tients, and they confirmed the suc-
with a slowly resorbing graft mate- the buccal periosteum and continu- cess of the grafting procedure (Figs
rial after intra–bone marrow pene- ing in the lingual full-thickness flap, 6a to 6c). The implants were placed
tration to encourage angiogenesis, as a mattress suture. Knots were 24 weeks after ridge augmentation
ensuring the volume stability of placed lingually (Fig 5a). A second (Figs 7a and 7b). The changes in
the augmented space (Figs 4a to mattress suture fixed the mucosa mean ridge height and width were
4c). An absorbable collagen mem- buccally to the lingual mucoperios- evaluated. All implants (Tapered
brane was then placed to cover the teal flap. Knots were placed on the Screw Vent [Au: Zimmer?]) were
crestal portion of the graft material buccal aspect (Fig 5b). submerged. After implant place-
over which the periosteum did not ment, the flaps were sutured using
extend. interrupted sutures. Written and
Suturing was performed in two Implant surgery verbal postoperative instructions
steps. The sutures were initiated were provided. The implants were
through the lingual full-thickness Prior to implant placement, CT allowed to heal for 12 weeks, after
flap going to the buccal perios- scans were performed in three pa- which they were uncovered and

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Fig 6a    CT scan after 24 weeks. Fig 6b    Magnified view of the augmented Fig 6c    Three-dimensional reconstruction
area. The ridge width 2 mm from the peak of the CT scan showing the augmentated
of the crest was 7.8 mm. area.

Figs 7a and 7b    Clinical view (a, left)

before and (b, right) after the first implant
was placed.

healing abutments were placed. position using a periodontal probe

After 3 to 4 weeks, the definitive (Stoma Dental System). The probe
prosthesis was delivered. Each pa- was placed at the most coronal
tient underwent a clinical follow-up level of the crest, perpendicular to
protocol of clinical examinations the apicocoronal axis of the crest.
every 3 months, and a periapical One measurement of each implant
radiograph was taken after 1 year. site was taken for each patient. The
[Au: Edit ok?] same measurement was performed
at implant placement. The differ-
ence between the two measure-
Clinical measurements ments (pre- and postaugmentation)
was recorded (Table 1).
After flap elevation, the ridge width
was measured exactly at the mid-
point of the programmed implant

Volume 32, Number 3, 2012


Table 1 Clinical ridge measurements before and after the PPF augmentation procedure

Patient No. of Baseline 6 mo Change in ridge Bone gain

no. implants (preaugmentation, mm) (postaugmentation, mm) width (mm) (%)
1 3 0.5 7.6 7.1 1,420
0.7 7.2 6.5 928
1.0 7.8 6.8 680
2 2 2.4 7.6 5.2 225
2.0 7.8 5.8 290
3 3 3.5 6.2 2.7 77
3.2 5.5 2.3 72
3.2 4.8 1.6 50
4 1 3.0 6.0 3.0 100
5 1 4.3 6.6 2.3 53
Mean 2.38 ± 1.11 6.71 ± 1.01 4.33 ± 1.92 389 ± 301

Fig 8    Clinical view 2 years after the defini-

tive restoration was placed.

Results an average of 4.3 ± 1.9 mm (range, At the 2-year follow-up, all

1.6 to 7.1 mm). This represents a implants were functional, and
All augmented sites healed with- bone gain of 389% ± 301% (range, no more than 1 mm of bone loss
out complication or membrane 50% to 1,420%). In one patient, a was observed around the implant
exposure. No persistent infection small buccal bone dehiscence was shoulders in any of the periapical
or pain was observed, indicating observed after implant placement, radiographs. Healing was other-
that the alveolar nerve was not af- and a standard grafting procedure wise normal (Fig 8).
fected by the procedure. The alve- was performed. Primary implant
olar ridge width was increased by stability was not jeopardized.

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Discussion tion. Space is needed for the osteo- sion-free closure. Primary closure
genic cells to creep into the wound is absolutely necessary to ensure
The objective of this case series was site, differentiate into osteoblasts, that bony regeneration can take
to introduce and evaluate the feasi- and form woven bone. However, place under the membrane.16,18,21
bility of a modified flap design, the the osteoblasts migrate at a slower The PPF technique proposed here
PPF, to augment knife-edged alve- pace compared to epithelial cells. allows for primary wound closure
olar ridges in preparation for dental Hence, a barrier membrane is used and also minimizes the micromove-
implants. To verify the usefulness to prevent the unwanted cells from ments in the augmentation material
of the flap design, the dimensions populating the wound site. The to ensure wound/graft stability for
of the alveolar ridge width were stability of the initial clot formation more predictable healing. These
measured pre- and postopera- dictates the success of wound heal- are essential criteria for a successful
tively. This flap design used during ing. This is because the initial clot GBR procedure.
GBR proved highly successful in is a large reservoir of growth and Various authors have investi-
augmenting the ridge width. To differentiation factors and the pre- gated GBR in horizontally deficient
achieve a predictable GBR out- cursor to granulation tissue, which alveolar ridges and have reported
come, a PASS principle that in- will organize and remodel to form on both the overall success as well
cludes primary wound coverage, bone. as complications. Zitzmann et al22
angiogenesis, space creation, and The pocket generated by the showed approximately 26% soft
wound stability has to be abided PPF technique increases the stabil- tissue dehiscences leading to ex-
by.18,23 Primary wound closure with ity of the augmentation material, posure of the membrane. The num-
tension-free sutures provides an even in cases of severe bone de- ber of soft tissue dehiscences was
enclosed and undisturbed healing ficiencies. Studies on periodontal significantly higher for nonresorb-
environment, away from bacterial regeneration of hypermobile teeth able membranes (42%) than for the
and mechanical insults. This great- have shown a reduction in clini- collagen membrane (10%). How-
ly enhances the healing potential cal attachment gain.23,25 It could ever, in contrast to the nonresorb-
of the surgical site. Angiogenesis, be speculated that the mobility of able membrane, the dehiscences
which is the formation of new blood the teeth resulted in an unstable involving the collagen membrane
vessels, enhances the growth and surgical site, therefore affecting did not threaten the overall out-
regeneration of the wound. Decor- the wound-healing sequence. Ex- come of treatment. Friedmann et
tication or intramarrow penetration trapolating this concept to GBR, al19 used a cross-linked collagen
creates channels of communication it was found that the stability of membrane in 16 patients with al-
for the osteogenic and pluripotent the initial clot formation activated veolar ridge deficiencies. Ten of
mesenchymal cells to travel from the healing process by recruit- these patients (62.5%) exhibited
the bone marrow to the bone graft. ing cells and growth factors to the soft tissue dehiscences exposing
It not only increases the bone graft wound site.26,27 This in turn pro- the membrane. The soft tissue de-
and host tissue interface but also motes predictable bone regenera- hiscences triggered early collagen
provides mechanical interlocking tion. The second advantage of the membrane degradation. Norton et
between the bone graft and resi- PPF technique is that it allows for al12 used bovine bone mineral and
dent bone, thus promoting better tension-free soft tissue closure in a collagen membrane in both sinus
healing. Additionally, a regional demanding horizontal bone-graft- floor augmentations and horizon-
acceleratory phenomenon24 is also ing procedures. This can be used tal GBR. Twenty-six percent of the
activated, resulting in faster bone in cases of very limited horizontal patients exhibited membrane ex-
remodeling because of increased bone width and still ensures abun- posure, and two of the three expo-
multiple mineralization foci forma- dant soft tissue for primary ten- sure membranes investigated [Au:

Volume 32, Number 3, 2012


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Volume 32, Number 3, 2012

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