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Prepared by: Mr. Arniel V. Ping

I- Content Standard
A. The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related

II- Performance Standard

A. The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on being a media
and information literate individual.

III- Content
1. Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
a. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy
c. Technology Literacy

IV- Learning Competencies

Learners will be able to…
A. create a text and visual digital poster which will campaign for high school students to be a responsible
user and competent producer of media information (SSHS);
B. organize a creative and interactive symposium where students will present their posters and discuss its
subject and message to junior high school students (SSHS); and
C. produce and evaluate a creative text and visual based presentation using design principle and elements
(MIL11/12TIM-IVb-6/ MIL11/12VIM-IVc-10)

V- Materials/ Tools

A. Computer
B. Camera (Smartphone, Digital Camera, or DLSR)
C. Photo Editing Software (Photoshop), Web tool ( , etc.) or mobile application

VI- Procedure

A. The class will be divided into groups with 3 members.

B. Each group will create a digital poster which aims to educate high school students on how to be a
responsible user and producer of media information. Each group will select from the following subject:
-Netiquette -Cyberbullying -Internet Safety
-Internet Addiction -Flame Wars -Digital Footprint
-Fake News
Limit to two groups per subject if possible. Students may propose another subject.
C. The digital poster must focus on the issue and not attack or mentioned personalities. Use of foul words
and inappropriate pictures are not allowed. Citation for a borrowed material is required.
D. The selected digital poster will be printed and posted in the school community. Poster size is 24 inches x
36 inches with a resolution of 300 dpi. If you are using Canva in creating your poster, simply save it as
“PDF: for print”.
E. Group with the same subject will be grouped together for the symposium.

VII- Schedule and Activity

A. Digital Poster Making

Date Pd. Time Venue Activity
 Research about the subject of the poster.
Day Library/
 Conceptualize the poster (message, design, and layout).
1 Classroom
 Take pictures which will be used for the digital poster.
 Create the digital poster using Canva, additional
Day Computer software or applications may be used.
2 Laboratory  Present the output to the teacher for immediate
 Improve the digital poster using the provided feedback
Day Computer
by the teacher.
3 Laboratory
 Submit the final output to the teacher.

B. Symposium
Date Time Venue Audience Activity
 Introduction to MIL
 Each group will present their poster and give a talk
about its subject and message with focus on how
students can be a responsible users and competent
producers of media messages.
 Open Forum

VIII- Rubrics

A. Poster
Criteria Excellent Good Fair
Content Message is clear, Message is clear Message is clear Message is unclear
 How students can be accurate, and and accurate. but questionable. and/ or inaccurate.
a responsible user and strong.
producer of media
information. 10 8 5 2
Graphics and Text All graphics and All graphics and All graphics and Graphics and text
 Relevance and text are related to text are related to text relate to the do not relate to the
Citation the topic and make the topic and most topic. Two topic and/or three
it easier to make it easier to borrowed graphics or more borrowed
understand. All understand. One have no source graphics do not
borrowed graphics borrowed graphics citation. have a source
have a source have no source citation.
citation. citation.
10 8 5 2
Design and Layout The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably poorly designed
attractive in terms of design, layout, attractive though and the layout is
of design, layout, and neatness. layout is cluttered. cluttered.
and neatness.
10 8 5 2
Work Ethics Every individual Group work is Group work is Group members
 Cooperation and in the group done mostly by done mostly by are not working on
Participation contributed to the two individuals. one individual. the designated
creation of the time.
digital poster.
10 8 5 2
Total Points 40

B. Presentation in the Symposium

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

Holds attention of Consistent use of Displays minimal Holds no eye contact
entire audience with direct eye contact eye contact with with audience, as
the use of direct eye with audience, but audience, while entire report is
contact, seldom still returns to notes reading mostly from read from notes
looking at notes the notes
5 4 3 2
Speaks with Speaks with Speaks in uneven Speaks in low
fluctuation in volume satisfactory variation volume with little or volume and/ or
and inflection to of volume and no inflection monotonous tone,
maintain audience inflection which causes
interest and audience to
emphasize key points disengage
5 5 5 5
Demonstrates full Is at ease with Is uncomfortable Does not have grasp
knowledge by expected answers to with information and of information and
answering all class all questions, without is able to answer cannot answer
questions with elaboration only rudimentary questions about
explanations and questions subject
5 4 3 2
Content/ Provides clear Has somewhat clear Attempts to define Does not clearly
Organization purpose and subject; purpose and subject; purpose and subject; define subject and
pertinent examples, some examples, provides weak purpose; provides
facts, and/or facts, and/or statistics examples, facts, and/ weak or no support
statistics; supports that support the or statistics, which of subject; gives
conclusions/ideas subject; includes do not adequately insufficient support
with evidence some data or support the subject; for ideas or
evidence that includes very thin conclusions
supports conclusions data or evidence
5 4 3 2
Demonstrates strong Shows some Shows little or mixed Shows no interest in
enthusiasm about enthusiastic feelings feelings about the topic presented
topic during entire about topic topic being presented
5 4 3 2
Significantly Raises audience Raises audience Fails to increase
increases audience understanding and understanding and audience
understanding awareness of most knowledge of some understanding of
and knowledge of points points knowledge of topic
topic; convinces an
audience to
recognize the
validity and
importance of the
5 4 3 2
Total Points 30


1. This is a project proposal only, make the necessary needed changes to fit your own
objectives or plan.
2. You can have 1 to 2 weeks’ interval between the project making and symposium
to give your students time to prepare for the presentation.
3. This activity can still be done off line, with drawing and lettering and with cartolina
and coloring materials.
4. Canva was the prescribe web tool because it is user friendly but allow your students
who are advance in photo editing to use Photoshop.
5. Your students’ digital poster can be part of an MIL Awareness Campaign in your
school. As part of this campaign you can share your students’ digital poster on
Facebook but you have to discuss this with your supervisor or principal. There are
policies that might need to be considered like teachers are supposedly not allowed
to upload on line pictures of students who are minors without the consent of their
parents. Posters might have pictures or names of students where they can be
identified and might compromised their safety or be subjected to cyberbullying.
6. There is a PowerPoint presentation for this performance task but since this proposal
was created recently, there might be some inconsistencies. Make the necess ary
changes in the presentation or in this project proposal. (PPT File Name: 1.MIL 1.
Introduction to MIL (Part 3)- Performance Task (Project)- Digital Poster).

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