Emergency Medicine

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Management of emergency medicine


• Tetanus is a severe life threatening disease caused by the toxin producing

bacteria Clostridium tetani
• Clinical feature : muscle rigidity ( trismus ), painful muscle spasm, fever ,
labile hypertension and abnormalities of cardiac rhythm
Management of tetanus

• Airway and breathing : give high flow oxygen via face mask. Patient with
respiratory muscle involvement will need intubation, muscle paralysis and
• Tetanus immune globulin : give tetanus immune globulin 4000 unit iv over 30
• Wound debridement
• Antibiotics : metronidazole 7,5 mg/kg ( maximum dose 500 mg ) every 8
• Muscle spasm : morphine and diazepam are used to control muscle spasms
Poisoning and overdoses

• Opiates ( codein, heroin, pethidine, morphine, methadone )

 These drugs cause depression of conscious state and hypoventilation
 The specific antidote naloxone is highly effective :
Give naloxone 0,4 mg intravenously or intramuscularly and repeat in 5
minutes if necessary to a maximum of 2 mg
• Paracetamol
 Overdose of this drug is common and can be fatal.
 Initial symptoms are mild with nausea, vomiting, and sometimes abdominal
pain. Hepatic failure and death may follow in days to week
 The minimum toxic dose is 150 mg/kg and all patients who ingest more than
350 mg/kg will develop hepatic failure
• Acetylcysteine is the specific antidote and if given within 8 hours will prevent
hepatic damage. It is still useful when given from 8 to 48 hours after
• Give acetylcysteine 150 mg /kg iv over 15 minutes THEN
• Give acetlcylcystein 50 mg/kg iv over 4 hours, THEN
• Give acetylcystein 100 mg/kg iv over 16 hours
• Anticholinesterases ( insecticides )
 These substances cause severe cholinergic effects, including : vomiting,
diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotension, hypersalivation, bronchospasm, urinary
incontinence, muscle weakness, constricted pupils, and pulmonary oedema
 The specific antidote is atropine and very large doses may be required
 Atropine will not reverse muscle weakness, so intubation and mechanical
support of ventilation may be required
Treatment in adults

• Give atropine 3 mg iv every 5 minutes until the patient develops sinus

tachycardia ( HR : 100 beats/min )-- there is no maximum dose : 20 or 30
mg may be required )
Oral anticoagulants ( e.g : warfarin, rat poison )

• Overdose of these substances causes prolongation of the prothrombin time

and increased risk of bleeding
• Patients who are at high risk of developing bleeding ( e.g : post operative )
should be actively treated
• Treatment in adults :
 Give vit K 10 mg IM daily
 Give FFP 2 units iv and repeat as necessary to a maximum of 8 units

• Poisoning of this drug may be acute or chronic ( accumulation in patient

taking digoxin for therapeutic reasons )
• Patients with significant toxicity always complain of anorexia, nausea, and
• Acute poisoning causes marked hyperkalaemia and chronic toxicity cases are
often hypokalaemia
• Digoxin toxicity has been known to cause from complete heart block to
ventricular tachycardia
• Complication should be treated :
o Ventricular tachycardia :
 Give phenytoin 15 mg /kg iv , infused no faster than 50 mg/min PLUS
 MgSO4 50 mg/kg iv ( max 5 g ), over 5 minutes
o Bradyarrythmias :
 Give atrophine 10 mcg/kg bolus, repeat in 5 minutes if necessary

• Theophylline poisoning may occur because of deliberate ingestion of overdose or

accumulation of the drug
• Toxicity affects several organ systems :
 Cardiovascular : supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia
 Gastrointestinal : nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
 Neurologic : agitation, confusion, seizures
 Metabolic : hypokalaemia, hyperglycaemia
• Hypokalaemia should be treated with intravenous potassium replacement

• The used drug can be highly toxic in overdose

• The clinical features include :
 Gastrointestinal ( nausea, vomiting, haematemesis )
 Neurologic ( confusion, coma, seizures )
 Metabolic ( fever, tachypnea and hypokalaemia )
• The toxic dose is greater than 150 mg/kg
• All symptomatic patients should be treated as follows :
 Give 0,9% saline iv at a rate necessary to maintain a urine output greater than
2 ml/kg/jam PLUS
 Give sodium bicarbonate 1 mmol/kg iv every 4 hours to maintain a urine pH
greater than 7,5 PLUS
 Give potassium chloride 0,25 mmol/kg iv over at least one hour, every 4
hours to maintain serum potassium level > 4mmol/L

• In overdose, phenytoin causes :

 cerebellar dysfunction ( nystagmus, ataxia, dysarthria, nausea and vomiting )
 confusion, coma and paradoxically, seizures
• Treatment is essentially supportive. Diazepam should be used to control

• This drug is highly toxic in overdose causing : hypotension and cardiac

• Treatment involves adrenaline and very large doses of diazepam :
 Give adrenaline 0,25 mcg /kg/min via infusion and increase rate by 5
microgram per minute untillsystolic blood pressure is greater than 90 mmHg
 Give diazepam 2 mg/kg iv over 30 minutes

• Allergic reaction may be triggered by a variety of factors including drugs (

penicillin ), foods ( shellfish ), insect sting and chemicals.
• There is a wide spectrum of severity ranging form a harmless skin rash (
urticaria ), to potentially fatal airway obstruction ( laryngeal oedema ) and full-
blown anaphylaxis ( hypotension, bronchospasm )
Treatment in adults

• Administer bronchodilator : give salbutamol 5 mg via nebulizer

• Adrenaline
 If severe ( hypotension or severe bronchospasm or stridor or hypoxia ): give adrenaline 0,5 mg
IM and repeat in 5 minutes if required
• Intravenous fluids : give 0,9% saline 250 ml and repeat if necessary
• Corticosteroids :
 Give hydrocortisone 200 mg iv THEN 100 mg six hourly OR
 Give dexamethasone 8 mg IM OR
 Give prednisolone 50 mg orally dailly
Asthma attack

• Asthma is a common respiratory disease in both adults and children

• All patients with moderate or severe asthma should be given oxygen
Treatment in adults

• Oxygen : give oxygen 6-8 liter via face mask if moderate or severe asthma
• Beta-adrenergic agonists : to reverse bronchospasm
give salbutamol by nebulizer and repeat every 30 minutes
• Anticholinergics :
 These agents have a synergistic effect with beta-adrenergic agonists
• Corticosteroids
 Steroids reduce inflammation of the airways. Give hydrocortisone 200 mg iv then 100 mg 6
• Aminophylline
 5 mg/kg ( maximum 250 mg ) iv over 5 min, followed an infusion at a dose
0f 0,6 -0,9 mg /kg/min

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