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86 Makki Surah. • 28 Madine Surah.

Phali sureah madina ma sureah fatiha outrii

Namaz e juma beome farz in madina .

Fatherless prophet hazrat isa A.S Qayamt ka dino ka kareeb.
Sureah namal ma 2 dafa BISMILLLALLAH hai.
Who was the 1st key holder of kaba among quresh?
Plastin the country called land of prophet
9th hijei ko hujj compulsory
Tow angle apportant on each parson called kirman() or kitabeen(likhne wala)
Creatation of jaant or dozak mention in sureah yunus

Last gzwa of nabi is tabook

Muhammad (SAW) means praise tareef ka hai

ALLAH will ask the question on the jugement day about salat(prayer)

1st and 2nd wali gap is 6 month

10 uncals of our nabi

Majar part of Reaveled at night time

Wzu ka bad kalma shahadt parha chahiye

Five Pillars of Islam

• Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith.

• Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day.
• Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy.
• Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan.
• Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca.

Hazoor ka mo boly bate hazar zaid bin haris ( Sureah AHZAB main inka name aya hai ka ALLAH na mana
farmaya hai Nabi ko ka in ko beta na boly)
Qurbala ma jo bache vo hazat zain ul abideen
Pakistan is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west and Iran to the southwest while China
borders the country in the northeast.
Jung e Badar: Leader of Kufar: Abu Jehal (abu jehal ko mara Moiz or maaz na jange badr ma)
Date: 2 Hijri on 17th Ramadan
Martyers of Muslims: 14 (6 Ansar and 8 Mahajir) 313 Muslims vs 1000 Kafirs
Battle Badar Ghazwa is named as Furqan.
� 625 Battle of Uhad. 3hij Muslims: 1000, Kuffar: 3000, Muslim martyrs in the battle of Uhad:
� 626 Battle of Rajih.4hij
� 627 Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab).5hij
� 628, Treaty of Hudaibiya, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid Accepted Islam, Conquest of Khyber.6hij
�629, Battle of Mutah, Preaching of Islam to
various kings.7hij
� 630, Battle of Hunain, Conquest of
� 631, Battle of Tabuk. 9hij � 632, Hajjat-ul-Wida.10hij � 680, Tragedy of

26|11|2017 operation army na kea Islamabad, Q ka dharne wale out ni rahy hai,, Zaid hamid apply
assmably ma Khatma nabvat manany bina assmbaly ka member ban jay jo ka cancel hojay
(1) How many doors khana kaba have??
Janat ka door 8
(2) Largest producer of Quartz (mineral composed of silicon and oxygen) on commercial basis?? Brazil,
Madagascar, India, and the U.S. (Arkansas).
(3) Name of the atomb bomb which was thrown on Nagasaki?? Fat man
2nd bomb thrown Hiroshima tittle man
(4) Pilot who dropped Atomb bomb on hiroshima??? 6 augest 1945 enola gay
(6) Japan is having how many major industrial areas??? 7

1)Badar Kis Cheez Ka Name Hy? Well (kuvan)

2) Hazrat Hajirah(RA) Was The Mother Of? Ishak Or Hazart Ishak ka beta Hazrat yaqube or HAzrat
yaqube ka beta Hazrat Yousaf A.S

4) Hazrat Hajra was the mother of? ISMIL

Hazrat ISmIl Or Ishak both son of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S

Hazrat Ibrahim A.S father of Hazrat Ismil A.s or Hazrat Ishak A.S
3) Jab Presedient Nhi Hota To Mulk Kon Chalata Hy? Chairman of cabinet
4) Ghazwa Khandak ma Khandak Ki Lambai? 5.5KM length 9 meters in width 4.5 meter in depth
5) Kaleem Ullah Kis Ka Laqab Tha? Hazrat Musa A.S
6) Ist Largest Dam In Pakistan? Terbala on the Indus River in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, topi pakistan
7) Which Year Is Called Grief Year In Islam? 10 higri ( year of sorrow(gum)) Hazrat Muhammad ki wife
khatija R.A and His uncle Hazrat abu talib Died

Or 1956 1st constitution of Pakistan

8) ayub Khan Imposed Marshall law In The Year? 7 October 1958


Q-1= captial of kenya.......Nairobi

Q-2= Qaid-e-Azam 14 points.......1929

Q-3= Son of Hazrat Adam (a.s)........3 ( Hābīl Qābīl Seth )

Q-4=( Mohammedan Anglo Oriental)MAO high school ali ghar given the status of college......1877

Q-5=3rd round table conferance......... 1930–32

Q-6=What is the rate of zaqat...........2.5% 40 bhans par 1 bhans zakat dani hogi or ager 7.5 tola suna hot
u katini or 52.5 chandii hot u katni zkat

According to Islamic law, zakat is compulsory on every adult free Muslim who possesses wealth
equivalent to the nisab. Such a person is known as the Sahib-e-Nisab.
• On every 7.5 tolas of gold = 2.5%
• On every 52.5 tolas of silver or (equivalent in cash) = 2.5%
• Khums is 1/5 of the produce from mines.

• Zakat is also imposed on land, trading goods and some other assets.

Q-7=First Army chief of pakistan............ Tikka Khan phir 2nd Zia ul Huq 3rd Mirza Aslam baig or… or 7th parvaz
musharaf or 9th Genral Raheel shareef or 10 Qamar javad Bajwa

Q-9=Chief justs of pakistan........ The first Chief Justice was Sir Abdul Rashid. The current Chief Justice is Mian
Saqib Nisar, incumbent since 31 December 2016.

Q-11= Who give the name to world war......

World War 1 and 2nd Funak le derozgal

Q-12=Largest airport of the world Reyyadh of Saudi Arab(not confirm )


Who is chairman senate Habibullah Marwat

How many members are in senate? 104 (next. election: 5 March 2018)

Who elects the member of senate? Awam voting

Who is Deputy Speaker National Assembly Qumi assembly MPA(little) MBA Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi,
Seat: 342

Who is known as ASADULLAH(ALLAH ka shar)? HAzrat Ali R.A

Mount Everest, known in Nepali as Sagarmāthā , is Earth's highest mountain,8,848 m and The international
border between China and Nepal runs

What is the height of K2 in feet? 8611 meters, China-Pakistan border between Baltistan, in the Gilgit-
Baltistan region of northern Pakistan,
feet into meters
2016 olympic kis country me hoga brazil ,,,,,,,,2018 pyeongchang South Korea. ,,,2020 tokyo

world war 1 me usa ka president kon tha.... Wood row Wilson

who was president during world war 2……… Franklin Delano Roosevelt's

world war 2 ka commander kon tha J.h. robat

foe ki simillar meaning, an enemy or opponent.

one-one function is also called,

madina ka purana name Yathrib

makka ka porana name Bakkah

quran pak k meaning the recitation

active passive the narration etc.

FATA Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

National capital. Islamabad officially became the capital of Pakistan on 14 August 1967, exactly
20 years after the country's independence. Previously, Rawalpindi was the capital, designated in
1958. The first capital of Pakistan was the coastal city of Karachi, which was selected by
Muhammad Ali Jinnah.


Chagai District Westen Sanjrani Agency, is the largest district of Pakistan and is located on the north west
corner of Balochistan, by population is lahore district district district vice
Largest province of Pakistan is Balochistan then Punjab by area or population by Punjab

biggest city of Pakistan is Karachi phir Lahore phir Fsd

Pakistan population 193.2 million (2016)

Bahawalpur is the largest district of Punjab by area population by Lahore

Quetta is the largest district of Balochistan by population
And population and area vice Sindh ka Karachi
Kpk chitral by area and population vice peshawar
Pujab ka 36, Balochistan 32 , Sindh ka 29 districts
Pakhtunkhwa is divided into 26 districts
azad jummu Kashmir ka 10 or {gilgit bailtistan ka 10,,,, 4 in bailtistan or 6 in giglit }
azad Kashmir area 37% of Pakistan other india have 43%

Federally Administered Tribal Areas (7 tribal agencies

6 frontier regions= 13 Districts ) area wise biggest District North Waziristan Agency population wise bajaur
The City District Karachi was divided in 18 Towns and 178 union councils. On 11 July 2011, Sindh
Government restored again 6 districts of Karachi division.

97% of Pakistanis are Muslim.

highest temperatures ever recorded occurred in Jacobabad, Pakistan, when the mercury reached 126 degrees
Fahrenheit (52.2 degrees Celsius).

Death Valley, California, USA hottest city of the world and coldest Winter temperatures in Oymyakon, Russia
hottest country of the world is India phir sudan phir oman phir Iran phir Algeria phir Iraq phir Saudi arabia

Current Chief Ministers CM of Pakistan

Balochistan Sardar Sanaullah Zehri Chief Minister of Balochistan
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Punjab Mian Shehbaz Sharif Chief Minister of Punjab
Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah Chief Minister of Sindh

Chukar partridge national bird of Pakistan or fruit is mango or animal is Markhor

highest country The Tibetan Plateau, also referred to as the 'Roof of the World' is the highest part of China
with elevations more than 5,000 feet above sea level.

(1) Biggest country of Africa?? Algeria

(2) Russia is included in which continent??? Russia, the world’s largest nation, borders European
and Asian countries as well as the Pacific and Arctic oceans.
(3) Famous desert of Pakistan?? Indus Valley Desert.,) or punjab ka The Cholistan Desert or sindh
ka thar
(2) Q-10= largest desert of the world....... sahara in Africa
(4) Camel name of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) during migration??? Qaswa
(5) Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) worked as labour in building which mosque??? Masjid e nabvi
(6) Hazrat Adam was thrown in which country??? Sirilanka


1 : What is the derivative of log(log x).

104..Tan90 undefined
13..One one ftn also called injective
3 : How many letters are repeating in word Constitution .
4 : When did Quaid-e-Azam Joined Pml.
5 : Which famous personality died in 1951 .

7 : What is the meaning of Albiet . meaning “though”

8: If A and B are standing in west of C and B and C are standing in east of A, then which point is in middle.
9: We read newspaper because?
10: Who was the first "Muazzan" Of Islam. “Bilal ibn Rabah also known as Bilal al-Habashi, He was born in
Mecca and is considered as the first muezzin, chosen by Muhammad himself.”

Sumayyah bint Khayyat was the first female member of the Ummah of Muhammad to become a shahidah.
And 1st male Yasir ibn Amir shahid husband of Sumayyah dono ko abu jahal na shahid kea tha
3 if a train covers 0.5 miles in 1 minute how many miles it covers in 1 hour....
5 uranium kis mulk main sb se zaida hai..... Kazakhstan phir Canada phir Australia
6 juriyanwala bagh par firing ka hukum kis ne diya tha.... lord...?
7 khilafat movement kis ne start ki.... Muhammad ali johar shokat ali johar na
9 1945-46 election Muslim league seats....... 425seats and 26.8%
10 knsa constitution bicameral system par huwa....
12 first slave(Gulam) embrace(Qabool) islam..... Hazrat zaid bin harris


Integral of tan x? (Math Q )

Which sea comes when you cross the suez canal? Meeting point of Mediterraneal and red sea in Egypt
Aggrement that took place after the war in 5 AH was in what year?
In M is the row of matrix one and N the column of the other find the combined matrix? (Math Q)
Conjruate of a+bi? (math Q)

Makkah Conquered 08 hijri.630 AD AND 20 Ramazan

Ayub Khan Martial Law

07 Oct 1958

Capital of Keniya
Ali Ghar got a status of college/Universty
3rd Round table confrence
1st Commander Army chief
Sir Frank messery
Pak objective resolution
Largest deserts in World
Sahara in South Africa
largest Airport
Reyyadh of Saudi Arab
Ateeq was the Laqab of
Hazrat Abu Bakar RA (not sure)
1956 constitusion was
NATO was design in
UNO was design in
24Oct 1945
Pak became a member Of UNO(United Nations (UN)) on
30 Sept 1947
WTO was design in
Long Shoes like Map of
2010 FIFA World Cup winner was
Bolan Pass is b/w
Pakistan definitely borders Afghanistan at the Durand Line, 2,430 km (1,509.9 mi),
inda and China McMahon Line
Khyber Pass is b/w
Peshawar and Kabul
Shandur Pass is b/w
Chitral and Gilgit
Tochi pass connects Pak:-China.
Kulk Pass is b/w
Gilgit and China
Pak china board line Karakoram Highway
Pak india board line The Radcliffe Line
The border between Pakistan and Iran is located on the west side, and is known as the Pakistan-Iran Barrier.


Q1: angeel mein aap s.a.w ka kya nam aya hai?

Q2: ashra mubashra sahaba k naam? 10 ha or ALLAH ka Rasool na farmaya tha ya sab jannatii hai
1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
2. Hazrat Umer Farooq (R.A)
3. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
5. Hazrat Talha (R.A)
6. Hazrat Zubair ibn-e-Awam (R.A)
7. hazrat Abu Obaida ibn-al-Jarah (R.A)
8. Hazrat Abdul Rehman ibn-e-Auf (R.A)
9. Hazrat Saad ibn-e-Abi Waqas (R.A)
10. Hazrat Saeed ibn-e-Zaid (R.A)
Q3: wo kaunsy 4 afraad hain jin ka zikr Quran e pak mein buray alfaz mein aya hai?
95. Which Surah is called Fastat (Khema) Al-Quran? Surah Fateha
Quran mai 70 baar Quran ka lafz aaya hay
Sorah e qamar main azab se bar bar daraya gaya hay
Quran e Kareem mai 25 ambia(NAbiss) aur rasool ka zikr aya hai.
34) 3 gunahe kabeerakaunsy haen? Kufar( ALLAH ka inkar) , sherk( ALLAH ka sath shareek karna ), Munafiqt (
Dil ma khouch or Zuban pa khouch)
36) Hazrat bilal kis qabily kay ghulam thy ? baanu umaayia
Q5: suhf e usmaani kisy kehty haen?
Q6: Quran e pak ki wo kaunsi 4 suraten hain jin k nam janwrun k nam py rakhy gae hain?
SUreh bakra, sureah namal
Q7: surah fatiha k aur 2 nam kaunsy haen? Umm Al-Kitab ("the Mother of the Book") and Umm Al-Quran
("the Mother of the Quran");
Q8: jarah o tadeel kisy kehty haen? Jarah o tadeel bani gae ka kon haseeb theek ha konsi galat
Abu jahel ko Mazz or mauz na katal kea dono Ansari sa taluk rakhne wale tha or dono bhaii yateem tha or
abuu ka name Hariz bin raafa

6) (Hazrat Musa A.S ki QoOm) Bani Israil kay last Prophet ka name ? HAzrat Easa A.S
8) Diya meer bhasha dam kis revir pe ban raha hai ? Diamer-Bhasha Dam is a gravity dam, in the
preliminary stages of construction, on the River Indus in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
The Indus River is one of the longest rivers in the Asia. It flows from western Tibet (China) through Jammu and
Kashmir and Pakistan proper.

10). Makkah was conquered by Holy Prophet (PBUH) on??? 08 hijri (20 Ramzan A.H of the eighth year of
hijrah (630 CE),) not confirm

Q 1. ADAM-E-SANI kis paigambar ka laqab hai? Ans 1. Hazrat NOOH ALIAHI SALAM

Q.1 HUZUR SALLALHO ALAIHI WASALAM elaan-e-nabuwat kitni umer main farmaya? Ans.1 40 SAAL

Q.3 ELAAN-E-NABUWAT se qabal HUZUR SALALHO ALAIHI WASALAM kis gaar main ebadat kia karte thay?
23.ateeq kis k laqab ha?

Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddque


17.Objective resolution of pakistan was passed in? 12th March 1949

24.cotx=? 1/tanx
25.1956 constitutn was? The first constitution of Pakistan
26.1st P.M of Pakistan? Liaqat Ali Khan
27.simla confrence main lord of sub continent kon tha? Lord Wavell
28.1st governer of Pakistan? Quid-e-azam
29.hazarat jibrail(R.A) ka quran main name kitny dafa aya hy? 5 times
30.east pa kon hy pakistan kah? India
31.west pa kon hy pakistan kah? Afghanistan
32.north pa kon hy pakistan kah? China (north-east)
34.where is khanpur? Is in Punjab, and is a Tehsil of Rahim Yar Khan
35. capital of england? london
36.Capital of austraila? Canberra
37. capital of nepal? Kathmandu
38.2016 Olympic kis country me hoga? Brazil function is also called?? Injective Function (math Q)

Population of the world (7.6 billion)

40.population ka mutabik pakistan kis num. pa ataa hyy? 6th, 1st china 2nd india 3rd United state
,indonasia ,barazil phir 6th Pakistan 7 th nigaria, bangalshad , rassia
42.first naval staf chief? James Wilfred Jefford
43.first ayat reveling frm wch surah? Surah ALAQ
44.pakistan nuclear power kab bna? 28 May, 1998
45.hazrat noah a.s ki ship kahan utri? Mount Judi @ south-east turkey se pehla kibala kon sa tha? Bit-ul-maqdis
48.fifa world cup 2010 kn jeeta? Spain
50.istunbul ka purana naam? Kostantiniyye (KUSTUN-TUNIYA)
51.baitul maqadis ka 2nd name? Masjid-ul-Aqsa
52.k2 ki onchi feet main?? 28,251 ft
53.pakistan k first persident? Iskandar Mirza
55.last lord name kya h?
56.k2 kon se silsaly mein ha? Karakaram
57.jang e jammal k doraan command kin k hath mein thi...? Hazrat Aisha (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A)
58.word pakistan se or kitny words ban skty hyn...?? 188
59.ayub khan kab retired hue...?? ka headquarter kis city mein hai. islamabad
60.masjid e zarar ka matlab??? Mosque of opposition
63.foe ki similar meaning..?? Enemy
64.madina ka purana naam..?? Yusrab
65.hazrat muhammad SAW was military ruler for how mANY years...?? 10 years
66.what is 38 degree parallel, through which region it passes..?? circle of latitude that is 38 degrees
north/south of earths equitorial plane, seperates north and south korea war of 1950
67.holy prophet s.a.w ne kitni jangon ko lead kya apni puri zindgi me?
68.cold war ko kis theory ka naam dya gya hai?
69.'tsunami' kis language ka word hai? Japenese
70.rising sun kis country ko khty hen ? Japan
72.khandaq khodnay ka idea kis ny diya tha ? Hazrat Salman Farsi (R.A)
73.rcd ka new name (ECO) hy.ECO stand for Economic Cooperation Organization .
75.liqut ali khan born? 1 October 1895, Karnal, India
76.Speaker name? M. Ali Jinnah
77.border of pakistan and iran name? Pakistan-Iran Barrier
80.lucknow pact date? 29 December 1916
81.first contitutional conference date?
82.Capital of TAJIKISTAN is? Dushanbe
83.Curency of malaysia is ? Malaysian ringgit
85.Zakaat and nimaz became obligatory in? 2 A.H
86.President of russia is? Vladimir Putin
87.Which bird is known as the international symbol of happiness? Bluebird
88.Secretery general of UNO is? António Guterres
89.Headquarter of UNO is in ? New York City, New York, United States
92.Longest river of WORLD AND ASIA is? Amazone River (world) and Yangtze (Asia)
93. Most close meaning to the eord Laden?? burdened
94.derivative of log(logx) ? 1/x logx (math Q)
95.simon commission date ? November 1927
96.reforms should be introduced in NWFP and _______ ?(According to quaid's 14 points)
97.according to Gov. of india act 1935 the India was to be a ____state ?
98.according to Gov. of india act 1935 the India was to be a ____state ?
99.Meaning of MIRTH ? amusement
100.,Who was the first chief of PAF ? Allan Perry-Keene
102.FIrst PM of India..? Jawaharlal Nehru
116.2012 ka t20 world cup kn jeeta? West Indies
117.pak iran gas pipeline ko kea khtay hain? Peace Pipeline
118.1st elected pm of pak? Liaqat Ali Khan


27-hazrat muhammad SAW was military ruler for how mANY years..?? 10 years
28-what is 38 degree parallel, through which region it passes..?? circle of latitude that is 38 degrees
of earths equitorial plane, seperates north and south korea war of 1950
yaar ye questions thy aap k test mein...???
k-2 hieght k-2 kn se silsle me ha.jan..jange jamma k doran comand kin k hath me thi..
g.k main mujy ye questions ayethy pakistan nuclear power bna??????? hazrat noah a.s ki ship kahan
utri?????? sb se pehla kibala kn sa tha?????? 2nd world war ke commandent ka nam??????? fifa world
cup 2010 kn jeeta???? pak army ka pehla commandant cheif????? united states ka sb se bra
idra?????istunbul ka purana naam???? baitul maqadis ka 2nd name???? fi hal yehi yaad hain
holy prophet s.a.w ne kitni jangon ko lead kya apni puri zindgi me?
'badar' kis cheez ka naam hai?
cold war ko kis theory ka naam dya gya hai?
'tsunami' kis language ka word hai
rising sun kis country ko khty hen ?
2nd war k cmdnt kon thy plz tell me any one?

khandaq khodnay ka idea kis ny diya tha ?

rcd ka new name (ECO) hy.ECO stand for Economic Cooperation Organization .
aap s.a.w. ki pehli zauja shreef ka naam kya tha?
bait ul maqadis ka 2nd name kia hai???
pak necular pwr kb bna

masjid e aqsa khety hain? Baitul Maqdas ko

....aur ye question b mijy aya tha aj ke sb se prhla qibla kn sa tha???? aur jo bsit ul maqdis tha ka headquater kis city mai hai?????
masjid e zarar ka mtlb????? badar kisy khety hain??? pak army ka pehla cheif??
Tayammum ka Kiya Matlub hy??Plz any one tell
aur basha dam kis river pe bn rha hai
who inserted the arab in quran??
First list of academic questions shared by Emran Mirza
k2 height,liqut ali khan born, first governer general,speaker name ,
muslims ka 1st qibla
khulfa e rashidin ka arsa (27 years not sure)
border of pakistan and iran name
holy books kin py nazil hui torat,zubar ingl? Injil (Hazrat Esa A.S), Zaboor (Hazrat Daood A.S), Torat
(Hazrat Moosa A.S)
farishty or un ky fariz hazart jabril wahi punchny par mahmar ha asy
gahzawa badr my kitny muslam shaheed huwy? 14
hazrat muhammad ko naboat kb mile
criss mission

first contitutional conference date

1)Capital of TAJIKISTAN is? Ans: Dushenbeeee
2)Currency of malaysia is ? (Rangat)
4)Zakaat and nimaz became obligatory in? (nimaz 2 hijri, zakaat 3 hijri)
5)President of russia is? (Vladimir Putin)
6)Which bird is known as the international symbol of happiness? (shayad dove ha, but confirm kr lena)
7)What was the relation b/w Hazrat Ismail(as) and Hazrat Ishaq(as) ? (brother)
8)Secretery general of UNO is? (Bankee moon . from South korea)
9)Headquarter of UNO is in ? ( new york, USA)
10)Conference for First constitution of pakistan was held on? (ye google se check kr lain, confirm ni mjhe)
11)When lucknow pact was held? (december, 1916 at lucknow)
12)Who was awarded noble peace prize in 2012? (Eurpeon Union)
13)Who is the secertory of USA ? ( John Carry)
14)Longest river of WORLD AND ASIA is? (Yangtze of china)
16)Height of K-2 is? (8,611 meters (28,251 ft) )
17) Liaqat ali khan born on? (october 1, 1895)
(18) Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) was military ruler for how many years??
(19) What is 38° Parallel? through which region it passes???
(20) Most close meaning to the eord Laden??

- …………………………………………………………………………………

1:Among slave who embraced islam first?

2:WTO stands for? World Trade Organization
3:How many non-permanent members of security council? 10
4:First hadith book name?
5:Who won 2012 T20 world cup?
7:Highest Military award of pakistan? Nishane haider
8:Pakistan tested Nuclear Missiles in which date? 28May 1998
9:Height of k2?

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