Don't Block Your Blessings, Bitch! by Zakia Torres

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Zakia Torres
Last summer (2017) I stood at the Sprint

store crying my eyes out as my husband

drove off with my phone, my two sons and

my Jeep Wrangler. That moment felt like the

end of my life, I had no clue that it was

actually the beginning.

"Learn to get in touch

with the silence within

yourself and know that

everything in life has

purpose, there are no

mistakes, no coincidences,

all events are blessings

given to us to learn from."

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
I was a sad, depressed bitch. I lost a

few friends, my real estate business

slowed down which means my money

slowed down, my credit score dropped

tremendously and I wasn’t happy. I

tried to work on my marriage but that

wasn’t the answer either (I played my

part in my marriage disaster, I’ll save

that for another book.) The answers

that I continued to look for in others

were in me, they had been in me the

entire time. I had to face my fears and

change my mindset. It wasn’t time to

start dating it was time to heal and love

myself! Once I focused on loving

myself my life changed drastically. I let

go of the fear of looking bad to others

and I started living in the moment,

focusing on my goals and taking things

day by day.
"Trust yourself. You know more than you

think you do."

Benjamin Spock

By the end of 2017 I realized that

something was happening to me, I was

growing spiritually. I didn’t know exactly

what was happening but I knew it didn’t

require me going to a church or committing

to any one religion, it was bigger than that.

I was changing, God was with me. 

The beginning of 2018 was still very

challenging but I fought through it.

My new obsession with spirituality kept

me busy and my focus was to learn

something new about this journey every

day. That obsession got me wanting to put

others on, I wanted them to feel whatever it

was that I was feeling.

"When we lose one blessing, another is often

most unexpectedly given in its place."

C.S. Lewis

That was the beginning of QuartZ &

Rainbows. I started with a very simple shirt

that would be bigger than I ever imagined.

The sage, crystals & trap music tee was my

way in the door, and it was my introduction

to a world I didn’t even know existed.

There are so many of us spiritual cool kids

out here who are focused on nothing more

than being better than we were before. The

tee is a very small piece of the puzzle that

I’m building for my company. My purpose

is to motivate and help women begin the

healing process. Last year I had no clue

what I was doing, now I understand how

important it is to trust the process.

"When I started counting my blessings,

my whole life turned around."

Willie Nelson

My biggest storm turned me into a

beautiful bright rainbow full of color,

magic and life. If I didn’t go through some

of the things I went through and took some

of the losses I took, I would have never

found my purpose. I’m still working

through the losses because I’m nowhere

near where I plan on being even this time

next year but the difference is I believe in

myself and I trust myself. I know for a fact

that my future is bright and everything is

going to work out in my favor.

"You have to participate relentlessly in the

manifestation of your own blessings."

Elizabeth Gilbert

I finally accept the fact that I've

manifested all of the positive things

in my life the same way that I

manifested all of the negative things.

There are events that have happened

that I spoke into existence with my

fucked up negative mindset. I don’t

even use the word broke anymore

because I refuse to put that energy in

the universe. I still have a long way

to go financially but I’m not broke,

I’m healthy which means I can

create something new everyday

which will attract money.

"Dreams don't work unless you do."

John C. Maxwell

Some of the law of attraction books leave

out the fact that you must work really

hard to help your dreams come true. You

can't write your goals in a notebook all

day and watch other bitches on Instagram

make it happen, you have to put action

behind those great intentions that you set!

Nobody is stopping you but you, change

your thoughts and get out of your own

way! Don’t focus on the bad, replace

negative thoughts with gratitude and you

will not lose!

Get to work, don’t block your

blessings bitch!


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