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Variant Configuration

What is the Purpose of variant Configuration

 Variant configuration is for manufacturing complex products in

which customer determines the features of the product. Objective
of variant configuration is to react quickly to customers’
Here it needs not to create separate material for each variant of a
product. When companies introduce variant configuration this
often goes beyond a business process re-engineering project.
Variant configuration offers an opportunity to restructure product
structures for which then processes are defined. This has a direct
impact to the core areas such as marketing and product data

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What is the Use of variant Configuration
 It is tool which helps to simplify the complex manufacturing of final
product more varieties and variation of the input material

 To ensure right choice is delivered

 Easy for the sales person to select & Communication is fast and clear

 Ensures production of right item

 New products can be configured immediately by the system itself and all
changes in the costs of production, pricing for the new product are taken
into account by the system automatically.

 This session will walk you through the steps of building a simple VC

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Who Should Use Variant Configuration?

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Variant Configuration

Configurable profile

Class Configurable material

Characteristic Dependency

Value1 Value3

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1GB 120 GB
2GB 160 GB
3GB 280 GB

Silver Processor
Black Intel
Blue AMD

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Creating characteristics

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Steps – For creating Characteristics
 Menu Path :Logistics Central Functions  variant Configuration
Environment  Classification  Master Data  CT04-Charecterstics.

 1) Enter Characteristics Name and Select Create Button

 2) Enter Description in Basic data Tab, Enter data type (Character Format),
Enter Number of Characters , Select Multiple Value radio button and Enter
Characteristics values and Save it.

 3) If we want to Create Another Characteristic Repeat the same procedure

 4) Also create the characteristic for Price. Specify the values of all
Characteristics in Values tab. And In the addition data Tab enter Table name
SDCOM and Field name VKOND, Select Not Ready for Input option.

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Create Characteristics

Select Create Button

Select Basic Data Tab

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Create Characteristics (Continued)

Enter Description

Status must be set

to Released
Select Character Format

Select Multiple

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Create Characteristics (Continued)

Select the Values Tab &

Give the Characteristic
values with description

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Creating Price Characteristic

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Creating Price Characteristic (Continued)

Enter the Field


Select the table


Select Not Ready

for Input

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Steps – Creating Class
 Menu Path :Logistics  Central Functions  Variant Configuration Environment 
Classification  Master Data  CL02 – Class

 In Variant Configuration we use the Class to Group the Characteristics that Describe the
Configurable Material. We need to link the Class to the Configurable Material so that we
allow that Material to be Configured by using the Characteristics of the Class.

 We can use a Class in the Variant Configuration if the Class has a Class Type that
Support the Variant Configuration.

 1) Enter Class name and enter Class Type = 300 (Variants)

 2) Select the Icon Create, Basic data Tab enter Description and status must be Set to

 3) Select the Tab Characteristic and enter the Characteristics and Save.

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Create Class

Enter the Class Select the

Description create Button

Enter Class type 300

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Create Class (Continued)

Enter Class description

Status must be set to


Indicates not to check similar

characteristic values

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Add Characteristics to the Class

Select Characteristic Tab

and enter the Characteristics
and Save it.

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Creating a Configurable Material
 A material with different features or characteristics and options is known as
configurable material. Example: PC, Car.

 Configurable materials are either created in a material type that allows the
configuration (n the standard system, the material type KMAT) or they are
given the indicator Configurable in the material master record.

 Specify the Industry sector is Mechanical Engineering & Material type is

Configurable Material

 Item category group is 0002

 In basic data 2 tab we need to select the check box configurable material

 Class type is 300

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Creating Configurable Material

Enter The Class

Select the

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Configuration Profile – CU41
 Menu Path :Logistics Central Functions  variant Configuration
Configuration ProfileCU41 Create

 Each configurable object must have a configuration profile. The configuration

profile for a material controls the configuration process in the sales order

 We maintain the configuration profile for the configurable objects to define the
central settings for the configuring the objects we can control all the settings that
effect the display options and the scope of the characteristics on the value
assignment screen.

 Select the Object Material, Specify the required material and press enter Now
specify Priority, Profile name and Class type (300).Select the Profile and from
the main menu select Goto Profile detail select the tab configuration initial
screen in process field tab select the sales order. And specify the BOM explosion
SD01 and save it.

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Configuration Profile (Continued)

Enter the Class

Type 300

Enter the Priority &

Profile Name

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Configuration Profile (Continued)


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Configuration Profile (Continued)

Select Sales order

Select the application SD01

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 It describes the inter dependency's between the characteristics and
characteristic values and it controls which components are to be selected from
the Bill of Material.

 Use : In Variant Configuration, we use dependencies to control combinations of

variants. This prevents combinations of options that are not allowed.
Dependencies also select exactly the right BOM components and operations to
produce a variant.

 In two ways we can create the dependency’s

 Menu Path Logistics  Central Functions  Variant Configuration 

Dependency  Single Dependency  CU01 Create

 We can create directly the dependency in the characteristic itself

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Creating Dependency’s (continued)
 Go to the transaction CT04 and Enter the Characteristic Name

 Go to the Tab Values and select the line of characteristic value form the main
menu Go to Extras Object dependency’s  Editor.

 Now select the option Procedure press enter and In the ABAP/4 Line command
(Below line) write the code $SELF.ZPRICE= '1 GB' and check for the Syntax
Error. And Save it.

 Repeat the same for all other characteristic values.

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Creating Dependency’s For Characteristics (Continued)

Open the characteristic in

change mode and select a
character for which the
dependency is to be created

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Creating Dependency’s (Continued)

Enter the dependency

(follow the Dependency syntax)

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Creating Dependency’s (Continued)

Check for the Syntax Error and Save It

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Creating Dependency’s (Continued)

Check for the Syntax Error and Save it

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Variant condition Pricing procedure and maintaining Condition records

 In the Transaction Code V/08 Pricing procedure we need to add the

Condition type VA00 with the requirement 2 (Item with pricing).

 In the Transaction Code VK11 we need to maintain the Condition

Record for Basic Price of the Material for the condition Type PR00.

 In the Transaction Code VK11 we need to maintain the Condition

Records for all Characteristic Values. In the condition type VA00.

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Variant Conditions In Pricing Procedure

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Condition Record for Base price

Maintaining the
Condition Record for
Base Price

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Condition Records for Variant Conditions

Condition records are

created for sales
organization, distribution
channel and material

Enter prices associated with


Enter the variants

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Creating the Sales Order BOM

 Create the Material masters for All the Components

 Go to the Transaction Code CS01.And Enter the Material “ZLAPTOP ”,

Enter the Plant and Enter the BOM Usage is 5.

 In the Initial Screen of the BOM enter all the Components and Quantity

 Select the Line and Go to the Main menu select Extras  Object
Dependencies  Editor there write the dependencies Syntax.

 Repeat the Procedure for all BOM Components and Save.

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Creating BOM (Continued)

Enter all the Components and


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Creating BOM (Continued)

Enter the Dependency


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Process flow
 Create the Sales Order with the Tcode VA01 the Standard Document type is
OR, standard item category is TAC and Schedule line category is CP.

 For Consuming the Components against to sales order Use T code MB1A with
Movement type 231

 The sales order is make To Order Scenario so In the Stock posting Screen select
the Movement Type 521 (Receipt w/o production order into unrestricted sales
order) and Special stock indicator (E).

 Create the Delivery document with the Tcode VL01N Standard Document type
is LF.

 Create the Billing document with the Tcode VF01 Standard document type is

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Creating the sales order

Enter the Configurable

Material and Quantity
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Value Assignment Screen

Select the Values from

the Value Assignment

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Pricing Calculation

Pricing is Calculating as per

the Condition Records

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MB1A – For Consuming the Components
Enter the Sales

Enter the
Components &

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MB1C - For Maintaining The Sales Order Stock

Special Stock
Indicator E & Enter
Sales Order
Enter the Configurable
Material & Quantity

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Creating Delivery

Select the Sales Order Stock & do

the PGI

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Creating Billing Document

Create the Billing Document

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Document Flow

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Thank You
Variant Configuration with Production Planning
Create Sales Order

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Select Configuration Profile

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Assign values to characteristics

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Sales Order in requirement list before running MRP

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Planned Order created after MRP run

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Create Production Order W. R. T. Planned Order

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Backflush the components & save order

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Production Order Confirmation

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Confirm Order

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Create Delivery

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Select Sales Order Stock

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Do Picking & PGI

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Create Invoice

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Thank You

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