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Graham Greene's 'Our Man in Havana' is a satire on:

A). Religion

B). Spy Novels

C). Education

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Spy Novels

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902). Which of the following of Byron is autobiographical?

A). Manfred

B). The Corsair

C). Child Harold's Pilgrimage

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Manfred

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903). “In all things in all natures, in the stars this active principle abides, from link to link. It circulates, the sort-of-a
Wordsworth do we find in these lines?

A). The spiritualisation of Nature

B). The universalisation of Nature

C). The greatness of human Nature

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The spiritualisation of Nature

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904). T.S. Eliot compares the evening to “a patient eherized upon a table" by using the device of a conceit. In whi

A). The Waste Land

B). The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

C). Four quartets

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
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905). Thomas Wyatt is associated with:

A). The Ballad

B). The Sonnet

C). The Epic

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The Sonnet

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906). Which of the following were the admirers of Zola?

A). George Gissing

B). George Moore

C). Both Gissing and Moore

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: George Moore

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907). In which of the novels did Aldous Huxley Attempt to “musicalise fiction”?

A). Brave New World

B). Point Counter Point

C). Eyless in Gaza

D). The Burning Wheel

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Correct Answer: Point Counter Point

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908). Huxley's 'Brave New World' is about:

A). The courageous emerging world

B). The satire on the influence of science in future

C). The life in future free from disease and devoid of emotion and spiritual life too

D). Both 'a' and 'b'

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Correct Answer: Both 'a' and 'b'

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909). Who is the biographer of Donne, Hooker and George Herbert?

A). Dr. Johnson

B). James Boswell

C). Isaac Waiton

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Isaac Waiton

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910). Shakespeare wrote his plays uninterrupted between the years, 1591 and 1613 except in 1603 and 1612. W

A). He was sick during that period.

B). The theatres were closed in that year.

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The theatres were closed in that year.
911). Which of the following deals with the War or the Rose?

A). Samuel Daniel's The Civil Wars

B). Michael Drayton's The Baron's War

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Both 'a' and 'b'

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912). The phrase, “willing suspension of disbelief” is associated with:

A). Coleridge

B). Keats

C). Byron

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Coleridge
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913). In 'The Plumed' serpent Lawrence stresses......value system.

A). Civilised

B). Primitive

C). Both Civilised and Primitive

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Primitive

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914). What could be the tragic flaw in 'Macbeth'?

A). Vaulting ambition

B). Lack of action

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Vaulting ambition

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915). Who wrote this? “Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamp-post what it think

A). Ezra Pound

B). George Orwell

C). John Osborne

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: John Osborne

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916). Who is the author of the world famous Sherlock Holmes stories?

A). James Chase

B). Sherlock Holmes

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). Conan Doyle

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Correct Answer: Conan Doyle

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917). Which of Shakespeare's plays is performed at 9 pm. on June 23 every year?

A). All is Well That Ends Well

B). Tempest

C). Twelfth Night

D). A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Correct Answer: A Midsummer Night's Dream

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918). Which period of England was Milton talking about in the following lines? “A noble and puissant nation, rousi
after sleep and shaking her invincible locks”

A). Elizabethan

B). Edwardian

C). Cronwellean

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Elizabethan

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919). Sir Philip Sidney died at thirty two in:

A). He did not die in a battle

B). The battle of Zutphen

C). The Wars of Roses

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The battle of Zutphen

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920). About which of his novels did George Orwell say this? “This moral to be drawn... is a simple one. Don't let it

A). Animal Farm

B). Burmese Days

C). The Road to Wigan Pier

D). Nineteen Eighty-four

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Correct Answer: Nineteen Eighty-fou
921). Thomas More's 'Utopia' was published in:

A). 1551

B). 1316

C). 1613

D). 1516

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Correct Answer: 1516

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922). Blake believed in the importance of spiritual world and of the presence of the divine in man

A). Yes

B). No

C). Cannot be said

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Yes

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923). Who is the writer of , “God made the country and man made the town."

A). James Thomson

B). George Grabbe

C). Gray

D). William Cowper

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Correct Answer: William Cowper

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924). “All I want is to answer to my blood, direct without fribbling intervention of mind, or moral, or what not”. Who

A). Thomas Hardy

B). Sigmond Freud

C). D.H. Lawrence

D). James Joyce

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Correct Answer: D.H. Lawrence
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925). Horace Walpole is credited with the invention his 'The Castle of Otranto'

A). Gothic

B). Science fiction

C). Fabulation

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Gothic

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926). Charles Darwin is chiefly known for his work.

A). The Wealth of Nations

B). On the origin of Species

C). Leviathan

D). on Hero and Hero-Worship

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Correct Answer: On the origin of Species

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927). “Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion". This has been said by:

A). Matthew Arnold

B). T.S. Eliot

C). A.C. Bradley

D). Carlyle

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Correct Answer: T.S. Eliot

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928). Where did the Kailyard School of novel flourish?

A). England

B). Ireland

C). Scotland

D). Wales

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Correct Answer: Scotland

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929). “What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be Truth". Who has said this:

A). Coleridge

B). Hazlin

C). John Keats

D). Ruskin

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Correct Answer: John Keats

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930). Which prominent modern English novelist has written the critical work The Writings of E.M. Forester?

A). Virginia Woolf

B). Rose Macaulay

C). Elizabeth Bowen

D). Nancy Mitford

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Correct Answer: Rose Macaulay
931). Adam Smith's famous work The Wealth of Nations was published in:

A). 1710

B). 1776

C). 1737

D). 1810

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Correct Answer: 1776

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932). The period 1607-1765 is known as the ___________ period of American Literature.

A). Early

B). Dark

C). Colonial

D). British

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Correct Answer: Colonial
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933). “In this one taut, subtle novel Hawthorne solves almost all his problems.” To which novel does Marcus Cunl

A). The Marble Faun

B). The Scarlet Letter

C). The House of the Seven Gables

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The Scarlet Letter

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934). In which novel of his, Lawrence dealt with the psychological phenomenon known as 'Oedipus Complex'?

A). Lady Chatterly's Lover

B). Sons and Lovers

C). The Trespasser

D). The Boy in the Bush

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Correct Answer: Sons and Lovers

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935). The English Comic Characters is a collection of essays by:

A). Charles Lamb

B). William Hazlitt

C). J.B. Priestley

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: J.B. Priestley

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936). “He is the scantiest and frailest of classics in our poetry, but he is a classic". About whom has Matthew Arno

A). Chaucer

B). Gray

C). Pope

D). Keats

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Correct Answer: Gray

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937). Katherine Mansfield, the writer of the short-story 'The Garden Party', married:

A). John Lehmann

B). John Middleton Murry

C). John Masefield

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: John Middleton Murry

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938). The critical essay 'Shakespeare's English Kings' has been written by:

A). T.S. Eliot

B). S.T. Coleridge

C). William Hazlitt

D). Walter Pater

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Correct Answer: Walter Pater

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939). The 'Auden Group' of poets consists of W.H. Auden, Stephen Spender, Cecil Day Lewis, and:

A). Dylan Thomas

B). Keith Douglas

C). Louis MacNeice

D). Thom Gunn

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Correct Answer: Louis MacNeice

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940). Which of the under mentioned poets is not originally an American?

A). T.S. Eliot

B). Ezra Pound

C). Sylvia Plath

D). Edith Sitwell

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Correct Answer: Edith Sitwell
941). Which of the novels of Lawrence was banned?

A). The Rainbow

B). Women in Love

C). Lady Chatterley's Lover

D). Kangaroo

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Correct Answer: Lady Chatterley's Lover

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942). Which historical event forms the background of Hardy's The Dynasts?

A). World War I

B). Spanish Civil War

C). Napoleanic Wars

D). American War of Independence

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Correct Answer: Napoleanic Wars

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943). With Thomas Kyd began the tradition of English.

A). Morality play

B). Domestic tragedy

C). Poetic drama

D). Revenge play

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Correct Answer: Revenge play

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944). Hardy's novels are chiefly set against the background of:

A). Essex

B). Potteries

C). Wessex

D). Sussex

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Correct Answer: Wessex
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945). Tono Bungay in Wells's novels of this name, is a:

A). Character

B). Place

C). a Medicine

D). an event

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Correct Answer: a Medicine

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946). The End of the World is a poetic play by:

A). T.S. Eliot

B). John Drink water

C). Lascelles Abercrombie

D). Stephen Philips

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Correct Answer: Lascelles Abercrombie

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947). The line “Tis not too later to seek a newer world” appears in Tennyson's poem:

A). Tithonus

B). Lotos-Eaters

C). Crossing the Bar

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: None of these

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948). Who, of the under mentioned ones, is not a metaphysical poet?

A). Donne

B). Dryden

C). Cowley

D). Vaughan

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Correct Answer: Dryden

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949). As a dramatist, Galsworthy belongs to the realistic tradition of Jones and:

A). J.M. Synge

B). Pinero

C). Ibsen

D). Shaw

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Correct Answer: Pinero

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950). The Glass Menagerie is a play by:

A). Eugene O'Neill

B). Tenneessee Williams

C). Arthur Miller

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Tenneessee Williams
951). “What is common between Ulysses and The Waste Land?

A). They were Written by the same writer

B). They Were published in the same Year

C). They both present similar view of the predicament of modern man.

D). Both 'b' and 'c'

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Correct Answer: Both 'b' and 'c'

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952). Adonaise, An elegy on Keats was written by:

A). Byron

B). Scott

C). Shelley

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Shelley
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953). The Royal society of Science is the result of......emphasis on the collection of facts

A). Bacon's

B). Thomas More's

C). Nash's

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Bacon's

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954). Shakespearean Comedy mainly preoccupies itself with:

A). Faisity of Romance

B). Reality of Romance

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Faisity of Romance

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955). What said “Shakespeare has only heroines and no heroes"?

A). Arnold

B). Johnson

C). Eliot

D). Ruskin

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Correct Answer: Ruskin

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956). What does “Marlowe's mighty line" refer to:

A). To his blank verse

B). To his high seriousness

C). To his lengthy lines

D). All these three

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Correct Answer: To his blank verse

957). Which of the following revolted against the contemporary artiustic principles?

A). John Donne

B). Ben Jonson

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Both 'a' and 'b'

958). The character 'Fool' in 'Twelfth Night' serves the purpose of:

A). Reality of life

B). Humour

C). Interlinking the main and sub plots.

D). All these three

Correct Answer: All these three

959). Who was it that called Henry James, the “Victorian of fine consciousness”?

A). John Gross

B). R.L. Stevenson

C). Thomas Hardy

D). Joseph Conrad

Correct Answer: Joseph Conrad

960). The Great East India Company was founded in.....?

A). 1566

B). 1500

C). 1887

D). 1599

Correct Answer: 1599

961). Madeline, a creation of Keats figures in:

A). Lamia
B). Isabella

C). Endymion

D). The Eve of St. Agnes

Correct Answer: The Eve of St. Agnes

962). The Romantics were interested in non-rational experience as against the Eighteenth century rationalism?

A). Yes

B). No

C). May be

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Yes

963). The Authorised Version of the Bible (1611) is based on:

A). Tyndale's Translation

B). John Wycliff

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Tyndale's Translation

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964). Shakespeare left the following play unfinished:

A). Timon of Athens

B). Coriolanus

C). Titus Andronicus

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Timon of Athens

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965). Who is considered the 'Dickens of the Elizabethan Stage' for his intimate knowledge of common men?

A). William Shakespeare

B). Ben Jonson

C). Christopher Marlowe

D). Thomas Dekker

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Correct Answer: Thomas Dekker

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966). James Joyce's 'Finnegan's Wake' is a study of the history of the human race from its earliest beginnings, as
dreams of Mr. Earwicker

A). Yes

B). No

C). May be

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Yes

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967). An Anti-novel is one is which there is:

A). No Plot

B). No Characterisation

C). No relations of Times and Space

D). All the above

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Correct Answer: All the above

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968). Who among the following wrote, 'Regional Fiction'?

A). Thomas Hardy

B). Phillpott

C). G.D. Brown

D). All these three

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Correct Answer: All these three

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969). Which of the Shakespearean plays has an element of colonialism suggestively?

A). Hamlet

B). Cymbeline
C). The Tempest

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The Tempest

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970). In which of Shakespeare's plays do these line figure? “The Lunatic the Lover and the poet Are of Imaginatio

A). Midsummer Night's Dream

B). The Tempest

C). Twelfth Night

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Midsummer Night's Dream
971). Which of the following produced works in collaboration?

A). Marston and Middleton

B). Heywood and Tourneur

C). Beaumond and Fletcher

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Beaumond and Fletcher

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972). The incident of changing the sex occurs in __________ Virginia Woolf

A). Mrs. Dalloway

B). To the Light House

C). Orlando, a Biography

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Orlando, a Biography

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973). “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want o
following novels begins with this sentence?

A). Emma

B). Mansfield Park

C). Sense and Sensibility

D). Pride and Prejudice

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Correct Answer: Pride and Prejudice

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974). The author of 'The Portrait of a Lady' is:

A). R.L. Stevenson

B). Henry James

C). Joseph Conrad

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Henry James

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975). Who described Chaucer as “The Well of English undefiled”?

A). Pope

B). Dryden

C). Shakespeare

D). Spenser

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Correct Answer: Spenser

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976). The characters of Henry James' novels are:

A). Illiterates

B). Intellectuals

C). Middle class workers

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Intellectuals

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977). Which of the following was called by Lawrence as “Thought Adventure"?

A). Kangaroo

B). Woman in Love

C). Rainbow

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Kangaroo

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978). Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover is about:

A). The revenge

B). The Conventional notions of sex

C). Sexual experiences

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Sexual experiences

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979). Sir Philp Sidney died at thirty two in the battle of:

A). He did not die in a battle

B). The battle of Zutphen

C). The Wars of Roses

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The battle of Zutphen

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980). Who is being referred to in the expressions of Spenser's 'Gloriana', Raleigh's 'Cynthia' and Shakespeare's 'f

A). England

B). Elizabeth

C). Queen Mary

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Elizabeth
981). What is 'The Mousetrap'?

A). A play by Ben Johnson

B). A character of Marlowe

C). The name of the play within the play in Hamlet

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: The name of the play within the play in Hamlet

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982). Who is the writer of 'Two Cheers for Democracy'?

A). E.M. Forster

B). Rudyard Kipling

C). H.G. Wells

D). Aldous Huxley

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Correct Answer: E.M. Forster

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983). Why are the 'University Wits' known by that name? Because:

A). They all held jobs in the Universities

B). They were all University educated men

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these.

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Correct Answer: They were all University educated men

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984). Spanish Armada was defeated in:

A). 1588

B). 1516

C). 1616

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: 1588

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985). Columbus discovered America in:

A). 1492

B). 1482

C). 1472
D). None of these

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Correct Answer: 1492

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986). 'Cockney school of poetry', a phrase coined on analogy with the:

A). Romatic School

B). Lake School

C). Augustan School

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Lake School

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987). 'Conrad's Oblique narrative is a technique in which:

A). The material is presented in an easy conversational style through the medium of a sepctator

B). A picture is builtup through a series of sense impressions.

C). The sense impressions together make meaning

D). All these three

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Correct Answer: All these three

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988). Which of the following is/are true of naturalism?

A). Man is part of nature

B). Man is higher order animal

C). Heridity and environment determines man's life

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: None of these

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989). According to Stevenson, the romance is more essentially, truthful than the realistic fiction.

A). Yes

B). No

C). May be
D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Yes

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990). William Golding's preoccupation in many of his novels is with:

A). Modern predicament

B). Political corruption

C). Instinctive desire of men to destroy the good

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Instinctive desire of men to destroy the good

1001). Which of the following is a play by Arthur Miller?

A). Death of a Hero

B). Death of a Salesman

C). The Death of the Heart

D). Death in the Afternoon.

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Correct Answer: Death of a Salesman

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1002). Rubyard Kipling was born in:

A). London

B). Calcutta

C). Bombay

D). Dublin

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Correct Answer: Bombay

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1003). The title of Sir Philip Sidney's pastoral romance in prose is:

A). Utopia

B). Arcadia

C). Hydriotaphia
D). Lamia

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Correct Answer: Arcadia

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1004). Which novel of Graham Greene deals with the persecution of Catholics in Mexico?

A). The End of the Affiar

B). The Comedians

C). The Power and the Glory

D). Travels with My Aunt

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Correct Answer: The Power and the Glory

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1005). “These dialogues between actual persons of the past, or of Landor's own day, deal with a wide variety of s
this said?

A). Table-Talk

B). Imaginary Conversations

C). Hours of Idleness

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Imaginary Conversations

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1006). Which of the following is not an American magazine?

A). The New Republic

B). The New Review

C). The New Yorker

D). New Atlantis

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Correct Answer: New Atlantis

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1007). Which of the following works of Huxley is not a novel?

A). Ape and Essence

B). Crome Yellow

C). Grey Eminence

D). Those Barren Leaves

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Correct Answer: Grey Eminence

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1008). 'Manalive' is a novel by

A). R.L. Stevenson

B). G.K. Chesterton

C). Galsworthy

D). Hillaire Belloc

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Correct Answer: G.K. Chesterton

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1009). Which of the undermentioned essays is not by A.G. Gardiner?

A). On Being Idle

B). In Praise of Idleness

C). On Courage

D). All About a Dog

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991). 'The Roaring Girle, Or Moll Cutpurse' was written by:

A). Thomas Middleton

B). Thomas Dekker

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

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Correct Answer: Both 'a' and 'b'

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992). William Tyndale, who used the original Greek and Hebrew for his translation of the Bible got it published in

A). 1515

B). 1550

C). 1522

D). 1544
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Correct Answer: 1522

993). Who has coined the phrase, “Marlowe's Mighty Line"?

A). Dr. Johnson

B). Benjonson

C). Charles Lamb

D). Arnold

Correct Answer: Benjonson

994). In which of his Odes Keats wonders about the sustenance of the imaginative vision: “Do I wake or Sleep”

A). Ode to a Nightingale

B). Ode to Autumn

C). Both 'a' and 'b'

D). None of these

Correct Answer: Ode to a Nightingale

995). Identify the author of the passage: 'Our civilization comprehends great variety and complexity and this com
upon a refined sensibility, must produce various complex results. The poet must became more and more Compr
indirect, in order to force, to dislocate if necessary, language into meaning.”

A). Matthew Arnold

B). Raymond Williams

C). T.S. Eliot

D). I.A. Richards

Correct Answer: T.S. Eliot

996). Which of the following was left-wing poet?

A). T.S. Eliot

B). W.H. Auden

C). W.B. Yeats

D). None of these

Correct Answer: W.H. Auden

997). Can it be said that the Pre-Raphaelite painters were influenced by the poetry of Keats who himself was infl
medieval architecture?

A). Yes

B). No

C). May be

D). None of these

Correct Answer: Yes

998). The Authorised Bible was dedicated to:

A). Jesus Christ

B). Charles I

C). Chales II

D). James I

Correct Answer: James I

999). Shakespeare used prose for:

A). Comic scenes

B). Plays within plays

C). Chorus

D). None of these

Correct Answer: Comic scenes

1000). Where has Keats expressed his dislike for poetry “that has a pelpable design upon us”?

A). In one of his odes

B). In one of his lectures on philosophy

C). In one of his letters

D). In an informal chat with his friends

Correct Answer: In one of his letters

1010). The remark, “there is sometimes a greater judgment shown in deviating from the rules of art than in adhering to them” has been made by:

A). Doctor Johnson

B). Dryden

C). Pope

D). Joseph Addiosn

Correct Answer: Joseph Addiosn

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