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In conclusion, few instruments such as the microscope, micropipette and pH calibration were
used and tested in this experiment. The experiment was done to introduce essential lab
instruments to the students and for them the understand and comprehend the use of it.
Calibrating a pH It is important to carry out a calibration prior to making a measurement in
order to assure that the reading which is given by the pH meter is accurate. Calibration is
carried out using buffer solutions of known pH. Solution X and Z was known to be a alkaline
solution and solution Y was identified as acidic solution. Micropipettes were also used in this
experiment. Micropipettes are used to transfer small amounts of liquid. When choosing
micropipettes for your lab, know what volumes you need to measure and transport to decide
between regular pipettes and micropipettes. Decide whether you want to measure by hand or
use micropipettes that measure for you. Besides that, a microscope was also studied in this
laboratory experiment. A microscope is the view specimens that cant be viewed by the naked
eye. Purpose of a microscope is to magnify a small object or to magnify the fine details of a
larger object in order to examine minute specimens that cannot be seen by the naked eye. For
the microscope, the magnification of 10x,40x and 100x were viewed and the function of each
part of the microscope was learnt. The microscope was then drawn and labelled in detail.
This experiment is to introduce students to the variety and the importance of the laboratory
equipment and micropipette, microscope and pH calibration meter is one of the few
instruments that were learnt and understood.

 (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2019, from



 Parts of a Compound Microscope with Diagram and Functions. (n.d.). Retrieved

November 30, 2019, from


 Pipettes / Micropipettes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2019, from


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