Arts and Humanities EthOS Training Flier 1920 PDF

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Arts and Humanities EthOS Training

The following EthOS training sessions are taking place between January
and April 2020 for applicants, counter signatories and reviewers. For
more information or to book a place please contact

15th January 2020, 2pm – 4pm, Room GM 337

Professoriate EthOS Reviewer Training Session 2 (Professoriate and
FREGC Members only)

23rd January 2020, 2pm – 4pm. Room GM 333

Unit Application Training (For staff needing to apply for Ethical Approval
for a teaching Unit)

6th February 2020, 11am – 12 noon, Room GM 332

UG/ PGT Application Training (For UG and PGT Students completing the
abbreviated application)

17th February 2020, 2pm – 4pm, Room GM LT4

PhD/ PGR Application Training (For PG Research Students completing a
Full Application)

6th April 2020, 3pm – 4:30pm, Room GM 301

Dissertation Supervisor Training (For any staff member likely to be
required to countersign a UG/ PGT application)

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