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22 7979

Your Tour Itinerary Oct , 2019 - Mar, 2020

Tour Type Cus to mized Ho liday • Tour Code SHAN4

Andaman wit h N eil Island


1 3 7 ₹31,000

Day 1 - Ar r i ve Po r t Bl a i r (1 N i g h t) - Ce l l u l a r Ja i l a n d Li g h t n S o u n d S h o w a t Ce l l u l a r Ja i l

Arrive at Port Blair airport and proceed for your transfer to the hotel. First half of the day is at
leisure. Later in the evening visit Cellular Jail followed by light and sound show. The Cellular Jail
has a pride of place in India’s freedom struggle. Many a stalwart were im prisoned here. Declared
a national m em orial, this three storey prison constructed by Britishers in 190 6, is a pilgrim age
destination for freedom fighters. This colossal edifice has m utely witnessed the m ost treacherous
of inhum ane atrocities borne by the convicts, who were m ostly freedom fighters. The day draws
to a gentle close with the Sound and Light Show at the historic Cellular Jail which gives you a
vivid experience of its strong association with the freedom fighters and their struggle for
independence. Overnight stay at Port Blair.

Night Stay Meals

Day 2 - Po r t Bl a i r - S wa r a j D we e p (H a ve l o c k) – Exc u r s i o n to Ra d h a N a g a r Be a c h (2 N i g h ts )

After breakfast transfer to Phoenix Bay Harbour to catch a ferry to Havelock. The Island (often just
called Havelock) is one of the m ost beautiful and largest islands of Ritchie's Archipelago and is a
placid heaven like no other. Situated 57 km north east of the south Andam an’s with an area of 92
Sq km s. She offers a breath taking trail of nature expeditions. Bengali settlers prim arily populate
the island. This picturesque Island with beautiful sandy beaches and lush green forest is also
rated as the seventh m ost beautiful island in the world. It hosts to o the world’s m ost renowned
beaches vijay Nagar Beach and Radha Nagar Beach. Spend the day relaxing on this beach. Later
proceed to selected hotel. Stay here overnight am ongst sandy beach and lush green forest in a
com fortable beach resort.

Night Stay Meals

- Breakfas t

Day 3 - S wa r a j D we e p (H a ve l o c k) – D a y tr i p to El e p h a n t Is l a n d

After breakfast Visit For a trip to Elephant Island. Em bark on the m ost m em orable Day trip to
Elephant Beach by boat in the m orning where guest can indulge in water sports like Snorkelling,
Jet Kayak, Sea Walk - Subject to weather (All Activities on extra paym ent), just 25 - 40 m in by
Boat. This beach offers calm blue shallow waters and is the perfect spot or water sports.It’s also a
great place to just send the day lying on the beach and relaxing. The beach is very scenic with
fallen trees and white sand giving the photographer som e interesting shots. The reef here starts
very close to shore at a depth of about 1 m etre. The large reef is m ostly m ade up of hard coral and
has plenty of m arine life. Afternoon back to Hotel.

Night Stay Meals

- Breakfas t

Day 4 - S wa r a j D we e p (H a ve l o c k) to S h a h e e d D we e p (N e i l Is l a n d ) – Vi s i t La xm a n p u r Be a c h (1 N i g h t)

After breakfast, a cab will be provided to pick up and drop guest to Havelock harbor to catch a ferry
to Neil Island as per ferry tim ings advised. Neil Island dwells with lust green surroundings of
paddy fields, banana plantations and tropical trees. It occupies an area of 18.9 square kilom eters
(7.3 sq m i). The island is located 40 kilom eters (25 m i) east of Port Blair, the capital of Andam an
and Nicobar Islands. On arrival at Neil Island, get transferred to selected hotel & after check in half
of the day is at leisure. Later in the afternoon proceed for a trip to Laxm anpur beach (sunset point).
Spend the evening relaxing on this beach & enjoying the am azing sunset view. Stay overnight at
respective Hotel / Resort at Neil Island

Night Stay Meals

- Breakfas t

Day 5 - S h a h e e d D we e p (N e i l Is l a n d ) – Vi s i t to Bh a r a tp u r b e a c h – Tr a n s fe r to Po r t Bl a i r (2 n i g h ts )

After Breakfast check out from Hotel/resort, & leave for an day trip to the Bharatpur Beach. The
breathtaking view of sea and the lusting greeneries in this beach is really rejuvenating and
enjoyable for enthusiastic travelers. Spend the day relaxing on this beach & catch a ferry to Port
Blair as per ferry tim ings advised. Return to Port Blair. Stay overnight at Port Blair

Night Stay Meals

- Breakfas t

Day 6 - Po r t Bl a i r – Vi s i t to N o r th Ba y Co r a l Is l a n d & N e ta j i S u b h a s Ch a n d r a Bo s e Is l a n d (Ro s s Is l a n d )

After breakfast, start off for a full- day trip to North Bay Coral Island to see coral reefs, exotic
varieties of beautiful ornam ental fish and other m arine life. This is an ideal place for snorkelling
as this sandy beach coupled with clear water creates a breathtaking spectacle. After North Bay,
Visit Ross Island, the form er residential and adm inistrative island of the British during their rule
of South East Asia, was nick nam ed the Paris of the East. This island was com pletely destroyed
in an earthquake, now in ruins. Overnight stay at respective Hotel at Port Blair.

Night Stay Meals

- Breakfas t

Day 7 - Po r t Bl a i r - H o m e to wn

After breakfast proceed to Airport to board flight to your hom etown or onward destination Holiday
Concludes. Let’s stay in touch on Facebook/em ail and m eet again on another m em orable Holiday.
See you soon!

Night Stay Meals
- Breakfas t

Paym ent T erm s

Paymen ts can be made by Credit/Debit Cards an d Netban kin g for O n lin e B ookin g an d Ch eque,
Deman d Draft, NEFT, RTGS or IMPS for O fflin e B ookin gs.
Ch eque/Deman d Draft sh ould be in favour of 'Veen a Patil Hospitality Pvt Ltd'

Cancellat ion Policy

C ancellation received no. of d ays C ancellation fee applicable on Net

prior to d eparture Tour Price (per pers on)

D -0 to 5 100%

D -6 to 15 90%

D -16 to 30 80%

D -31 to 45 70%

D -46 to 60 30%

D -61 to 90 20%

D -91 to 120 15%

D -121 to 900 10%

* In som e cases if Air tickets are blocked / issued on special fare then cancellation charges levied by the airline, over
and above the charges as m entioned in the table hereinabove shall be borne by the guest.

A) Guest cancels t he t our due t o any personal reason

1. If an y Guest decides to can cel th e tour for an y reason wh atsoever, th ey sh all immediately sen d
an email to Veen a World at can cellation @veen from th eir registered email ID.
2. Can cellation will attract can cellation ch arge as stated h erein above wh ich is calculated on Net
Tour Price an d varies as per th e time duration between th e can cellation date an d th e tour
departure date. Th e can cellation ch arge will also differ tour wise / sector wise / category wise.
3. Veen a World is n ot liable to give an y details or bifurcation of th e can cellation ch arge.
4. An y refun d payable to th e Guest as per th e can cellation policy will be paid with in 10 workin g
5. O n ce th e bookin g is can celled, it can n ot be rein stated. An y reversal / re-bookin g will be treated
as fresh bookin g an d addition al ch arges are applicable.

B) Single Guest sharing a room wit h anot her cancels t he t our

1. Sin gle Guest sh ould ideally book on Speciality tours such as Women 's Special or Sen iors
Special, wh ere Veen a World guaran tees a room partn er. Guest can save on sin gle occupan cy
ch arges on th ese tours.
2. If a sin gle Guest is travellin g alon e on a regular tour th en s/h e will h ave to pay sin gle
occupan cy ch arges. If th ey get a room partn er an d sh are th e twin /double room for all tour days
th en th e sin gle occupan cy ch arges will be refun ded to th e Guest after tour with in 10 workin g
days of arrival.
3. In case of can cellation by an y such sh arin g partn er, n o refun d is applicable.

C) Veena World cancels t he t our

1. Veen a World reserves th e righ t to can cel or re-sch edule an y tour with out reason s.
2. Th e amoun t paid by th e Guest will be refun ded with in 10 workin g days of can cellation of th e
3. Refun d will be paid by A/C payee ch eque in In dian Rupees. For In tern ation al tours as well even
if th e Guest h ad made th e tour paymen t partly or fully in foreign curren cy refun d will be paid in
In dian rupees on ly.
4. Veen a World will n ot be liable to pay an y in terest on th e tour amoun t paid by th e Guest.
5. Veen a World owes n o respon sibility for an y addition al expen se related to an y oth er
arran gemen ts made by th e Guest on th eir own .
6. A Guest willin g to take an y oth er tour can do so in con sultation with th e respective sales
person . Excess / Sh ort paymen t, if an y for th e n ew tour will be refun ded / collected, to / from th e

D) Veena World cancels and/or reschedules t he t our considering t he saf et y of t ourist s

under f orce m ajeure sit uat ions

1. Veen a World reserves th e righ t to can cel an d or re-sch edule an y tour un der force majeure
situation s like n atural calamity, epidemic, terrorist disturban ce etc. con siderin g th e safety of
th e tourists. No refun d, fully or partially will be applicable un der an y circumstan ce in such
force majeure situation s.
2. As refun d is n ot applicable, Guest will be required to ch oose th e n ext possible future date of th e
same tour.
3. Veen a World will sen d th e request to associates like Airlin es, Hoteliers, Tran sporters etc. for
assistan ce in postpon emen t of th e services.
4. If Guest wan ts to ch an ge th e sector th en decision will depen d on th e cooperation of th e
associates like Airlin es an d Hoteliers. Such a decision will require time an d will be given at th e
earliest or with in a span of 45 days of such request.
5. In case if associates (Airlin es/Hoteliers/Tran sporters) are n ot in a position to con sider th e case,
th en actual can cellation ch arges may apply.
6. If th e future tour price is less, th en th e excess amoun t will be adjusted to th e n ext tour wh ich
th e Guest wish to go later or to give an upgrade in an y of th e services th at th e Guest may opt
for. No partial refun d is applicable in such situation s.

E) When Veena World reschedules t he t our due t o uncont rollable f act ors like changes in
airline schedule, m ajor event or VIP m ovem ent at t he dest inat ion

1. Veen a World reserves th e righ t to re-sch edule an y tour un der un con trollable factors like
ch an ges in airlin e sch edule or major even t or VIP movemen t at th e destin ation . No refun d – full
or partial will be applicable un der an y circumstan ces.
2. As refun d is n ot applicable, Guest will h ave to abide by th e n ew sch edule of th e tour.
3. In th is con stan tly ch an gin g world, Veen a World does ch an ge or upgrade th e tour itin eraries
for value addition to Guest wh ich can lead to in crease in th e tour price amoun t. In such a case,
Veen a World reserves th e righ t to ch arge addition al expen se.

F) T our cancelled due t o Visa Reject ion - Deem ed Cancellat ion

1. Rejection of visa will lead to deemed can cellation an d th e bookin g will stan d can cel with out
an y in timation or con firmation from th e Guest.
2. Visa rejection date will be con sidered as th e date of can cellation an d th e can cellation ch arge
will be applicable accordin gly.
3. Guest can re-apply by payin g addition al visa ch arges, h owever gran tin g of visa is at th e
discretion of th e respective Con sulates an d Veen a World will n ot be respon sible for th e same.
4. If visa is n ot gran ted even th e secon d time, th e can cellation ch arge will be based on th e date of
th e rejection of secon d visa.
5. If n o in timation of visa (gran ted/rejected) is received from th e respective Con sulate / Embassy,
th en it is con sidered as deemed can cellation an d can cellation ch arge will be applicable as
stated h erein above.
6. In case of group bookin g, if visa of an in dividual is rejected an d th e rest of th e group can cels th e
Tour th en can cellation ch arges as men tion ed in th e table h erein above sh all be applicable to
th e en tire group.
7. Visa copy is always sen t to Guest on email by Veen a World wh ereas sometimes Con sulates
sen d passport directly to th e Guest residen ce. In both th e cases it is th e respon sibility of th e
Guest to ch eck th e visa sticker an d verify th at th e person al details an d visa validity is accurate.
Due to a mistake, if th e immigration office does n ot allow th e Guest to leave or en ter th e
coun try, th en Veen a World will n ot be respon sible for an y refun d / losses / con sequen ces.
8. In certain cases wh ere Air/Visa is processed more th an 91 days in advan ce, on can cellation
actual Air ch arge/visa fees is applicable in addition to above can cellation ch arges.

G) Non-paym ent of t our price - Deem ed Cancellat ion

1. Guest is required to pay full tour price at th e time of bookin g / 60 days / 45 days prior to th e tour
departure date. If th e paymen t is n ot received durin g th e men tion ed time frame th en Veen a
World reserves th e righ t to can cel th e bookin g with out an y written n otification an d forfeit th e
paid amoun t. In such a case, th e can cellation n otice will be treated as can cellation date an d
can cellation ch arges will apply as per th e policy.

H) Right of adm ission and t erm inat ion

1. Veen a World reserves th e righ t to say ‘No’ to th e bookin g of an y Guest with out divulgin g an y
reason or justification .
2. Veen a World reserves th e righ t to termin ate th e tour of an y Guest wh ile on road if th e Guest
does n ot follow th e group tour decorum or misbeh aves with co-passen gers / Tour Man ager /
Coach captain / Local citizen s or creates n uisan ce etc.
3. Guest will h ave to make arran gemen ts for th eir return travel on th eir own an d n o refun d is
applicable un der such circumstan ce.
4. In such a case n o refun d or compen sation is applicable.

I) No show or absence on Day 1 of t he t our

1. If a Guest fails to join th e tour on Day 1 of th e tour, it is termed as No Sh ow an d will be treated

as deemed can cellation an d n o refun d is applicable.
2. Can cellation ch arges will be 100% at th e same time all services will stan d can cel un less th e
Guest n otifies to Veen a World about join in g th e tour later at th eir own expen se.

J) Discont inuat ion f rom ongoing t our

1. If Guest discon tin ues / termin ates th e tour for an y person al reason , it is termed as deemed
can cellation an d n o refun d will be applicable.
2. Veen a World team will assist th e Guest to book th e required services, h owever all expen ses for
th e same will h ave to be paid by th e Guest immediately in advan ce.

K) T ravel Insurance

1. Veen a World regular group tour prices are in clusive of In suran ce ch arge for Guest upto 59 years
of age. Th e in suran ce policy is valid for th e duration of th e tour. Guest over 59 years of age h ave
to pay th e differen ce in in suran ce premium.
2. Th e Guest optin g for Customized Holidays, In boun d Holidays an d MICE Tours, th e price is n on
in clusive of In suran ce ch arge h en ce Guest n eed to purch ase travel in suran ce separately.
3. Certain can cellation cases can be eligible for in suran ce claim h owever settlemen t of th e claim
is at th e sole discretion of th e In suran ce Compan y an d Veen a World is n ot respon sible for th e
4. In case of an y in ciden ce probe to in suran ce claim, it is man datory to in timate In suran ce
Compan y an d Veen a World with in 24 h ours of an y such in ciden t.
5. In case of an y person al travel in suran ce policy obtain ed by Guest, Veen a World is n ot liable for
an y claim processin g an d commun ication with In suran ce Compan y.

Feel f ree to get in touch f or Call 180 0 22 7979

any assistance regarding Em ail

your booking Book Online

Copyright Veena World H ospitality Pvt. Ltd.

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