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Impact Work Life Balance on Employees Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment:
Evidence from
Square Fashion Ltd.
Army- IBA (Savar)
Bangladesh University of Professionals



Gender: ○ Male ○ female

Age Between: ○ 20-27 years ○ 8-35 years ○ 36-45 years ○ Above 45 years

Working experience in the company: ○ Bellow 2 years ○ 3-5 years ○ Above 5 years

Educational qualification: ○ Graduation ○ Post graduation

Please put mark where you think is suitable given that

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree
Given your opinion about personal life satisfaction

Variables Statement
Personal Life Satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5
1. I feel satisfied with my free/leisure hours
2. I am happy to get nice sleep of minimum 8 hours at night
3. I can take my breakfast in the morning without hurry
4. I am satisfied with the family trips I enjoy during vacation at
least once in a year
5. I am satisfied with the leisure hours I have on weekends
Personal Life 6. Iam satisfied with my weekend shopping and outing with my
Balance family
7. I feel satisfactory with the time I am spending with my partner
8. I am satisfied about sparing quality time with my children
9. I am satisfied about sparing quality time for my self
10.I have satisfaction with the exercise I undergo everyday
11. I can enjoy and celebrate well my children birthdays,
shopping for festivals
12. I feel satisfactory with my engagement in social activities
I participate in a week
13.My regular contacts with the relatives of my family members
and friends are satisfactory
14. I feel I am more cheerful
15. I am satisfied with the quality of family life strongly built by
right work life balance

Give your perceived work life balance in the environment

Work Life Balance Policies 1 2 3 4 5
1. In organization specific WLB policy has been
established documented
2. The organization provides family -friendly policies that
help me to fulfill family commitments
3. I can access flexible work schedule in my organization
4. Employees are expected to work from home outside
normal working hours
5. WLB policies implemented in the organization make my
job easier
work place support
1. All the employees are treated equally if they request
assistance with work and family related matters
2. The organization makes the employees very clear about
the expectations to be fulfilled
3. My organization supports the employees in terms of
combining professional life with family life
4. I can openly discuss issues relating to WLB With my
Work Life
Balance 5. I get high degree of respect and fair treatment from my
6. My supervisor gives me more guidelines to perform my
1. My job keeps me away from my family too much
2. I feel I have more to do than I can handle comfortably
3. I feel more respected because of my responsibilities in
4. My responsibility at work increases my workload
5. Coming up with new ideas to get appreciated in the
organization creates work pressure
6. I often come home late in the evening
7. I will always finish my work without pending
8. Generally I prepare work schedule to fulfill both my
personal and family commitment
Financial Assistance
1. My organization provides me good compensation for my
2. I can enrich my kitchen by financial support from my
3. I can assist my family to buy fixed assets
4. I can assist my family to buy household appliances
5. Repayment of loans is easier for me through my good
6. I can help my family to solve the problems that arise due
to money
7. Sometimes, I solve my financial problems through my
8. I get stressed often due to my income level

Measures of organization commitment

Organization Commitment 1 2 3 4 5
1. I tell my friends this is a good organization to work for.
2. I feel very little loyalty to this organization
3. I find that my values and the organizations values are
very similar
4. I understand how my job contributes to the organizations
goals and objectives
5. I am proud to tell others that I am part of this
6. My organization is known as a good employer locally
7. I am willing to put in a great deal of extra effort to help
this organization be successfully
8. I would be just as happy working for a different
organization if the work was similar
Commitment 9. My organization inspires the best job performance from
10. I am proud to be part of my department
Service Commitment
1. My organization offers excellent service to our
2.Customer satisfaction is a priority in my organization
3. My organization responds well to customers feel that we
strive to satisfy their needs
4. My organization tries to make its products/services easy
to use
5. I am encouraged to be creative and innovative to meet
my customers’ requirements
6. I am proud of the quality of our organizations products
and services
7. My organization gives me sufficient resources to satisfy
customer needs
8. My manager is committed to high levels of customer
9. This organization cares about its customers
10. I feel I have the necessary skills to provide good
customer service
Work Commitment
1. The most important things that happen in life involve
2. Work should be considered central to life
3. An individual’s life goals should be work oriented
4. Life is only worth living when people get absorbed in
5. The major satisfaction in my life comes from my job
6. The most important things that happen to me involve my
7. I live for my job
Career Commitment
1. My career is a central interest in my life
2. Working in my current profession is important to me
3. Pursuing my career is important to my self-image
4. I know where my career is going
5. I would recommend my profession as a career
6. I think my profession is a rewarding career
7. I would not want to work outside my profession
8. I would leave my profession if I could

Measures of Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5
1. I enjoy my work most days
2. I am satisfied with my job
3. I feel the level of responsibility I am given is acceptable
Job 4. The major satisfaction in my life comes from my job
Satisfaction 5. I often think about leaving
6. My job fully uses my skills
7. I have skills that are not used in my job
8. I get a feeling of accomplishment from my job
9. I get full credit for the work I do
10. My immediate manager lets me know how I am doing

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