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Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain

PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore

1. Primary relationships are characterised in one of the following ways.
A. Display of goals. B. Major concern centres upon specific functions fulfilled.
C. Involvement of the total self. D. Relationship itself is not regarded as important
Answer: Option A
2. Human and animal societies differ in one characteristic.
A. Shared beliefs. B. Population and common territory.
C. Division of labour D. Persistence in time.
Answer: Option A
3. Conflict is most likely to arise as a result of
A. prejudice B. clash of interests
C. hatred D. radicalism
Answer: Option B
4. One of the following is not a baisc institution.
A. Education B. Family
C. Religion D. War
Answer: Option D
5. The population of the world is expected to double in
A. 25 years B. 35 years
C. 45 years D. 65 years
Answer: Option C
6. The pattern of pressure which a society exerts to maintain order and establish rules is
known as its system of
A. social approval B. group
C. public opinion D. social control
Answer: Option D
7. When one part of the culture develops more rapidly than other parts, the following
description is made
A. accommodation B. cultural lag
C. cultural accumulation D. revolution
Answer: Option B
8. The concept anomie, together with the concept that it is a trait conspicuous of town
life was originated by
A. Durkheim B. Reisman
C. Tonnes D. Comte
Answer: Option A
9. Criminal behaviour is learnt primarily
A. in large groups. B. by same process as non-criminal behaviour.
C. by a definite criminal process. D. none of above.
Answer: Option B
10. "The Sociology of Religion" was written by
A. Cuber B. Reisman
C. Max Weber D. None of these
Answer: Option C
21. The book "Anthropology" was written by
A. Cuber B. Ogburn and Nimkoff
C. Hoebel D. Robert and Merton
Answer: Option B
22. Indigenous medical care means
A. cure by home medicine B. by swallowing herbs
C. treatment by hakeem D. medical care by local medication
Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain
PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore
Answer: Option D
23. Scientific social construction means
A. establishing a scientific society. B. by a local welfare body.
C. master degree science expert. D. push-in drugs for earning booty.
Answer: Option D
24. Drug dependence means
A. earning by selling drugs. B. family livelihood drug manufacture.
C. depend on drugs as addict. D. push-in drugs for earning booty.
Answer: Option C
25. Sociology is the
A. objective study of human interaction. B. science of human mind.
C. study of ethnic groups D. analysis of human nature.
Answer: Option A
26. Devolution means
A. accelerated revolution. B. purging the revolutionaries.
C. the antonym of revolution. D. socio-economic confusion with poliitical
Answer: Option C
27. Etiology of deviance means
A. study of causes of violation of official norms. B. crime data.
C. correcting deviant minds. D. court findings to punish the accused.
Answer: Option A
28. Basic sociological study of Emilie Durkhiem was
A. about social changes B. about cultural lag
C. about disorganisation D. about causes of suicide
Answer: Option D
29. Norco traffic means
A. traffic controlled by narcotics B. pushing drugs
C. addiction D. purchase of marijuana
Answer: Option B
30. Detoxification includes
A. abouse of toxics B. rehabilitation of drugs
C. meney laundering from drug proceeds D. clearance of toxic refuse
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
31. Urbanisation means
A. population increase. B. population shift from rural to urban.
C. resident of suburbs. D. unequal opportunity for employment.
Answer: Option B
32. Diffusion is
A. the spread of culture traits from group to group. B. cultural differences within
a common society.
C. the time lag between social and cultural adjustments. D. limiting
opportunity or reward.
Answer: Option B
33. Fatalism means
A. loose kinship ties B. absence of child
C. belonging to fate, ill fortune to a particular individual. D. materialistic
Answer: Option C
Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain
PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore
34. Juvenile delinquency means
A. a professional criminal B. armed robbery
C. young offender must be of age usually 18 years. D. murder or aggravated
Answer: Option C
35. Homo sapiens means
A. an early hominid that was erected. B. the species of modern humans that first
appeared in the middle Pleistocene.
C. mental image that embodies cmmon elements. D. common man.
Answer: Option D
36. Gesellschaft is used by
A. P. A. Sprokin B. Emile Durkheim
C. Ferdinand Tonnies D. Max Weber
Answer: Option B
37. Folkways means
A. centring on beliefs and practices. B. behaviour that departs unvarying degree
of conduct.
C. ordinary modes of behaviour governed by norms. D. a criterion for role
Answer: Option C
38. Universalism is
A. the covariance of measure of two variables. B. the criterion for role performance
leading us to behave in accordance with certain standards.
C. confronting evidence to test the nature of reality. D. the quality of being
divinely favoured with extraordinary capacities.
Answer: Option A
39. Caste system is
A. a tendancy to feel and act in a certain way. B. a stratified social system in which
social position is entirely determined by parentage, with no provision for change of position.
C. nmutual cultural traits D. a gathering of people
Answer: Option B
40. Mores means
A. strong ideas of right and wrong which requires certain actions and forbid others. B.
an inborn behaviour.
C. a new culture traits. D. intended effect of an institution.
Answer: Option A
41. The term "Anomie Suicide" is used by
A. Max Weber B. August Comte
C. Emile Durkheim D. Herbert Spencer
Answer: Option C
42. Crowd means
A. aspect of personality that confers identity. B. a social category of people.
C. a group of people who performs certain duties. D. a temporary collection of
persons react in spontaneous interaction.
Answer: Option D
43. Invention means
A. process of utilising knowledge. B. some unknown facts.
C. a new utilisation of existing knowledge. D. ways of classifying things.
Answer: Option C
Prepared by Mumtaz Hussain
PhD Scholar in sociology, university of Punjab Lahore
44. Participant observation means
A. unity of a human group. B. integration and interaction.
C. an observer seeks insight by taking part himself in whatever he is studying. D.
a set of action.
Answer: Option C
45. Role performance indicates
A. irregular behaviour. B. overt action that occurs in a situation governed by
normative regulation.
C. awareness of common characteristics. D. interconnected activities.
Answer: Option B
46. Rumour means
A. correct statements. B. prescribed behaviour of people.
C. statements, assertions and speculations circulate among people in response to
unstructured situation. D. specific behaviour and attitude.
Answer: Option C
47. Social mobility means
A. specific conduct of behaviour of people. B. formal attitude of people.
C. the movement of people between positions that are on different social levels. D.
modification of relationship.
Answer: Option C
48. Values means
A. specific behaviour of people. B. conception of what a person, group or society
considers desirable from, sets of preferences.
C. acquisition of social skills. D. orderly change in socialisation process.
Answer: Option B
49. Variables means
A. a set of scientific generalisation. B. a network of social positions.
C. any dimension of a social relationship that can take on differing values. D.
selected means of achieving goals.
Answer: Option C
50. Status means
A. abstract concept of unity. B. the give and take between two persons.
C. the development of relationship. D. a position, where a person stands in the
group structure.
Answer: Option D
51. The deliberate, systematic killing of entire people or nation is called
A. genocide B. atrocity
C. massacre
Answer: Option C

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