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Weekly Report 11- 10/28 to 11/03

Real-world experiences are crucial for students because it helps

expose them to new aspects of a career field outside of the classroom and
also provides them with connections for future learning. In the Independent
Study and Mentorship program, interviews and mentor ships provide
students with the opportunity to excel in a career field by helping them gain
real-world experience. This past week, I was able to visit with Professor
Magnani at Southern Methodist University, my mentor for this year. During
this insightful mentor visit, I gained valuable knowledge over the role
seismologists play in today’s world. From defining new vocabulary terms to
proposing ideas for the Original Work, Professor Magnani shared her
extensive knowledge over seismology. Similarly, last week, I analyzed an
article given by my mentor to create an infographic, highlighting my interest
and growth in seismology.

Next week, the plan is to begin research for the Original Work and
contact more professionals to obtain informational interviews. Next
Wednesday, I have an interview with Professor Jimenez at the Department of
Biological Sciences at the University of North Texas. With this interview, I
hope to gain insight over the vast expanse of ecology and biodiversity..

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