Application of Ai in HRM

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It has been quite a few years now since the arrival Artificial intelligence across the
globe,majorly in developed nations and has had an impact in an individual life's and is expected
to have a more major impact in the coming years.Artificial intelligence in simple terms refers to
the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn. It is also a field of study
which tries to make computers "smart".
Now let's move further to my topic of my talk as to the impact AI has created and is expected to
create in coming years on the HR Department of the corporate world.A transformation is
expected in the domains of Daily recruitment, employee's assessment, employee motivation
and management practices.
Let's make one thing clear from the start that AI TECHNOLOGY WILL NOT PUT HR MANAGERS
MANFORCE EXTINCT.AI TECHNOLOGY promises to transform HR departments, not make them
It is just going to help them things do in a more efficient effective and a quicker way.
It is just going to be an extension of technology already in use such as Cortona, Alexa etc.
AI is expected to revolutionize key HR responsibilities. Talent acquisition is one of the key
responsibilities of HR departments, but how can we ensure that it is actually "talent" that is
eventually acquired?
What about times when the HR ends up recruiting good looking smooth talking employee who
hardly provide anything on board to the company?
This is where AI technology will come in handy as it promises to streamline this process by
relying more on analytics then on individual observations and first impressions. For starters, AI
technology is immune to any type of discrimination be it caste creed gender race or anything
for that matter.
The AI software can design relevant interview questions that disregard any type of
discrimination and focus only on the ability of the potential employee required by the firm.
These questions will be based on past work record and experience.
In addition to that, AI brings a lot to HR in terms of relieving them from huge burden of
screening of employees and basic monotonous work and one can focus on better tasks thus
saving time and energy of the recruiter and will therefore help them to complete the
recruitment in the due course of time alloted to them.
It can also be used for performance analysis.
Finally, AI's assistance with HR management comes by helping the personnel in charge for
performance evaluation of current employees.
Monitoring performance generates a lot of data which can be sorted and analysed in the best
possible and time efficient manner through this technology. It can be done through grading
system set and it also includes behavioral assessment.
In the corporate world, one of the best fields to put AI to best use are HR departments as the
company's first line is dealing with human component of businesses. In AI they can find a great
ally at all stages of their professional work starting from screening of potential employees,
interviews, talent acquisition, performance analysis and analytics, grading of employees and
much more.
All of this can be done without the limitation of human bias and capacity of error making AI and
HR management tool of the future with benefits already ripe for picking.
AI will help to pickup database ,sort within CVs more effectively for recruitment ,analyse them
effectively and precisely meet the requirements of an organisation with respect to shortlisting
of database.

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