Tikkify Ebook by CheckMate

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The ONLY eBook you need

to start making money online!


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The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the content creation.
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The tactics, information and advice contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You
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No guarantee of income is made. Readers are cautioned to apply their own judgment about their
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a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice.

Table Of Contents


“I don’t know anything” Dilemma! 5


BEST way to get traffic/clients! (Step 2) 7

How to talk to your prospects 9

You did this! 12



FAQ 17

How I made my first sale 18


I would like you to give yourself a pat on the back for purchasing this eBook and taking
the FIRST step towards becoming financially independent online. 90% of the people
who read the sales thread will simply not purchase this ebook in spite of the money back

It is not because they are afraid that method won’t work. But, they are afraid to invest in
themselves! This just proves that you are not average and you have a dream and desire
to not live a mediocre life.

I want you to do EXACTLY what I tell in this eBook.

The reason I created this ebook is, when I was starting out, I had no resources, no
help from anyone. I had to figure out everything myself which took me a long time.

But, since you bought this method, you are lucky to get a shortcut. I promise that this is
ASSURED to work. If it doesn’t, then as I said in my thread, all you have to do is show
me proof that you are taking action and I will send you a refund if you got the deluxe package.

BUT, please note that if you don’t take action after reading this ebook then the money
which you spent in purchasing this will go to waste. It doesn’t matter how much
knowledge you consume, but what matters is the amount of ACTION you take.

“I don’t know anything” Dilemma!

When you are just starting out to make money money, you are likely to not have any
knowledge about advanced stuff like funnels, ecommerce, or all those fancy words. Heck,
even if you understand them, then it requires a huge amount of money to actually succeed
with it. And, if you are reading this, chances are that you may not have that kind of
money yet.

The single best way (in my opinion)is to do affiliate marketingwhen you are starting out.
Affiliate marketing is basically when you are selling other people’s product in
exchange for a commission.

This way youdon’thave to handle all the complicated stuff like:

● Customer support
● Refunds
● Shipping
● Payment integration(Spoiler alert: Payment processors are a nightmare!)
I can keep going on, but you get the idea.

I’ll be teaching you the BEST way to do affiliate marketing when starting out and
quickly make upto $300/day or even more than that, using a special method which I will
tell at the end of the ebook.

Anyway, did you know that you can do affiliate marketing on almost any website
including Amazon? All those links which you see in youtube’s descriptions are likely
to be affiliate links and the youtuber gets a commission whenever you purchase from
that link.

The cool thing is, many websites like amazon store a “cookie” inside the browser when
someone uses your special link. So for example, if the person does not immediately
purchases the item, but comes back after 100 days, you STILL will be eligible to get
the commission because of these cookies.

I know that affiliate marketing is a VERY huge field and their is SO much information
out there which will just get you confused as you will suffer from “information

I don’t want you to go through the trouble of finding the golden nuggets.Instead, I will
share everything.

So, we are going to promote web hosting offers.

Web hosting is basically where your website is stored on the internet. Every
website requires hosting and domain (name of the website).

Hosting providers usually pay around $60 to $120 per referral. Let’s do
some calculations:

1) $120 * 3 sales = $360/Day

2) $360 * 31 days = $11,160/month

Now you know that it is NOT small amount at all.

Some good affiliate programs for web hosting are the following:
1) Siteground
2) Bluehost

Some hosting programs might pay more than what above ones are paying, but I believe that
you should suggest the BEST ones only to your customers. If you suggest a shit one, then
it’s quite unethical as you are solely focusing on profit and not on the bigger picture.

So, sign up for one or both and in the next chapter, I will cover how you are going to
promote them to start seeing results from as soon as day one.

BEST way to get traffic/clients! (Step 2)

So why would someone purchase web hosting from our affiliate link?

Think about this. Web hosting is something which ALL the websites need. If all
the websites need it, then it means, the demand is very huge in the market for it.

What I want you to do is, ethically bribeyour clients.

Offer them to create a free website in exchange of using your link.(I will teach more
about this in next chapter)

Now I’m assuming that you already have signed up for the affiliate program of
either bluehost or siteground and now is the time to start putting the offer infront of
many people so they can contact you about it.

The best and high converting (meaning which will make you most sales) traffic is
actually FREE.
● FaceBook Groups. (This is GOLDEN!)
● Instagram
● Forums
● YouTube Channel Owners
● Reddit (Another golden nugget) (One of my posts on reddit got viral, and I got
200+ messages on SAME day) *Reddit has added chat feature also so it is easier to
talk to prospects!

You have to pick one niche and target it. Here are some examples:
● Fitness trainers
● Real Estate Brokers
● Network marketers

● People who are looking for blogs/online portfolios.
● Consultants
● Influencers

An example of post would be something like this. But do NOTuse the same one. Be
creative and make some changes to it:

“I will setup a full WordPress website for free. Any website you need (can be a
personal blog, photography portfolio, company website), I will make for you. If you’ve
ever wanted a running website but didn’t know where to start, I’ll guide you through
the whole process. We’ll hop on a call together and within 24-48 hours I’ll get your
entire website up and running!”

PS: (Don’t freak out about the “free” website thing. In next chapters, I will
teach everything you need to know about setting up a website using wordpress)

Paid Traffic Method:

Run a paid facebook advertisement and target a specific interest. For example, if you
are targeting personal trainers, you can put “job title as personal trainer” and it will only
display the ad to personal trainers.

If you use the paid traffic method, clients COME to you. Isn’t that amazing?

Anyway, I won’t suggest to use paid ads because you can lose alot of money quickly if
you don’t know what you are doing. Start with the free traffic method, once you make at
least $1000, start putting small amounts of money into facebook ads and see the response.

If you want to learn FB ads, I suggest to watch Ben Malol’s videos on youtube.

(Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8WISlK0Yj0)

How to talk to your prospects

Now you have wrote a post on facebook, or maybe you decide to message someone
on instagram/youtube and they have responded.

What do you do next?

Don’t sound like a robot. Here’s how a typical conversation with my client goes:

Me: Hey [Name]! How are you doing?

Prospect: I’m doing good, thank you.
Me: I noticed that you commented on my post where I’m offering to build a free website.
Prospect: Yes, I actually need a website for...blah blah.
Me: Great, I can help you out! do you already own hosting and domain?
Prospect: Nope. (If they say yes, just ignore/block him/her)
Me: Well, these 2 things are required to build a website. Though, I can suggest you
where to get them from?
Prospect: Sounds great!
Me: You can use the [Affiliate link] to get both of them from. You will get killer
deal because of [x] and [x]. But, just to be transparent, it’s my affiliate link so I will
gain a tiny commission. Is that okay with you?

And so on!

It has worked 90-95% of the times for me so there's no doubt that it won’t work for you.

The reason it works so well, because of the following reasons:

1) You are building trust by being upfront about the commission you are receiving.
2) You are enticing them by the “killer” deal which is only available from your link.
3) Finally, they have to purchase the hosting anyway. Might as well, purchase from
your link as they are getting the whole website for free!
Now you must be thinking:

“I don’t know how to build websites! It is too complicated and tech-savy for me”

Nope. Those are excuses. Web hosting comes with this thing known as wordpress.

With WordPress, you don't need to know coding. When I started it did take me a bit long
to build websites, but now, I can build within 30 minutes since I have experience and I
got better.

Let’s say you are building a website for a personal trainer. Then you can go to
youtube and search “How to build wordpress website for personal trainer” and you
will get a video which will teach you EXACTLY what you need to know.

So, you don’t need to learn anything before getting the first sale. Many people make the
mistake of learning “everything” of which they don’t using anything when the sale

If you are still skeptical then setup a website for yourself. If your name is John Santos
then you can create a website with domain name as JohnSantos.com where you can
use the website to build a portfolio or just for blogging purposes.

It will increase your confidence about making websites and you will see how easy it is!

Here are some GREAT youtube videos to learn wordpress from:


Youtube is ENOUGH to learn wordpress. That’s how I got started.

What you have learned so far!
You learned how to market.

You learned how to talk to your customers.

You learned how to promote yourself.

You learned wordpress, an amazing skill which all the businesses require to build
their website.

You learned how to leverage affiliate marketing.

These skills will stay with you, and ALWAYS help in your future your
businesses (assuming you want to be an entrepreneur).

Even if you don’t want to be an entrepreneur, this is still a great method to make money.

You did this!

PLEASE treat this like a real business. Don’t half ass it. When you put in 1-4 hours
everyday, I want you to be focused.

Read this ebook 2-3 times more, go through youtube videos and contact me if you
still have questions. Before contacting me, I want you to google your question (I don’t
say that in an insulting way) but this a great habit to develop, from which you can
learn faster.

Once you make your first sale, don’t forget to post a screenshot of it on the sales
thread. You will be surprised how fast you will make money with this method!

Here is screenshot of my Bluehost affiliate account (not to brag but to motivate you
that this method really works):

Good luck with your journey!

Now go and MAKE some money.

If you are still skeptical if the method works or not, here’s how my email account looks like:

Again, I don’t want to brag but I just really want to show you that this method WORKS.


Once you make some money with this method, you can actually outsource everything.
For example, you can hire people from third world country off upwork or onlinejobs.ph
(freelance website) to setup the websites. They will charge 3-5$/hour.

You can hire someone to promote offers on FB groups, instagram.Again, 3-5$/hour.

This means that it will open a new stream of income for you on the side without
working for even an hour.

BUT, I definitely DON'T suggest you to outsource when you are starting out.

I believe that you can’t delegate if you don’t have the knowledge of the work yourself.
For example, if you hire someone to build a website, you won’t be able to determine it
looks good or if it looks bad. You need to do them yourself first to gain experience.


Don’t give up.

As cliche as it sounds, it can actually be a bit difficult to get your first sale. But once you get the
first sale, everything will look easy. Trust me, it’s much easier to go from 1 sale to 10 sales
than going from zero to one.

Learn about selling.

The way you talk to your clients, the way you post the offer will determine your success with this
method. I would HIGHLY suggest to spend your time in learning how to sell. Watch YouTube
videos by Jordan Belfort, Valuetainment.

Learn how to persuade and influence people. Read the following books.

1. How to win friends and influence people.

2. Cashvertising.
3. Zig Ziglar Selling 101.
4. Dotcom secrets by Russel Brunson (Runs a $100 million dollar company)

Be creative.
Surprise me. Go after niches which I don’t even talk about in this ebook.

Make your work easier.

Once you make $100, I suggest getting Divi (or elementor) developer package. Divi is a theme
which provides drag and drop feature to make websites. This really is a goldmine, in my
opinion. If you have extra money, please get this. This will make your life so much easier.

Make your work easier. (2.0)

Hire a VA off upwork or onlinejobs.ph - someone who can take care of posting on facebook and
talking to clients. You will pay 2-5$/hour and your work will get even more easier. The only
thing you will care about is making websites then.

Learn English.

Please, please, please do not talk to your clients with “hiiii” or emojis.
Use proper grammar and sentences. If English not is not your native language, I would suggest
you to learn English by watching American TV series like Suits or by reading grammar books.

By the way, English is not my first language but I feel like I’m good enough to talk to clients from
anywhere in the world.

Make a script.
Once you make your first few sales, notice how you were texting/talking with the client.
Use those same words and phrases in future. This will make your work easier!


Q: I’m signing up for bluehost/siteground and it asking for website. What do I do?
A: Put NA.com in it. It stands for not applicable. If the hosting company contacts you about
it, tell them what you are doing and why it does not require a website.

Q: I signed up for bluehost/siteground but it asking for tax form?

A: You can fill it if you are under 18. It requires only basic info like address, name etc.

Q: How do I write posts on facebook/reddit?

A: Be creative. Try writing in different ways. Customize the example I have provided in
the ebook. See which one gets most responses.

Q: Which is the best “traffic source”?

A: Test, test, test. See which one works for you.

Q: I don’t understand “x”.

A: Google it. Youtube it. Still don’t understand? Message/email/skype according to the
package you bought. Please understand that my time is valuable and it might take me 24-48
hours to reply to your query.

Q: I want refund.

A: If you bought the deluxe package, and you have tried EVERYTHING inside this ebook,
message me. I will ask for proof like screenshots of conversations and posts you made. First,
I will try to help you by improving them but if you still can’t do it, I will refund.

If you are lazy fuck and don’t want to try the method and still want refund, don’t bother
messaging me. It took me months to gain experience, and days to write this ebook for you.

Q: I buy this ebook, I leave a negative review and chargebacked. Why are you not helping me?
A: Do not leave a negative review or chargeback on paypal without talking to me first. If you
do either of those, I have the rights to provide you ZERO help afterwards.

Q: I made money using this method OR I like this ebook. I want to thank you, what can I do?
A: Please leave a vouch/review on the thread so other people can make decision of buying
this ebook and improving their financial situation. :)


How I made my first sale

I personally got my first sale using reddit. I made a post, and then told the client (realtor) to
talk on facebook. Here’s how the conversation on facebook went:

Boom. This was my first $65 using the method!

Leaked By CheckMate

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