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lrdo‘ > Q > oídadoX {díd{dÚmb`…, {Vén{V

(AmÝY«àXoegd©H$mañ` 29 /2006 {dYmZoZ ì`dñWm{nV…) Affix recent

({Vé_b {Vén{V XodñWmZàmoËgm{hV…, {díd{dÚmb`mZwXmZm`moJ_m{ZVíM) photograph
Sri Venkateswara Vedic University, Tirupati duly attested by
a Gazetted
(Established under A.P. Act 29/2006)
(Sponsored by T.T.D., and Recognized by U.G.C.)

Application for Sastri(B.A)./ Acharya(M.A). Traditional Courses to the Private Candidates

emór/AmMm`© nmaån[aH$H$ú`m`m§ àdoem` namojN>mÌmUm_² AmdoXZnÌ_²
App.No. .............. The candidates are advised to go through the prospectus carefully before
filling the Application. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.

A{^b{fVH$ú`m (Desired Class) .......................................................................

1. nyUª Zm_ n¥WJja¡… (ñ`mƒoV² J¥hZm_ AZwdV}V) ......................................................
Full name in block letters (followed by surname if any)

2. _mVm (Mother) ......................................................................................

3. {nVm (Father) .......................................................................................
4. OÝ_{XZm‘>… (Date of Birth) ...................... 5. Am`w… (Age) ..............................
6. A{^OZ… (Place of Birth) ............................................
_ÊS>b_² (Mandal) ............. OZnX… (District) .................. amÁ`_² (State) ...............
7. am{ï´>`Vm (Nationality) .................. 8. gåàXm`… (Religion) ................................
9. Hw$b_² (Caste) ............................ 10. JmoÌ_² (Gotra) ....................................
11. F$f`… (Rishis) ......................................................................................
12. ñddoXemIm (Vedic branch owned) ..................................................................
13. Aml_… (Matiral status) D$T>… (Married) / ~«÷Mmar (Unmarried)
14. nÌì`dhmañ` gmåà{VH$mo {dbmg… (Present address for correspondence)
Zm_Yo`_² (Name) .......................................................
S/o .......................................................
J¥hg§»`m (H.No.) ....................... drWr (Street) .....................................
joÌ_² (Area) ........................... _ÊS>b_² (Taluka) .................................
{O„m (Dist.) ........................... amÁ`_² (State) ....................................
{nZ² (Pin) ............................ XÿadmUr gL²>»`m (Telephone No.) ....................
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15. JwéHw$bnÕË`m H¥$Vñ` AÜ``Zñ` {ddaU_² (Details of the Traditional Study)
16. JwéHw$bñ` {dbmg… / JwamoZm©_ (Full Address of Institution / Guru with Phone No.)
17. Ano{jV… nmR>çH«$_… {d^mJíM ......................................................................
(Course& Dept. into which admission is sought)

ÑT>rH$aU_² / Declaration
Cn[a {b{IVmñgd}@{n {df`m `WmWm© B{V, H$mbmÝVao VÌmÝ`V_ñ`m{n AÝ`WmËd§ `{X ì`º$s^doV², Ah§
{díd{dÚmb`oZ ñdrH¥$V`m M`©`m ~Õmo ^{dî`m_r{V M à_mUrH$amo{_&
I certify that the above information is true and I shall abide by the action taken by the University,
in case any part of the above information is found to be otherwise later.

{nVw… / g§ajH$ñ` hñVmja_² AmdoXH$ñ` hñVmja_²

Father’s / Guardian’s signature Applicant’s signature


lr_Vm§ ......................................................................................... nwÌ…
lr_mZ² .................................................................... Añ_mH§$ nmR>embm`m§ / _ËgH$meo
........................................ n`©ÝV_YrË` Añ_Ëàd{V©Vnarjm`m_² CÎmrUm}@^yV&² A`§ doX{díd{dÚmb`o
................................... g‘>m`o ........................ {d^mJo àdoïw>_h©Vr{V à_mUr{H«$`Vo&
This is to Certify that Sri ..........................................................................
S/o .................................................... has studied in our institution / under my private
instruction and completed .................... part of the subject. He is eligible to seek admission in
.................. course in ................... Department offered by S.V.Vedic University, Tirupati.
ñWmZ_² (Station):
{XZm‘>… (Date): Signature with Seal of the Principal / Secretary / Guru.


Admission Code Number ............................

Pass Certificates of the last qualifying examination, Date of Birth, T.C., Study Certificates verified and found correct.

Eligible for Admission / Not Eligible Chairman of Admission Committee

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