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Subtle System Central Path of Evolution Collective Unconscious ~ Present Ida Nadi Future Pingla Nadi Sushumna Nadi Collective Supra Conscious Past Collective Sub Conscious o9@¢@6 © innocence creativity evolution security collectivity integrarion TERT Re I Autonomic Nervous System - Sahasrara Chakra i “TD -Integration. Crown Energy Center, * Ego Agnya Chakra Forgiveness. Prey Curtral ie Areheod! @ Left Sympathetic Vishuddhi Chakra Collectivity. the Throat Super Ego- ~ Gee) - Para Sympathetic 10 + + VOID. Anahat chakra @)- Energy Center Love & Compassion. Heart Energy Center + SPIRIT (SOUL) Swadhisthan Chakra Nabhi Chakra Creativity. Generosity, Energy Center of the Evolution. Lower Abdomen Stomach Energy Center k f | PURE I ENERGY 30 Mulsdligea Claire 5 THE SUBTLE SYSTEM oP center The Sahaja Yoga Hypothesis \ Here we present the Sahaja Yoga hypothesis as put forward by its practitioners. | Thus Sahaja Yoga is a vialist theory. Three major energy channels are postulated, corresponding to: 1. Sympathetic nervous system, 2. Sympathetic nervous system (1 and 2 are represented on the right side of the diagram), 3. Parasympathetic nervous System (represented on the left side of the diagram) The awakened residual force bridges the gap between the cranial and sacral outflows of the parasympathetic nervous system. In addition, seven subtle energy centres correspond to: ks 1. the pelvic autonomic plexus, 2. the aortic autonomic plexus, 3. the coeliac autonomic plexus, 4. the cardiac autonomic plexus, 5. the cervical autonomic plexus, 6. the optic chiasma and 7. the limbic area 5 CHAKRA / SOUND re YAM |F ROOT SACRAL SOLAR PLEXUS HEART CHAKRA CHAKRA CHAKRA CHAKRA Position in Head Gross Expression in Vertebral Coloumn Pelvic Plexus Position Within Subtle System ‘his four patted contre is called the Mooladhara and {is sltuated below the triangular saccum bone. This centre is, placed outside the spine and on groas level corresponds to Divi plexus, which looks ater al ur exéretions. inclusive Of sex activity. Though tha Kundalini has'to rise through six centres, Mootadhara protects the purity and chastity of the Kundalini atthe timo ofits awakening. Mooladhara Is for our innocence and one shoul know that innocence can never be destroyed. Too much thinking about and indulging in eex woakens this eentio, Despite all arbitrary abandonment of naturatiaws, innocence, the power ff Moolachara, remains, n'a sleeping ora sick stato which can be cured and normalised through Kundalini awakening, Position in Head Position Within Subtle System In Hands Ws In Feet Gross Expression in Vertebral Coloumn tract thoughts, This centre also provides energy to by converting fat cells into brain cols ‘Too much thinking and futuristic planning weakens this centre and one develops very weak attention ‘Which Is seat of attention s governed by this contre. This ‘contre also controls the functioning of paneroas, uterus and Aortic Plexus some parts of intest a When Kundalini awakens and opens this centre ina person, that porson becomes very creative, dynamic and ‘spontaneous in all his activities. Position in Head Position Within Subtle System GD Gross Expression in Vertebral Coloumn 3° CHAKRA __ evolution NABHI ‘This ton potalied contro is called the Nabhi and is situated bohind the navel region, This centre correspond to Solar plexus, which gives us the power to sustain things ‘within ourselves. ‘This centre governs the function of digestion ane assimilation and looks after stomach, Intestines and part of liver. The biological rhythm which is regulated by spleen Is, Solar Plexus also controlled by Nabhi. This contra looks after the welfare and evolution in ‘the mankind. When Kundalini rises and pierces thie centre in ‘a sooker, he becomes satisfied from within and becomes ‘extremely generous. Position in Head Position Within Subtle System ie: a AS In Hands ZW In Feet QD Gross Expression in Vertebral Coloumn lod contr is called the Anahot ane ie ‘sternum bone in tho spinal cord. This centre corresponds to cardiac plexus, which produces the antibodies, til the age of twelve. These antibodies are then circulated in ‘our system whieh helps Us to fight any kind of attack on the ‘body or mind. When thore is eithor omational or physical antibocies are informed through je contro of information. This centre controls breathing by regulating the functioning of heart and the tungs. When Kundalini pioreos this contro, the person becomes oxtromely confident, secure, morally responsible and ‘emotionally balanced personality. Such Person is very benevolent and loves humanity without any self interest Involved and is dear to all. Position in Head Position Within Subtle System In Feet OD Gross Expression in Vertebral Coloumn 5° CHAKRA collectivity VISHUDDI This Sixtoon_potallod contro is called the Vishudal and is placed in the neck region of the spinal cord. This ‘centre corresponds to cervical plexus, which regulates the functioning of ears, noso, threat, neck, teeth, tongue, hands, gostures, etc. This contre is responsibie for the Communication with ethers, because through these organs we communicate with others. ‘On the physical evel it controls the functions of Harsh speech, smoking and artificial guilt feeling blocks this centro, Kundalini pierces this centre, the person ernely ruthful, tactful and sweet in tons and does ot indulge in futile arguments. ‘romely diplomatic in handling situations without igniting the ego, Position in Head Position Within Subtle System \ a In Hands Al In Feet Gross Expression in Vertebral Coloumn forgiveness Tis wo pete conte called he Aaya ands rosponiien str ay Corraspondences Colur Wits Bement Us pesees on aes Dey Sunday sone Dirnerd Stel Cross ualty Forgiveness ‘essence ofthis centre, that Is It allows us to forgive others. Position in Head Position Within Subtle System In Hands ZN In Feet Gross Expression in Vertebral Coloumn @ 72 CHAKRA “mz wae SAHASTRARA realization, ike 2 closed bud of lotus. Above this ls covering ‘of two balloon lke structures of Ego and ization tho al povecing Power ot Diva Universal Life Force Currents form and sustain the “Auric Field" Levels of 15-Dimensional Human Anatomy Auric Level, Chakra and Hova Body Correspondences 15 Chakras (C & MC ‘Primary Chakras (Q. C1- Base $2- Orange C2 Sacre! $3 - Yellow G - Solar Plexus S4- Green (C4-Heart $5 Blue = CS - Throat $6 - Indigo C6 - 3rd eye Pituitary $7 Violet C7--Crown - Pineal | s8- cold 8 Morphogenetic 59- Siver Chakras MC S10 - Blue-Black MC8- Thymus S11- Silver-Black MC 9 - Thalamus S12 - White MC - 10 Galactic 1 S13 - Turquoise Mc - 11 Galactic 2 S14-Pale Yetow ESD MC - 12 Earth Star | S15 - Magenta-Pink S MC- 13 Earth Core MC - 14 Universal 1 MC - 15 Universal 2 i ‘Chakras draw energy in from, and Each Chakra corresponds to a level | transmit energy into, the Unified Fields 7 of the Auric Field and one | ofeach Dimension. Each Chakra = Z ‘Ax-A-Tonal Line. Each Hova Body |carres ast Primary Color thehwe | SS corresponds to a set of 3 Chakras end | associated withthe wave-lengthofthe| contains 3 dimensional frequency dimensional frequency band to which | ‘bands that form the dimensional levels | the Chakra corresponds. of the Auric Field, ‘The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series - © 2010 A&A Deane Computer Graphics - Ron Mayer

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