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Submitted to:

Mr. Kenneth Nolasco

Submitted by:

Denolo, Vernico G.

Pagsanjan, Pauline B.

Samson, Angela Lhenin C.

Paredes, Ron Justin Karl C.

Versoza, Jaydem Rhey H.

Llona, Maria Kathelyn A.

Cariga, Loren S.

Group 2

12 - David
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction........................................................................................

Background of the Study..........................................................................

Theoretical Framework.............................................................................

Conceptual Framework.............................................................................

Statement of the Problem………………………..…………………..…...

Significance of the Study.........................................................................

Scope and Limitation……………………………………………………..

Definition of Terms..................................................................................

Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature and Studies…………………….........

Foreign Study.............................................................................................

Foreign Literature…………………………………………………………

Local Study……………………………………………………………..…

Local Literature…………………………………………………….....…..


Chapter 3 – Methodology …………………………………...…………………..

Research Design

Research Respondents............…………………………………..…………

Research Instruments....................................................................................

Data Collection and Management




Through the years, nationalism has given various definitions that are relevant to different
countries and point in time, globally, particularly in western countries, nationalism is known as a
sense of national consciousness, exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis
on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations, wherein they believe
that it is a dangerous ideology. In a January 2019 speech to his country’s diplomatic corps, German
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier put this view in stark terms: “Nationalism,” he said, “is an
ideological poison.”.Most people see it as negative and in bad reputation, but according to UPs
Cultural Dictionary for Filipinos, nationalism is defined as the feeling of unity among people
bound by a common language, religion, and history, their belief in and commitment to their right
to pursue their collective aspirations through their own state free from the interference of other
countries. Filipino nationalism is nourished by a sense of history. It is of its essence to know
profoundly the past, so that we may be in complete openness with the men who made that history
and in intimate communion with their thoughts, their deeds, and their noble lives. (Claro M. Recto

This what makes Filipino nationalism unique from other country's idea of nationalism, it
is not the xenophobic kind that would keep out all that is foreign, but, rather, a sense of oneness
as a nation. It's the ability to put the common good above one's personal wellbeing so Filipinos
can collectively advance as a nation. (Habito 2017). Filipino nationalism reign in the history of the
past that's why it is being fostered in the life and mind of every Filipino today so that the spirit of
nationalism may continuously live and be preserved. But now in the twenty-first century,
particularly in the minds of the youth today, Filipino nationalism is faced with a set of challenges,
such as globalization, colonial mentality, and neo-colonialism.

Education, being one of the Major Social Institution which is a social mechanism of social
order and cooperation that govern the behavior of its members, should be the means to empower
children and adults alike to become active participants in the transformation of their societies.
Learning should also focus on the values, attitudes, and behaviors which enable individuals to
learn to live together in a world characterized by diversity and pluralism (UNESCO). Since it is
one of the Major Social Institution, that means socialization occurs in this field, and as term used
by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists, and educationalists,
socialization refers to the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs, and
ideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within his
or her own society.

Socialization is thus “the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained.”.
Hence, through socialization, education is a powerful instrument that creates a great impact on the
life of the youth today, particularly on implementing Filipino nationalism through teaching
historical subject in schools. That is why this research seeks to find how Philippine Education
through the social studies subject: Philippine History affects the nationalism level of the youth
specifically the grade 7 students of Unida Christian Colleges S.Y. 2019-2020.

Background of the Study

Nationalism is oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on

shared social characteristics such as culture, language, religion, politics, and beliefs in a common
ancestry. Therefore, nationalism seeks to preserve a nation's culture by way of pride in national
achievements,that sometimes tends to suppress its constituents and mislead the true meaning of
nationalism. However, nationalism in the Philippines is way differs from other countries. The
Philippines defines nationalism as simply loving for the country with all its inhabitants, not in a
way where people being controlled.

Filipino nationalism started when all the revolts of the Filipinos against Spaniards were all
failed because of two reasons: (a) the absence of nationalism and (b) lack of national leaders. These
experiences made Filipinos awake and enlighten that they should gain independency and at least
have power first to fight for the nation's rights and its constituents against Spain. Nationalist
movements such as the Propaganda movement led by the ilustrados and the KKK people led by
Andres Bonifacio were both express their revolution against Spain to win the nation's freedom.

In recent years, the Philippines gained independence and also claimed its nationality.
Nation's pride were identified and nationalism's dominant goal is to love the country. Nationalism
can be preserved and promote in anyways were nationalism shall be fed to the constituents, by that
means "people must be nourished by a sense of history to know profoundly the past, so that
everyone may be in complete awareness with the men who made that history and in intimate
communion with their thoughts, their deeds, and their noble lives. " (Claro M. Recto, Jr.) Hence,
education should be involved. In 1982 Education Act that originally came from the National
constitution. Section 3(2), Article XIV of the constitution that has been translated and elaborated
for a better understanding. This education act identifies the aims of both elementary and secondary
levels were one of the aims is to: to promote and intensify the child's knowledge towards nations
and love for the nation and the people to which she/he belongs.
Theoretical Framework

This study adheres to Maurice Halbwachs' Theory of Collective Memory, he was a

sociologist and a student of Durkheim who coined the term collective memory. He said that all of
people's personal memories are recorded through the filter of our collective and social memories.
Though his mentor, Emile Durkheim, didn't coin the term collective memory, he did discuss how
each new generation is connected to the past; as they are taught about history, memories carry
forward. But, on another definition, collective memory as something people do, not something
people merely have, but as an interactive and contextual process. In other words, it helps us to
avoid reification and allows us to clarify how specific social actors regard their roles as ‘memory
makers’ (Kansteiner, 2002, p. 197). The researchers also apply a dynamic and processual
conceptualization of nationalism. Following such cultural and social theoreticians as Stuart Hall
(1996), Benedict Anderson (1991) or Michael Billig (1995), supposing that the nation is not
some ‘thing’, some social entity existing out there, but it is instead continually produced,
reproduced and transformed by signification practices (Hall, 1996). In other words, the ‘national’
must be unpacked, as it does not refer to some durable, clearly bound and homogeneous external
entity. These discourses define social reality in national terms, organize people’s sense of
belonging to a nation-state and locate the ultimate source of political legitimacy in the nation
(Billig, 1995; Hall, 1996). Students of nationalism generally regard public education as one of the
key instruments in the production and reproduction of nationalism. It is argued that states use
school history education to impose a sense of belonging to an imagined community by the
construction of a national collective memory (Gellner, 1983; Hobsbawm, 1983; Smith, 1986,
1999; Westheimer, 2007; Bénéï, 2005; Hein & Selden, 2000; Weber, 1976).

Since the role of history education in the production of nationalism has been generally
recognized in the theoretical literature, the researchers want to know how the school particularly
Unida Christian Colleges, implement it. By presenting this study based on the concrete exemplar
of grade 7 Junior High School students of Unida Christian Colleges, the researchers want to
broaden and deepen their knowledge surrounding the links between education and nationalism.
For instance, Renata Herba and Malgorzata Sikora-Gaca (2014) persuade that the main aim of this
education should be the development of the attachment to the nation among students.

Conceptual Framework


The researchers will be

able to identify the
nationalism level of
students and discover
the effect of the social The researchers used a
studies subject to the structured and self-
level of nationalism of administered questionnaire to
students. be answered by the grade 7
students that will determine
their level of nationalism
before and taking the social
studies subject. The
researchers will then evaluate
the results of both of the tests
and identify if their is a
significant relationship
Input between the two variables.
Determine if there
is a significant
between the level
of nationalism of
students and social
studies subject.
Statement of the Problem

This research is designed to find out the level of nationalism of grade 7 Junior High School
students in Unida Christian Colleges, S.Y. 2019-2020.

Particularly, it attempted to seek answers to the following questions:

• What is the level of nationalism of students before taking the Social Studies subject:
Philippine History?

• What is the nationalism level of students after taking the Social Studies subject:
Philippine History?

• Does the Social Studies subject affects the nationalism level of grade 7 students?

Significance of the Study

The results of this research endeavor may give benefit to the following members of the
academic institution.

To the students. This research enables the students to be reminded about the importance
of the practice of Filipino nationalism not just in school but in all places they may be present.

To the teachers. The result of this study will bring awareness to teachers by revealing
them the nationalistic status of their students. They will be able to guide their students by helping
them achieve a desirable level of nationalism through the social studies subject: Philippine History.
To the school administrators. The outcome of the research may have relevant
implications for the institution to produce morally upright students, helping them to firmly build
their nationalistic attitudes through refining the social studies subject: Philippine History.

To the researchers. The result will bring consciousness to the researchers by determining
the nationalism level of the youth nowadays, particularly among the UCC students.

To future researchers. This research may serve as a reference for the relevant studies that
future researchers may conduct that may aim for a deeper investigation of the topic.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research focuses on knowing the effect of the social studies subject: Philippine History
to the nationalism level of students. The researchers will provide self-administered questionnaires
to the respondents that will determine their level of nationalism. The respondents that the
researchers will need consist of 50 grade 7 JHS students that will be divided into two and will
come from two sections under the same level.

this research focuses on knowing the effect of the social studies subject: Philippine
History to the nationalism level of students. The researchers will provide self-administered
questionnaire to the respondents that will determine their level of nationalism. The respondents
that the researchers will need consist of 80 grade 7 JHS students and will come from three
sections under the same level.

Research Respondents the study involves 80 grade 7 students from the section Matthew, Luke
and Mark of Unida Christian Colleges S. Y 2019-2020.
Definition of Terms

• Globalization - is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked

especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor

• Neo-Colonialism – the control of less-developed countries by developed countries through

indirect means.

• Colonial Mentality – is the internalized attitude of ethnic or cultural inferiority felt by

people as a result of colonization, i.e. them being colonized by another group. It
corresponds with the belief that the cultural values of the colonizer are inherently superior
to one's own.

• Imagined Community – (1983) Anderson argues that the nation is an imagined political
community that is inherently limited in scope and sovereign in nature. It is imagined
because the actuality of even the smallest nation exceeds what it is possible for a single
person to know—one cannot know every person in a nation, just as one cannot know every
aspect of its economy, geography, history, and so forth.

• Collective Memory - is the term for the memories of a group of people who have collected
them through shared social experiences.


This chapter contains significant summaries of related literature and studies both foreign
and local that are aligned to the researcher’s topic after thorough and in-depth research and
evaluation. This will contribute to the reader's greater understanding and deeper comprehension of
the study.

Foreign Studies

According to Nurdin 2017 on his study “Civic Education policies: Their effect on
university students’ spirit of nationalism and patriotism”, where it aims to describe the effect of
implementing Civic Education policies in a university on the development of students’ sense of
nationalism and patriotism. This is analysed from the perspective of Edward III’s public policy
implementation dimension and employs a quantitative approach based on the descriptive
verification method. The degree of influence is low due to several critical factors, which include
the following: (1) the development of Civic Education material is delegated to each university or
to the lecturers teaching the subject; thus, materials do not consistently focus on content related to
patriotism and nationalism and (2) policies are ineffectively implemented in the dimensions of (a)
communication, as they are not ideally communicated; (b) resources, as lecturers have varied
competencies without consistent academic backgrounds; (c) disposition, as the implementers lack
commitment because of the limited number of educators compared to the number of students; and
(d) bureaucratic structure, as this varies by university, resulting in failed unity of command and
bureaucratic fragmentation.
According to Dirwan 2018 on his study entitled “Improving Nationalism through Civic
Education among Indonesian Students”, . Globalization is characterized by the strong influence of
international social institutions and developed countries that participate in regulating the politics,
economy, social culture, and defense and security of a nation, this results to the suppresion of
nationalism. From the research that has been done, he concluded that there are basic values which
needs to be developed in civic education to improve student nationalism. These basic values are
in the context of Indonesia, among others divinity, humanity, unity, populist, social justice,
competition, and respect in order to improve nationalism within the life of the students.

According to Septiana 2017 on their study entitled "The Strategies to Increase the
Nationalism of Senior High School Students through the Historical Inquiry-Based Module”, that
the efforts to develop the nationalism of high school students are done to reduce the low
nationalism of High School students due to the influence of globalization. The study uses
combination of qualitative and quantitative research method. The results showed that the historical
inquiry-based module is able to improve material understanding and investigate the issues
carefully and in structured. The problems that are arranged in the modules are related to the low
nationalism due to the globalization effects in the students’ environment. While the material on
the module is local history material. Based on the statistical data analysis of inquiry based modules
are effective for increasing nationalism.

Foreign Literature

According to Foster 2010 on his article entitled "Using historical empathy to excite
students about the study of history: can you empathize with neville chamberlain?", that In many
history classrooms, students frequently are required to receive and absorb an endless stream of
information and memorize myriad enencyclopedic facts. Consequently, for the young people ,
history becomes sterile, passive, and seemingly unrelated to their lives. The study of history can
convey to young learners a sense of wonderment and inquisitiveness, it can encourage students to
consider intimately the thoughts and beliefs of people in the past, to understand and appreciate
their circumstances, their predicament, their actions and to reflect on the consequences of those
actions. A powerful way to incorporate many of these positive approaches into the history
classroom is through the use of historical empathy. The model for instruction presented here
includes details of series of lessons that require high school students to consider. Essential to the
success of this model is the requirement that students engage in the process of historical empathy.

Local Studies

According Castillo 2016 on their study entitled "Pride of the Filipino Youth", who
used a structured survey questionnaire adopted and modified from the International Social Survey
Programme from their National Identity study and also their own self-administered questionnaire,
that they've gained accuracy upon making the study because of the structured survey questionnaire
they've used from the ISSP

Another one, according to Maca and Morris 2014 on their study, "Education, national
identity and state formation in the modern Philippines", that almost everywhere, modern state
formation has involved attempts to use schooling to merge the nation with the state by teaching
future citizens to see their national identity as a natural expression of ‘roots’ (territorial, cultural
and/or ethnic), shared values and common interests (Gellner 1983). The Philippines has been no
exception in this respect, the goal of forging national identity and civic consciousness was alluded
to in the early constitutions of the Philippines, and has been expressed far more explicitly in recent
constitutional revisions one of the examples is 1935 Philippine Constitution (Article XIV, Section
8): All educational institutions shall aim to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic
conscience and vocational efficiency, and teach the duties of citizenship. They also pointed out
that the lack of a strong sense of attachment to the nation has also become bound up with the huge
reliance of the Philippines’ economy on migrant labour, and its implications for the capacity of
many Filipinos to engage with social and political issues at home. They, then examine three key
elements of schooling typically used for purposes of identity formation: citizenship programmes,
history education and language of instruction, and have shown how the state has promoted a vision
of national identity that reflects and sustains attitudes of colonial dependency, while sporadically
declaring a need for education to foster a strong sense of commitment to the Philippines.

Local Literature

According to Galindo 2008, often times, she experienced asked by her students in
Philippine history class, questioning her about the relevance of teaching the subject on the students'
course and reasoning out that they won't even be able to use it on their future jobs. But the as a
proctor of the history subject, she would firmly stand on the he fact that we are a true blooded
Filipinos, and that every generation was and will always be a product of history, hence ,history
will always be a relevant subject regardless of what course a student takes up. Because of this,she
had concluded that students of the modern generation is suffering from colonial mentality that is
deeply rooted in those who are not proud of being a Filipino and in those who look at anything
foreign as best, the result of being controlled by foreign colonizers for almost 400 years. Thus,
colonial mentality destroys our national identity, therefore, teaching Philippine history subjects is
a must and must be strengthened especially by the academe, so that the country can produce a new
breed of Filipinos who have a strong sense of nationalism in their hearts and minds. As a result,
whatever the mistakes in the past are, the present generation may not repeat it and the future
generation would be freed from the bondage of tyranny and slavery. She also stated that as new
breed of historians, teachers of history must not only be limited to questions of who, what, were
and when. Teaching history should go beyond dates, persons, places etc. Teaching the how’s and
the why’s of history would train the student to think critically. Furthermore, teaching history
through contextualization would develop in students a deep sense of understanding of their origins
and would develop in them active participation, not only in classroom discussion, but also in
performing their role as citizens of our country.

Another one, according to Montemar 2015, who pointed out and gave answers to the
question: Why are our students weak in Philippine history and social studies in general? The
answer will actually need a whole history tome to answer. But here's his take:
1. Failed to take care of our teacher training institutions and our public school teachers.
2. Textbooks are of low quality, full of questionable content and orientation.
3. Pedagogy has not been learner-centered. Students are not educated to be critical thinkers but are
trained to be submissive subjects.

The present study is closely connected to the above mentioned local and foreign literature
and studies because they dealt with how education affects nationalism. Though there are many
variations, most of the literature and studies focused on how education can have a great impact on
improving the level of nationalism among their respondents since education has a significant role
in promoting nationalism, and the above mentioned also dealt with the factors that can negatively
affect on implementing nationalism especially globalization, colonial mentality and other factors.
Based on the results of the literature and studies mentioned above, education is effective in
enhancing nationalism in students. Thus, the present study is focused on identifying the effects of
Education specifically the social studies subject: Philippine History to the nationalism level of
grade 7 students particularly within Unida Christian Colleges alone.

This chapter contains the discussion of the research design used, the respondents of the
study, research instrument, the data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will use the Experimental Research Method, since it refers as a blueprint of the
procedure that enables the researchers to test their hypothesis by reaching valid conclusions about
relationships between independent and dependent variables (Key 1997). Under this research, two
variables can be considered, the social studies subject: Philippine History as the independent
variable and the nationalism level of the grade 7 students which is the dependent variable. The
researchers will test the significant relationship between the Philippine History subject and the
nationalism level of students by determining if the subject has an effect to the level of nationalism.
A purposeful selection method was chosen for this type of research in order to select information-
rich cases for detailed study.

Research Respondents

The study involves 50 grade 7 students from the section Matthew of Unida Christian
Colleges S.Y 2019-2020.
Research Instrument

The tool that will be used for this study is a structured from the ISSP national identity test
and a self-administered questionnaire that was prepared by the researchers themselves. Two
questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents, first, the pre-test and second, the post-test
that will both determine their level of nationalism. The questionnaires includes scales and
situational questions to be answered through multiple choices.

Data Collection and Management

A letter of permission to validate the test will be sent to the, Dean and the subject teacher,
upon receiving the letter they request. The researchers obtain the test from International Social
Survey Programme national identity test that will be administered to the respondents before the
lesson starts. After the lesson the researchers will give another test but still under the focus of
determining nationalism level of students.

Statistical Treatment

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