CV Alejandro Baer Aug2012ENGL - Sociology-1

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Curriculum Vitae (August 2012)

Department of Sociology University of Minnesota

Room 252 &1133 Social Sciences Building, Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: 612-624-5014 // Email:


Social Memory Studies, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Sociology of Culture and
Religion, Sociology of Modern Judaism, Empirical Research on Antisemitism,
Qualitative Research Methodologies, Sociology of Media and Communication,
Visual Sociology.


2013 (January) Completion of the Habilitation, University of Bayreuth,


2003 Ph.D. Sociology. Complutense University, Madrid.

Dissertation title: “Video Testimony and the Shaping of
Holocaust Public Memory”.

1997/1998 Graduate Studies Program. Department of

Communication. University of California, San Diego.

1995 MA Social Anthropology. Complutense University, Madrid.

1994 BA Sociology. Complutense University, Madrid.


2011-2012 Professor of Sociology (Visiting Chair of Qualitative

Methods of Social Research) Institute of Sociology. Ludwig

2009-2011 Assistant Professor, Chair of Sociology of Culture and

Religion (Prof.Dr. Bernt Schnettler), University of Bayreuth,

2008- 2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Anthropology,
Complutense University, Madrid.

2004–2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology IV

Complutense University, Madrid.

2003–2004 Post-Doc Fellow, Alcalá de Henares University, Institute of

Mediterranean Studies, Madrid.

1999–2003 Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Complutense

University, Madrid.


2007-2008 Visiting Professor, Institute of Sociology, Technical

University, Berlin.

2002 Visiting Researcher, Department of Culture and

Communication, New York University.

2001 Visiting Fellow, Fritz Bauer Institute - Study and

Documentation Center on the History and Memory of
the Holocaust, Frankfurt.

2000 Visiting Researcher, Department of Sociology, University

of California Los Angeles (UCLA).



BAER, Alejandro (2006), Holocausto. Recuerdo y representación [Holocaust:

Remembrance and Representation], Madrid: Losada.
BAER, Alejandro (2005), El testimonio audiovisual. Imagen y memoria del Holocausto
[Audiovisual Testimony. Image and memory of the Holocaust], Madrid: Centro
de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS).
JEREZ, Ariel, SAMPEDRO, Víctor & BAER, Alejandro (2000): Medios de comunicación,
consumo Informativo y actitudes políticas en España [Media, News
Consumption and Political Attitudes in Spain], Madrid: Centro de
Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS).

Edited books and Journal special Issues

Qualitative Archives and Biographical Research Methods, Forum Qualitative

Research (FQS), vol. 12, nr. 3, Sept. 2011. Miguel Valles, Louise Corti, Maria
Tamboukou and Alejandro Baer (eds.).
Antropología y Derechos Humanos [Anthropology and Human Rights], Special Issue
Revista de Antropología Social, nr. 18. 2010. Marie José Devillard and Alejando
BAER, Alejandro (eds.).
Visual Sociology, Forum Qualitative Research (FQS), vol. 9, nr. 3, Sept. 2008. Hubert
Knoblauch, Bernt Schnettler, Alejandro Baer, Sabine Petschke und Eric Laurier
España y el Holocausto. Historia y testimonios [Spain and The Holocaust. History and
Testimonies], Madrid: Hebraica Ediciones. 2007. Jacobo Israel and Alejandro
Baer (eds.).
El estigma imborrable. Reflexiones sobre el nuevo antisemitismo [The Indelible Stigma:
Reflections on the New Antisemitism], Madrid: Hebraica Ediciones. 2005.
Jacobo Israel, Alejandro Baer (eds.)

Articles in Journals

BAER, Alejandro, LOPEZ, Paula (2012) The Blind Spots of Secularization. A Qualitative
Approach to the Study of Antisemitism in Spain, in: Fine, Robert and Achinger,
Christine (eds.) European Societies, Special Issue on Racism and Antisemitism,
vol. 14, nr. 2, 1-19.

BAER, Alejandro (2011), The Voids of Sepharad. The Memory of the Holocaust in
Spain, in: Tabea Linhard, Daniela Flesler and Adrian Pérez Melgosa (eds.)
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, vol. 12, nr.1, 95-120.

BAER, Alejandro (2011) Zwischen Europäisierung und Verdrängung. Erinnerung an

den Holocaust in Spanien [Between Europaization and Repression: Memory of
the Holocaust in Spain]. Münchner Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und
Kultur, vol 5, nr. 2, 97-111.

BAER, Alejandro (2011) „Oma Clemens Reise nach Argentinien“. Ein Reisebericht
über Spanien als Fluchtweg und Falle (Einleitung). [Oma Clemens Journey to
Argentina. An Account on Spain as Escape Route and Trap (Introduction)].
Münchner Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur, vol. 5, nr. 2, 112-121.

DEVILLARD, M.J. & BAER , Alejandro (2010), Antropología y Derechos Humanos: multi-
culturalismo, retos y resignificaciones [Anthropology and Human Rigths:
Multiculturalism, Challenges and Resignifications], in: M.J Devillard and A. Baer
(eds.), Revista de Antropología Social nr. 8, 25-51.

BAER, Alejandro (2009), Spain´s Jewish Problem. From the Judeo-Bolchevik
Conspiracy to the Nazi-Zionist State, in: Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung
(Zentrum für Antisemismus Forschung- TU Berlin) nr. 18, 89-110.
FERRANDIZ, Francisco & BAER, Alejandro (2008), Digital Memory: The Visual Recording
of Mass Grave Exhumations in Contemporary Spain, in: Forum Qualitative Social
Research 9(3) http://www.qualitative- .
BAER, Alejandro (2007), Tanques contra piedras. La imagen de Israel en España
[Tanks Against Stones: Israels Image in Spain], in: Documentos de Trabajo (DT),
Real Instituto Elcano
2007_Imagen_Israel_Espa%F1a.pdf .
VALLES, Miguel & BAER, Alejandro (2005), Qualitative Social Research in Spain: Past,
Present and Future. A portrait, in: Forum Qualitative Social Research 6 (3)
BAER, Alejandro & SÁNCHEZ PEREZ, Francisco (2004), La metodología biográfica
audiovisual. El proyecto Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation [The
Visual Biographic Methodology. On the Project Survivor of the Shoah Visual
History Foundation], in: Empiria nr. 7, 35–55.
BAER, Alejandro (2004), De memoria judía a memoria universal. El Holocausto y la
globalización del recuerdo [From Jewish to Universal Memory. The Holocaust
and the Globalization of Remembrance], in: Anthropos nr. 203, 76– 94.
BAER, Alejandro & ZUKIERMAN, Federico (2004), Nuevo antisemitismo, viejos estigmas:
caricaturas y viñetas de la prensa española sobre el conflicto israelí-palestino
(2000-2003) [New Antisemitism, Old Stigma: Caricatures and Cartoons on the
Israel-Palestine Conflict in the Spanish Press], in: Raíces 58, 25–38.
SAMPEDRO, Víctor & BAER, Alejandro (2003), El recuerdo como olvido y el pasado
extranjero: padres e hijos ante la memoria histórica mediatizada [Memory as
Oblivion and the Foreign Past: Parents, Children and Mediatized Memory], in:
Revista de Estudios de Juventud (INJUVE), Special Issue “25 años de
Constitución”, 93–108.
BAER, Alejandro & SADABA, Igor (2003), Tecnologías de la memoria: el recuerdo
colectivo en la sociedad de la información [Technologies of Memory: Collective
Remembering in the Information Society], in: Cuadernos de Realidades Sociales
61-62, 163–184.
BAER, Alejandro (2002), La representación del Holocausto y sus límites [The
Representation of the Holocaust and its Limits], in: Raíces , 50-51, 15–19.
BAER, Alejandro (2001), Consuming History and Memory through Mass Media
Products, in: European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol 4, nr. 4, 490– 501.
BAER, Alejandro (1999), Postsionismo vs. nacionalismo mesiánico. Religion y política
en el Israel de los 90 [Post-Zionism vs. Messianic Nationalism: Religion and Politics
in Israel in the nineties], in: Viento Sur, nr. 45, 21–27.
BAER, Alejandro (1999) Imagen, memoria e industria cultural [Image, Memory and
Cultural Industry], in: Arte, Individuo y Sociedad , nr. 11, 113–121.

BAER, Alejandro (1997), Oriente Medio, mito y realidad [The Middle East: Myth and
Reality], in: El Viejo Topo, nr. ,34–38.

Book Chapters

BAER, Alejandro (2013, forthcoming): Between Old and New Antisemitism. The Image
of Jews in Present-day Spain, in: Rosenfeld, Alvin (ed.), Resurgent Antisemitism:
Global Perspectives, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

SCHNETTLER, Bernt, KNOBLAUCH, Hubert and BAER, Alejandro (2012): Videoanálisis

interpretativo de situaciones sociales: etnografía, análsis secuencial y
hermenéutica, in: Arroyo, Millán and Sádaba, Igor (eds.), Metodología de la
investigación social. Técnicas innovadoras y sus aplicaciones, Madrid: Síntesis,

SCHNETTLER, Bernt, BAER, Alejandro (2012): Holocaust-Erinnerungskultur als

Wissensnetzwerk: Zwischen globaler Wertegemeinschaft und universaler
Symbolkultur [Holocaust Remembrance Culture as Network of Knowledge:
Between Global Community of Values and Universal Symbolic Culture],
Verhandlungen des Jubiläumskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Soziologie in Frankfurt 2010, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 633-648.

BAER, Alejandro (2011): Dátiles del mar muerto y tanques judíos. Apuntes sobre la
imagen de Israel en España [Dates from the Dead Sea and Jewish Tanks. Notes
on the Image of Israel in Spain], in: J. Tobías and A. Lavié (eds.), Israel. Siglo XXI.
Tradición y Vanguardia, La Coruña: Editorial Netbiblio.

FERRANDIZ, Francisco, BAER, Alejandro (2011) Violencia política y memoria digital: las
exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil (1936-1939) en la España
contemporánea [Political Violence and Digital Memory: Exhumations of Mass
Graves from the Civil War (1936-1939) in Contemporary Spain], in: Y. Segovia
and B. Nates Cruz (eds.), Territorios, identidades y violencias, Manizales
(Colombia): Ed. Universidad de los Andes.

BAER, Alejandro (2010): La memoria social: breve guía para perplejos [Social
Memory: a Guide for the Perplexed], in: J.A. Zamora und A. Sucasas (Eds.),
Memoria - Política – Justicia. En diálogo con Reyes Mate, Madrid: Editorial
Trotta, 131-148.

SCHNETTLER, Bernt, BAER, Alejandro and ZIFONUN,Dariuš (2010): Transnationale

Gedächtniskultur? Ansätze einer ländervergleichenden Performanzanalyse von
Erinnerungsritualen am Beispiel des 27. Januars [Transnational Memory?
Appraisal on a Comparative Study of Remembrance Rituals taking the
example of January 27th], in: Soeffner, Hans-Georg (ed.), Unsichere Zeiten.
Herausforderungen gesellschaftlicher Transformationen. Verhandlungen des 34.

Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Jena 2008, Wiesbaden:

BAER, Alejandro & LOPEZ, Paula (2010): Israel en el callejón del gato. El conflicto de
Gaza y Líbano de 2006 en el humor gráfico español [Israel in the Alley of Mirrors:
The Gaza and Lebanon Conflicts of 2006 in Spanish Cartoons], in: Israel en los
medios españoles (2006-2009). Hebraica Ediciones. Madrid.
BAER, Alejandro (2009), Zwischen Aufhetzung und Verurteilung: Die Rezeption des
Novemberpogroms im Spanien des Bürgerkriegs [Between Incitement and
Condemnation: The November Pogroms of 1938 in Civil War Spain], in: Die
November-Pogrome 1938. Versuch einer Bilanz, Stiftung Topographie des
Terrors, Berlin.
BAER, Alejandro & SCHNETTLER, Bernt (2008), Hacia una metodología cualitativa
audiovisual. El video como instrumento de investigación social [Towards an
audiovisual qualitative methodlogy. Video as an Instrument for Social
Research], in: Aldo Merlino (ed.) Investigación cualitativa en ciencias sociales:
temas y problemas, Buenos Aires: Thompson Learning, 149 – 173.
FINKEL, Lucila, PARRA, Pilar & BAER, Alejandro (2008), La entrevista abierta en la
investigación social [The Open Interview in Social Research], in: Angel Gordo
und Araceli Serrano (eds.) Prácticas de investigación social cualitativa,
Pearson: Madrid, 127–154.
SABANOGLU, Albert & BAER, Alejandro (2006), Israel en los medios españoles.
¿Camino hacia la normalización? [Israel in the Spanish Media. On the Way to
Normalization?], in: Jacobo Israel Garzón (eds.), España-Israel. 20 años de
relaciones, Hebraica Ediciones: Madrid, 79–95.
FRANCESCUTTI, Pablo, BAER, Alejandro, GARCÍA, José & LÓPEZ, Paula (2005), La
noche de los móviles: medios, redes de confianza y movilización juvenil [The
Night of Cell Phones: Media, Networks and Youth Mobilization] , in: Victor
Sampedro (eds.), 13-M Multitudes Online, La Catarata: Madrid, 65–85.
BAER, Alejandro & ZUKIERMAN, Federico (2005), Israel y el judaísmo en el humor
gráfico español [Israel and Judaism in Spanish Cartoons] in: J. Israel Garzón, A.
Baer (eds.) El estigma imborrable. Reflexiones sobre nuevo antisemisimo,
Hebraica Ediciones: Madrid, 71–108.

Book reviews

Susanne Zepp and Antonio Gòmez López-Quiñones (eds.) (2010): The Holocaust in
Spanish Memory. Historical Perceptions and Cultural Discourse, Leipziger
Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur. Band VII. Leipzig: Leipziger
Universitätsverlag, 2010. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (2012, forthcoming).
Sokol, Neal (2004): Ilan Stavans: Eight conversations. Madison: University of Wisconsin
Press. Raíces, 61 (2005), S. 64-65.
Finkelstein, Norman (2002): La industria del Holocausto, Madrid: Siglo XXI. Raíces, 54
(2003), S. 33-36.

Saul Friedlander (ed.) Probing the Limits of Representation. Nazism and the Final
Solution, Isegoría, 23 (2000), S. 265– 268.

Op-Eds in daily newspapers

BAER, Alejandro »A study to deny a problem«, Jerusalem Post, 18. October 2010 (with
Robin Stoller).
BAER, Alejandro, »La España en guerra ante la Kristallnacht« (Spain at War and the
Kristallnacht), El País, 11. November 2008.
BAER, Alejandro, »No dibujarás…« (You shall not draw...) (on the Mohamed cartoons
debate) , ABC, 7 March 2006.

Other Publications

Research Paper »Zur Judenrettung Spanischer Diplomaten: Fakten, Mythen und

Erinnerungspolitik« [On the Rescue of Jews by Spanish Diplomats: Facts, Myths
and Memory Politics], 3. Internationale Konferenz zur Holocaustforschung, Berlin

Exhibition Book »Visas for Freedom. Spanish Diplomats and the Holocaust« (Spanish
Ministry of Foreign Affairs), 2009.
Article »Antisemitism in Spain. Old or new?« European Forum on Antisemitism. 5.
January 2009. On-line at: http://www.european-forum-on-
E-Learinng Material »El método biográfico« [The Biograhpic Method]. On-line
Program for the Degree of Sociolgy and Social Work – Universidad de la Rioja,
Article »Auschwitz en el cine y la televisión« [Auschwitz in Cinema and Television].
Instituto de Filosofía – CSIC. (, 2002.
Article »Imagen y memoria: audiovisuales sobre Desaparecidos en el Cono Sur
[Image and Memory: Films on the Desaparecidos in the Southern Cone]« ,
(, 2001.
Article »Los judíos en el humor gráfico« [The Jews in Political Cartoons] in Lateral,
Revista de cultura, 107, 2003.
Regular contributions for the Argentinian cultural weekly magazine La Maga,
(July1992- October 1994).

Documentary Films

“Oasis en tierra extraña” (on Ecuadorian immigration in Madrid). AIRE

COMUNICACION y Colectivo Universitario de Producción Audiovisual en
Ciencias Sociales. 2002, 40 min. (Research and Production).
Didactic Film “Epistemología y Metodología Audiovisual” (Audiovisual Epistemology
and Methodology), 1999, 25 min. (Research, Script and Production).

Publication Projects
Special issue on “Visual Sociology” for the journal Soziale Welt (with Bernt Schnettler)
Bookproject: Jews and Judaism in Present-day Spain: Specters, Myths and Realities.
Bookproject: Methoden in der sozialen Erinnerungsforschung [Methods in Social
Memory Research] (with Michael Heinlein and Oliver Dimbath).
Paper: “Between Massgraves and Stumbling Stones: the ´Lieux de Mémoire´
revisited” (with Natan Sznaider).
Paper: “Visualizing Traumatic Memory” (with Francisco Ferrandiz)


English Fluency in speaking and reading, good competency in writing.

Translations, teaching experience, Publications.

German Fluency in speaking and reading, good competency in writing.

Translations, teaching experience, publications.

Spanish Native language. Translations, teaching experience, publications.

Hebrew Basic knowledge in speaking and reading.

French Some knowledge in speaking and reading.


(Current projects)

§ Cross-Cultural Comparison of Holocaust Remembrance Rituals in

Germany and Spain– A Case Study on January 27th.

This project combines communications, social anthropology and cultural studies

with a focus on memory and ritual. It aims to compare the commemoration
culture in Germany and Spain, focusing on Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan.
27th). Centred on the same event, contrasting these two highly diverse national
memory cultures enables to contribute answers to the question of continuing
differences or emerging convergences and the evolution of a ‘globalized

memory’ or a trend towards the ‘cosmopolitization’ of remembrance. Joined
project with Prof. Bernt Schnettler (Universität Bayreuth), Prof. Dariuš Zifonun (Alice
Salomon Hochschule Berlin), and Prof. Esmeralda Ballesteros (Universidad
Complutense Madrid).

§ The Politics of Memory in Spain: Analysis of the impact of exhumations in the early
years of the twenty-first century. [Las políticas de la memoria en la España
contemporánea: Análisis del impacto de las exhumaciones de fosas comunes de
la Guerra Civil en los primeros años del siglo XXI]. Leading Researcher: Prof.
Francisco Ferrándiz (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid).
§ Philosophy after the Holocaust III [Filosofía después del Holocausto III: Vigencias
de sus lógicas perversas]. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and
Science, Spain. Leading Researcher: Prof. Dr. Manuel Reyes Mate
Rupérez(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid).

(Finished projects)

A. Projects as leading researcher


§ Qualitative Video analysis in Social Research. Leading Researchers: Alejandro

Baer and Bernt Schenttler, Funded by the Deutsche Akademische Austausch
Dienst (DAAD) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.


§ Spanish Diplomats and the Holocaust. Research and production of the

exhibition and exhibition book. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign


§ Ecuadorian immigration and public spaces in Madrid. [Inmigración

ecuatoriana y espacios públicos de Madrid«). Spanish Agency for
Development and International Cooperation (AECID) and Cáritas Spain.
Leading Researchers: A. Baer, P. Francescutti, A.Jerez.


§ Survey Evaluation on the Graduate Program at the Institute of Sociology and

Political Science, Complutense University Madrid [Evaluación de la oferta y
calidad de los estudios de Tercer Ciclo, UCM], Complutense University Madrid.

B. Projects as a member of the research team:


§ The Construction of the Event: the Historical Discourse of the Spanish Press on
the March 11 Terrorist Attacks. [La construcción del acontecimiento: el

discurso histórico de la prensa española frente a los atentados del 11 de
marzo]. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Spain
Leading Researcher: Prof. Dr. Jorge Lozano Hernández (Universidad
Complutense Madrid).


• Philosophy after the Holocaust II: Memory and Justice II, [Filosofía después del
Holocausto III: Justicia y Memoria, financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia, España]. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science,
Spain. Leading Researcher: Prof. Dr. Manuel Reyes Mate Rupérez (Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas).


§ Politics, Information and Citizenship during Elections. [Política, información y

ciudadanía en campaña electoral] Funded by the Ministry of Education and
Science, Spain. Leading Researcher: Prof. Dr. Enric Saperas Lapiedra
(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid).




§ Qualitative Interviews in Social Research: Development of Pedagogical

Materials. Proyecto Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente 2005/321,
Complutense University, Madrid. (Group Project: Dept. Sociología IV).


§ Teaching Discussion Group Methodology: Audiovisual Materials. Proyecto de

Innovación Educativa PIE 99/19, Complutense University, Madrid. (Leading
Professor: Miguel S. Valles).


2002 International Travel Grant (New York University) Universidad Complutense


2001 International Travel Grant (Fritz Bauer Institute), Universidad Complutense


2000 International Travel Grant (Univ. of California Los Angeles), Universidad

Complutense Madrid.

1999 4-Year PhD Scholarship - Beca para la Formación de Personal Investigador
(FPI). Spanish Ministry of Education.

1997 1-Year Graduate Studies Scholarship. University of California / Universidad

Complutense Madrid.

1993 Erasmus Scholarship, University of Leipzig (academic year 1993/1994).


(SS= Summer Semester /WS= Winter Semester)

Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich (Courses taught in German except where otherwise indicated)

SS 2012 Ethnography

Jews in Europe & Modernity. Sociological Perspectives.

Workshop on Empirical Social Research

Research Colloquium of the Chair in Qualitative Methods.

WS 2011/2012 Introduction to Qualitative Social Research Methodology.

Visual Methods in Empirical Social Research.

Antisemitism: Theories and Research (English).

Research Colloquium of the Chair in Qualitative Methods.

University of Bayreuth (Germany) (Courses taught in German except where otherwise indicated)

SS 2011 Spanish society and culture. Introduction to Social Structure and

Cultural Analysis. (with Bernt Schnettler).

SS 2011 Jews in Modern Europe: A Sociology of Culture.

SS 2011 Introduction to the Study of Religion in the Social Sciences (with

Stefan Kurth).

SS 2011 Workshop on Empirical Social Research.

WS 2010/2011 Antisemitism: Theories and Research (English).

WS 2010/2011 Introduction to the Sociology of Culture.

WS 2010/2011 Workshop on Empirical Social Research.

SS 2010 Emile Durkheim and the Durkheim-School.

SS 2010 Workshop on Empirical Social Research.

SS 2010 Introduction to the Study of Religion in the Social Sciences (with

Stefan Kurth).

WS 2009/2010 Workshop on Empirical Social Research.

WS 2009/2010 Collective Memory and Memory Culture: Theories, debates and


Jews in Europe & Modernity. Sociological Perspectives.

Complutense University Madrid (Spain) (Courses taught in Spanish)

SS 2009 Introduction to Social Anthropology, (2 Groups, Degree in


SS 2009 Introduction to Social Anthropology, (1 Group, School Social


SS 2009 Introduction to Social Anthropology, (1 Group, Degree in

Psychology Degree).

WS 2008/2009 Material Culture and Audiovisual Methodologies, (Master of Social

Science Methodology) (with Bernt Schnettler).

SS 2008 Introduction to Social Anthropology, (2 Groups, School of Social


Technichal University of Berlin (Germany)

WS 2007/2008 Collective Memory: Theories, Current Debates and Research


Complutense University Madrid (Spain) (Courses taught in Spanish)

SS 2006/2007 The Ethnographic Method, (Master of Social Science


The Survey: Theory and Practice, (Degree in Sociology).

WS 2006/2007 Quantitative Methods in Social Research, (Degree in Sociology).

WS 2005/2006 Introduction to Statistics, (Degree in Social Anthropology).

SS 2004/2005 Quantitative Methods in Social Research, (Degree in Sociology).

Advanced Methods of Social Research, (Degree in Sociology).

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Madrid Campus) (Courses taught in Spanish)

Acad. year 2004/05 Methods in Market Research (Degree in Political Science and

Acad. year 2003/04 Methods in Market Research (Degree in Political Science and

American University, (Madrid Program)

SS 2002/2003 Terrorism and the Media (BA in Communication Studies)

University of California San Diego (UCSD)

WS/ SS 1997/1998 Spanisch as Foreign Language (Language Center, Department of

Linguistics, University of California San Diego).

Cinema in Latin America (Teaching Assistant, Department of

Communication, University of California San Diego).



SS 2009 Introduction to Social Research Methods (Master in Contemporary Arab

and Islamic Studies, Autonoma University of Madrid).

2006/2007 Introduction to Audiovisual Methodologies, (Master in Gender Equality,

Policies and Agents, UCM).

2005/2006 Introduction to Audiovisual Methodologies, (Master in Gender Equality,

Policies and Agents, UCM).

2003/2004 Comunication and Cultural Diversity, (Master in Integral Comunication,

Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid).

2002/2003 Workshop on Image Analysis, (Master in Development Studies, UCM).

2001/2002 Workshop on Image Analysis (Master in Development Studies, UCM).

1999-2001 Seminars on Audiovisual Research Methods (UCM).



§ Methods for Social Memory Research, Session organizer at the The Second ISA
Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, August 2012. (With Bernt Schnettler).
§ Ad-hoc Group „Sociology of Judaism. Jewish Lifeworlds in Europe“, Kongress der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Frankfurt, Oktober 2010. (With Bernt
§ Qualitative Methods and Social Memory Research, Thematic Stream at the 10th
Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) Innovating
Qualitative Research, Bayreuth, September 2010.

§ IV Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo, Madrid, 30. November and
1.December 2011.
§ III Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo, Madrid, 24/25 November 2010.
§ II Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo, Madrid, 18/ 19 November 2009.
§ I Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo, Madrid, 25/26. November 2008.
§ Jornadas de Cine Sociopolítico, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología,
Universidad Complutense, März 1997.
§ Workshop on Visual Sociology, V Congreso Español de Sociología, Granada,
September 1995.


Occasional reviewer for the following Journals and Funding Institutions

Since 2010 »Papers. Revista de Sociologia« (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona).

Since 2009 Reviewer »Política y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencia Política y Sociología«

Since 2008 Reviewer »Ayer: Revista de Historia Contemporánea« (Madrid) .

Since 2004 Reviewer »Theory, Culture and Society« (London).

Since 2004 Reviewer »Empiria: Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales«


Since 2005 Reviewer for the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva,


2010 Reviewer »Disability in German Literature, Theatre and Film«, Michael

Schillmeier und Eleoma Joshua (eds.) Edingburgh German Yearbook
Vol. 4. Rochester, NY: Camden House.

Since 2011 Reviewer for the Fellowship Program of the Center for Advanced
Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Editorship of Journals

Editorial Commitee, Papeles del CEIC (Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad

Colectiva, Spain).


§ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie.

o Sektion Wissenssoziologie.

§ European Sociological Association (ESA).
o Executive Board Member of the Research Network on Qualitative
o Member of the Research Network on Ethnic Relations, Racism and
o Member of the Research Network Sociology of Religion,
§ Federación Española de Sociología
§ Colegio Nacional de Licenciados en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología.
§ Instituto Complutense de Sociología para el Estudio de las Transformaciones
Sociales Contemporáneas (TRANSOC).


- Rosa-Auria Munté Ramos, PhD., 2012.

- Christian Uhrig, MA, 2011.

- Diana Marcela Cañón, MA, 2004.

- Isabel Pla Aguilar , MA 2005.

- Noemí Freijanes, MA 2006.


2010 Founding Member of the Civic Network Against Antisemitism (Spain).

(Red Cívica contra el Antisemitismo).

2005- Regular lectures and workshops on Holocaust history and memory,

Spain and the Holocaust and antisemitism, for secondary school
teachers in Madrid.

2004-07 Founding co-Director of Radio Sefarad, radio station of the Federation

of Jewish Communites of Spain. (

1998-2000 Regional Representantive of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History

Foundation. Coordination of survivor Interviews in Spain.

1995-97 Archival Compilation and Media Analysis at Bnai Brith, Spain.


§ Congreso Internacional Antisemitismo y Exclusión Ayer y Hoy, CSIC, Madrid,
“Memoria de Auschwitz y antisemitismo secundario. Tres tesis sobre antisemitismo
en España”.
§ Workshop Auf der Suche: Trauer, Politik und Erinnerung im Kontext von Kriegen
und Regimeverbrechen, Universität Konstanz: “Auf der Suche nach den
spanischen Desaparecidos: Exhumierungen der Franco- Opfer und die
Entstehung einer glokalen Erinnerungskultur”.
§ European Sociological Association (ESA) 10th Conference, Geneva:
“Commemoration culture as popular religion”.
§ European Sociological Association (ESA) 10th Conference, Geneva: When does
anti-Israel become antisemitic? A multi-method approach to political cartoons in
the spanish press.
§ Dreiländerkongress für Soziologie (DGS, ÖGS and SGS), Innsbruck:
„Vergessen, Erinnern und Wissen: Öffentliches Gedächtnis und
Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung im postfranquistischen Spanien“. (with Bernt
§ Workshop Europäische Erinnerung jenseits der Nation? Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre
Forschung (ZIF) Bielefeld: „Von der Erinnerungspolitik zum kosmopolitischen
§ International Conference Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives, Indiana
University, Bloomington: „Between new and old Antisemitism”.
§ Workshop Memory, Representation and Working Through Mass Violence:
Argentina, Germany and Spain: “Spain´s “Memoria histórica” and the
globalization of traumatic Memory”.
§ Institut für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur, Ludwig Maximilian Universität
München: „Zwischen Europäisierung und Verdrängung: Holocaust-Erinnerung in
§ Internationale Konferenz zur Holocaustforschung: Helfer, Retter und Netzwerker
des Widerstands, Berlin: „Zur Judenrettung Spanischer Diplomaten: Fakten,
Mythen und Erinnerungspolitik“.


§ International Conference Forms and Functions of Social Memories - Perspectives
from Social and Cultural, Erlangen: “Soziales Erinnern in einer globalen
§ Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) 2010, Frankfurt am
Main: “Weltgemeinschaft tätigen Gedenkens? Das Entstehen einer
transnationalen Erinnerungskultur am Beispiel der Holocaust-Gedenkfeiern zum 27.
§ European Sociological Association Research Network on Ethnic Relations, Racism
and Antisemitism - Mid-term Conference, Queen’s University Belfast: „Antisemitism
in Spain. What lies beneath the statistics?”.
§ Workshop on Methods at the International Institute for Education and Research
on Antisemitism, Berlin: “Antisemitism in Spain. An empirical study”.
§ Simposium on Memory and Borders, Ciclos de Debates EHESS (Ecoles des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Madrid: “Memoria colectiva y globalización. Del
Holocausto a las fosas de Franco”.
§ II Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo, Madrid: “Estudio cualitativo sobre
antisemitismo en España”.
§ Internationale Tagung „Kommunikationskultur. Theorie und Forschung, Bayreuth:
Erinnerung und kommunikatives Gedächtnis.
§ International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR) Conference, Santiago de
Compostela: “Contemporary Commemoration Cultures: Popularizing Religious
Rituals or Constructing Secular Global Memory?” (with Bernt Schnettler)
§ Curso de Verano De la Tolerancia a la Libertad: sobre el desarrollo de la vida
judía en la España democrática´, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo:
“Antisemitismo: Taller de Análisis de Imágenes”.
§ Workshop Las ciencias sociales y el derecho ante la violencia social, Oñati: “Las
representaciones del Holocausto desde las Ciencias Sociales”.
§ Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Riopiedras: “Visualizaciones de la
memoria social en exhumaciones de fosas comunes en la España
§ Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Arecibo: “Culturas de las memorias
interculturales. España y Alemania ante el recuerdo globalizado del Holocausto”.
§ XX Simposio Hispano-Israelí, Jerusalem: “La memoria del Holocausto en España.
Oportunidades y desafíos para una cultura de la memoria plural”.
§ Symposium: Der Novemberpogrom 1938, Berlin: „Zwischen Aufhetzung und
Verurteilung: Die Rezeption des Novemberpogroms im Spanien des Bürgerkriegs“
§ Symposium: Las mujeres y el Holocausto, Granada: “Cultura del Holocausto:
historia, memoria, política”
§ Instituto de Filosofía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas (CSIC),
Madrid: “Debates actuales sobre el Holocausto en Alemania”.

§ Congregation Kol Am. St. Louis, Missouri: “Visas for Freedom: Spanish Diplomats
and the Holocaust”.
§ Congreso de los Diputados, Día de la Memoria del Holocausto y Prevención de
los Crímenes contra la Humanidad, Madrid: “Salónica 1943: Sebastián Romero
Radigales ante la Deportación de los Sefardíes españoles”.
§ Kongress: Szenische Erinnerung der Shoah, Frankfurt am Main: “Erinnerung an die
Shoah im gegenwärtigen Spanien: Identifikationen, Projektionen, Vergleiche
§ Conference: Analysis and Strategies against Anti-Semitism, Madrid: “Holocaust
Memory and Antisemitism in Spain”.
§ International Workshop on Visual Methods. European Science Foundation, Berlin:
“Visual methods in the process of exhuming mass graves in contemporary Spain”
(with Francisco Ferrandiz).
§ IX Congreso Español de Sociología, Barcelona: “Análisis sociológico del humor
gráfico. Un enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo”.
§ Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Realidad Universidad Ramón Llul –
Barcelona: “Del hecho social al acontecimiento periodístico: los medios de
comunicación como historiadores del presente” (with Pablo Francescutti).
§ Curso de Verano “Las tres religiones monoteistas”, Cátedra Santo Tomás, Avila:
“El judaísmo como cultura”
§ Seminario Internacional: Vivir el presente y soñar el futuro con la memoria del
Holocausto, Universidad Complutense Madrid: “Analisis sociológico de la
memoria del Holocausto”.
§ Jornadas Archivos etnográficos y construcción social de la memoria, CSIC,
Madrid: “Proyectos de historia oral audiovisual”.
§ Simposio ¿Enseñar el Holocausto?, Instituto Francés de Madrid: “Enseñar el
Holocausto en España: desafíos políticos y culturales”.
§ Encuentro Fascismos, dictaduras y populismo en Europa y América Latina, CSIC,
Sevilla: “Problemas en la representación del Holocausto: entre la historiografía y
el arte”.
§ VIII Congreso Español de Sociología, Alicante: “Terrorismo, política y nuevas
tecnologías: estrategias comunicativas de la ciudadanía durante la crisis del 11
al 14 de marzo de 2004” (with Paula Lopez and Pablo Francescutti)
§ VIII Congreso Español de Sociología, Alicante: “Metodología cualitativa: la
cualidad del audiovisual”.
§ Midterm Conference RN Qualitative Methods of the European Sociology
Association (ESA), Berlin: ”Qualitative Social Research in Spain: a Portrait” (with
Miguel Valles)

§ Simposio Jerusalén: las tres culturas, Universidad de Granada: “La intelectualidad
judía de entreguerras”.
§ Congresss of the European Sociology Association (ESA), Murcia: “Migrant Identity
and Public Space: A Visual Sociology Research on Ecuadoreans in Madrid” (with
Pablo Francescutto and Igor Sadaba).
§ Congreso Iberoamericano de Etica y Filosofia Politica, Alcalá de Henares:
“Imágenes contra la impunidad. Producciones audiovisuales y memoria histórica
en Argentina”.
§ VII Congreso Español de Sociología, Salamanca: “Sociedad de la información y
nuevas formas de conocimiento social: el papel de la memoria”.
§ Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Birmingham: “Consuming History and
Memory Through Mass Media Products”.
§ Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Birmingham: “The Virtualization of
History and Memory in New Media”.
§ IV Congreso Español de Ciencia Política, Granada: “Políticas del olvido y medios
de comunicación”.
§ V World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology: “Image, Memory and
Institutional Practices in Contemporary Culture”.
§ VI Congreso Español de Sociología, La Coruña: “Medios de comunicación y
discurso histórico: reflexiones en torno al Proyecto de Historia Visual de
Supervivientes del Holocausto”.
§ 9th Annual Encounter of the Binational Association of Schools of Communication
of the Californias. Mexicali, México: 17. “Speech Games / Juegos del lenguaje”.
§ V Congreso Español de Sociología, Granada: “Pedagogía Audiovisual y


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