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French Standard NF C 17-102

September 2011

Protection Against Lightning

Early Streamer Emission Lightning Protection Systems


Early Streamer Emission or “ESE” air terminals (hereafter simply abbreviated “ESEAT”) were
conceived by French manufacturers in the 1980’s to generate an upward streamer earlier
than a traditional lightning conductor, or “Franklin rod”. This “time advance” characterises
the effectiveness of such equipment according to French standard NF C 17-102. The time
advance can be measured relatively easily in a high voltage laboratory against a specific test

The effectiveness of an ESEAT is defined by its “radius of protection”. The radius of protection
depends on a number of factors, described below.

From a practical or market viewpoint, a study report published by INERIS in October 2001
notes that:
Certain claimed ESEAT’s are not tested in a HV laboratory although the manufacturer claims
conformity with NF C 17-102;
Certain models of ESEAT have never been tested to ensure they can handle large lightning
The effectiveness of protection claimed by certain manufacturers, who refer to standard NFC
17-102, has never been verified on actual installations; and
The capacity of the ESEAT to capture lightning is claimed, but superiority in the radius of
protection compared to a Franklin rod is not specified.

Hence, it is very important to know how to deal with false claims in the marketplace. This specific topic
is addressed in a separate LPI document.


NF C 17-102 is specifically written on the testing, application and installation of ESE terminals.
Since the release of the 2011 version of this standard, ESEAT protection is now deemed to be
applicable to structures of any height and for the protection of open areas.

Note that the previous version of the standard, first published in 1995, has been cancelled by
the French standards organisation UTE. Technical and legal conformity with that version
ceased in September 2012

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Copyright © 2015 LPI
ESEAT Efficiency

The efficiency of an ESEAT is characterised by its time advance, ΔT, the magnitude of which is
established in well-defined test procedure carried out in a high voltage laboratory. According
to the standard, the maximum value allowable for ΔT, regardless of the best test results, is 60

Figure 1 shows the difference between the application of the RSM to a Franklin rod (per most


Figure 1: Comparison of RSM and ESEAT application.

Positioning of the ESEAT

The protected area is described by a surface of revolution whose width corresponds to the
relevant radius of protection, Rp. There is no single Rp, rather a set of Rp values must be
calculated to cater for different heights, as shown in Figure 2.

In Figure 2, h1, h2, etc. are the heights of the ESEAT tip over the horizontal plane through the
furthest point of the object to be protected and Rp1, Rpn1, etc. are the ESEAT protection radii
for the particular heights h1, h2 etc.

Note that the ESEAT must be at least 2 metres higher than any competing point within the
area it is supposed to protect, e.g., a rooftop antenna.

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Figure 2: Illustration of ESEAT protection radii for different relative heights.

Protection Radius

The time advantage of the ESEAT (T) is measured and translated into a distance (height) advantage
 namely:

 = v(m/µs)  T(µs), where v = 1 m/µs

The protection radius is dependent upon the ESEAT height h relative to the area being

radius” r, such that:

Rp (h)  2rh  h 2   (2r   ) for h  5 m (1)

Rp = h x Rp5 / 5 for 2 ≤ h < 5 m (2)

where r is 20 m for LPL I

30 m for LPL II
45 m for LPL III
60 m for LPL IV
and Rp5 is the value of Rp from Eqn. (1) when h = 5 m.

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Protection of structures taller than 60 metres

Following IEC standard guidelines, NF C 17-102 requires additional protection for the top 20%
of the structure for buildings greater than 60 m, or indeed any point above 120 m.

Additional rules:
 ESEAT’s or conventional protection means must be implemented at each façade wall
according to a valid standard.
 A minimum of four downconductors, interconnected by a ring conductor when applicable,
shall be used, distributed along the perimeter and if possible at each angle of the building.

Enhanced Protection Levels

NFC 17-102 specifies the requirements for enhanced Level I protection, as follows:
Protection Level I+ = Protection Level I ESEAT system is additionally connected to
“natural components” of the structure (structural steel, rebar, etc. – see below) at
roof level and ground level. Interconnection of downconductors at roof and ground
level are also required.
Protection Level I++ = Protection Level I+ but with the ESEAT protection radius reduced
by 40%.


 For structures made of combustible materials, downconductors must be separated
from the structure by a distance of at least 0.1 m and they must have a cross-sectional
area of 100 mm 2.
Installation on structures:
o Minimum of two downconductors are required, preferably on opposite sides
of the structure.
o At least one of these downconductors must be a dedicated downconductor
per EN 50164-2 and the other can be the natural components of the structure
(i.e., both downconductors cannot be natural components).
o For installations where multiple ESEAT’s are installed, the requirement for two
downconductors per ESEAT is waived. For n ESEAT’s, only n downconductors
are required.
Standalone / isolated installation:
o Only one downconductor is required.
o The “structure” may be used if metallic and complies with the requirements
for downconductors.
Note: EN 50164-2 has a requirement for Cu and Al downconductors to have a cross-sectional
area of 50 mm2.

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Routing and installation:
 Install externally wherever possible. Internal installation requires routing inside a non-
flammable insulating pipe.
 As direct and straight as possible.
 Avoid sharp bends – bend radius must not be smaller than 20 cm.
 Avoid routing along or across electrical conduits.
 Use three fasteners per metre.
 Protected against the risk of mechanical impact damage with guard tubes up to a
height of at least 2 m above the ground level.
 For further details regarding installation requirements, please refer to the standard.

Lightning event counter:

 If used, it must comply with EN 50164-6.
 The previous version of NF C 17-102 stipulated an installation height of 2 m above the
ground, but now the installation requirement is unclear.

Natural components:
 External interconnected steel frames (metal structures) may be used in place of
dedicated downconductors if it is shown that the electrical continuity / resistance is 
0.1 Ω.
 Internal metallic structures, concrete reinforcements, metal structures inside walls,
metal sheets and pipes at least 2 mm thick may be used to supplement dedicated

Equipotential bonding:
Dangerous sparking may occur between the external ESE LPS and the following
 Metal installations;
 Internal systems;
 External conductive parts and lines connected to the structure.

The dangerous sparking can be avoided by means of:

 Equipotential bonding, using conductors and/or SPD’s, or
 Electrical insulation between the parts (must comply with separation distance

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Earth Termination System

 One earth termination per downconductor and two electrodes per termination.
 Earth resistance should be less than 10 
 Avoid a single excessively long horizontal or vertical component (> 20 m) in order to
minimise the inductive voltage drop. Hence, deep vertical electrodes are discouraged
unless the surface resistivity is very high.
 Direct electrodes outwards / away from the structure.
 For average soils, electrodes should be at least 2 m from any buried metal pipe or
electrical conduit. For soils with resistivity over 500 Ωm, the minimum distance should
be 5 m.

Two types of earthing systems are prescribed:

 Crows foot buried to a minimum depth of 50 cm
 Set of vertical rods with a minimum (total) length of 6 m buried at least 50 cm,
with rod separation of at least the buried depth
 Ring earth around the structure which is in contact with the soil for at least 80% of
its length
 Foundation earth electrode (on basis of at least 50 mm2 cross-sectional area)
 Base of each downconductor must also have a ≥ 4 m radial or ≥ 2 m rod

For difficult earthing conditions, the following suggestions are made:

 Use an earth enhancing material in accordance with EN 50164-7
 Add rods to the crow’s foot arrangement
 If the above don’t achieve and overall resistance of  10 , then must ensure:
o Type A – total electrode length of at least 160 m (LPL I) or 100 m (LPL II, III, and
o Type B - total electrode length of at least 160 m (LPL I) or 100 m (LPL II, III, and
IV) for radials and total electrode length of at least 80 m (LPL I) or 50 m (LPL II,
III, and IV) for rods
 In all cases, individual lengths must not be > 20 m.

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Documentation Requirements

The standard prescribes an “execution file” to be provided by the contractor after installation
that must include at least the following:
 Required protection level
 Justification of the protection
 Type and characteristics of ESEAT
 ESEAT test procedure
 Number and location of downconductors
 Presence and location of the lightning event counter(s)
 Justification of electrical insulation (separation distances)
 Justification of lightning equipotential bonding, including SPD’s
 Type and value of earth terminations systems
 Justification of earth termination system dimensions if the resistance is ≥ 10 Ω


Inspection and reporting of the ESE LPS should take place:

 Upon installation
 Periodically according to Table 1
 Whenever the protected structure is modified, repaired or has been struck by

Table 1: Recommended inspection frequency (from Table 7 of NF C 17-102 ).


Based on the aforementioned information, Figures 3, 4 and 5 show examples of ESEAT

installations on typical buildings that might require protection.

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Figure 3: ESEAT protection of a medium-rise building, using the structural steel as one
downconductor path.

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Figure 4: ESEAT protection of a high-rise building, using additional protection requirements

per NFC 17-102.

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Figure 5: ESEAT protection of a mission-critical industrial facility, using enhanced lightning

protection level I++ per NFC 17-102.

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