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EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES: ICT FOR GAS (Senior High School Applied Subject)

NAME: _________________________________ SCORE: _______ PARENT SIGNATURE:________________

DIRECTION: Analyze each question carefully then choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided for.

_______1. This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate information through tagging.
A. folksonomy B. hashtags C. rich user experience D. taxonomy
_______2. It provides a common framework to allow data to be shared and reused across platform, enterprise, and commonly
A. Semantic Web B. W3C C. Web 1.0 D. Web 2.0
_______3. This type of social media website focuses on short updates posted by the user.
A. Blogging B. Hashtagging C. Microblogging D. Social Media
_______4. A type of malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another through either
the Internet and local networks or data storage like flashdrives and CDs.
A. Adware B. Spyware C. Virus D. Worm
_______5. The ILOVEYOU bug is an example of what internet threat?
A. Adware B. Spyware C. Virus D. Worm
_______6. This internet threat is done by sending an email that will direct the user to visit a website and be asked to update
his/her username, password, credit card or personal information.
A. Adware B. Spyware C. Pharming D. Phishing
_______7. Which of the following online security is characterized by an intellectual property that may be used without consent
as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library
archiving, teaching, and education?
A. Copyright B. Fair Use C. Intellectual property D. Plagiarism
_______8. A social media campaign on the things to consider before posting something over the internet.
A. Bashing C. Intellectual property
B. Click before you think D. Think before you click
_______9. This online research technique allows the user to filter out information that the user do not need.
A. Advanced search B. Narrowing C. Search Engines D. Search options

For numbers 10 – 12, identify what category of online platforms the following belong. Choose from the choices
A. Blogs and forums B. Media Sharing C. Search Engines D. Social Media
_______10. Google
_______11. Instagram
_______12. Pinterest
_______13. What feature of Microsoft Word allows you to efficiently create documents that have the same general content
but may have different recipients or purpose?
A. Mail merge B. Print merge C. Send merge D. View Merge
_______14. Which of the following is NOT a component of the mail merge?
A. address B. file name C. form document D. data file
_______15. What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?
A. Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print
B. Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print
C. Create main document; create data source; insert place holders; preview
D. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print
_______16. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button?
A. file tab B. mailings tab C. references tab D. home tab
_______17. What tells Microsoft Word exactly where to place the information coming from the data file to the main document?
A. data source B. insertion line C. place holder D. insertion tag
_______18. What types of document can you create using mail merge?
A. envelopes B. letters C. posters D. labels
_______19. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out?
A. preview results B. insert merge field C. address block D. greeting line
_______20. What file contains the information you need to merge with your main document?
A. address block B. contact list C. data file D. directory
_______21. What essential component of mail merge is required from users when generating labels?
A. data file B. form document C. place holder D. merge field
_______22. What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple animation?
A. .bmp B. .gif C. .jpg D. .png
_______23. Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or external material in line with the text,
treating the image just like how a text is treated?
A. in line with text B. square C. through D. tight
_______24. Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color just like in digital pictures?
A. .bmp B. .gif C. .jpg D. .tiff
_______25. Under what ribbon group does “insert Smart Art” fall?
A. apps B. illustrations C. media D. pages
_______26. When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft Office application pops up to allow you to enter and
manage the parameters of your chart?
A. Access B. Excel C. Note D. Word
_______27. What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templates like organizational charts and
flow charts on your document?
A. chart B. pictures C. screenshot D. smart art
_______28. A program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used to analyze statistical data
A. Microsoft Excel B. Microsoft Note C. Microsoft Publisher D. Microsoft Word
_______29. What number format puts a dollar symbol before each value by default?
A. accounting B. comma C. date/time D. percent
_______30. What function adds a range of cells?
_______31. Which tab in the Format cells dialog box can the user change the orientation of the text?
A. alignment B. file C. orientation D. view
_______32.It is function that gets the average of a range of cells.
_______33. Which among the following is NOT part of the syntax AVERAGEIF?
A. average range B. criteria C. logical test D. range
_______34. What function is used to count the number of cells that contains something in them if the criteria is not met?
_______35. What function is used to add a certain range of cells if a condition is met?
_______36. What is the shortcut key for the Format Cells dialog box?
A. Alt+1 B. Ctrl+1 C. Ctrl+F D. Shift+F
_______38. A syntax in the AVERAGEIF function that includes the value or label tay determines if the cells is part of the
range to be averaged.
A. average range B. criteria C. logical test D. range
_______39. Balance is to even distribution; emphasis is to _______________
A. attracting B. colors C. design D. weight
_______40. Movement is to guiding the eye; rhythm is to create ___________________
A. attraction B. organization C. unity D. visuals
_______41. These are visual elements creating a sense of unity where they relate well with one another.
A. emphasis B. proportion C. style D. variety
_______42. It uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention.
A. emphasis B. proportion C. style D. variety
_______43. It makes complex data become more visually appealing to the average users.
A. infographics B. piktocharts C. slideshows D. tables
_______44. The following are common image file formats used in the internet EXCEPT
_______45. A free image manipulation tool that has batch edit, viewer, and paper print features.
A. GIMP B. IrfanView C. Picasa D. PhotoScape
_______46. It is a process of editing multiple pictures at once using one setting.
A. animation B. batch editing C. collage making D. paper printing
_______47. The file extension JPEG stands for?
A. Joint Photohgraphic Experts Group C. Jotter Prime Element Garnish
B. Japan Photo Excellent Guild D. None of the above
_______48. It is a file format typically used for screenshots.
_______49. What WYSIWYG web hosting service offers free, professional, and business web hosting service?
A. Amazon B. Ebay C. Jimdo D. Yahoo!
_______50. It is an acronym, which means that whatever you insert, type, draw, place, rearrange, and everything you do on
a page, is what the audience will see.
_______51. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
A. Blogging B. Hashtagging C. Microblogging D. Social Media
_______52. A type of virus that disguised as a useful program but is not.
A. Adware B. Key logger C. Spyware D. Trojan
_______53. A kind of function that gives condition and can be evaluated by true or false. For example, B15 <=100.
A. Autosum B. If Function C. Main Function D. Max Function
_______54. It is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.
A. Media Sharing B. Microblogging C. Social News D. Technological convergence
_______55. Which among the evolution of web is a term coined to differentiate the first stage of the World Wide Web. It is
also called “read-only web.”
A. Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. Web 4.0
_______56. Which among the following statements is TRUE about 3.0?
A. The user interacts or responds, contributes, and collaborates on the web.
B. Named and referred to by wen experts as semantic web
C. The user is processed by a programming language to help the user by presenting options of what the
person is interested in
D. This is a multimedia content hosted by YouTube
_______57. As a responsible user of the internet, which among the following statements you should consider before posting
somehow over the internet.
A. Set your post to “private”.
B. Avoid tagging names. Names are easy for search engines to scan.
C. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it down or
report it as inappropriate.
D. Avoid providing your specific location as you post your updates.
_______58. Which among the following part of the law, wherein you have the rights to your work, and anyone who uses it
without your consent is punishable by law?
A. Copyright B. Copyright Infringement C. Credit D. Think Before you Click
_______59. If you are going to use the information from a source for educational purposes, what are you going to do to the
work of the original author?
A. Give the author a present C. Thank the author
B. Cite the reference D. Do nothing
_______60. Which of the following statements hold TRUE about how to stay safe online?
A. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.
B. Install and update an antivirus software on your computer especially your antivirus.
C. Add friends you know in real life.
D. Refrain from adding people whom you do not know in your social networking accounts.

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