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Summative Test 2 in Science and Health 5 (1st Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Sec:__________________________________________ Teacher:______________

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

____1. Aling Maring burns leaves early in the morning in their backyard. Which of the following
is the indication that material formed into new form when heat is applied on it?
A. ash B. fire C. heat D. smoke
____2. Which of the following procedures in cooking banana cue involves
chemical change?
A. peeling the bananas C. putting the bananas on the sticks
B. melting the sugar D. selling the banana cue
____3. Ash is a new substance formed when ____________.
A. pyrite comes into contact with acid. C. a fruit turns moldy.
B. food is digested. D. wood is formed.
____4. Which of the following activities showed chemical change due to application of heat?
A. pancake making C. straightening of hair
B. cutting of wood D. rusting of nail
____5. Which of the following is NOT an indication of chemical change due to application of
A. change in color C. change in taste
B. change in odor D. change in size
___6. Leziel used to bring cooked rice for her lunch in t school. Which do you think is the safest
container to store it?
A. Wrap it with aluminum foil C. Put it inside a plastic bag
B. Wrap it with banana leaf D. Wrap it in a paper
___7. Aling Jessica is fond of buying air freshener. Which will be good for the environment and
best alternative to use?
A. peelings of calamansi C. mothballs
B. cologne D. detergent powder
___8. Dr. Gregorio De Chavez gave vaccines to pet dogs at Barangay Berinayan; Laurel,
Batangas. Which is the proper way to dispose the used syringe?
A. Burn them.
B. Throw them in a trash can.
C. Put it in an empty bottle of mineral water, label it with toxic material before
D. Dispose it in an open field at the backyard
____9.. Niña is fond of cleaning the toilet. What is the best way she can use to clean it?
A. Using soap detergent and water. C. sing baking soda.
B. Using muriatic acid. D. Pour soft drinks on it
___10. Mario is cleaning his room. He found lots of plastic bags. What do will he do with it?
A. Burned the plastic bag.
C. Throw them along with the other trash
B. Keep them for future use.
D. Bury it
Identify the effects of the material to the environment. Choose from the words inside the

Acid rain air pollution depletion of the ozone layer

global warming land pollution water pollution

11. Higher global temperature that causes rain extreme weather condition due to burning fuels
from power plants ._____________________

12.Rain water containing very high acid ozone layer caused by gaseous chemical wastes from
industries and combine with the air ._______________________________

13. Water is contaminated due to waste products directly disposed to the bodies water by
some factories and the trashes thrown by people ._________________________________

14. Destruction of the ozone layer due to chloro- fluoro carbons present in materials like
Styrofoam, plastic, propellant for spray cans, etc ._______________________________

15. Air is contaminated due to smoke released by different vehicles and fumes emitted by
power plants and factories,___________________________

Identify the change that took place in each situation. Write physical or chemical.

16. Fruit juice becomes alcoholic drinks. _____________________________

17. A liquid turns into gas when it is heated. __________________________
18. Banana turns sweet. ________________________
19. Mother bakes your favorite cookies. _________________________
20. Plastics and nylon stockings are made from organic materials ___________________

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Summative Test 3 in Science and Health 5 (1st Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Sec:__________________________________________ Teacher:______________

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

____1. In his class, Mr. Lumbres asked his students to differentiate biodegradable from non-
biodegradable materials. If you were to answer the question asked by Mr. Lumbers, what will
be your answer?
A. Biodegradable materials decayed while non – biodegradable do not.
B. Non-biodegradable materials decayed while biodegradable do not
C. Both biodegradable materials and non – biodegradable can be recycled.
D. Biodegradable materials are composed of empty bottles, plastics and cans
while non - biodegradable materials are composed of dried leaves, left-over
foods and the like.
____2.. Some materials which are normally useful become harmful when not properly
disposed. Examples are those which are made of plastic and rubber. What will
you do to lessen its volume?
A. Make clothes made of plastics. C. Just pile it up.
B. Burn it. D. Make a trash bin out of it.
___3. Empty cans, bottles, boots and scratched paper are examples of waste materials. Your
mother told you to segregate them. Which of these materials would you place to a
biodegradable waste bin?
A. empty cans C. empty bottles
B. boots D. scratched paper
___4. Materials made of paper are harmless but they become sources of carbon dioxide when
burned. How will you dispose your used paper?
A. Put it in the box for recycling. C. Burned it.
B. Throw it outside the room. D. Put it inside your bag and use for
___5. The following materials are examples of biodegradable waste, EXCEPT:
A. woods C. aluminum cans
B. used paper D. dried twigs

___6.Plastic is commonly used as soft drinks container, what material can you use as a
substitute for plastic?
A. empty cans C. old shoes
B. empty plastic bottles D.. scratch paper
___7. In his class, Mr. Lumbres told his students to reuse paper instead of throwing it in the bin.
How will they do it?
A. Make an origami.
B. Use it as a scratch paper in computing mathematical equation.
C. Give it to your classmate.
D. Never mind the advice of your teacher.
___8. Some materials are normally useful even after serving its original purpose. What will you
do to an empty canister at home?
A. Place it inside the cabinet.
B. Use it instead of plastic to place your meal for lunch.
C. Make a trash bin out of it.
D. Burn it
___9. You have a lot of small dresses in your cabinet. You have noticed that your playmate used
old clothing. Is it right to share the clothes that you are not using?
A. Yes, because he is my friend.
B. Yes, instead of storing the dress it will be useful one.
C. No, it is a gift from my parents.
D. No, I will burn it.
___10. The following materials can be reused, EXCEPT:
A. woods C. aluminum cans
B. paper D. paint brush

Identify the waste disposal practice in each situation. Choose from the choices inside the box.
Write the letter on the space provided.

a. By burning
b. By segregating
c. By dumping anywhere
d. D. by throwing waste into the body of water

___11. Joy is living near Bantok River. Early in the morning, she disposes their garbage into the
river without thinking the effects it may bring to them and to the environment.

___12.Mrs. Rizo is working in Municipal Environment Natural Resources Office in their

At home, she has labels trash cans for plastic, paper, and other biodegradable wastes. She also
supervises her children and neighbor.

___13.One of the projects of School Pupil Government Is the installation of container for empty
plastic bottles near the school canteen. Pupils are disciplined in throwing the empty bottles into

___14.After being hit by a passenger jeepney, Bingo, Raul’s pet dog died. Raul immediately
dumped the remains of the dead animal into the dugged land at their backyard.

___15.Julius, a buko vendor places the buko shells in a sack. He brings Julius, a buko
vendor places the buko shells in a sack. He brings these at home and tries to arrange
them in a way that it will be exposed to sunlight. He has been doing this since he knew
that the dried buko shell can still be used for cooking?

Draw a if the material is recyclable and if not.

_______16. tire
_______17. plastic container
_______18. used aluminum foil
_______19. candy wrapper
_______20. used diaper

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Summative Test 4 in Science and Health 5 (1st Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Sec:__________________________________________ Teacher:______________

Read and analyze each sentence. Write True if the concept is correct and False if it is

_______1. Food scraps and fruit peelings are biodegradable waste.

_______2. You recover waste when you refuse to buy a product that you do not need.
_______3. The best way to get rid of trash and save energy is recovering.
_______4. Decomposable wastes can be buried in the soil and change to compost.
_______5. Recovery change the old discarded waste into a new product.

Write the concept of 5Rs as described by each importance.( recycle,reduce, ,reuse, recover,
_____________________6.Use again the material for other purpose
_____________________7.Take the energy from waste product for a new product.
_____________________8.Fix the broken materials for a purpose
_____________________9.Lessen the use of unnecessary materials
_____________________10.Make the waste material to a new product

Identify the way of fixing the given items below. Write the letter of the
best answer: Choose from the list inside the box.
A. by sewing/mending
B. by nailing
C. by gluing
D. by changing the damaged part
____11. detached ribbon of a hair band
____12. broken legged of a wooden table
____13. torn walking short
____14. damaged electric fan cord
____15. torn school uniform

Supply the missing word to complete the thought of the sentence. Choose your
answer inside the box.

Less expensive than

Internal and external

16. Using recycled material to make new products is _______________ using new

17. Recycling __________________ pollution.

18. Nowadays, there are two ways of recycling: ___________, _____________

19.. Materials used by the consumer and returned to process into new products are
called _____________ waste

20. _____________ is the process of converting waste materials into reusable objects.
Summative Test 5 in Science and Health 5 (1st Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Sec:__________________________________________ Teacher:______________

List down at least 5 products that can be made out of the following recyclable materials: (1—5)

What recyclable materials are used to produce these products? Name the material.

6. ________________________




Identify useful products that can be made out of the given recyclable materials. Write you
answer opposite each.
empty milk box
old junk food canister

lotion/shampoo bottle

old newspaper/magazine


disposable plastic glass


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Summative Test 1 in Science and Health 5 (2nd Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Sec:__________________________________________ Teacher:______________

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before each number.

___1. What are the female reproductive organs?

A. egg cells B. ovaries C. sperms D. testes
___2. Why is the vagina called the birth canal?
A. It is pyramid in shape. C. It is where the urine passes
B. It receives the sperm D. The new born baby passes
out from it.
___3. Which is not a part of the female reproductive system?
A. cervix B. epididymis C. fallopian tube D. uterus
___4. Which best describe the ovaries?
A. oblong-shaped and located on the left and right side of the uterus
B. the outside passage way of the baby
C. located in lower portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina
D. hallow, pear-shaped organ with a muscular wall and a lining
___5. What do ovaries produce?
A. sperm cells B. egg cells C. zygote D. fertilized egg
___6. A fluid containg sperm
A. Testosterone B. Bladder C. Semen D. sperm cell
___7.Semen is stored here.
A. Penis B. Rectum C. Prostate gland d. penis
___8.Stores urine inside the body
A. Bladder B. Epididymis C. Glans D. scrotum
___9.The testicles are procted by the sac
A. Urethra B. Anus C. Seminal vesicle D. Scrotum
___10. The head of the penis
A. Puberty B. Glans C. Semen D. Ejaculation

Match the part of the female reproductive system in column A with its function in column B.
Write the letter before the number.
-------11.Cervix a. holds the fertilized egg and nurtures until the baby is
fully developed
____12. Vagina b. release the egg cell and the hormones estrogen and
____13. Fallopian tube c. serves as the birth canal or the passageway of the baby
about to be born
____14. Uterus d. connect the ovaries to the uterus
____15. Ovaries e. expands and allows the baby to pass through the vagina

Analyze each pair of words and supply the missing word.

Study the illustration below to answer the following questions

16. Penis: Male 19. External male organ: Testes

________: Female External female organ:________

17. Progesterone: Female hormone 20. ____________: Sperm duct

__________: Male hormone Fallopian tube: Oviduct

18. Female sex cell: Egg

Male sex cell: ________
Summative Test 2 in Science and Health 5 (2nd Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Sec:__________________________________________ Teacher:______________

Identify the word/s that are described in the following statements.

Choose the answer inside the box below.

Menarche testosterone

Estrogen Puberty
gonadotrophin progesterone

_____________1. These are the female hormones that trigger the release of female sex
_____________ 2. It is the male hormone that triggers the development of male secondary
sexual traits.
_____________ 3. It is the puberty which is initiated by ____ that signals from brain to the
_____________ 4. The first menstruation is called ______.
_____________ 5. It is a stage when the body grows taller and begins to develop the traits
of an adult.

Identify the changes that happen in male during puberty. List down below.

Menstrual flow Adam’s apple appear

Deeper voice Mustache appear

Bigger breast Testes produce sperm

Voice becomes high pitched Widening of hips

Menstrual flow Adam’s apple appear

6.___________________________ 8.__________________________________

7.___________________________ 9.__________________________________


Identify whether the following statements shows physical, emotional and intellectual
changes. Write P for physical, I for intellectual and E for emotional.

____11. the hips become wider and breasts develop

____12. develop a curvy waistline
____13. Shows admiration towards opposite sex
____14. becomes conscious on how body changes
____15. Learn how to associate with friends
____16.. Shows maturity in making a decision.
____17. Doesn’t want to have fun and socialize.
____18. Lack of interest or concern about the
opposite sex.
____19. Seems unmindful of their physical appearance.
____20. Feels anxious about the way he/she looks
Summative Test 3 in Science and Health 5 (2nd Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Sec:______________________________________ Teacher:_____________

Direction: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank before each number.

___ 1. Its occurrence among females signals the start of their reproductive maturity
Which one is it?
a. Appearance of pimples c. Growth of hair in armpits
b. Onset of menstruation d. Developing a high – pitched voice
___ 2. In Which age bracket does puberty set in?
a. Between the ages of 6 – 10 c. Between the ages of 11 – 16
b. Between the ages of 9 -13 d. Between the ages of 18 – 21
___3. Which of the following happens among female during puberty?
a. Appearance of facial hair c. Thickening of vocal cords
b. Broadening of hips and shoulders d. Widening of hips
___ 4. Which of the following changes do males experience during puberty?
a. The muscles become smaller c. The hips become wider
b. The breasts are enlarged d. The voice becomes deeper
__ 5. Which of the following do male and female experience when they reach the age of
a. There is a rapid growth in height
b. Several physical changes occur in the body
c. They become more excited and curious to discover new things
d. All of the above

Supply the correct word to complete the following sentences. Choose from the
box. month
fallopian tube

6. An egg matures once in every __________.

7. The mature egg is released from the ovary down to the ___________.
8. The egg cells are present in a girl’s body at _________.
9. The release of a mature ovum into the fallopian tube is called ____________.
10. The inner lining of the uterus slow down and passed out through a flow of blood called
Check (√) the practices that show care for the reproductive organs and (X) if not.

_______11. Wear clean underwear.

_______1 2. Engage in risky and dangerous games such as
jumping over high fences.
_______ 13. Use the underwear of your brother or sister.
_______14. Wash the genitals with soap and water daily.
_______15. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Enumerate 5 practices that show care for the reproductive system.

Summative Test 4 in Science and Health 5 (2nd Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Sec:______________________________________ Teacher:_____________

Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

___1. The female reproductive system produces and stores the egg cells or ova. Which of
the following is a female reproductive organ has a function mentioned above
A. Ovariy C. Testes
B. Egg cell D. Sperm
___2. In the class of Mr. Lumbres, he asked his students to describe the uterus. If you were
to be asked, what will be your answer?
A. It serves as a door that keeps the fetus intact.
B. A muscular organ where the fetus is nurtured.
C. It allows the egg cell to travel from the ovary to the uterus.
D. It produces egg cells and secretes hormones.
___3. Which of the following are the parts of female reproductive organ?
I. Ovary IV. Penis
II. Uterus V. Vagina
III. Fallopian tube VI. Vas deferens

A. I, II, IV and VI C. I, II, III and V

B. I, II, III and VI D. II, III, IV and V

___4. It is the lower part of the uterus that serves as a door that keeps the fetus intact until
the end of pregnancy. What part of the system is being described?
A. Cervix C. Uterus
B. Vagina D. Fallopian tube
___5. The following are the parts of male reproductive organ, EXCEPT:
I. Penis IV. Penis
II. Epididymis V. Vagina
III. Fallopian tube VI. Vas deferens

A. III and V C. I, III and V

B. I, II, IV and VI D. IV, V and VI
___6. The male parent produces the sperm cell. What do you call the male sex hormones?
A. Progesterone C. Estrogen
B. Testosterone D. Insulin
___7. Which male reproductive organ is responsible for secreting the semen?
A. Prostate gland C. Foreskin
B. Penis D. Testes
___8. In your Science book, you found out this statement. The __________ is composed of
small coiled tubes attached to the upper part of the testes. What part of male reproductive
A. Testes C. Epididymis
B. Vas deferens D. Seminal vesicle
___9. Which of the following do boys and girls experience when they reach the age of
A. There is a rapid growth in height.
B. Several changes occur in the body.
C. They become more excited and curious to discover new things.
D. All of the above
___10. Paolah, a 12-year old girl faced a mirror one morning. She noticed some physical
changes on her body. Which of the following changes did Paolah notice?
A. Appearance of facial hair C. Larger and stronger muscles
B. Voice becomes deeper and lower D. Breasts are enlarged
___11. The onset of puberty signals the beginning of the adolescence period. In what age
bracket does puberty set in?
A. Between the ages of 6-10 C. Between the ages of 11-16
B. Between the ages of 9-13 D. Between the ages of 18-21
___12. Puberty refers to the time when your body begins a process of growth and changes.
Which of the following changes do boys experience during puberty?
A. The muscles become smaller. C. The hips become wider.
B. The breasts are enlarged. D. The voice becomes deeper
___13. Aside from physical changes, boys and girls also undergo emotional changes.
Which of the following situation DOES NOT describe emotional changes experienced
during puberty?
A. Doesn’t want to have fun and socialize.
B. Experiences mood swings unpredictably.
C. Feel anxious about the way he looks.
D. Thinks that the people around him are a bit unfair.
___14. During puberty period, boys and girls are characterized to undergo several changes
such as physical, emotional, mental and social. Which of the following situations describe
social changes experienced during puberty?
A. Experiences mood swings unpredictably.
B. Feel anxious about the way he looks.
C. Likes to work independently.
D. Thinks that adult are mean and inconsiderate.
____15. Erwin, a 13-year old boy noticed some physical changes on his body. Which of the
following physical changes did he notice?
A. Enlargement of breasts C. Onset menstruation
B. Hips get bigger D. Larger and stronger muscles develop
____16. Raymond noticed the appearance of Adam’s apple on his neck. What changes
during puberty is being described.
A. Physical change C. Intellectual change
B. Social change D. Emotional change
____17. Menstruation is a sign that a girl is ______________________.
A. already pregnant.
B. capable of producing offspring
C. no longer capable of becoming pregnant
D. already menopausal.
____13. How will you describe menstruation?
A. It is the discharge of blood from the uterine wall.
B. It is the discharge of blood from the ovary.
C. It is the discharge of blood from the fallopian tube.
D. It is the discharge of blood from the vagina.
____14. When will there be menstruation?
A. When the egg meets the sperm
B. When the egg reaches the uterus
C. When the egg is released from the ovary
D. When the egg is not fertilized by a sperm.
____15. During the menstrual cycle, an egg may be released. This process is called
A. Fertilization C. Ovulation B. Dilation D. Gestation
____16. The “period” which occurs in females if no fertilization takes place.
A. Puberty B. Menstruation C. Menopause D. Ovulation

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if incorrect.

____17. The hormones produced by female and male cause their bodies to change in
____18. Female and male experience only external changes during puberty.
____19. Before puberty, female and male are capable of reproduction
____20. During puberty female and male do not develop attraction to the opposite sex.
Summative Test 5 in Science and Health 5 (2nd Grading)

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade & Sec:______________________________________ Teacher:_____________

Write the letter of the correct answer.

___1. Which of the following practices should be AVOIDED?

A. eating nutritious food C. breathing clean and fresh air
B. engaging in premarital sex D. using public toilet with extra care
___2. Alice likes salty snacks. What would you advise her if you were her friend? Advice her to
A. exercise often C. consult a physician
B. eat fruits instead D. take a bath everyday
___3. Which is a good personal hygiene practice?
A. wash your reproductive organs with soap and water
B. change underwear as often as necessary
C. use your own underwear
D. all of the above
___4. You notice that your older sister appears pale and weak. She has an excessive menstrual
flow. What would you tell her to do?
A. tell her its normal C. tell her to consult a doctor
B. tell her to take medicines D. tell her to exercise at once
___5. Which of the following is the proper way to prevent a disease in the reproductive
A. eat delicious and expensive meals everyday
B. D. consult a family doctor every week
C. practice personal hygiene all the time
D. enroll in an aerobic class to keep oneself fit
___6. Your teacher talked about the advanced stage of HIV infection What term is being
referred to by your teacher?
A.. Testicular cancer C. Gonorrhea
B. AIDS D. Prostate cancer
___7. Diana is suffering from ovarian cancer, an abnormal cells in the ovary begin to multiply
out of control and form a tumor. The following are signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer,
A. redness and itching in the vaginal areas
B. abdominal bloating, pressure, and pain
C. abnormal fullness after eating
D. an increase in urination
___8. Your cousin Erwin experienced frequent urination, difficulty in urinating, and lower back
pain due to due to old age, prolong period sitting, infection, and unhealthy lifestyle. What
ailment of the reproductive system does he suffer from?
A. Prostate cancer C. Epididymitis
B. Cryptorchidism D. Ovarian cyst
___9. Percia got irritated from laundry soap and bubble baths. She noticed redness and itching
in the vulvar and vaginal areas. What ailment of the reproductive system does she suffered
A. vulvovaginitis C. genital warts
B. Ovarian cyst D. Amenorrhea
___10. This is characterized by small, flesh colored lumps in the genital areas.
A. Genital wart C. Prostate cancer
B. Ovarian cyst D. Polycystic ovary syndrome
The following practices don’t show proper care for the reproductive organs. Underline the
words that make the statement FALSE.

____11. Lucas likes to wear tight underwear and clothing.

____12. Liza who is 12 years old already weighs 90 kilograms.
____13. Luna stays up late playing online games and get only 4 hours of sleep.

____14. Just wipe your external organ with cloth when you change your underwear.

____15. Boys engages himself in strenuous and risky games.

-------16. Eat sour fruits during the menstrual period.

a. Menstrual phase

b.Follicular phase

c. Ovulation phase

d. Luteal phase

__________17. The lining of the uterus becomes thin after menstruation. An egg in the ovary
continues to mature. Just before the mid-cycle, the mature egg moves to the surface of the
__________ 18. The lining of the uterus called endometrium becomes thicker in preparation for
implantation of the fertilized egg. If fertilization does not take place, menstruation happens.
The next cycle is then about to begin.
__________ 19. This happens when fertilization does not occur. The uterine lining begins to
break down and bleeding results. This is called the menstrual flow. The flow lasts from 3 to 7
__________ 20. The mature egg is released. This period is called ovulation. The mature egg
then travels from the ovary to the uterus.

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