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Department of Education

Division of Valencia
First Quarter Exam in Philosophy of the Human Person
2nd Semester S.Y. 2018-2019


TEST 1. Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?

A. Philosophy B. Ethics C. Epistemology D. Aesthetics
2. What is the branch of Philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and
evaluates human action?
A. Philosophy B. Ethics C. Epistemology D. Aesthetics
3. Which deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge?
A. Metaphysics B. Ethics C. Epistemology D. Aesthetics
4. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestation?
A. Philosophy B. Ethics C. Epistemology D. Aesthetics
5. What is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every
human being to know what is real?
A. Metaphysics B. Ethics C. Epistemology D. Aesthetics
6. The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave everything to God
which is Bathala?
A. Bahala B. Bayanihan C. Pakikisama D. Kalooban
7. Which is the philosophy of “living in harmony with nature”?
A. Bahala na B. Bayanihan C. Pakikisama D. Kalooban
8. Which Filipino value is helping others in times of need?
A. Bahala na B. Bayanihan C. Pakikisama D. Kalooban
9. Which is reciprocating debts of gratitude between coordinates and subordinates
holds the whole group together?
A. Bahala na B. Bayanihan C. Pakikisama D. utang na loob
10. A term that show sharing of one’s self to others?
A. Bahala na B. Bayanihan C. pakikisama D. Kalooban
12. It is the study or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate
causes, reasons and principles which govern all things.
A. Science B. Philosophy C. Psychology D. Wisdom
13. The Greek term for philosophy, philosopia means
A. Wisdom B. Love C. Love of Wisdom D. Love of Human
14. The Greek philosopher Plato believes that philosophy is brought about by man sense
of ____________.
A. Love B. Wonder C. Wisdom D. Reasons
15. He believes that person engage in philosophy in order to make sense of difficult life
A. Rene Descartes B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Socrates
16. Rene Descartes considers this as a reason why people philosophize.
A. Clear B. Doubt C. Reasons D. Love
17. It refers to a way of thinking about the world and is made of a person’s views and
A. Mindset B. Reasons C. Framework D. Wonder
18. These are questions that examine personal ideas regarding correctness and values.
A. External Questions B. Internal Questions C. Meditation D. Self Help
19. It is an activity that requires a person to examine person to examine his or her
thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from experience.
A. Reflection B. Meditation C. Self Help D. Conscience
20. It is a perspective that considers the bigger picture when looking at problems and
A. Partial Thinking B. Holistic Thinking C. Reflection D. Framework
21. It is a perspective that focuses on specific aspects of a situation.
A. Holistic Thinking B. Partial Thinking C. Reflection D. Framework
22. It is the clear awareness and understanding of something.
A. Opinions B. Knowledge C. Beliefs D. Arguments
23. These are statements which are observed to be real or truthful.
A. Facts B. Opinions C. Beliefs D. Arguments
24. These are statements which need to be examined to determine whether they are
true or false.
A. Claims B. Facts C. Conclusion D. Beliefs
25. These are comprised of statements that provide views on a certain matter.
A. Opinions B. Conclusion C. Explanations D. Arguments
26. This is a judgement based on certain facts.
A. Opinions B. Conclusion C. Explanations D. Arguments
27. These are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by facts.
A. Claims B. Facts C. Conclusion D. Beliefs
28. These are statements that assume a claim is true and provide reasons to support
A. Opinions B. Conclusion C. Explanations D. Arguments
29. This is a series of statements that provide reasons to convince a person that a claim
or opinion is truthful.
A. Opinions B. Conclusion C. Explanations D. Arguments
30. These are arguments based on faulty reasoning.
A. Arguments B. Fallacies C. Bias D. Characteristics
31. These are tendencies or influences that affect the views of people.
A. Arguments B. Fallacies C. Bias D. Characteristics
32. This term refers to man as a species and distinguish man from other animals.
A. Person B. Human C. Human Nature D. Being
33. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-
determination and the capacity to interact with others.
A. Person B. Human C. Human Nature D. Being
34. This refers to an individual who is actively aware that he or she is perceiving and
experiencing reality.
A. Self B. Interiority c. Self Determination D. Free Will
35. This refers to the ability of the person to experience an inner world that is defined
by personal thoughts and ideas.
A. Self B. Interiority C. Self Determination D. Free Will
36. This is the capability to act and be aware of ones actions.
A. Interiority B. Self C. Free Will D. Self Determination
37. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and makes self-
determination possible.
A. Interiority B. Self C. Free Will D. Self Determination
38. This is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.
A. Spirit B. Dignity C. Externality D. Transcendence
39. This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable
A. Spirit B. Dignity C. Externality D. Transcendence
40. This is the intangible element that enables us to exercise thought, possess
awareness and reach out to the outside world and others.
A. Spirit B. Dignity C. Externality D. Transcendence
41. This is the ability to surpass limits.
A. Spirit B. Dignity C. Externality D. Transcendence
42. This is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and
humanity’s place in it.
A. Environmentalism B. Environmental Philosophy
C. Environmental Aesthetics D. Environmental Justice
43. This view considers man the most important species on the planet.
A. Biocentrism B. Ecocentrism C. Anthropocentrism D. Environmentalist
44. This view believes that all organism have inherent worth and should be valued and
A. Anthropocentrism B. Environmentalism C. Biocentrism D. Egocentrism
45. This view places great value on ecosystem and biological communities.
A. Ecocentrism B. Biocentrism C. Environmentalism D. Anthrocentrism

46. Which of these statements about humankind and nature is not true?
A. Humankind can use natural resources without regard for the consequences
B. Humankind has a unique relationship with nature
C. Humans are able to transform and change the environment
D. Humans are stewards of nature
47. This perspective advocates action to address environmental problems.
A. Biocentrism B. Environmentalist C. Ecocentrism D. Anthropocentrism
48. This is a moral approach in analysing the relationship between humans and the
A. Environmental Justice B. Environmental Aesthetics
C. Environmental Philosophy D. Environmental Ethics
49. Which of these statements does not reflect environmental ethics...
A. Man must take action to solve environmental problems
B. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities
C. We should reflect on how our actions show regard for nature
D. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and everything in it
50. This concept refer to the fair distribution of environmental benefits and the burden
of addressing environmental challenges.
A. Environmental aesthetics B. Environmental Justice C. Environmental Ethics
D. Environmental Philosophy
51. Which of these statements is not related to sustainable development?
A. Human activities must not negatively impact the environment
B. Natural resources must be used wisely and efficiently
C. Resources must be conserved for other people
D. Humankind must use up all natural resources
52. The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and _____
A. Bioethics B. logic C. Aesthetics D. Categorical logic

Test II. Essay.

41-45. What are the practical uses of Philosophy in our lives.

46-50. What is truth and why is it important?

51-55. How does human nature enable to explore beyond limits?

56-60. What can I do to uphold environmentalism and care for nature?

Prepared By:

Stanley A. Bermillo

Subject Teacher

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