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Interview with Gwen Petrie Nov.

Unknown 0:02
Okay, so what's your name, and how do you spell it?

Unknown 0:06
My name is Gwen Petrie, and it's spelled GWEN PETRIE.

Unknown 0:12
So you do both diving and gymnastics, is that correct?

Unknown 0:16
Do you do gymnastics out of school or do you do it here, or both?

I used to do gymnastics for like eight years at Red Cedar, it's a club. But now I'm just going to
do High School.

Unknown 0:32
And you do dive here too, right?

Yeah, I do High School dive and Spartan dive, it's a club.

Unknown 0:40
Has it been hard balancing the two?

Unknown 0:42
um, when I was like, quitting gymnastics, last year, like over the summer, like end of school
year, summer ish, yeah, it was hard to do both gymnastics and diving, but that's just because it
was a club here, but now it's not hard because I don't have to do club gymnastics

Haley 1:05
Have you won any awards?

Unknown 1:08
For gymnastics, for club gymnastics. Yeah. It's like, it's hard to explain, because you can win,
like a ton of things, but yeah, and for diving, I've gotten first place,at, I think, five of our meets

Unknown 1:30
So how did you get started with gymnastics?
My sister did gymnastics, so I just kind of like followed in her steps, I guess.

Unknown 1:39
Is that how you got started with dive?


Unknown 1:49
What type, and how many competitions have you done?

Unknown 1:53
For dive, I did,h gymnastics, but gymnastics, I've been doing gymnastics since I was four, and I
probably went to eight competitions a year.

Unknown 2:12
So what's been some low points for you?

Unknown 2:16
Um, well, the last year I was in gymnastics, I lost like a ton of the like the skills I could do on
bars, and that like added to reason why I quit.

Unknown 2:31
What are you looking forward to about this year?

Unknown 2:34
Um, I'm just looking for actually getting back into like some of the easier things I can do, and
like, not hurting myself. It's like, I won't be doing as hard of skills, and like I've used to be more
fun and less like more laid back.

So when does the season start?

Um, well the dive season hasn't ended yet, but the gymnastics season started like, I think a
week ago. So I'm still like I'm doing both, and thisi the last week of dive.

Has it been hard doing both?

Unknown 3:07
Not really, because I mainly focus on diving, because the end of diving is more important than
the beginning of gymnastics.

Unknown 3:20
What's your favorite part about dive or gymnastics?
Unknown 3:26
gymnastics, I really enjoyed balance beam. I like tumbling, and diving, I think.Diving is like a lot
of the same motions like it's flips and twists and stuff. And I think I really enjoy like being able to
connect the two because diving is a lot easier

Unknown 3:50
Is that one of the things you like about it- how they're more connected?

Unknown 3:55
Um, yeah. I like this are connected because like I already know a lot, and I, it's easy for me to
get more dives.

Unknown 4:08
I think they're connected, like,

Unknown 4:11
If you are a gymnast it's really easy to become a diver but if you're a diver it's not easy to
become a gymnast because like gymnastics is landing on hard services and diving lands on
water so it's like it's like an easier versus version of like gymnastics tumbling.

Unknown 4:30
Okay. How has coaching had affected how you could succeed and perform?

Unknown 4:39
For my club gymnastics, the coaching was pretty strict for a few years so like that made it like I
learned a lot of skills, it was pretty like pretty hard to, like, slack off, so it was like, I couldn't
really. I didn't have as much fun those years but, like, as gymnastics became less strict. It also
became less fun, because then I was losing skills. So I think a balance between strength and
fun is like. Yeah. Now, I'm diving, two hours Monday through Friday and gymnastics will be two
hours Monday through Friday so today I'm doing both so it's four hours. Yeah. But it's normally
on the tip.

So I kind of already asked you about this, but doing four hours has that been like hard
Balancing the two?

Unknown 5:55
Um, no, not really because when I did club gymnastics, it was four hours four days. And I'm like,
used to it, but now that it's high school I was just in the middle school and elementary school not
as high school I feel like yeah it'll be a little tough today, like to try and get through homework
and four hours of practice.

Unknown 6:15
So, I guess what's your favorite part about being in gymnastics and dive?
Unknown 6:22
like the diving communities are, like, really friendly compared to like the swimming community,
like just like they're like one team, and we are going to meet together, and I like, I know so many
more girls from different grades from other schools and I think it caused me to be. And like,
when I compete it's like nice to have people to talk to I'm not always around, so like it's like they
don't know everything about me so I can just kind of like be myself without completely being
myself. So where

Unknown 6:56
are you hoping to go with both diving and,

Unknown 7:00
um, well when I was younger I wanted to be an Olympian that didn't work out. And so I'm hoping
in doing diving in.

Unknown 7:17
Because like I feel like gymnastics in colleges is too much. So, yeah.

Unknown 7:23
So, where do you get some your inspiration what keeps you coming back and it doesn't have to
be a coach, it could be something in yourself.

Unknown 7:35
I think,

Unknown 7:37
like, just a memories of me, like doing gymnastics and having so much fun doing gymnastics
makes me want to, like, do it in high school. Even though I won't be as good or like, it won't be
as like, it won't be the same. I'm also like I feel like I sort of I look up to my sister because she
does dive in college so I just kind of want to be alone and be like her and, yes, questions,

Unknown 8:08
do you remember your first memory with gymnastics.

Unknown 8:12
My first memory with gymnastics is probably

Unknown 8:20
learning these like stupid little floor to use ugly music, and just like little kicks in like cut wheels,
and it was like it was really fun, but I remember I was like really scared to like compete but like
throughout my

Unknown 8:37
career I've been like getting a lot. It's like a lot easier to compete. Now, like I don't even get
scared. What's the

Unknown 8:45
first thing you remember about

Unknown 8:46
diving in front of a crowd. Um, well that was Middle School. And that was eighth grade so I
wasn't I wasn't nervous because I had all this gymnastics background, but it was, it's like a little
nerve wracking because you're always like oh my god I'm gonna hit the board, but that does
happen, so. Yeah.

Unknown 9:07
What's your favorite thing about

Unknown 9:08
like not performing but kind of being able to demonstrate your skills and

Unknown 9:14
dive, or do you know six in front of

Unknown 9:17
a bunch of people.

Unknown 9:20
I think like whenever I try, like whenever there's a bigger crowd they're always trying to impress
just because like, why not, and I think it's I think it's fun to show off what I can do, even if like if I
mess up people are still like oh wow good job because like it. I think genetics and diamonds
cool like not to like put down other sports it's just I think they're cooler.

Unknown 9:47
All right, That's.

Unknown 9:51
That was great. Thank you so much.

Unknown 9:56
I will I want to

Unknown 10:01
thank you good responses, also.

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