Speech Outline Television

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Indah Ahdia

Informative Outline


I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter
In 1883 a student named Paul Nipkow from Berlin Germani, found small metal disc rotating with many
holes in them. Than, in 1875 George Carey created the selenium camera which was described as being
able to make someone see a wave of electricity. In that era they called that thing as a Moving Picture.
The first shape of this thing is had a small machine with a rotating disc and a fluorescent lamp, which
work together to give a dim picture, and have many shapes in it’s progress. Like, large and heavy cube,
than become more small and thin cube, until now we familiar with flat and thin cube. They create that
thing to convey informations but also to entertain. Right now, we called it TELEVISION
B. Reason to Lsten
Television is one of the biggest media information and entertainment. Television also give many effect
for society, not only positive effect but also negative effect
C. Thesis Statement
From the beginning purpose of the creator to make television is to give information easily to all people.
Of course we got many information from television and we felt positive effect. But, many people also
do not know that television also gave negative effect to our society and environment.
D. Credibility Statement
1. I have been fascinated with Television as one of the biggest media information.
2. I have read and studied from internet about effect of Television for society.
E. Preview of Maint Points
1. First, I will discuss the television itself
2. Second, I will discuss the positive effect of the television
3. Third, I will discuss the negative effect of the television

II. Main Points

A. First, what is television ? and what is the function of television
1. In KBBI (2001:919) that television is system broadcasting machine for moving picture objek with
sound thru wire or thru space with use device that change picture and sound into wave of electricity,
and change it again into bunch of light than can see and sound that can hear. And used for spreading
the show, news and so on.
2. The function of television if we see the compatibility base on constitution number 24 1997, chapter
II and article 5, said : The television has a function as media information and explanation, education
and entertainment, that to consolidate Ideologi, Politic, Economic, Social Culture, and medium for
defense and safety for our country.
B. Positive effect of television
Every people know that we can got many positive effect from television, few of them are :
1. To enlarge our perception
Television also called “Window of The World” from television we can learn many culture from
other region or country around the world. Television make our earth not look circle but flat, because
television make easy way for us to know the condition, culture, environment and other activity just
with push one button
2. To enrich our experience of life
Try to watch program of television that can give educate. For example “Orang Pinggiran” aired
in one of private television in Indonesia. That program is very good to teach us to have empathy
and simpathy to other people, especially for people that have more suffering and struggling in their
life. Program in television also give us experience without feel that real experience. Also we can
feel other people suffering and struggling from television.
C. Negative effect of the television
Without we realize that television also gave negative effect for us, like :
1. Addicted and not productive
Watching television causing addiction. People become tend to watch televisin than do other
activities, and when there is no activity and if we have found a favorite program it will always be
watching television. Addicted to television also make us become less socializing with people
around or with te environment. Watching television for a long time can caused reduced stamina
and focus in other things, and interfere with eyes healthy.
2. Television changes the lifestyle of young generation in Indonesia
We can feel that television programs in Indonesia at this time are not only concened with the
problem of violence, even the motives and modes of crime are sometimes aired. Television
program and lifestyle are no longer in line with Indonesian culture. That more likely to be “Closed
and Polite” so this gives demonstration effect to our young generations who can see the values of
western relation that are very free. In movies that aired in television we often see free sex scenes
performed by unmarried couple.

III. Conclusion
As we know that television not only give many positive effect with accuracy of informations tha we
accept, television also have the dark side as negative effect that caused addicted and changes lifestyle
of our young generation and our society. It can be concluded that television has positive and neative
effect. Use television wisely. How we watch television? What we watch? Usefulness or not everything
depend on our self. One of the best way to use television is to use it wisely and adequately.

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