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1. Which is more important Strong visibility of a product or closing a deal?

It is important for me having a strong visibility of a product because if you have this it means
your product is always available in the market, and for your customer to be able to buy your
products anywhere and anytime. While when you closing a deal it require you to give more
effort, resources and time to be able to close a deal in your certain customer only.

2. What Motivates you and how do you handle rejections?

I am constantly motivated by my needs and wants (including social affiliation) these are the
reasons why I always strive harder to achieved all of these.

When it comes to rejection first thing that i always do is I don’t let rejection define me, I don’t
let my self-worth depend upon others people opinion on me. Then I use this rejection as a
learning to grow stronger and become better. Finally I use this rejection as an opportunity to
move forward with more wisdom.

3. Cite an Instance of a Marketing strategy/tactic that failed, give specifics and how it was

This is an example of Marketing strategy failure, a dentist clinic in Valencia, Spain use a logo in
order to promote their clinic but it seems this logo reflects that you’re likely to get more than
your teeth fixed. They’ve since changed their design to some strange ghosty-looking tooth.
4. Describe a scenario where you made a successful persuasion.

Once I’ve been a Resource Speaker during a Family Development Session of 4Ps beneficiaries at
Piddig, Ilocos Norte with the topic “Kahalagaan ng Pag-iimpok”. During that FDS I present a
picture (evidence) that shows that I value of saving money every day. In that picture it captured
how much I earned in that moment and I can see in their reaction that they want it also to that.
Part of that I presented to them the importance of having a savings for their future and I also
share how to save money in a day to day life as part of my persuasion process.

5. From among the different marketing and sales approaches, how can you strategically benefit
from the goods/services offered given various marketing intermediaries?

I remember one day in our workplace a broker came to our office that offer a membership card
of a certain hotel in La Union, that if you have this kind of card you are entitle to an abundant
privileges and discounts in that hotel. This promo is affordable and this hotel has great
amenities, of course with their convincing power almost all of us avail this card. One thing good
when this company used a broker to market their services because in our part as a customer we
were able to avail this promo without any effort. With the help of a broker a customer can avail
or buy a product/services of a company at your doorstep just like us that time.

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