Business Environment in Sto Domingo, Ilocos Sur

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Business Environment in the Municipality of Sto Domingo, Ilocos Sur

The Municipality of Sto Domingo, Ilocos Sur support the local farmers of the town, from
the planting of their crops the LGU give free fertilizers and seeds, the government also
improve and construct market to barangay roads to be able to easily transport this
farmers products to the market so that they can sell it in a quality conditions, and also
the government built a “Bagsakan” area of this products so that it can accommodate and
cater large number of customers of this farmers.

The Municipality of Sto Domingo, Ilocos Sur develop and build Kabuhayan Center within
the center of the town, this Kabuhayan Center provides business establishments and
stalls that gave more businesses opened that cater the needs of the community, that
leads to more jobs are open and income of the Local government. The town also
continuous improving and expand the Public Market that can attract neighbouring towns
to come here during market day, which help to grow businesses in the municipality.

The Local Government also develop tourism industry in the town; they constructed roads
along the seashore of Barangay Sived to Barangay Calay-ab in which many people
come and try the Sto. Domingo Beach and now businessman are putting up resorts in
that area.

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