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Rotary Bi 13281, Bangladesh District Grant Ay Rotary club of _ = | Dhaka Mavericks Project Name + | Creating a ‘Children Play Area’ at the Maternal and | Child Health Care Training Institute, Azimpur, _ Dhaka. Project objecti To develop a child friendly space at the Maternal and Child Health Care Training Institute, popularly known as Azimpur Maternity The Azimpur Maternity serves thousands of pregnant and lactating women and children every year. Most of the care-receiving mothers are constrained to bring along their children during their visit to the hospital as they do not have the option to leave them behind at home to be looked after by someone in their absence. This exposes the children to the risk of getting infected by germs and virus, Our proposed project is to create a child-friendly space for these children accompanying their ‘mothers to the hospital, where we will provide safe toys for the children to play with while their ‘mothers avail health service from the hospital The entire area will be brightly decorated and the Rotary logo will be displayed ensuring proper Visibility to enhance public image of Rotary. Does your project address any of the Rotary’s | = | Yes. ‘AREA(S) OF FOCUS? If yes, which Area(s): Maternal and Child Health ‘Community or neighborhood served: Families visiting the Maternal and Child Health Care Training Institute, Azimpur, Dhaka. ‘Number of beneficiaries: ~50 children will be at the space each day. Total 365 days. Total 18,250 children (approx, will be served 2a. Project beginning date: (mm/dd/yyyy): + | 09/01/2019 b. Project ending date: (mm/dd/yyyy): = [08/31/2020 ‘Sustainability of the project: 7 | Once the setup is complete, the hospital authority wil take over the maintenance of the play zone, witich will ‘ensure long term sustainability. a. Is there a non-Rotary partner organization | : | Yes | involved? |'b. Ifa non-Rotary partner is involved, name of | = | Maternal and Child Health Care Training institute | organization: «Ifa non-Rotary partner is involved, describe | : | Maternal and Child Health Care Training Institute: the partner's involvement: | Established in 1953, this institute is currentiy serving thousands of pregnant and lactating women and Wh children in terms of providing maternal, child health, reproductive health and family planning services institute acts as tertiary referral center for Maternal & Child Health (MCH) and Family Planning (FP). I also serves as the Maternal and Child Health Care Training Institute especially in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH). For this project, Azimpur Maternity will allocate a designated child friendly space. They will also be responsible for ensuring safety of the children playing in ‘that zone and oversee the maintenance and security of the toys/ playing materials 30 | a. Rotary involvement: List other Rotary Clubs | : | NONE partnering with your club (if NONE, so state): ’b Rotary Involvement: Number of Rotarians to | : | 12 be involved in the project: 11 | Project Budget: Total BDT/USD 'BDT85,000/ USD3,000 12 | Last three years TRF contribution in USD: 2018-19 1UsD20,800 2017-18 : 2016-17 : | uso9s6 33 | Contact 1 Name: Ehmerin Rubaba Zaman Mobile: 01819427620 Email: 33 | Contact 2 Name: ‘Ahmed Zafrul Hasan ‘Mobile: 01711529095 Email: zafrulhasan01@ 14 [Date of Submission |: | 30-Jub19 Sead Rebun Rtn, M Shah Alam President, 2019-20 Rotary Club of Dhaka Mavericks Rtn.Sharful Alam Secretary, 2019-20 Rotary Club of Dhaka Mavericks

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