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Final Team Project

CST 336 Internet Programming

Professor Miguel Lara
George Blombach, Dalia Faria, Roger Terrill and Carlos Orduna
10 December 2019

Project Title:
Zombie Apocalypse Prep Store (ZAPS)

Heroku Link:​ ​

Project Description:
The Zombie Apocalypse Prep Store offers an online user shopping experience for the
post-apocalyptic survivor.

The initial interface allows for user or administrative log-in. Upon clicking on the “user login”,
the session is saved to a unique, custom username throughout the check out process. There is a
home tab at the top to navigate to the initial interface.

The ​admin login is “​admin​” and the password is “​ZombieAttack!​”. The admin is then
navigated to the main index page where there are options to pull analysis reports, view items that
are currently displayed to users in the online store, add or remove items from the online store,
update a current product’s keyword by product ID, log-out, or search for a product based on

The project includes at least two AJAX calls with one demonstrated in the “api/displayItems”
route to display all selected items’ image and information in the admin “Selected Items” menu,
and another in the “api/displaySearchItems” route to display product image and information
upon searching for a keyword in the user product search in the “Browse Shop” menu and admin
“Add/Remove Items” menu.
Database Schema: Our ‘estore’ database consists of five tables: users, sessions, products,
orders, and line items.

Initial Interface

User Login
User Search

User Search Results

User Checkout

User Submit Order

Admin Login

Admin Reports
Admin View Items

Admin Remove Items

Admin Add Items

Admin Update Items

Admin Alternative Search

Admin Logout

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