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A Thing Of Beauty

Questions and Answers

Q 1 : List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’.


Which objects of nature does Keats mention as sources of joy in his poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’.

Ans : The sun, the moon, the shady trees, the daffodils, the small streams, the musk-rose blooms,
the story of mighty heroes and the lovely tales,

Q 2 : List the things that cause sufferings and pains.

Ans : Despondency, dearth of noble natures, gloomy days, over darkened ways, the hardships and
the diseases, inhuman attitude, misfortunes and painful problems, etc.

Q 3 : What does the line, “Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth”, suggests
to you?

Ans : This suggests how we turn to nature every morning to relief from sorrow and despair. The
fresh colourful flowers attract us, and make us live life again, in spite of all our painful experiences.

Q 4 : What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?

Ans : The things of beauty make human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings.

Q 5 : According to John Keats, what removes the pal of despondence over our dark spirits?

Ans : According to John Keats, beauty removes the pal of despondence over our dark spirits.

Q 6 : Why and how is the grandeur associated with the mighty dead?


How can “mighty dead" be things of beauty?

Ans : The “might dead" were those who made great achievements in their lives and died for the
noble cause. On the day of judgement, they will be rewarded by God also for the noble deeds. It is
this dignity that is associated with those great souls.

Q 7 : Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting
impression on us?

Ans : We see a thing of beauty for a short moment but it leaves an everlasting impression on us. It
stays in our imagination for ever and becomes an endless source of joy.

Q 8 : What image does John Keats use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?

Ans : The earth produces young green shady trees, delicate daffodils, small streams and the musk
rose blooms. The poet compares them to a fountain of immortal drinks from the heavens.

Q 9 : What is the message of the poem, “A Thing of Beauty”?

Ans: The message of the poem is that a beautiful thing is treasured in our mind and provides us
eternal and everlasting joy. Therefore, let us keep the natural beauty intact and not destroy it.
Q 10 : How is a thing of beauty a joy for ever? Explain.

Ans : Because a thing of beauty leaves a permanent impression on our mind. It stays in our
imagination for ever. It never passes into nothingness. Its loveliness increases every time we think of

Q 11 : What does John Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why does he call its
drink immortal?

Ans : John Keats considers beautiful things an endless fountain of immortal drinks. He calls its drink
immortal because they give us as much joy as Angels drive from the immortal drinks of the heavens.

Q 12 : What is the source of the endless fountain and what is its effect?

Ans : The bounties and beauties of nature is the source of the endless fountain.

It gives us an immense source of pleasure & delight, and a joy for ever. It makes us forget the
sorrows and sufferings of the world.

Q 13 : What spreads the pall of despondence over our dark spirits? How is it removed?

Ans : Trials and tribulations of life spread the pall of despondence over our dark spirits.

We can remove it by making life worthwhile with the beautiful things of life that lift the pall of
despondence, paying way for optimism and hope.

Q 14 : What does a thing of beauty do for us?

Ans : A thing of beauty gives us an immense source of pleasure & delight, and a joy for ever. It
makes us forget the sorrows and sufferings of the world. It gives us peace of mind and health of the

Q 15 : What does John Keats mean by, “An endless fountain of immortal drinks / pouring unto us
from heaven's brink"?

Ans : John Keats means that God has given us numberless things of beauty. They have a divine
presence in our lives giving us happiness, calm, peace and a joy for ever.

Q 16 : What are the flowery bands that bind us to the earth?

Ans : Things of beauty are the flowery bands that bind us to the earth.

Q 17 : What does the poet mean by ‘a thing of beauty ‘?

Ans : A thing of beauty can be a lovely object of Nature or a lovely tale.

Q 18 : Explain : ‘Its loveliness increases’.

Ans : The loveliness of a beautiful thing multiplies manifold each time we visualise it in our

Q 19 : Why does a thing of beauty not pass into nothingness?

Ans : Because a thing of beauty leaves an ever lasting impression on us and gives us eternal joy

Q 20 : Why is there an ‘inhuman dearth of noble natures?

Ans : Because the man is selfish, jealous and self centred.

Q 21 : What are “unhealthy and O'er-darkened ways”?

Ans : The trials and tribulations of life, the selfish and jealous methods to achieve our goals are
“unhealthy and O'er darkened ways”.

Q 22 : Explain : “quiet breathing”.

Ans : Quiet breathing means carefree state of mind and inner peace.

Q 23 : What does “simple sheep" symbolize?

Ans : “Simple sheep" symbolises of innocence and divine beauty.

Q 24 : Explain : “the green world they live in".

Ans : It refers to the lush green surroundings of meadows and pastures which provide support to all
plants and animals.

Q 25 : What does John Keats mean by ‘in spite of all’?

Ans : It means the troubles and sufferings that man faces in life.

Q 26 : What image does John Keats use to describe lovely tales?

Ans : John Keats compares the lovely tales to a fountain of ‘amrita' that flows down from the
heavens to us.

Q 27 : What does John Keats mean by ‘a bower quiet for us'?

Ans : John Keats means a pleasant and peaceful shelter under the shade of trees which provides us
a sound sleep full of sweet dreams.

Q 28 : Explain : ‘a sprinkling of fair musk-rose'.

Ans : It means lovely musk-roses are growing here and there among the forest brakes making it look
very beautiful.

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