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‘’Most people, almost everyone knows of a teen mom. Teen pregnancy rates are

growing, and we need to bring awareness to that.’’ (Madisen Beaty, date retrieved:

01/15/19). Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in

female under the age of 20. Teenage pregnancies are associated with social issues,

including lower educational levels and poverty. The popularity of teen’s pregnancy

worldwide has become a major concern in recent years. It is viewed as a global crisis as

the increasing number of teenage girls bearing children outside of marriage or before

graduating high school continues to rise. (

The questions are what are the main causes of pregnancy? What are the effects of

teenage pregnancy? How does teenage pregnancy affect the society? What can be done to

improve the life of teenage moms? By having these problems to deal with without a fully

developed maturity, the mother can also suffer from emotional and mental stagnation. Her

peers may reject her as society deems teenage pregnancy unacceptable. She may feel

humiliated and ashamed after her pregnancy begins to show, so then she refuses to finish

school and as a result she lessens her ability to effectively raise her chid. For many teenage

girls, becoming pregnant can mean a withdrawal of support when it is most needed.

Teenagers when they become pregnant can suffer from a lack of support from the school

and school teachers, the general public and even friends and family. Many find themselves

with ultimatum have an abortion or move out. There is also the common stereotype that

teenage parent are missing out on the best years of their lives. Many, while finding their

experiences tough and challenging, have no regrets and are happy with what they are, in

the long term. They still of course wish that things could have been easier, so they could

have enjoyed being a parent and having first born even more, maybe with a husband and

without all the added stress. The social consequences are the last thing on a mother’s mind.

The goal of the researchers is to know the life of a teenage mother, how strategies

applied when facing criticisms, and to fully understand why teenage pregnancy is one of

the societal problems.

Due to existing problems such as teenage pregnancy, the researchers opted to select

this topic to investigate the reasons about teenagers who are engaged in this life changing


Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the lifestyle of a teenage mother in terms of time management,

budgeting, and life leisure.

2. To determine the hardships faced by a teenage mother.

Scope and Delimitation

The principle aim of this study is to know the problems and perspective of a teenage

mother. The study considers the teenager’s information such as name (optional), and age.

The researchers limited the study for teenage mothers, nineteen years below living in

Kidapawan City specifically in Barangay Poblacion. The researchers will gather the data

through interviewing the participant.


Definition of Terms

Pregnancy- It is also known as gestation. It’s the time during which one or more

offspring develops inside of a woman. Pregnancy can occur by sexual

intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. Symptoms of early

pregnancy may include missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and

vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination. Pregnancy may be confirmed with

a pregnancy test. (


Teenager- It is a person who falls within the ages of thirteen to nineteen years old.

The word “teenager” is another word for an adolescent. When a teenager

turns 20, they are no longer a teenager because they are no longer in that

development stage. ( Wiki /Teenager




Many factors can contribute to a teen’s risk of becoming pregnant. Family history

and home life seem to have an impact on teenage girls. Ditsela and Van Dyk (2011) did an

exploratory study on the risk and protective factors associated with adolescent pregnancy.

Through their study, they found a correlation between the parenting style in the girl’s home

and teenage pregnancy. The findings suggest that adolescent pregnancy will be more

common in young women who grow up with authoritarian or permissive parents. In

contrast, “adolescents who perceived their parents to be more responsive, communicative

and allowing of them to develop were” less likely to get pregnant as a teenager. Ditsela and

Van Dyk emphasize the importance of parental relationships with their children as a

protective factor against teen pregnancy. In their article, the authors encouraged parents to

foster open communication in their home, especially around the topics of sex and sexuality.

(Ditsela and Van Dyk, 2011)

Parenting as an adolescent increases the teenagers stress level, especially if that

pregnancy is unwanted or unintended. Research has shown that being a teen parent can be

especially stressful due to education disruptions, being unprepared for parenthood,

disruption in their life plans, sudden monetary burden, realization that the teen will have a

lifelong connection with the other parent or ending the relationship with the other parent.

The difference between adults and teenagers is how their attitude changes during

pregnancy and post childbirth. Teen mothers tend to show a decrease in their self-reported

desire of a pregnancy. (East, et. al., 2012)

Basch (2011) listed six factors that he suggested school consider including in their

programs and policies that serve teens and their families: State-of-the-art, evidence-based

sex education that gives students knowledge, attitudes, skills, and motivation to avoid teen

pregnancy, youth development activities that build on student assets and enhance their self-

identities and future aspirations, enhancement of school connectedness, linking students to

reproductive health services, either in school clinics or in community, linking students to

mental health and social services, and providing parent’s education, helping them to

develop skills to share their values with their children and teach them to avoid pregnancy.

Cavazos-Rehg, also suggested educating students, prior to pregnancy, the potential

loss of educational and financial opportunities. The research team did acknowledge that

doing this may not be as beneficial “for some groups (e.g., low income and/or minority

girls) until barriers to educational and economic opportunities are alleviated.” (Cavazos-

Rehg, et. al., 2013)

Typically adolescent mothers are “characterized as having poor family structures,

a lack of social support and elevated rates of stress that each raises the risk of postpartum

depression”; however, mental health counselors, as well as other school and community

resources, can help. Social support, including that from counselors and other professionals,

can act as a stress-buffer, which can have a positive effect on the mental health and parental

behaviours of the teen parent. These behaviours may include staying in school or using

more positive parenting practices (Basch, 2011)


Many studies have been conducted on the adolescents’ mental health both prior to

and post birth. Some research has shown that low self-esteem in adolescents is associated

with a variety of behaviours, including pregnancy (Ditsela, et. al., 2011; East, 2012)

Research has also shown that when non-pregnant and pregnant teenagers are

compared, those who are pregnant tend to have an external locus of control. Locus of

control is defined as “the continuum between internal and external ownership of one’s

power and actions” by Ditsela and Van Dyke (2011).

Early marriage and teenage pregnancy are the two most common causes for

adolescents´ school dropout in Ecuador. Women who have not finished their education

have less opportunities of future labour and less income compared to educated women. A

teenage pregnancy means in average 2.5 years less of schooling that a woman has.

(González, Rosada, Martín 2010)

Another alarming fact is that the number of teenage mothers who gave birth to their

second or third child during their teenage year has increased in the last 10 years. This is

according to the data shown in the press conference in Quezon City by Carmelita Ericta,

administrator and civil registrar general of the National Statistics Office. (Ime Morales,

July 9, 2013)

Teenage pregnancy is a global issue and a major contributor to school drop-out

among girls. Permanent expulsion was one of the solutions made for teenage pregnancy

but this has been proven ineffective and unfair to the girls. Now there is a return to school

policy where a student is temporarily dismissed from school due to teenage pregnancy to

further pursue their education. (Okeyo, 2012)


The difference between adults and teenagers is how their attitude changes during

pregnancy and post childbirth. Teen mothers tend to show a decrease in their self-reported

desire of a pregnancy. In East et. al.’s study (2012), “76% of adolescents indicated that

they wanted Running head: TEEN PREGNANCY 5 their pregnancy “very much” while

pregnant, and this decreased to 26% at 1 year postpartum… 5% of teens responded that

they did not want this pregnancy “at all” while pregnant; this increased to 33% at 1 year.”

This is the opposite of what has been shown in adult mothers. Adults tend to report a greater

wantedness after giving birth. One explanation is that teen mothers do not bond as well as

adult mothers with their babies. A second possibility is that the romantic relationship

between the teen mother and father dissipates after the child’s birth, resulting in anger and

resentment towards the baby’s father being “transferred onto feelings about the


With the increase of higher education students, 10% of this population are parents

or mothers who are hoping to give their children a better future and attending to their needs

through receiving a degree. These non-traditional students are often Student Mothers and

should be given special attention because aside from their role as student they are also

mothers and care givers at home. Many see or consider their families a hindrance to their

education which is wrong they should see it as a motivator because primarily, Student

mother go back to studying because they want to provide for their child. (Wilsey, 2013)

When pregnant students and student mothers are expected to subordinate their

needs and desires to those of their children and families, they are forced to grapple with

the conflicting roles of motherhood and studentship. (Berg &Mamhute, 2013)


Researchers have also suggested that it may be helpful for mental health

practitioners to ask the teenage mother if the pregnancy was wanted and intended, since

this information can be “a predictor of favourable adjustment to parenting and not a

harbinger of future difficulties” (East, et. al., 2012)

Due to student mothers’ situation being difficult they have adapted coping

mechanism. Their coping mechanisms included: problem-focused, avoidance and emotion-

focused strategies and the support they received upon resuming studies were spiritual and

social support. (Okeyo, 2012)




The principle aim of this chapter is to introduce the research methodology of this

qualitative research study regarding the insights of a teenage mother in relation to time

management, financial stability and life leisure.

This chapter presents and describes the essential elements of the research process

such as the General Procedure of the Study, Research Settings, Research Participants,

Research Design, and Data Analysis.

General Procedure of the Study

The procedure in gathering of data pertinent to this study includes the following:

1. Ask permission to conduct the study to the principal, Dr. Rosalinda T. Lonzaga by

presenting a letter.

2. Identify the participant afterwards give a letter to them asking them of their

approval to be interviewed for the study. They must be assured of her right to

confidentiality and anonymity.

3. Conduct of interview.

4. Data analysis.

Research Settings

The study will be conducted at Kidapawan City National High School, Kidapawan City.

Figure 1. Map of Kidapawan City showing the location of Kidapawan City National High


Research Participants

There will only be participant in this research. The two participants are currently

studying at Kidapawan City National High School.

Research Design

This study uses the Qualitative Research approaches.

Qualitative research is a scientific method of observation to gather non-numerical

data. This type of research refers to the meanings, concepts definitions, characteristics,

metaphors, symbols, and description of things. This research answers how and when a

certain phenomenon occurs. Qualitative research approaches are employed across many

academic disciplines, focusing particularly on the human elements of the social and natural



The research design for this particular study will be patterned according to the case

study qualitative research. Case study research is a descriptive and exploratory analysis of

a person, group or event. It is based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual,

group or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. A case study is a research

strategy and an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within its real-life

context. It can be single or multiple case studies, relies on multiple sources of evidence and

benefits from the prior development of theoretical propositions.


The sampling technique that the researcher will be using is the purposive sampling

technique also known as judgement, selective or subjective sampling.

Purposive sampling is a sampling technique in which researcher relies on his/her

own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study. Purposive

sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs when “elements selected for

the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher. Purposive sampling method may

prove to be effective when only limited numbers of people can serve as primary data

sources due to the nature of research design and aims and objectives.



Research Instrument

The research instrument utilized to gather the needed information was as follows:

a. Individual Interview- Interview guides were used in the individual interview. The

interview guide was intended for the researcher’s guide in determining the insights

of a teenage mother.

b. Guide Questions

a. How can a teenage mother manage her time, budget, and at the same time life


b. How can a teenage mother conquer all the hardships in life?

c. What are the coping strategies used by the teenage mother?

Data Analysis

This study used the descriptive-evaluative design utilizing the qualitative data

analysis. Qualitative Analysis

Not all topics in language or literature can be measured statistically. Viewpoints,

actions and characteristics cannot always be represented numerically and so the need of a

qualitative data. Questionnaires the gathered data such as the experiences and views will

be subjected to qualitative analysis. Santos (2010) noted that interview is a flexible way of

gathering data and will also be analysed qualitatively.

Qualitative research involves data that are recorded in words narrative description.

Researchers use qualitative methods to observe and describe conditions rather that control

them. According to APA’s Ethics Code (2002), a basic ethical principle for qualitative

research is for the researcher not to tamper with the natural setting under study. Participant

observations are integral components of qualitative research and are widely use in the fields

of education, sociology and anthropology.




In this study, one student from Kidapawan City National High School shared her

experiences about being a teenage mother and at the same time a student. Also, her coping

strategies in balancing her time, money, and schooling. The story told provided personal

experiences as perceived by the student. The perspective was from a student who studies

in a public school and balancing her time in doing her responsibilities as a mother. The

participant’s experiences unfolded the different hardships and challenges encountered by

a teenage mother and how the participant accepted her fate for being a mother at an early


The purpose of this chapter is to present the findings related to the main research

question: What is the lifestyle of a teenage mother? Findings are organized by the

challenges and hardships she experienced. This organizing method is a systematic way to

help reveal her personal insights being a teenage mother.

Individual Profile

Kaye is 18 years old and her son is 3 years old. She is currently studying at
Kidapawan City National High School as a Grade 11 student. Kaye likes to do art, she has
a hobby on drawing and she also loves landscaping. Aside from that, Kaye likes sports,
especially volleyball. She enjoys playing with her friends. She doesn’t want to encounter
fake people because for her fake people will only be good for you at the beginning but
when the time comes that you’ll need help, they won’t be by your side. Even though she
became a parent at an early age, she is still a goal-driven person. Kaye continues her studies
and hoes that one day, she can finish up college with a degree.

Key Themes: Interview Proper

Table 1: Lifestyle of a Teenage Mother
Participant Question: How can you manage your time, budget, and at
the same time life leisure?
Time management is not easy, when I became a mother I have
no time fixing myself because of responsibilities. In terms of
budget, as of the moment I am not the one who is responsible
for it. There are times that I can’t do time life leisure.

What are your experiences or what was your unforgettable

moment as a teenage mother?

Ang hindi ko malilimutang experience as a teenage mother ay

yung puyat ka buong gabi para lang maprovide ko kay baby
ang kailangan niya. May time na hindi mo alam kung bakit iyak
siya ng iyak. Yung pagnagkasakit ang anak ko, hindi ko alam
anong ang gagawin, napakahirap kapag nagpapaimmunize ka
tapos dala-dala mo mga gamit na baby.

Lifestyle of a Teenage Mother

Time management is seen as the common obstacle for a student mother. Kaye

stated that managing time is not easy because she live double lives, as a mother and also

as a student. She struggles in splitting her time to accommodate all her responsibilities.

Budgeting is one of the common obstacle for a student mother but as for Kaye, she has

someone who helps her in financing all her needs.


Table 2: Hardships Faced by the Teenage Mother

Participant Question: How did you conquer all the hardships in life?

Nalampasan ko lahat ng hardships dahil sa aking anak at mga
taong naging inspirasyon ko para huwag mawalan ng pag-asa
sa buhay na kahit nagkamali man ako ng desisyon, hindi
hadlang ang pagiging isang batang ina para marating ko ang
pangarap ko sa buhay. Ito ako ngayong nagsusumikap na mag-
aral para sa aking pamilya.

What are the factors that helped you? / Who helped you
most in this situation?

Ang tumulong sa akin ay aking pamilya, mga taong naniniwala

sa akin, mga guro na hindi humusga sa akin, sa halip nagbigay
sa akin ng inspirasyon at advices. Ang ama ng anak ko na hindi
ako iniwan at pinabayaan bagkus siya ang sumusuporta sa amin
ng anak ko at at ang siyang nagpapaaral sa akin.

Hardships Faced by the Teenage Mothers

This table indicates that Kaye commonly relies on being positive and not being

stressed about her situation and as for the factor that helped her she considers her family

members and her partner.


Table 3: Coping Strategies of a Teenage Mother

Participant Question: What are your coping strategies?

Ngayon na nag-aaral na ako ngayon ulit, naglalaan talaga ako
ng oras para sa anak ko. Mahirap man sa loob ko na tuwing
iiwan ko siya sa kaniyang auntie ay umiiyak siya, gusto
niyang sumama. Alam mo ba yung feeling na mura og
kumuton imong dughan makadungog sa iyang hilak, kay
ginatakasan lang namo siya after namo siya ihatod. Every
walay klase ginakuha jud nako siya para makaspend mi og
time sa isa’t isa.

What are your learnings as a teenage mother?

Ang pagiging teenage mother ay isang malaking blessing para

sa akin although para sa iba isang malaking pagkakamali pero
para sa akin isa itong lifetime experience. Minsan iyak ka lang
ng iyak, minsan hindi mo alam paano i-handle ibang
problema, pero unti unti ko itong natanggap at natutuhang i-
handle kung paano ba maging isang ina kahit na sa murang

Coping Strategies of a Teenage Mother

As of today she continues her studies for her families’ future and for her son. She

stated that even though it’s hard for her to leave her son to his aunt, there is nothing that

she can do but to pursue her studies. She also stated that being a mother at an early age is

a blessing and she learned that one should not be rash and should know the consequences

of their actions.



This chapter presents findings from the insights of a teenage mother in relation to

the personal perspectives of the participant regarding early pregnancy who answered the

research questions: How can you manage your time, budget, and at the same time life

leisure? How did you conquer all the hardships in life? And what are your learnings as

teenage mother?

Findings showed that the participant faced different challenges or hardships in

life. As for the participant, time management is the biggest obstacle of being a student

mother as you need to divide your time between school and caring for the child. The

participant is having a hard time as she struggles in splitting her time to accommodate all

her responsibilities. She also stated that in terms of budgeting money, she has her partner

to provide for all of her needs.

Encountering lots of hardships is inevitable when you are in this kind of

situation. She got pregnant at an early age resulting for her to stop her studies but despite

the criticisms and challenges, after a year or two, she enrolled again to pursue her dreams

not only for her own sake but also for her growing son and her family.

As for coping strategy it is seen that the having of positive outlook is effective

in handling different situations as a student mother. As for the factors she consider that

greatly helped her cope from the situation was the help of family members and her partner.

The most common learning of the student mothers is that one should not be rash and should

know the consequences of their actions.




This study aims to understand how student mothers cope with their situation

towards their studies and as well as child rearing. More specifically, what are the problems

they have encountered in studying while nurturing their child at home. The study also seeks

to find the coping strategy used by Teenage Mothers in their circumstances. The life of a

Teenage Mother is no easy feat they have to juggle their time between attending their

classes, making their requirements, taking care of their child and taking care of the house.

They become the primary caregiver of their child and are expected to rear their child well.

Many of these student mothers also engage in working part-time to help in the financial

burdens of both studying and caring for the child. But, this becomes another disadvantage

as it takes up time and effort on the part of the Teenage Mother.

Interpretation and Conclusion

Three conclusions emerged from the findings of this study on the insights from a

teenage mother. The evidence to support these conclusions came directly from story told

by the only one participant about her experiences on being a mother at an early stage.

Conclusions were linked to the conceptual framework, theories and research that informed

this study.

Conclusion One: Biggest Obstacle of Teenage Mothers

Time management is seen as one of the obstacle of being a teenage mother. The

reason for this is because you need to divide your time between schooling and caring for

the child. As stated by the participant, she has a problem managing her time for she just

recently enrolled in a school. Despite the difficulties in time management, her family and

her partner always has her back in terms of helping her in studies and caring for the child.

(Berg and Manhute, 2013)

Conclusion Two: Problems That Teenage Mothers Face

Many things do not go smooth in the life of teenage mother. Teenage mother face

lots of problems and troubles when it comes to their personal lives and not only to personal

lives but the baby as well. So before becoming a teenage parent you have to take into

consideration that there are many problems that teenage parents face. The teenage mother

as a rule face depression, reason is that it is extremely hard experience to become a parent

while being just a teenager and it is even harder when you realize that you have to give up

the life you had before. Common problem that also occurs among the teenage parents is all

about the finances. However, you have to keep yourself somehow and keep the baby as

well. These are the most common problems that teenage parents face. (Ditsela and Van

Dyk, 2011)

Conclusion Three: Not All Pregnant Teenager Sees Their Situation as a Burden

Most women who are in this situation gets depressed or blames the infant resulting

for an abortion, but as for Kaye, being pregnant at an early age is a blessing. She

disregarded all the criticisms and focused on making her life better. Kaye stated that she

was inspired to continue her life because of the people who accepted her situation, gave

her some advices, uplifted her, and pushed her to continue and pursue her studies. Instead

of sulking in a corner, she pursued her dreams with the help of her family and her partner.

She is now studying hard not only for the benefit of herself but also for her family and for

her growing son. It’s inevitable to be stressed in this situation but being positive is an

important factor for it will lead you to a positive outcome. (Okeyo,2012)


The research was conducted to determine the insights of a teenage mother. For the

teenage mothers, an unexpected pregnancy can be immensely difficult to raise on their

own, and can easily prevent young women from achieving her life goals due to the

responsibilities thrust upon her. Teenage mothers face lots of problems and troubles when

it comes to their personal lives and not only to personal lives but the baby as well. They

become the primary caregiver of their child and are expected to rear their child well. The

researchers recommend that before you engage an unprotected sex you have to take into

consideration that there are many problems that teenage mothers face, you should think

first the aftermath of your decisions to prevent regretting the consequences.



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Guide Questions:

1.) How can a teenage mother manage her time, budget, and at the same time life


2.) How can a teenage mother conquer all the hardships in life?

3.) What are the coping strategies used by the teenage mother?

Documentations/ Pictorials

Personal Data
Name: Kareen Luisa Eve D. Macasaet
Birthdate: April 29, 2002
Birthplace: Kidapawan City
Gender: Female
Address: Purok 3 Lanao, Kidapawan City

Family Background
Mother: Evelyn D. Macasaet
Father: Nathaniel O. Macasaet
Siblings: Kathleen Kay D. Macasaet
Krisssa Jane D. Macasaet
Katherine Sienna D. Macasaet

Educational Background
Elementary School: Binoligan Elementary School
Secondary School: Kidapawan City National High School

Seminar/Trainings: Journalism Training in CDK
DSPC 1st place in TV Broadcasting
RSPC 2nd place in TV Broadcasting

Personal Data
Name: Lourainne Faith Y. Alocelja
Birthdate: March 1, 2002
Birthplace: Amas Provincial Hospital
Gender: Female
Address: 002 McArthur St., Kidapawan City

Family Background
Mother: Louainne Y. Alocelja
Father: Sammy P. Alocelja
Siblings: Precious Yzabelle Y. Alocelja
Princess Samantha Y. Alocelja

Educational Background
Elementary School: Kidapawan City Pilot Elementary School
Secondary School: Kidapawan City National High School

Seminar/Trainings: Journalism Training in CDK
DSPC 1st place in TV Broadcasting
RSPC 2nd place in TV Broadcasting

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