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SENA- ENGLISH FOR IT- Instructor Mauricio Martinez

UNIT 6: The Internet, email and newsgroups

Names: ______________________________________________________________________
TASK 1)​ Study this diagram of the Internet. With its help match these definitions to the correct
items on the diagram.

1) A device which selects the best route to send data from one network to another
2) A specialist computer which provides a service to a network
3)​ A company which provides internet access
4) A large multiuser computer for processing very large amounts of data
5) Computers connected together to share hardware and software

Task 2)​ what do you think people use the Internet for? Make a list and discuss it with your group.

the people usually use the Internet for share information and for communicate be
tween them,also use the Internet to find assignments and others , additionally use of
Internet for send e-mails and play the roll games.
the people to use internet for made video-conference, watch movies, clip. listen and
download music,clip, programs, games, documents, etc.
Task 3)

Top activities
people do in
the Internet in

Read the news Get health information

Buy travel services or make reservations Read spiritual and religious information

Check sports scores and gather sports Gain access and participate in support group
information websites

Stay updated on political news 62.3% of women use the internet as their
primary source for information on the
Participate in online auctions, such as ebay products they were considering purchasing.

Write content to publish online 51.7% of the women studied use the internet
as the primary way to keep in touch with their
Download music families

Source: Marketing Online - Men and Women Use the Internet Differently By ​Laura Lake​, Guide
Talk about these questions:
What is the main difference between men and women activities in the Internet?
the main diference between are
first, the men use internet for download music and the women for get healt information
second.the men use for search the news and the women for information spiritual

Do people in Colombia do the same activities than in the chart? Explain your answer
no, because while we are see sport by internet as soccer them see golf or baseball and the
women use the internet for chat no for search information
Do you enjoy any of these activities? Which ones?

How often do you read or watch the news? Do you ever chat with your friends in the

I watch the news everyday Yes, I ​always ​chat with my friends after dinner
I read El about once a week I ​sometimes ​chat before bed
I watch CNN international news twice a month I ​seldom​ chat with my friends in the evenings
I read the newspaper three times a year No, I ​never​ chat
I don`t read very often/ very much
TASK 4: Complete the following chart. How often do people…..
Teens/kids Adults The eldery
Download music Kids ​sometimes​ download
music from internet
Play online games

Get health information

Write content to publish


Listen to what Ted, Wanda and Kim like to do in the evening. Complete the chart.
Favorite activity? How often?

Listening 2: Email
TASK 6) Study this email. Answer these questions.
1) Who is the sender?
2 What is his email address?
3 Who is it sent to?
4 What is it about?
5) What time was the message sent?
6) In what form is the main part of the message?

Now listen to the attachment and nd the answers to these questions.

1) When did he start his course?

2) Why is Friday different from other days? ___________________________________________
3) Which class does he most enjoy? ________________________________________________
4) What is he thinking of for a project? _______________________________________________
5) Why does he not like the math’s lecturer?__________________________________________
6) What sport docs he play at lunch-lime? ____________________________________________
7) What’s happening on the 17th? __________________________________________________
8) Where will it be? ______________________________________________________________
9) Who will be there? ____________________________________________________________

TASK 7: Problem-solving
Study this typical email address. It belongs to Anna Lock, who works for the Pesto Company in the

userID domain type of organization Country

Study these examples of types of organizations and countries.

com or co​ commercial organization

edu/ ac​ education
gov ​government
int ​international organization
mil​ military
net ​network provider
org​ non-profit and other organizations

At Austria
au Australia
ca Canada
ch Switzierlaml
de Germany
es Spain
fr France
It Italy

● 9 Whose email addresses are these? Match the addresses 1-9 to the list of users (a-i).

a) a UN organization based in Italy
b) a US politician
c) a Swedish charity
d) a student at a French University
e) a news programme on a public broadcasting service in the uk
f) an Italian wine-co-operative
g) a military organization based in the us
h) an ISP
i) a great teacher at a recognized Colombian institution

TASK 8) Reading comprehension: The Internet

The USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA, later known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in February 1958 to
regain a technological lead. ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further
the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment program, which had networked country-wide
radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw
universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution. Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to head
a project to implement a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran who had
written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching (as opposed to
Circuit switching) to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first node went live
at UCLA on October 29, 1969 on what would be called the ARPANET, the "eve" network of today's Internet.
The first TCP/IP wide area network was operational by 1 January 1983 , when the United States' National
Science Foundation (NSF) constructed a university network backbone that would later become the
NSFNet. (This date is held by some to be technically that of the birth of the Internet.) It was then followed
by the opening of the network to commercial interests in 1985. Important separate networks that offered
gateways into, then later merged into the NSFNet include Usenet, Bitnet and the various commercial and
educational X.25 Compuserve and JANET. Telenet (later called Sprintnet), was a large privately-funded
national computer network with free dialup access in cities throughout the U.S. that had been in operation
since the 1970s. This network eventually merged with the others in the 1990s as the TCP/IP protocol
became increasingly popular. The ability of TCP/IP to work over these pre-existing communication
networks allowed for a great ease of growth. Use of Internet as a phrase to describe a single global TCP/IP
network originated around this time.
Answer the following questions based on the reading:
What Russian technology breakthrough motivated the creation of the Internet?

2. Where was the first Internet node launched?


3. What organization was responsible for the first Internetwork between universities?

4. When was the technical birth of the Internet?


TASK 9) Writing (Individual): Write about your weekly activities (academic, work and hobbies)
using the different adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever and never.
Draft your text first and then UPLOAD it to the virtual platform (Blackboard or Moodle)

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