4 Respect For Authority - PPSX

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AUTHORITY - the power to command,
enforce laws, exact obedience, determine
or judge, lawful right to enforce obedience
or command action or belief.

AUTHOR – a person who creates or

begins anything or the person responsible
for anything
CREATE – to make something which
has not been made before

Who’s the
CREATOR - Originator
creator of
Where does government authority reside?

Phil. Constitution The Bible says,

(Art. II, Sec. 1)
provides that
authorities are
“Sovereignty resides
from God and they
in the people & all
are His servants.”
authority emanates (Romans chapter
from them.” 13:1-14)
What does the Bible say about
authority in the world?

“The earth is the

God is the Creator of Lord’s and everything
everything here on earth, in it, the world, and all
so He is the ultimate and who live in it.”
supreme authority (Psalm 24:1)

God is the ruler over all
nations. He dominates the
kingdom and places people in
Authority in the Family?

God sets up His authority in the home.

He has set the husband as delegated authority of
Note: It would be difficult for the wife to be
subjected to her husband if she does not see the
delegated authority vested in him by God. She
needs to realize that the real issue is God’s
authority, not her husband.
“Wives, submit to your
husbands, as is fitting “Husbands, love
in the Lord.” (v.18) your wives and do
not be harsh with
them.” (v. 19)

 “Children, obey your

Colossians parents in
everything, for this
3: 18-20 pleases the Lord.” (v.
Levels of Authority



Highest Exec. (Pres)


Regional Offices…


Governing Council

Exec Commission






What are the probable causes why
people disrespect authority?

a. Confused

b. Lack of Information
c. Rebellious
Why do we need to respect
For peace and  Prosperity
 Higher morale
 Unity
 Loyalty and
 Progress dedication
 Economic stability
Biblical Perspective on Superior-
Subordinate Relationship

 God always operate with a leader-

follower set up.
 A leader is God’s appointee.
 One in authority is accountable to
God for his followers.
 The follower/subordinate is
accountable to God for his
The leader should pray
for the followers and
the followers should
pray for their leaders.
Benefits of Respecting Authority

 To have peace of mind.

 For the devil not to mess with our lives.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist
the devil and he will flee from you.”
(James chapter 4:7)
 Prosperity
 To receive morale resulting unto
righteousness and not of death.
TWO Sources of Authority
Author God Creation
Basis Creator Counterfeit
Character Love Hatred/erotic love
Observes sanctity Extramarital affairs
of marriage
Good steward Poor steward
Vanguard of truth Lies/Deception
How to Relate to
 Honor and respect them.
 Never compromise.
 Give the best to your task/job.
 When in conflict, settle with concerned
 Serve and please God above all.
 Be an instrument in bringing your
salvation to others including the
Leader RESPECT Follower

(A Divine Trust For Service)

 Authority is not for personal
aggrandizement or domination.
It is given for service so that the person
in authority can help others grow in
dignity & unity.

Officials who do not serve do not

deserve to hold authority.
1Everyone must submit himself to the governing

authorities, for there is no authority except that which

God has established. The authorities that exist have
been established by God.
2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is

rebelling against what God has instituted, and those

who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
(Romans 13:1-2)
Prayer of People In Authority

Dear Lord,
You have given me the great responsibility of
being in authority over my fellowmen. Help me
always to act fairly and justly; but to justice,
help me always to add mercy and sympathy.
Help me to know when to enforce discipline
and when to relax it. Help me ever never be
prejudiced against any man or be guilty of
favoritism. Help me to remember that people
are more important than things and that men
are always more important than machines .
Keep me from abusing my authority or
exercising it with harshness or tyranny as a
show of power but keep me also from being
afraid to exercise it all. Help me to be a good
example to those under me of the virtues of
honesty, integrity, justice, loyalty and self-
discipline. Grant me your wisdom and
guidance in all my actions and decisions so
that they will be for the common good. And
help me never to forget, Lord, that even if I
am in authority over my people, all authority
comes from you. Amen.
Thank you!

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