8 Fat Burning Hiit Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

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Empowering a Fitter, Healthier, and Happier you!

Fitting a workout into your daily routine is often about as easy as, well... it can be a
challenge. Gym memberships are expensive, work travel interferes with schedules
(hotel gyms are often subpar, at best) and sometimes leaving the house to work
out just isn’t possible. These 8 high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts can be
done absolutely anywhere.

1. Full Body Blast

Put your body to the test one part at a time. Perform as many reps of each exercise as
possible for 20 seconds with one-minute rest in between rounds. And don’t forget to
keep track of your progress!

1. High Knees 2. Jumping Jacks

3. Squats 4. Side Plank Leg Lift (10 seconds per side)

5. Burpees 6. Donkey Kick (10 seconds per side)

7. Plank Leg Raises 8. Mountain Climbers

Beginner: 5 rounds
Intermediate: 6 rounds
Advanced: 8 rounds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

2. Core On Fire

If you can make it alive through this one, your core muscles will either thank you or
hate you afterwards. Either way this killer HIIT circuit will work all of the muscles in
your midsection; front, sides and back, ensuring you are taking your fitness to the
next level. Take a one minute rest between rounds.

1. Superman 2. Flutter Kick

3. Pelvic Scoop 2. Flutter Kick

Beginner: 6 rounds. Do each move for 15 seconds

Intermediate: 6 rounds. Do each move for 30 seconds
Advanced: 6 rounds. Do each move for 45 seconds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

3. Basic Burpees

These are challenging, but very effective. Start standing then crouch down so your
palms are flat on the floor and your knees are bent. Next, jump your feet backward,
landing in a plank position. Jump your feet back up into the crouching position and
jump up straight, reaching your palms for the sky. That is one complete burpee! (For
a less intense version, do not jump up at the end; instead simply stand up.)

Each round consists of:

1. 5 burpees - 30 seconds of rest

2. 10 burpees - 60 seconds of rest
3. 15 burpees - 90 seconds of rest

Beginner: 3 rounds
Intermediate: 5 rounds
Advanced: 7 rounds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

4. Leg Day (Squat Jumps)

Start by standing with your feet shoulder length apart. Squat down as if you’re sitting
in a low chair. Make sure your weight is on your heels and your hands touching the
ground next to your feet. Then jump up straightening legs and raising arms above
your head and then return to the squat position. Repeat this motion for the below
prescribed times with a one minute rest in between.

Beginner: 30 seconds of squat jumps - 5 rounds

Intermediate: 45 seconds of squat jumps - 10 rounds
Advanced: 60 seconds of squat jumps - 15 rounds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

5. Runners Drills

For the runners that can’t fit in a long run or the snow drifts won’t allow it, use this
HIIT workout to get the benefits of a run without actually going anywhere. Do each
move with a one minute rest in between rounds.

1. 1 minute high knees 2. 1 minute jumping jacks

3. 1 minute sprint in place

Beginner: 4 rounds
Intermediate: 6 rounds
Advanced: 8 rounds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

6. Mountain Climbers

If you wanted to work your abs, legs and arms in one move; this is it. Climb your way
to a better bod by starting in a plank position. Keeping your body straight, bend
right knee up to right arm and do the same with the left leg and left arm. Continue
this back and forth motion for the entire round.

Each round consists of the following:

Beginner: 30 seconds of mountain climbers with 60 seconds of rest - 4 rounds

Intermediate: 45 seconds of mountain climbers with 45 seconds of rest - 6 rounds
Advanced: 60 seconds of mountain climbers with 30 seconds of rest - 8 rounds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

7. The Fighter

Melt away stress with these moves fit for a fighter. Start in a boxing stance and kick
your front leg up to a 90-degree angle. Bring your leg down and punch straight in
front of your body.

1. 30 seconds turning jacks 2. 30 seconds punches

1 minute rest between rounds

Beginner: 5 rounds
Intermediate: 10 rounds
Advanced: 15 rounds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

8. Cardio HIIT

Cut your cardio workout in half and torch just as many calories with these quick
high intensity moves.

Do each move and rest for one minute between rounds.

1. 20 seconds jumping jacks 2. 20 seconds push-up with rotation

3. 20 seconds burpees 4. 20 seconds high knees

5. 20 seconds mountain climbers

Beginner: 5 rounds
Intermediate: 10 rounds
Advanced: 15 rounds

8 Fat Burning HIIT Workouts You Can Do Anywhere GetYour Fit TM

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